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Minecraft but I Place 1,000,000 Blocks

May 16, 2024
here somewhere looking for loot looking oh god, oh no, oh no, these rails are going to make my life difficult oh god, hello there sir, go to the ground thank you a creeper no ah zombie no oh I like this guy hey zombie do you want join your friends they're having a party it's a fun party check it out ah very cool and there you go hello bye uh hey There's a chest here we have so many cobwebs and that's all I wanted. It looks like a transporter. The multiplier material sent to planet Crafty is now doubled.
minecraft but i place 1 000 000 blocks
Good man, a worthwhile effort. Hello Creeper, bye, so now when I send


to planet Crafty, yes, it hits me. double the


dude that's so cute you know what these planes need a nice ravine let's make a nice man made ravine here we should use my geometric board send the sly planet yeah what the hell , why is there grass underneath, what's wrong? guys welcome to Crafties Ravine everyone is welcome unless you try to murder me then uh less yeah oh god get in the ground get in the ground ah yeah what a beautiful creation we've made here today wait there's one missing thing, a pillar, yes, now it's complete, it seems so normal and natural, okay, that gives me enough blocks still at 25,000.
minecraft but i place 1 000 000 blocks

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minecraft but i place 1 000 000 blocks...

Okay, wait outside, my goodness, there is no problem that infinite TNT can't solve , here we go, send this to Planet Crafty and that gives us enough. Wow, great. I just realized what the cunning planet looks like and now we have a village on top, but yeah, well I'm excited to see it in the end, what will you look like? Crafty planet, let's buy. ourselves The Dungeon Crawler oh my god it's huge I'm into the watcher buddy, what's spawning cunning? Come on, Dungeon Crawler, what are you doing? Oh, you literally spawn in a dungeon. uh, I should have known that yeah, just what the surface needed a nice dungeon ah yeah, hello zombie guys, would you like to look at the crystal? ah, friendly zombie, they're not that friendly to me, buddy, bury yourself, go away, go away, wait a second, it's perfect.
minecraft but i place 1 000 000 blocks
The Crafty Ravine needs dungeons, yeah, that's more appropriate, dude, a couple. scary dungeons continue Mr Dungeon Crawler Aravine is going to be scary and for Planet Crafty I will also have a bunch of generators that will make farming and for XP nice and easy, keep going guys keep placing, yeah oh this is horrible, you imagine? Stumbling through these just three dungeons with spawners is a good XP farm. I guess I could also send this to Planet Crafty and yoink, aha, now I have a watcher on Planet Crafty, how cool, I think Planet Crafty could use some scenery.
minecraft but i place 1 000 000 blocks
I moved some trees and grass to Planet cleverly. I also have enough for the Fortress pillar. The builder looks like a hammer. I like it. How do I use this and go to Stronghold? I do not know how it works. click yes it's enchanted oh now I oh friend this is cool oh very cool friend look at this everywhere I walk I


little Fortress blocks it looks like too uh what is this oh well it's gone I guess if I ran in a straight line I could make a fortress with this, it looks cool man, and I'm placing so many blocks, look at that number, it goes up, oh wait, I have an idea, I can use our block transporter, yeah, and then I can use my geometry board.
Oh my gosh don't go placing all the blocks, there we are and now I can send all these blocks to Planet Crafty, yeah it's a bit of a weird way to get around but I can


so many blocks, it's all about efficiency though my guys they're almost there and 100,000. yeah man, I already like that I can literally fly with this too wherever I go and since I also turn everything into glass, I can see below me hello little B, don't mind me, I'm just being sneaky, well that should be enough for our next update too, let's see what we have.
It is the key to the Warped Fortress. A warped Fortress. Wow, that sounds creepy. I like it. Let's do it. Where are we headed? In this direction we are taking. a glorious base in the sky farming like it's nothing ah this is so amazing the best way to get anywhere that's a pretty ugly plan platform though why hello illustrious Warped Fortress I like that name by the way it looks pretty can you tell I like the color blue oh? God, okay, it seems to be plagued with bad guys too. I have to be a little careful here, but if I need ender pearls or fire rods, I guess this is how I can get them.
Hey guys, oh god, why are you angry? you're mad why aren't you mad don't be mad just bury yourself that's okay oh wow okay I'm not sure about you but I'm pretty sure I didn't look at it buddy hello are you mad at me omg? Look at that, Blaze, too explosive fireballs, are you serious? Okay, it's an average Tuesday for the crafty. I guess why I didn't look at you, buddy. I didn't look at you. I promise, okay, I'll take the fight to you. oh oh oh, go away. away, go away, go away, oh no, I just got a fireball in the face, okay, bury yourself, oh no, they fly, they can't be buried, no, ah, my God, I don't like this, I don't like it This, okay, there's a chest, right? there I might have some useful things to carry, oh my gosh, yeah, yeah, ah, it's not too hard now, come on, come on, no, before everything blows up, yeah, we got it, mate, wow, that was pretty dangerous, we have some Netherite 10, never right.
Dude, I can make an infinite chasm right now, hell yeah, and what else do we have? The block transporter has been improved, let's try it, oh my god, it's too big to fit on my head. Look at the reach I have, oh. Oh my gosh, yeah, lock the transporter to win, hello Fortress, it's time for you to head to the Crafty Planet, hey, yeah, oh, this is going to be so good that I can take this whole Fortress and move it to the Crafty Planet, too, You know, in case I need it. It's quite beautiful. I wouldn't mind taking it home.
I'm like a block hoarder. I think I don't know if I might need it. Mark all these blocks and now we will send you to the Crafty Planet. Oh, I can literally take it. clear the mobs from fall damage by just sending blocks to the cunning planet, very cool, oh wow, I'm going down to the bedrock, sure, why don't we go? Sorry, excuse me, I'm just going to bedrock, we just laid down half a million blocks. so let's see what else we can buy, oh snap, we can buy the launcher. Gauntlet looks kinda familiar, looks infinitely familiar, let's buy it, oh snap, he's got a lot of powers, hello Mr.
Man, take a punch, yeah buddy, I can punch mobs, they come out of the trailer. blocks behind them and they are thrown Man Four, yeah, I already like this Gauntlet, man, check this out, if I hit the ground, they throw me up and I place the blocks correctly. I can move and boom, hit all the mobs oh my gosh, dash up. I'm coming down guys and smashing oh my god this power is crazy dude oh god I'm going to die okay hey zombie guy throw and smash boom I love it man this is the coolest gauntlet that I had.
I want this on every video from now on oh yeah there's one more power up if I switch and right click it creates a giant cone of blocks man you can barely see it but it traps all the mobs inside and gives me a bunch of blocks and of course that means I can send all those blocks alright to the planet sneaky yoink oh hi no don't hit me I'm innocent sneaky yes I lied Hi Spot there bye they leave a trailer with blocks behind them it's like there's smoke coming out or something coming out of them but he lives wow wow I'm impressed, what do you say spider?
I've won the battle oh, he's still going for more, yeah, the water battle of a century, go under him, he'll never see this coming, hey, yeah, I nailed it. I am the biggest spider. taker out of all time, don't judge me, that spider had a plot to take over the universe, it's okay, I'm just doing you all a favor. I'm certainly not done playing with that item, but I have enough to buy the ending. key to the fortress I'm almost there Cunning planet I'm coming buddy and there she is the final fortress I'm not wasting my time please tell me there are bad guys here I can't wait to use this glove again whoa buddy this place is huge hello bad guys , yeah, bad guys, it feels weird to be excited about that, but I'm so excited, oh yeah, send me monsters.
I'll beat Steve, yeah, take that and that, oh, I used to be afraid of you, not anymore. The Mobs Can Take Me Out Challenge defeat Ender's Mites oh okay oh dude those aren't little endermites those are big guys hey stop attacking me I'll fly in the air and crush you with my ass stop it Go away, go away, the mobs are getting very annoying. trying to make a challenge, okay, endermite, now it's just you and me, buddy, I can machine gun them. I will attack you with blocks of grass to insult you, okay, gauntlet attack, yes, is there one or several Ender mites?
I don't know, I guess so. I'll find out how much health you have buddy go away guys I'm trying to take this Enderman out of here oh god he's not easy to take out but if I sit on him I use my bow and arrow oh I love this bow . dude yeah we got it okay was it the only one or is there more oh of course there are more this one is smaller though it could just be a minion yeah yeah another Ender Mike down there how many more are there ? Man, yeah, portal to the cunning planet. whoa has appeared and they gave me a special item called summon the end.
I'm excited and scared at the same time to see what it does here's the portal to my glorious planet that I've been building all episode long all I need is a million blocks and we can buy that key call a giant meteorite ending wow , that sounds totally normal and safe, okay, let's do it here, come on, I right clicked, it's going to work, there's the meteor, oh my gosh, that was way bigger than me. I thought it was going to be holy cow hello glorious and meteor welcome to the Overworld my friend let's go again yeah lay down a lot of blocks for me let me make a couple of them can I oh god this is going to lay evil? run, run, it's beautiful, my beautiful creation, oh wait a second, I can use my pillar to get away from it, okay, summon a meteor, run nice and safe and away and Kaboom, oh my god, it almost killed me and There is a piece of the meteor there.
Heading to Crafty Planet I'm almost there guys, almost to a million, just a little bit more, yeah buddy, it's finally time to buy the Planet portal key, let's see our beautiful creation, here we go, the big reveal, oh my god, wow , oh no, everything is sideways. oh no, the whole house is upside down oh no, it's okay, I think it looks beautiful, comment below if you lived here with me on the planet, cleverly, press the like button like this, yeah, thanks for watching. Everyone, see you next time.

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