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Minecraft But Every Drop Is Random

Jun 01, 2021
I would say hello and welcome to Minecraft, except when you break a block you get


stuff, like AT&T for grass, okay, that's the intro, okay, so it's Chanti, yeah, so on


block you get stuff different, so if I extract dirt, I say to the golden apple and whatever. I mean, thank you, okay, it's room audio, okay, you get the point, oh my gosh. Oh, stuff like that, so I bring it up to Golden Apple, yeah, when bad boy Halo joins in, we have to pretend it's normal survival and then, oh yeah, wait, no, we need to. to fix this now we need to fix this Oh, I'll help you make it look normal, but I'm not building right, okay, it looks normal and then once it's joined, it's just going to get confused, actually, okay, it's finally here.
minecraft but every drop is random
Hello, welcome, today we are doing it. my crush's survival yeah that's it we're just playing in hardcore survival mode like hardcore ah no it's just survival what do you mean oh it's okay sorry I'm ready it's okay, let me grab some wood to start, okay, so we're just rebuilding a house, are we competing with anything? a house would be the smartest option right here, okay, I'm going to get some, see this? What did you give me this? Why a pink surprise box? No, I would like something like that, yes, like that, you didn't do it. give me this you would give it to me when I was 16 where did you get it?
minecraft but every drop is random

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minecraft but every drop is random...

I think it's, oh my God, what was that? How did you almost die, oh my god, can you open it, yeah, yeah, whatever you gave me, I have a lot. of items and you again, yeah, I have a bunch, okay, I'm going to get some. I need a crafting table and I'm going to get one, so are we doing a big challenge or something? Is this really just Ramon's Minecraft? we only really do it one way, so we're building a house which is pretty much I thought it would be fun like a house competition, okay wait, why did I buy TNT and a golden apple?
minecraft but every drop is random
Well, I'm hungry, I broke these things. I'm so confused oh my god I have to give me something what what what I just broke the stone and it's


ping enderpearls why are you trying boy why did you buy the stone. I kissed you on a rock, okay,


time you can




item. Seriously, yeah, we're small here doing this, why didn't you tell me that before we talked about doing this? Yeah, but we were doing it as soon as you break blocks, it doesn't give you that block, it gives you something else, yeah, I did that.
minecraft but every drop is random
I don't know, okay, come back, listen, this is going to happen. I'm going to say, hey, sup, my daughter, this is what we're doing. I'm setting a timer right now for 10 minutes we have 10 minutes to get stuff and then have a deathmatch 3 2 1 go why just two rules don't team up start Have an injury and then we do it yeah that's right oh this gives you path okay grass okay okay there are good things we have to figure out what each block gives us that ah I mean, that would probably be smart, my God, I'm going to tell you why nothing.
I think so. I want to know. Okay, you're a cheater. No, I'm not what I can't tell you what the ice bucket challenge is. my machine yes I have so many golden apples now diamonds yes yes I'm going to win so we have how much time is left 15 minutes. Not eight minutes left, 45 right now again. I'm smart, I think I've got this and if you die, you're the bystander, Jamie, hey. What the hell is this going to kill me if I die before the timer goes off? Do I lose? No, yeah, no, I don't know, I don't know exactly where I'm trying to figure out how these diamonds fall, what are you going to do?
I don't supervise them, let's start everyone or when not, only after the judges got seven enchanting tables, now I just don't, I need to find which block is lapis lazuli, oh yeah, how do we get lapis lazuli on the shelves?, oh, I forgot of that ooh oh, wait, no, we are. I will need X Q, is there a block for XP? Do you care about mobs? Doing it would also be easy, yes, but how do we get XP? I know, but are there any blocks that give you XP? I'm trying to figure this out okay okay is there a block that gives XP like one you can get yes sir yes no that's not what I'm asking what are you asking?
I'm trying to figure out how to get XP. I mean I'm mining everything to try to find what block is like this if you find out tell me no don't tell them tell me why would you tell why would I tell any of you subsidiary that you need to mine obsidian? Wow, big, yeah, oh, you're trying to waste my time, aren't you? no I'm not trying to waste you want to be very serious oh my gosh literally you might as well try to break everything. Oh, decaying mobs, mobs don't even like to drop where they're supposed to, controllers, that means waiting for XP, but they don't like it. you're a zombie don't drop flash pride do they fall they fall just like I'm a choker box that I can't even place?
I don't know what things to extract, what is good and what is not. I have a No, oh my God, this. It's our game, oh, it won't let me try this block, maybe it will give me something good, come on, cobblestones, you know how, son, it's not bad, how does that help me?, oh, it doesn't hurt you, I found it, I found it, what are you kidding? I figured out how to get a sign, yeah, and the sign breaks. What, what, what, yes, I did. Oh, I wonder what's the point, stupid. This is so put my fish in a bucket.
Oh, he had an agreement, right? Seriously, I just saw it, okay, why not break it? My things. I'm not going to break anything. I'm glad you want to play that game. Yes, we will play that game. Okay, happy muffin. Damn, you're being a rude trickster, uh, how rude. trick come on give me something good give me something good that's you Skippy mayor what do you want I'm going to trick you why they just found out CD and I don't mind bothering would you mind getting obsidian tablets? come on Oh it drops to eight at a time yeah it's okay oh my gosh I can't figure out how to get lapis lazuli it's so frustrating yeah because there's no way I'm trying this is not okay and then I say a few drops, crafting tables, that's so useless, this is actually a good strategy, you know, no, this is literally the awkward attempt at every block, okay, three minutes left, I literally don't even know what to do, why would I want to thank you?
Oh wait a minute, I didn't. try that one, okay, I'm trying every possible block combination I can, ah, why are these diamonds and the diamonds? It's great, it doesn't give anything that's really strange, but I just got the emeralds from the emerald house, useful at all, no, go away, a pig, I can make a pig to write. This is very difficult, Skippy finds something good. They are not like this. They just try to break each block. No, I'm working on bread. I have bread and potatoes. What are you doing? Oh my god, you're not smart. I'm sorry.
I knew it. What's that? I'm not saying I'm not saying I did it right What's wrong? What is it just tell me? I will not tell you. I'll keep it a secret. You realize we have a full 50 seconds of PvP. honey, but yeah, no, yeah, no, yeah, no, but yeah, but okay, but no, okay, let's lapis, buddy, he's going to win oh um, sorry, Dom, I don't want to fight, I want to get to a safe place, run, run, run away, run, no, wait, I run. Far away I found a skeleton, give me, hey, what the hell I have it, hey, where is this still?
I can hit you however I want, it's America, okay, you're done, you're done, where are you going, what was the point of that freedom? I'd go get a cc if I knew where it was I'll be fine I don't even know where you are I wouldn't want to be so far away 'cause no one would find me I'm safe in my little hideaway go find him Cappy go away I don't know where he is we'll go to look for it. Where are you? I'm close to 650, okay, 350, no, those were real cables, they're not exact, but I'm relatively close to that location. 650, yeah, go away, hey.
Wait a minute, you don't have better things for me. Maybe I can kill you, but don't you really? Mmm-hmm I wonder where Skippy is. Oh, I was scared. Okay, six three fifty, what are you talking about? Where are you? in 603 strings strings ah we are in play 73 340 200 you gave yourself the worst course, that's right, I'm in the camp, he's trying to kill me, you guys help me, okay, I'll help you, the ender Pearl Hander, Pearl, he's there, it's in that. tree oh you died oh my god dad chow I thought I had to die for one of you I guess it was fall damage Kalin wait did you hit your useful offers?
I just fell. I won't be able to win. I don't know. sold his soul he's so happy you're going to die no, no, no, no, he's too powerful, bite me, get into it, yeah, no, no, combo, sure, don't do something, do something for me, come on, Come on, come on, oh God, oh. God, oh God, he's almost dead, yeah, I just checked, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh my God, you almost died, stay there, stay there, okay, there protection, six million. I hate working so much. Oh, run, run, run, run, run, oh no, you're almost dead are you where you are like bending down leaves no idea but I'll take it Oh wrong placing TT what I'm NOT yes yes hey I'm placing it indiscriminately come on sixty come here no way that was great everything Right now, for the second minigame, what we're going to do is have everyone choose a side so there are three corners, one again, we're dressed, so what's going to happen is that the last one person to die, why would you do that?
Well, the last person to die. die in chat is the winner of this minigame okay good luck have fun go okay now I want this okay this is longer oh I understand okay we have to do it the same one, two, three, Four, five, whatever, come on, what is it? game is the first person to die no the last person to die is the winner okay hey hey eliminating I'm a diamond no no one is for me how long does this take? What was that microphone activated? Mic muted, friend, because my skin won't notice. I'm going to win for my side what armor you can't use by cheating.
Sorry, how was your day? How about you ready to die? Yeah, wow, that wasn't even mine, look what's going on. Didn't you do that? Was not me. Do what you're not guys. It's okay, my God, if someone bothers someone again. I'm prohibiting it. For. I knew it was you. I heard your keyboard. Okay, the next person is white. I'm seriously banning you. Losing her after this point I'm sure it's okay, I'm changing expanding oh yeah, so it has to be him and then you. I am changed. I see what's going on, maybe we should put wooden things like you and then maybe we should. like trading just rocks for two boards well, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, police, no, no, I got it, no one steps on the pressure plate, I'll be on it, so why are we putting matters of trust?
The pressure plates are meant to be stepped on I don't see it there stay away from it where is this will kill the chicken? Oh, so your hole Oh, God, it's okay, I didn't move from the hole, wait, back up now, I cut God, are you? using creativity no, I only have diamond skin so it's very easy at first you didn't log out

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