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Cooking Minecraft Food in REAL LIFE!

Apr 21, 2024
chef, thank you, have a great day buddy, this is more, I've got gold on my lips, what, oh my god, oh my god, oh god. God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, that friend, oh, that was my neighbor who was horrible and mortifying, wasn't he? You did not do it. Minecraft J. I have the second mystery: Minecraft. I have to go look for him. bread, oh I know, I have bread, I already have wheat, okay, I'll go get the bread, then okay, did I have bread? I literally have bread, that's a little pico and onion, I guess I have to incorporate each thing. that's fine you can incorporate whatever you want here we go ok and then beans dude this is not a stew hey you can have some stew if you want oh my gosh that's okay steak tomato puree oh that's it easy, wait, what are you doing?
cooking minecraft food in real life
No, you didn't just eat steak, oh, you got villet, oh, oh, I gotta get it. in Minecraft steak steak I have meatballs cows cows cows where there are cows horses pigs mate why are there no cows and then you see normally I would boil the water first but it just has to be edible, it doesn't have to taste good oh, that cow is perfect, oh , one shot, baby BOS, let's see this, tell me, that can't be seen at all, I'm not even going to lie, that can't be seen. Terrible, as in that it could be worse, delicious, it's delicious, mystery box ready. fish fish, okay, here we go, it's steak time, baby, we're searing good, we're getting a good crust, oh look at that bad boy, there he is, go eat during the year, eat the eyeball, here Let's go fishing, oh, it's waiting. oh, he's eating his fish, you ate fish, Bon, that's pretty good, oh, shut up, that's actually not bad.
cooking minecraft food in real life

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cooking minecraft food in real life...

I can eat this again, okay, next turn oh, glow, berry, glow, blueberry, okay, oh no, don't kill me, don't kill me, please, that was good. moment uh so I need to find a cave okay cave this could be good yeah no I'm just going to dig I'm going to dig let's be smart and use our counters SE 18 anything around oh yeah there's something this way okay here we go butter garlic de back to eating good steak again now I know this is a challenge but this is art oh brother Look at that foam oh this looks good, this might be one of the best bets I've ever made done right we'll call it there now we let it rest for a minute okay, okay, okay, I don't have a shield, this is bad, um, oh wait, mine shaft is huge.
cooking minecraft food in real life
Can we get glow berries from a chest? I just need a breast please oh I see you come on yeah oh my god I have to eat it in Minecraft I have to eat it I have to eat get out of here buddy you know what I just don't need you idiot ok I'm leaving To be honest this is blue . We have completely undercooked the steak. Wait, why did I cut everything? Oh come on, let me put a little salt on that Salt Bay action, go on, come on, come on. well, this piece looks this piece looks deep that's cute that's cute and weird here we go okay that's good it was very cute okay I think this oh yes you what are you doing that come on oh I'm closer to the cookie oh D is that It's in my cookie, wait so I have chicken, wait I cook a cookie, oh my gosh wait how long does a cookie take to cook?
cooking minecraft food in real life
I don't know, shit, wait, uh, rainbow cookie, oh, this sounds. awesome ok the instructions tell me it doesn't look exactly like a


berry punch that's awesome ok i gotta get chicken you don't have a cookie in


yet buddy you gotta get a cookie in minecraft , just here. is potentially the easiest: I have to find a chicken while he has to make a cookie and find a cookie they use. I don't want him to have them. I don't want him to have them. Images. It's just poop in the middle. I can get it easily because we are in a jungle, right in the jungle is where poop poop, okay, come on, come on, come on, chicks, okay, I don't need to die now because they will send me back to where there are no chickens. wait, is that, I don't actually know, I think, I think that's it, I might be being an idiot, no, that's it, that's it, that's it, crafting table, where's my crafting table? boom boom uh, I didn't take any of the hay balls Well, this is not good, if there were wolves around, they would have killed the chickens.
I see the hay balls. I see the hay balls. Okay, this is good, this is good. BOS, you're kidding, oh God, of course, on the mountain, oh God. God, if I fall right now, I'll cry forever, okay, boom, boom, boom, cookies, look, look at that baby, beautiful, okay, come on, boom, chicken, okay, I can't die, boom, boom, boom , chicken, eat it, come on, come on, I'm done. We are both the last element I have I have my headphones on I have to go no no no no come out, go away, okay, you can't get through either, okay, we're just going to think that you're stronger, no, I'm thinner oh you have that oh I'm going to win okay, let's just I'm going to measure precisely 80 g wait no, I just need to wait a little bit, I just need to make a cookie, no, you're kidding uh egg oh shit I just need part of an egg I've made a quarter egg here Somehow I've perfected that friend you have no chance of my chicken being ready I don't think it matters because this chicken is fattened wait mine is turning brown wait this is ready if it's turning brown that means it's ready buddy well my chicken is ready wait no my chicken my chicken is ready my chicken is ready no won't my ready first we haven't eaten it yet buddy no no no no no no no no no no no where is the knife no no no no and oh go wait that's raw my chicken is raw you can't eat that I win yes

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