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Minecraft But Your XP = Your Age

May 16, 2024
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but my xp is my eight so im going to make it to a hundred years old and die happy but i need experience chicken im so sorry we can also get xp just by tearing up the grass now that we have an xp we officially have a year, We have the ability to cry, I feel very uncomfortable, look at these cows. I'm just going to cry over them oh my god oh no you're grounded now that we're two we don't crawl anymore this is really scary my mom has physically spawned in microwave that's my mom's face oh we also have three hearts now If this is really my mom, she will protect me from literally everything, so for example, what's up with this pig, oh my gosh, being slaughtered?
minecraft but your xp your age
So while my mom protects me, I'm going to make some baby tools, we can make a baby pick if we had to. make a baby sword, how would we do that? Oh, I knew it, look at this little damage from twelve attacks, well, now that we don't have our mother, we don't have anyone to protect us from these hostile mobs, but she served her purpose. I mean, look at this sword, this damage is unreal, I'm four and now I'm going to fall, oh my god, wait, we're getting XP even from breaking blocks, wait, look at this, I'm seven, now we have five hearts. which means we've unlocked a new skill, imagination, imagine if we could write and get whatever we wanted, iron ingot, what's crazy, wait, I can't cry anymore, that means every time I get older, I lose the last skill What did I have.
minecraft but your xp your age

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We are going to lose our ability to use our imagination. I have to abuse this. Oh my gosh, dude, look how many diamonds I could generate. Right plates on the chest. In case you need to go to the bottom, what about the enchantment? Oh, I'm a genius. I have done everything in my power to completely abuse this system, ladies and gentlemen, no, no, I leveled up, why do I smell that bad hair? I gave up my imagination for an iPhone I smell so bad I'm killing the animals around me okay what can I do with


minecraft but your xp your age
I am dancing? I just danced and gained experience. That I am? Am I some kind of cheap tick-tock dancer? Listen if watching this and you are under 12, never give up on


imagination and your dreams, it's okay, I don't know, I don't want to go through puberty anymore, level up, chickens please, yes, he has spawned a bully schoolboy, wait a second. Guys, I have a complete lower right armor. No way I'm going to lose to this guy. Oh, I have to wait a second. Why am I dying for this guy? I have the bottom right complete.
minecraft but your xp your age
Well, okay, I have it on, but you can't tell. How is this guy causing so much damage? Okay, we have to level up again. Now we are 15 years old. Now I'm emo. So what is our ability? We have a gaming chair. What am I supposed to do with this? Well, I can ride it. I'm currently in a gaming chair and I'm pretty sure mine doesn't do this. What is this guy? Wait, I have to eat my notch apple. What am I doing with my life right now? I'm running into donkeys. Okay, this is just it. wild, okay, level 16.
I'm so sorry, I stole your lunch money. Oh, it's back, buddy, it's time for revenge. Yes, this is the perfect time to remind you that we are in our biggest giveaway ever on You can participate for free. But if you purchase something like the Back to School Bundle, you'll get even more entries to win these awesome items. I will literally show you how comfortable and amazing it is to wear until I turn 100 and pass away, so we are. Now at 19 we're about to hit the big 2-0 okay come on baby yeah so nothing happened wait I have eggs spawned on fire why am I mining when I can spawn these spots?
This is so much faster, oh yeah, dude. this is how you level up yes ladies and gentlemen, now i have 11 hearts, what is this in my head, what is it, wait what is happening, i have adult strength, now i can collect blocks and explode into experience, do what further? You can do at 21 nothing look at this I'm so strong I'm throwing blocks and everything I'm 28 and I'm still not that strong oh baby is this a wedding suit that's a wedding ring wait am I wearing it? married in


hope this girl is so sexy can you please work out more what is emotional?
Damn, I've been working out almost every day, I'll be honest, look at these guns, look at that, how handsome, thanks Brianna, don't tell me. This all the time, if you could do something in real life for me, just become more buff, dude, oh what the hell, wait, wait, wait, wait can you please do something Brianna okay so no I can't attack any hostile mob, it's okay, you can do something with you're so handsome, it's okay, she's mining for me, that's not what wives do, what are you doing? well, now I'm 27 years old, we're one year away from the age I am in real life, stop there, there you go, there you go, look. here goes, i think she's underage, oh maybe just make an abandoned mine shaft, what, oh my god, I'm 30 now, ladies and gentlemen, what is this?
This is the adult peak, this thing is incredibly huge, oh my god, look how big I am, dude. 'm oh oh no oh no my wife wait, did she survive? How could you, sir? I don't know how she survived. I'm not going to ask questions though, wait, hey, hey, bring the boys after you, no, bree, I'm not. I think you need to be brief God we can't even get rid of her if we wanted to hear when you get married she'll always be fine but this Minecraft version of her oh it's like you know I could live without her that's all I am. saying yeah you literally can't get a river no matter how hard we try uh oh I think she's gone um I think I figured out how to get rid of her okay I brought Brie back to life I remarried her you know ?
I'm 33 years old, okay, it's time to start thinking about kids and everyone knows it, okay, I mean, listen, both girls and boys love flowers. I am a big fan of flowers. This is something my dad taught me. He said, "Get your lady flowers." She will love you forever so I will give her some flowers. Excuse me, how come they are coming from me? Okay, this is approximately how many children I would like to have. I think five is a great size. This is a good size. This is a healthy sized family. I just don't know what to do.
I don't even have a house. I don't even own a house in this Minecraft world. What I do? What are you doing? Are they exploding? What are they doing? you're attacking your mother oh literally my kids exploited me yeah you know what I don't think I'm ready to have a wife and kids yet so this is fine quit your job I'm only 40 years old. Am I leaving my job? What the fuck who is it? I love what I do so much. I would literally never leave my job unless I was incapable of doing my job. You know, buddy, you just hate your life.
You're a sad sack of potatoes and that's not my problem. Okay, why are there so many? Am I really trying to quit my job? Am I that old now? Well, who sends these employees after me? I know there is a boss, there has to be a boss who takes care of all this, do you know what I have? Knowing the chapel for a reason honey, I miss being younger, it's okay, if you ate your job, that's not my fault, why is it my problem? If you're not your job, damn sacks or potatoes, get out of here, buddy, where is it?
Where is the boss? Oh my God, take this, that's the boss. I already know it. Look at it. Okay, does it do a lot of damage? That's where I thought, friend. I am now 46 years old and still strong enough to cope. The boss of a corporation also look, the employees love me now, that's why being a boss is a bad idea, but being a leader is an incredible idea, editors, I know you're going to say something. I have lived almost half my life. In Minecraft, if you think growing up is overrated, hit the subscribe button. Okay, I think we can all agree that growing up is a little overrated, but you have to do it.
I feel like a Pokémon, like we're actually having evolutions right now. Speaking of evolutions, man, we are about to reach 5-0. No, I have a receding hairline. I have gray in my hair. In fact, I already have gray in my hair and I'm not even 30. um, I have my hair. It cuts out frequently so you can't see it, but I just leaked something confidential and now you know what this age of fire is. What, oh wait, what's okay? What does this mean? No way look at this. He just gave the zombies beards and finally turns them into a tombstone, look at this poor zombie, you have to turn into a fucking tombstone, oh my god no, oh my god can we grow old?
I mean I gotta get older uh yeah you know what I don't even know what to say Am I getting older? Am I technically aging? I think I'm getting old around here oh my god, oh no dude, I'm 60 now. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad God made our lives like you know, a hundred years ago. I still feel like I've barely been alive. 69. Good, oh man, no, no, I'm 70 years old. I have seen 70 year old people still being muscular. and tough, okay, there's nothing wrong with being 70, you know, I can fart in public and no one bats an eyelid, in fact, they think it's cute and funny.
Can I wear my merch in front of my chest so I can continue plugging it in, please. I don't have a sponsor for this video fire merch is the sponsor of this video I'm oh no I'm 75 I can jump but I can't move the only way I can walk is with a cane now buddy when I'm 77 I'll be able to walk with o without cane. I'd better hit the gym until I'm 95. What do I do with this cane? Did I just hit? Oh, did I just do it? I just broke a horse's back. oh my god dude, that crack sound effect is terrifying.
I don't like that crack sound effect. oh my god, that's so bad. oh my god, we are approaching the end of our lives. It's only appropriate if we do it at the end, my goodness. Okay, this is very difficult, I have to use my cane to get to the end. Okay, I'm going to put this on the portal. This is the only way, ladies and gentlemen. Because? Because if we're going out, we might as well come in. The ending, the fact that you can even do it to Enderman is crazy, this is crazy, oh no, dude, no, I'm in a wheelchair, oh, no, boy, it's okay, this is the most I can do fly, don't forget that the video ends. when we reach 100 years old.
I'm going to get the dragon if it's the last thing I do, I'll come for you oh no, no, no, no, I'm a tombstone, wait 3 34 p. m., of course, what time is it? 3 34 p. m.

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