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I took Cursed Minecraft too far...

May 30, 2021
and you lost all your items, you lost all your items, it doesn't count, you lost all your eyes, you have two options, bad option one, you get all your items back and you have one more try, option two, you have two tries, but even if you do the first or second time, you lose all your items regardless of which one I like. The other option where I have two more attempts and in my articles that is option one or option two, all articles. Oh wow, you have confidence in yourself, don't you? just to confirm that you want all your items and what's right and if you lose you're done yeah this is what you prefer there's the bucket of water and I don't need it.
i took cursed minecraft too far
I know your offers, is this, all I promise, where is my sword? I don't know, probably on the ground, so let me clarify this. I had to jump, yes, place the water and land, yes, as long as I jump and land in the water, no, I say yes, except you can't jump in that pool of water right there. I can't jump in that pool of water, yes, you in any other pool of water, oh my professional brother, no, no, this is just an emmalution irrigation, this is a mo juice. I'll just jump. I think I can keep the promise.
i took cursed minecraft too far

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i took cursed minecraft too far...

I have to make sure. I don't pick up the water at the same time I hear oh my God, you went, you went, you went, you went, when you went, ah, I really wanted him to do this, he just wouldn't do it, I couldn't, no, I can't. you lost, that's bad, no, everyone understands it, you won't make it because it's to make a cow go away, listen, you're, you lost bad, everyone knows that that's also possible, now, seriously, look, look at me, It's getting bad, can you, my God, look? watch me go I'm going to throw it pick it up in the air pick it up in the air and it still ends ready cheater three two one pick it up and boom yeah, you're mad hit me, hit me, okay, you know what this servant of your house is no, you're the servant of your house and you're fine, you may have one more chance, but you don't have any.
i took cursed minecraft too far
I know, yeah, you know what, yeah, three, two, one, go on, do it, you have to go now, now or never. okay oh do it you better do it you better do it so we try again and again hold right down beep please do it right you're terrible at this hello , Raj, look, you're going to be surprised when I achieve this challenge number five, actually, this is your last challenge, seriously, the last one, yeah, if you die right here, you would give me my stuff. Okay, listen, listen, come here, get it, buddy, where's this pizza? The last challenge.
i took cursed minecraft too far
It's pretty simple quite not all you have to do is get 5 times in 20 minutes, okay the time starts now, oh my god are you kidding me? I have to get how many nylons, 5 diamonds in 20 minutes, yes, I need a cave, ah, wait. So, I have to extract them. You have to throw me five diamonds. What do you mean John? Five diamonds. You can't see any here. I'll help you. I'll help you. We'll touch some lava to get light. It's for him. light, give me a bucket of lava, okay, there you go, it's that trick, give me some charcoal, no, there's lava behind you, watch out, watch out, bad, watch out, well Chuck, can't you?
Okay, sorry, oh my god, this is ridiculous, get rid of this lava, wow. You're squeezing my bucket. Wow, okay, I knew why you think I'm using the bucket. Because I can't receive a call because I missed my call because of what's his stupid name. Hurry up and get diamonds. Alright. I'm holding on. Wow. I swear you are using x-rays, no way, what do you mean? You just know it now. I'm going to take these off. Okay, Corey, hurry up, hurry up, okay, okay, no, no, no, you're right, I shouldn't have done it. what I'll give you I'll give it back to you and I'll give you some more there you go, yeah, where is this pizza?
Pizza won't appear at your house? Did I choose the wrong address for you to move to? Where is the pizza? More than 30 minutes have passed. I had to play. A stupid bucket of water came with him. Where is the pizza? It's ridiculous, hurry up, muffin, I'm hurrying, come on, there's some iron right here, come on, take it, take it. Get it, get it, I can't see, get it, oh yeah, get online, buddy, hurry up on my behalf, oh my god, my neck, buddy, can you put what? Someone's here, time's running out, yeah, time's running out, okay, go get it. go get it I'll pause I'll pause the time ok ok ok it was eight I was literally shaking but I connected to his PC I managed to send myself to the texture pack I put it on my clothes everything and that was the troll was ready Jesus Christ dress well, oh my god, my heart, my heart would race if he came back and saw that, oh my god, my heart, he wasn't even talking, he was that nervous, Pepe, Pepe, Pepe, okay, why did a pizza show up? in my hand?
I won't even say anything, it was like, did you order a pizza? No I didn't, why is there a pizza in my house? Explain to me why you are asking me because in your house, yes, pizza is not ordered randomly in my house. home I didn't order a pizza, so why is there a type I don't know? Okay, I don't know, so you're saying that a pizza was delivered randomly and it had a big crust, no it wasn't a crust, so. obviously, it wasn't me here, I would have made a thin dough if I had, no, that's exactly what you would do is ask for something, oh yeah, right, yeah, exactly, do you want to finish this video or not?
I want to finish the video or the challenge, okay, I'm selling the time, but seriously, are you the one who ordered? No, so where did the pizza come from? I don't know, you should probably be careful if someone sends you a competition with your house it's a joke, you sent the pizza. no I didn't, yes you walked for a minute, you had to pay for it, no, so why would I buy you a katana? You tipped the guy, yeah, I gave him like five dollars, you didn't tell him you did. You didn't order it, you


Oh, someone I don't know at first with you, a roommate, you have a roommate. I thought so, but when I asked her, she said no. I didn't order it. I don't think I'm entirely confused. I say, okay, well, if you didn't order it, you know what I mean, you know Skippy, bad, I didn't know, listen, delivery guys go to the wrong house all the time, you should have asked him if it was the right one. . house ah, I happened to be at one before where they went to the neighbor and the neighbors


the pizza, well I guarantee none of my neighbors ordered pizza right now, okay, whatever you did, you don't want it, so listen , I really have to do it. go finish this recording yes yes yes can I update the time or am I behind?
Well, you can, you can start with 20 minutes, go get those diamonds, buddy, go get those diamonds. I'm looking for diamonds, shall we get up and get them? So okay, what I think I'm going to do here is go to the O3 game and spawn some diamonds for him to find. Have you heard that song? Oh my gosh, I haven't noticed, but let's make it look like he I missed that one right there and then we'll put one, two, three, they x-rayed you, I got it, you got five, yeah, like I got them, I got all five, Do you take them out of my inventory?
No, I just had them, where were they? I just picked it up in my inventory. What's going on? Are you sure? Did you seriously not take them? Debbie, what are you talking about? You took my diamonds. OK. Put on the troll resource pack now. So this is what you see. Give me my diamond. Skippy. give me the diamonds don't look give me the diamonds I literally see a diamond right there that's my name yes you knew what don't you leave don't break my diamond you already said you had five so give me the fine my inventory look in my inventory literally looking yes I have zero diamonds good job exactly give me my diamonds I don't have them right so you saw I'm literally engraving and you'll see the point of view yes you picked them up no I don't have any inventory I literally have a block of chrome I marked it wrong how long do I have? 14 minutes 14 okay hurry up good diamonds you were definitely cheating how can you joke?
I'm here fine, how can you keep the diamonds? listen what's up I mind making a backup no no no okay okay I want to see you here Stan I'm still exhausted hurry up why okay stay there okay stay there okay okay Literally, don't move. I'm not moving, damn it, I'm looking, I'm in Redstone, okay, okay, come on, come on, come on, no, no, you stay, oh, I'm not going to let you take the diamond, I want you to bounce, I'll roll you over here , a lot of paper, you hear? you hear I'll see it you hear you hear yes, okay, no, I'm not going to do anything, literally, I'm taking whatever he puts on me, okay, okay, give me the three diamonds, use mine, give me the three, use the mine, no, I have them there, oh my God, if you're going to like it, I'm strong.
Secondly, you are cheating. Now the inventory and it's not there. What's happening? Yes, I know Kenny, I know Gibby. I'm not kidding, yeah. I'm aware, okay, I know you're not joking, do you have anyone else on the air? Is it them? Oh, I'm busy, there's no one else here, so where are my friends? I don't know, this is stupid, Skippy, seriously, and I'm not. I don't know it's not me, I'm not okay either, so what's the video with you? You have nine minutes left, this is your troll, I can't get a dime. I can't time that brother, he's starting to realize it and he thinks he's like a modder. complement, so yeah, yeah, that's the draw.
I watched you extract it and pick it up and I do. I have to keep my knee. I'm not. This is so stupid. Go eat your pizza, you mean, he's on a different server. Why because your stupid server is? like not letting me pick up the diamond look, oh yeah, right, literally, dude, you've got a 60 sitting somewhere and he knows right now no, I'm not going, it's needed no, no, no, no, I don't know what else. You're just going to use x-ray again I bet I'm not going to I'm not going to use did you find, yes, tell me.
That's nice, right, okay, back up, back up, back up, why wait? I want to be able to see you jump again, it's okay, again, I'm up to here, stay there, it's okay, just stay, my God, it's okay, hey, it's okay, Jesus Christ, it's okay. The only thing I care about is that it's not even in my inventory, seriously, it's that the server is a troll, it's that diamonds that are thrown in the air can't be picked up, it's that, yeah, yeah, the whole thing is that you are testing my diamonds. I can get those standards. From there, what's the mod, this is a mod, you're using a mom as a plug-in, yeah, every time, I could be well away from the diamond and extract it, stay there, stop taking them out of my inventory, okay, stay there, go there, what?
What is that thing that fell on a potato? Why are you throwing potatoes? No, there is a potato. Why diamond is the mod. Stupid people know that there are literally no plugins or mods here. Kidding, are you okay? Yeah I see it, yeah I see potatoes, it's falling, this is stupid, this is too much, yeah, I don't mean I'm in right now, put it on the diamond block and you could take it back, put it on diamonds, diamonds. diamond or leave it you said my diamond no it's not a diamond ball you said I won't walk I don't have it mine the diamonds yes go ahead why is that okay?
Okay, I'll do it rubicundly well, let's see what, how did you get one? diamond I told you so you're mine, back off okay, are you kidding me? Why aren't you cutting potatoes? What are you one of us? This is just stupid why are you? What's happening? Oh my God, you're just trying Say haha, I don't have to give you five hundred dollars because you don't like potatoes or diamonds, yeah, that's what it is, aha, yeah, admit it, you know what I'm going to admit, that you I sent a pizza to your house. Oh wait, that was, are you kidding me?
Gabi, disconnect.

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