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Minecraft Players Who Did The Impossible!

Jul 01, 2024
Today we'll look at Minecraft


who did anything in The Impossible, from building massive structures to breaking world records, starting with one player who built an entire ocean in the abyss to accomplish this ridiculous feat. Kulani had to turn his world into an old Minecraft beta in order to use the OG icebreaker exploit, even with the use of glitches, the ocean still took him days to complete, which may seem like a lot until you see Minecraft's slowest speedrun , this run lasts more than 339 hours and believe it or not. One of my subscribers did it, his name is sapphire and he completely broke the previous record which was a pathetic 133 hours.
minecraft players who did the impossible
The most dangerous Minecraft server is without a doubt 2b2t but among all the chaos there is a group of


who created something truly incredible. Their calls to spawn Mason and have built an obsidian so large it required the use of 61 board beads over the last year. This player spent 12 hours every day building in Minecraft, but Shovel had a goal of mastering the art of building. and personally, I think he broke that goal by beating Minecraft 1000 times in a row, well that's precisely what Kuriway did in 2022, to put this in perspective, the average player struggles to beat the game just once, but he did it a thousand times. times without resetting that.
minecraft players who did the impossible

More Interesting Facts About,

minecraft players who did the impossible...

It means that even if the world was terrible or even if you died, you kept playing no matter what this huge hole was made in less than four hours, but that sucks, how can someone remove 20 million blocks so fast? Well, you need two things TNT Jupiter and a bunch of Redstone genies, fortunately the Chrono server has both for reference only. Psycraft players, who are considered the best Minecraft players, took more than 11 hours to remove the same number of blocks. At first glance, this looks like a normal cathedral, but in reality, this is the largest storage system in the world.
minecraft players who did the impossible
Players used Wavetech for more than a year of design, planning and construction. Not only is it the largest Redstone storage currently in Minecraft, but it is also by far the smartest. Let's say you need a lot of stone. walk to this chest Select Stone and the chest on the left will be filled with 50,000 Stones, yes this storage system can do everything. Well, it can't store XP, but that's not a problem for Sharpie, who is the first player to reach 21,000 levels. In single-player Minecraft, as you can imagine, reaching the XP limit is not easy and you can't do it. with your average Grinder mob.
minecraft players who did the impossible
Sharpie needed the best XP farm he could find and there was only one option: the legendary ender dragon farm. Raceworks commonly known as the fastest XP farm ever. The largest base ever built. This Behemoth consists of over 500,000 blocks, all placed in Survival Minecraft. The base is so big that it even has an entire spaceship inside. The funny thing is that Builder Bluntage wanted to build this base on someone's server, but the owner rejected him. Adventure Remote is the hardest Minecraft game mode because you can't break or place blocks, but that didn't stop it from using vines to destroy blocks and ships to move.
The hardest part of this challenge is entering The Nether, since you can't just build a portal, so the red crab had to load his world into a super old update that allows you to use cubes in adventure mode, and he did all that. while also playing Hardcore, yeah this guy is good, there are certain items like generators or Bedrock that can't be obtained in survival unless your name is boat seller, this guy has the most illegal


world out there with just Open one of its chests and you will find several unobtainable items, such as Fire Light structure blocks and the three types of command blocks.
What's crazy is that 100 of these items were obtained in Survival. How are these elements obtained? The answer is glitches, in other words, drive the game crazy into giving. Mistakes that shouldn't, did you know there is a way to build outside the world border? See, there's a version of Minecraft known as upgrading one block at a time, where you can pick up and throw blocks. Mad World realized that. You can use this mechanic to build something behind the border and decided to recreate the portal room, but for that you needed final portal frames which normally cannot be obtained, however in this version you can get them from chests, yes this is it definitely the most damned update ever created.
This is Feinberg, the best forward speed runner on the planet. This man is so good that he broke the world record nine times in a row. He was the first player to finish all the advances in less than 4 hours, but that was not enough because he wanted to. do it in less than three hours After countless close attempts, he managed to achieve this


feat at Geo Square 2019, something many thought would never be done. He beat Minecraft without anything right, without items, without blocks, without tools, this was done on a specific seat. which has a complete end portal that way he can reach the end, but the hardest part was yet to come as he needed to kill the Ender Dragon which is still being healed by the end crystals, however Geo Square had an ace down the sleeve when changing.
In Peaceful's game he used the dragon to launch himself into the air and land on the obsidian pillars, after that he simply punched the dragon to death and that's it, this is how you beat the game with nothing, this is the base of 5 hours and not. Only it is one of the most spectacular and creative bases ever built, it was also built on the most famous Anarchy server. Building such a massive base on a server full of Griefers is risky and the builders ended up paying the price when the base was discovered in December. 2022 and before anyone could destroy it, the owners decided to do it themselves.
Seeing your masterpiece reduced to ashes has to be very painful, but not as painful as dying 26 million times, yes, that's what the player did just to become the deadest player in Minecraft history, this inspiring feat was achieved on the Hypixel server. A lone creeper realized that the quickest way to farm death is to set his spawn point right above the void. However, he didn't want anyone to discover us, so he built an entire castle to distract people visiting the base from him, now that's an IQ move of 200, how high can you jump in Minecraft? Two blocks, five blocks with approximately 100 blocks.
Well, this YouTuber managed to jump 59,000 blocks in the air to survive and he did just that. He simply changed the difficulty to Peaceful, although it was not that easy, since to jump that high he needed approximately 1,000 crystals, and to create that many crystals required a flame farm. an Enderman gas farm and a sand Jupiter, but all this effort was worth it because I was going to make the world's tallest water cube of all time, oh never mind who has the longest hardcore world of all time , you might think it's filza, but it is. a player whose world is even better and his name is Lynx.
He has survived over 24,900 days in hardcore. The most impressive part of all of this is that he streams daily on Twitch, so we know he's legit, despite being incredibly good at hardcore. I had some tough situations, wow, a crazy Minecraft challenge is to beat the game from a vacuum. Normally you can't even build there, however, YouTuber Mudguards discovered a snapshot that makes it possible. You started with nothing more than a bonus chest, that way you have something. to stand strong, but others suck, how did he get the resources right? He built a mob crusher, but that was just the first of many obstacles in this challenge.
The Wardens had to find a villager and a wandering merchant to help him get diamond armor. He managed to escape the ring using another portal and ultimately ended up defeating the Ender Dragon. If that didn't blow your mind, then check out the largest possible piston in Minecraft. It was designed and built by John 25, the same guy who created the world's largest piston gate, who apparently wasn't impressive enough and decided to make a ridiculously large gun. It's made from a countless variety of flying machines, that's how the Piston moves. There is just one small problem. The Piston takes approximately 10 hours to stand.
Yes I think so. We'll still use normal distance, there's a player who built a statue of every Minecraft more, all in survival, he started with the smaller mobs and worked his way up to the giant bosses and believe it or not, that player is me, this was by far. the biggest project I've ever done and I've done some big projects in the past. Over 200 hours went into building these statues, which means I have a ton of material to go through, so if you want to watch the full video, subscribe and I'll make it happen now, let's take a look at the longest Minecraft build ever created.
The bridge you're looking at right now literally can't exist anymore because it stretches from one corner to the other, making it over 84 million blocks long. I was crazy enough to do this one more time. John, 25 years old, this guy has more records than friends now, obviously Jon didn't do this to survive as that would take about two lifetimes. He wanted to use command blocks, but those were too slow. The problem applied to the structure blocks, so he had to use mods, but even with world editing, the whole process took 23 days with his PC running non-stop. YouTubers are known for attempting absurd challenges and one of them is live blocking, their most recent project is nothing. less spectacular, it managed to travel 120 million blocks in one second, but how is it possible?
Darusak the answer is ender pearl. See, when you throw an ender pearl into the water with columns of bubbles, the pearl just stays there until it hits some block and you can use it. This mechanic to instantly travel from one edge to another is amazing that you can literally teleport across the entire map in a split second, but what's even more amazing is to see the entire Minecraft world normally, you can just set your distance from rendering at 32. OptiFine allows you to go up to 64. but there is one player who managed to set his render distance to 60 million without crashing the game.
His name is Pork Chop and he created his own mod that makes it possible to render billions of blocks at once. Once imagine what Minecraft updates would look like if Mojang hired this guy. The draft has to be the most underrated feature of the game, but how can it be improved? Well, you create faster and one player in particular decided to master the art of creating this guy. It can create so fast it's almost hard to see that artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm, but can it beat Minecraft? This YouTuber decided to find out with the use of a special mod and created an AI that was able to beat the game in 2 hours. and 6 minutes, sure speedrun is nothing special, even I can finish the game in less than 20 minutes, but we are talking about AI, it will improve and soon it will be better than any human, some of the smartest players come from the Redstone community.
Take Torp for example, his most recent creation completely revolutionized what is possible in Minecraft. He invented the first color display using a special texture pack combined with an ungodly amount of Redstone, but he didn't stop there, then plugged the display into a working 32-bit Redstone computer and had it run Tetris. He's funny because this guy uploads files like once a year, but when he does it, he leaves everyone speechless. What is the best Minecraft version of all time? The list of amazing covers is seemingly endless. but there is one creation that stands out: you are looking at the fourth dimension created with blocks.
This was all built by Chris Dakow using his iconic light painting technique. He managed to turn something that no one understands into something that everyone can appreciate. This is just a fraction of what's possible in Minecraft, so be sure to subscribe and I'll make another video like this.

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