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Minecraft, But There Are Custom Portals...

Jun 01, 2021
hold them right in case, I'm going to land and I'll be a little safer with life right now. I ate an apple just to be safe and we moved on. I'm just going to hope for the best. Oh wow, this is a really strange maze. nothing, oh, there's an underground part, where am I?, oh, I don't like this, oh, what am I doing?, okay, no, ah, okay, I'm changing these fireworks rockets for the normal ones, yeah, this is so much better, this is potentially the worst netherspawn of all time. oh yeah you're finally kidding hello guys oh yeah come here my friend I need you yeah there's one no there's no two oh there's a flame generator right here I'm going to switch, put this good armor on me, let's go for it, come on guys, yeah you can't kill me this is cool it should be pretty quick just I don't have to break the flame generator easy that's one two how many I want oh I'm being stupid wait wait wait wait while I'm here we can just casually dig into the wall here create a little hole in the floor and we can sire our pigs yeah oh yo I gotta kill the baby though sorry buddy you gotta go and now I just gotta sire a bunch of piglets here.
minecraft but there are custom portals
I don't even care if there are babies in there. Well, you know what you are. there I give you gold take the gold everything is even better, I'm giving you a full stack of gold I don't even care take it all we have five fire rods I only need a few more there is another and another and another that is eight, okay, I'm done , that's all we need now, this should be pretty quick to get into pearls, let's see what they're giving me, come on guys, you know you want what we have here, oh there's four ender poles okay cool, I need obsidian too of these guys, which shouldn't be too difficult oh, we have ten ender poles oh, this is going very easy oh 14 ender poles and the obsidian that we throw there we are five obsidian, I just need a little more guys, come with four obsidian more and some ender poles, you can do this for me, look how much gold there is, that's ridiculous, oh we already have the obsidian which is 11.
minecraft but there are custom portals

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minecraft but there are custom portals...

I want more ender pearls, better though. It's safer than sorry, oh literally, as I say that, I turn around and then there are pearls. I'm going to turn this whole pile of pearls into boom. Oh, there we have four more ender poles and six ender pearls. Do you know what is enough? Leave. I have everything I could need, let's just build our portal and walk straight through. No, no, we are not. I'm an idiot. I have to go very low right now. Yes, much lower. I almost forgot my old remains. portal, it would be extremely bad of me to forget, oh and we have tnt, yes this is so good, I'm on why 15, this should work.
minecraft but there are custom portals
Let's go boom, literally, boom, yeah, okay, it would just create a huge tunnel. nice and Easy, I just have to go until I'm right in the Netherrack and while I say, oh this could be good, we want to find an area mostly in the Netherrack, that's where we get the oldest debris. I think we're here, it's taken me a long time. enough and now let's go like this we start placing the tnt yeah this is going to explode big time oh wait that was ancient rubble right there how did I miss that? No, oh, I broke it with an iron pickaxe.
minecraft but there are custom portals
I'm an idiot. I have to make a diamond pickaxe for this. I don't have to do that again. I'm very stupid. Okay, let's go. Oh, there we are. We come upon ancient rubble. Show yourself that there is something there and, hopefully, there is more. Alright. We are not doing. same mistake again, boom, we have three here, come on, there's one, two and three, okay, let's just move on and mine, I don't even care about this, it's a terrible idea, terrible idea, oh, that could have been really bad, but there's no ancient rubble, okay, I only have one mine for it, oh, and we have the final piece, yeah, okay, that took too long, but now I'm going to be smart, I'll go straight to the overworld. to have my base camp and know where I am and life is a little safer, okay, we are here and now we make the most dominated world of all time, I will never see the portal on the lower right, oh, okay, we come on. through oh yeah okay now the right block how many do I need just one oh man please just give me one yeah okay another right block okay and this is literally a table of smithy.
Okay, sure, the armor is coming off right now and we're. Becoming another right boom boom boom and boom I'm the best oh yeah look at my stupid little face but now there's a chest waiting for me somewhere I don't care if I'm not getting any of this underneath it literally doesn't matter please come on come on This has to be the most powerful. Surely whatever is waiting for us, come on, no, this is literally the last orb on the map, so if there's nothing on it, there isn't. Okay, now the right chest, oh oh, you're what?
Okay, I don't need this ax anymore. I only have the super inferior sword i looting 10 sharpness 10. I'm done this is crazy oh I love you world goodbye you've left me. rightfully so and I love you for it, okay, and that means we're done, so I can literally explode like this, okay, let's make this faster by putting on the elytra, grab my eye seller and now we're going to explode, oh yeah, we just have to do it. look and I don't need this stupid town, everything is terrible, oh, look at me, see, I'm so elegant, okay, one more time, throw it this way, going on, oh God, we're going through everything right now, I'm going to land on the top. off this mountain just because I can, we threw this away, oh it turned, okay, what is this biome?, oh, this is extremely amplified, but oh, it's back, we've passed it, that means it's here, surely , oh yeah, it's literally here, oh, it went straight. down, yes we have done it, let me down, where did my ender eye go?
I think we lost it, okay, let's hope it's not the end, please tell me there's at least one eye, otherwise I'm doomed, oh, we're on, oh that. It was strange, well, I looked directly at anything for me, no, everything is useless and literally, are you kidding me? We went straight through and it's here, okay, this is great and when I finished, oh, I've been blessed, I've actually been blessed. boom boom boom oh my god, I have my golden apples, my fillets, my elytra and a dream, let's do this, okay, this is a very, very good, nice and safe spawn just around the corner, where are you dragon?
Oh yes, I'm coming for you. just go up in the air and I fireball all of these yeah I'm the dragon now boom this is so easy yeah yeah oh I didn't set up my spawn oh no I can't die I literally can't die okay? I'm eating a gaffle right now, we got absorption, we just go boom back in the air, oh ah, I'm fine, I just have to shoot the open ones while I'm here, boom, I've got it all right, give me these ender. poles, let's stop here, I can fly up here very easily, we are at the top, break it oh, super easy, oh, now this one, oh, okay, I have to do a trick with this, come on, yes, oh my God, we have All of them, that's literally all of them, I'm going to crush this guy right now, I'm coming for you, dragon, wait, no, I missed it, come on, no, no, no, let me hit him, let me hit him, come here, I have to hit you just once oh, it threw me up okay, okay, okay, let's go straight down, come on, no dragon, you can't keep pushing me away, yeah, we have to hit, oh, that did a lot of damage, It's okay me.
I'll bow to you as I fly this is so weird okay I'm going down to the ground I got it right eating a golden apple let's shoot come on dragon you can't run forever power ten you can't hide it yeah oh it does so much damage that it will take about 20 shots to kill him, okay, you know what we're going to do, we're going to make this interesting, we're going to put some TNT inside this. place so as soon as the dragon comes down we can set everything on fire, okay I have to go up and away from it so she wants to come down, here we go, but I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm fine, oh no, it's fine, Jesus, look, I have an electro, oh my God, she doesn't want to perch, why not? Actually, you're going to spit on me, oh okay, they'll shoot us while we still can, so that's it. Okay, oh, I'm fine, out loud, get out of here, don't hit me, right? I hate you, dragon, why would you do this? Okay, we'll take some hits. I have to finish this with my lower right super sword. a oh she's coming okay, we're going to fall, come on, yeah, we're in, give me this, come on, we liked everything, come on, everything and get out, oh, so much damage, okay, I can bring her, come here, sharpness of new, no, okay, me.
I have to get under it boom boom boom no she just climbed up okay we're leaving the ally truck I can do this now come on Bertha you know what you want I'll hit you I can't hit her again she has to perch I have to kill her with my sword unless I can do it in the air. I can do this. I think, come on. Where are you, Bertha? I see you. Come on, come on, yeah we got a hit, oh she's hitting and getting hit. While she's perched yeah, I got a bump, there we go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh I'm in, where is she, where is my head? and yes, yes, oh my god, that was crazy, that was absolutely crazy, oh, bye-bye, dragon.
I've been defeated, I have to grab my rightful egg nice and easy, and you know what they say goodbye.

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