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Mind Blowing Conspiracy Theories and Subliminal Messages: The Shane Dawson Podcast

Apr 10, 2024
that guy, very, very, um, this is another obvious one, this was a sex in the city it's a real poster, I guess it's crazy, it's cool, wow, that's some dick, wow, wow, this one is too very obvious, this was bowling sex, yes, yes, look, now you see the sex, yes, yes, it's right there, the other one was a range explosion. this one is really weird right Skittles would do that just a side note um and this one I feel like everyone knows because it was also an urban legend that was real so you know how weird is on this VHS cover of the little Mermaid. like there's a penis in the castle, yeah, yeah, yeah, if you really look closely, there's a penis in the middle of the castle, wow, Disney would be doing that.
mind blowing conspiracy theories and subliminal messages the shane dawson podcast
Is that real? That's on purpose, so no one knows why this happened. There's a theory that one of the artists who was working on this cover was getting fired and he was angry, so he drew a dick on there and said, "Guys, I'm out, uh, but this is actually real and I had to remember it, so that if anyone out there has the original little mermaid to cover with the penis, they try to sell it on eBay, but they do, it's real, isn't the lion king real and those things have a lot of hidden sexual


in the movie Yeah, there's a moment where the stars The sky explains sex and there are a couple of weirder things in Disney movies, yes, they say that, so that's the lion's share.King, obviously, it's special effects and the effects people specials in Disney movies try to put these weird little things there for them to enjoy as a game with each other to see who can catch them, that's why there are so many of these weird things in Disney movies because it's them trying to see what. they could sneak under the radar and really only they would understand it, you know what I'm saying, but they can have it these days with the internet and people scrutinizing everything, I mean, it's kind of easy.
mind blowing conspiracy theories and subliminal messages the shane dawson podcast

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mind blowing conspiracy theories and subliminal messages the shane dawson podcast...

Spotting them now is crazy, it's cool, it's like when you move into a house, no, yeah, it's like you like a lot of people when they pour concrete, if they make a new driveway or something, they put their fingerprints or something like that and Those visual effects artists every time they see the movie they can be like I stamped that movie, I put a dick in there, yeah, the sexual stuff is a little more, um, okay, this is a coke ad, You see it? It seems more innocent. like a horse, the ice cube, oh my god, I see that, yeah, but that's not what I'm talking about, but I see what you're saying, wait, you're not on the microphone, well, I was going to show them all the horse.
mind blowing conspiracy theories and subliminal messages the shane dawson podcast
I see it, it looks more like a dinosaur with a raised eyebrow like the rock's eyebrow, okay that's its mane, if so I wish I was talking about this, but no, it's simpler, it's just written coke with ice and bubbles, wait. come back oh I see that now it does smell like coke on the horse all the cocks I felt like we needed you know something innocent um besides this is not um a


message I was just scared have you ever seen what? Have you ever seen what? a stingray looks like um when it's dehydrated no, have you seen this?
mind blowing conspiracy theories and subliminal messages the shane dawson podcast
This is so stupid, but this touched me so much that I liked writing it, this is what a manta ray looks like, this is what aliens look like, right? The scariest thing you have ever seen that is a manta ray like they are aliens is one theory is that they are alive, maybe this is a theory, they are really alien manta rays because that is the extraterrestrial inspiration as we all humans know it today oh , this is an ice cream bar adam hello look at those cheeks oh you turned out interesting girl I saw a guy really maybe this is a gay test that's cool okay and the last thing I want to talk about just because I love you so much and I thought that this would be What's fascinating are the glitches in the Matrix.
I found some that I couldn't explain and I tried to reason and I tried to be logical and I couldn't figure it out, so I'm going to show you some of my new favorite glitches. the matrix and tell me what you think happened look for the man in the pink shirt in the middle of the screen where did he come from oh wait do it one more time do it one more time yes, I didn't see correctly oh I see because where did he come from yes wait , play again this is wait oh how do you explain I need my brain just need to keep saying I don't know boom where it came from and there wasn't like a jump cut or anything, where did it come from?
I've seen this video like 200 times and I can't understand it, it was just a super weird perspective and she was covering it up the whole time, I mean look, literally, look at it, no, no, no. no one, where did he come from, he's so crazy, he's so crazy, where did he come from, how do you explain that it's like he teleports? That's crazy yeah no one has a theater I mean I just want to see like 500 yeah I should be honest. Okay, this is pretty much the same idea, but it's a dog, oh, where did it all come from?
He must have gotten out of the car, look at that one, actually you can, there's almost no way he got out of the car, going that fast, but that's how it is. I can almost see it material, I mean, do you like a little slow motion? It's like you can see it materialize almost like a little blur. Comes. These are not edited. The only thing I can think of is if he was lying down. the middle of the street is this vfx has to be edited or just like a weird camera or not chris is a trainer in the dog teleporter matrix well that's the problem with reacting to these it's like how do we justify it when they're like crazy, I mean, even if the dog was there, that wouldn't terrify him.
She almost runs him over and runs away quickly. Exactly this one, I don't really understand it, so this is from a football game and I watch it. This is a lot and I can't understand it. How does she make him fall and then get back up? Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa That's crazy, okay, wait, let me, okay, he goes for it, he falls and screams, he likes to be pushed. himself, but it doesn't make sense in the way that, I mean, it looks like he's backwards, yeah, if you reverse a clip, I mean, I'm sure they're so fit that they can do this, but how? like I've never seen anything like they're wearing spiked heels so I mean they take advantage of the ground it looks crazy oh interesting but it looks like a Michael Jackson dance move yeah yeah it looks like a moonwalk.
It's something similar that appears out of nowhere this time it's a car, okay wait where did that come from? That's crazy, how do people capture these moments? Well a lot of people have dash cams, was that a car in the right lane there too? spinning maybe um I think it was a glitch look the thing is our brains want to solve them yeah if you're going to appear in these videos our brains are going to try to be like well there has to be a lot of them I mean no . I'm just saying, what I'm saying doesn't even seem logical, okay, this is funnier, wow, wow, how did he do that?
Wait, how did he like the way the vacuum sucked him in? I actually know how he did it. How do I do that with almonds? You like to break them, no, you just pinch them and like you know, the force you pinch them triggers, this is actually a miracle caught on camera, okay, so you see this guy and then he taps someone on the shoulder . The guy steps out of the way and almost gets hit by a door, so the theory is that the guy who was walking and who tapped him on the shoulder is a time traveler and he went back in time to say, "Hey, I'm going to help you." save".
That's amazing because how would I have known that was going to happen? Yeah, maybe something like that, yeah, watch out for the car, but how was I supposed to know about that door that so casually hits someone like that while he's walking? Yeah, right, that's the scariest part, just, hey. a stranger just being like a door coming, whoa, that's pretty crazy, that's actually crazy, right, what the hell is the door doing? That's the other part, where did it come from? Not a good advertisement for that door. We're a little confused about what's going on. It's the last one and I'm only showing this because now that you have a Tesla I'm tempted to take it to a cemetery.
Have you seen this? No, this is crazy, so you know how in Teslas it tells you what things are around. you like that's scary right now I mean that's horrible that gives me chills we have to go to a cemetery right now uh yeah let's make a ghost hunting video I mean I don't want to be there you can borrow if you were in the cemetery what happened would scare me yeah let us know if you have any idea how some of those glitches happened let us know in the comments because I'm really confused I don't understand especially the football one uh and especially the car ones Of course, Wanda's, how did that guy appear out of nowhere?
I have so many questions so please let us know, yes I need to watch a full video on how that guy that was still driving me crazy and oh my gosh Ryland showed up. you have to give us your summary oh my god of the show, in case this fails let me do it, I would like to make sure we adjust the camera angles? Yes, my God, this is so exciting, well, don't get too excited, I might fail, I feel so good about this. See, when I was doing it in real time, there's like a little walk and talk element where you can go in, well, yeah, and that's why I wanted to get up because it's like in today's episode.




the guys canceled the wait yeah don't reveal it's okay yeah maybe maybe like the lgbqt aiw did and you'll never know what his comments were on today's


We did something. Know? Are they proud of you? How are you? This, when I'm doing it, you guys can throw in different things, oh, okay, we're your producers, yeah, you guys are my lines, okay, let me play the song and then you'll get into it. I mean, I can't walk too far, but I'll go like this, okay, recap on today's episode of the Shane Dawson podcast. The boys get canceled for their controversial comments from the lgbtq plus ia community and you will never believe the strange places they have robbed. come on come on the producers throw some stuff at me oh oh uh um oh well okay I was so enthralled um oh jared says uh jared is canceled because he says chris looks gay and jared is incredibly canceled you won't believe what's going on in Twitter, right?
Now they're coming at him from left to right because he said Chris looks gay. This is coming from a straight man. It's just that Jared is actually a confirmed ally, so no one gets offended and everyone is fine. Everyone agrees. They're actually excited. who believes Crystal Gay's breaking news, Jared has made a tweet and you won't believe it, inside his tweet it reads, although Jared is not gay, he is part of A, which is an ally, which means that can call. chris gay well guys I hope you all wait uh the butt is falling out oh uh it's a rumor and the butts don't fall out the guys also discuss what prolapse is like and the shame tells us that it's not at all the fault of being gay someone prolapses on Twitter he's expressing his own opinions well guys thanks for keeping it locked here on the



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How proud I am! You, my God, I can't believe I'm dating Ryan Seacrest, well, you know, I see it, I felt like it was like a comedy sketch, the way you wanted me to do it, but how I did it, it was always in Serious. justin bieber and selena gomez it's funny because it's serious wow good job we'll get there as we go uh well there you go I hope you enjoyed whatever this was I feel good about it right I feel proud of it, very good. proud of what we did today there is a lot of pride and thank you all for all the love and support on the show last time we asked you if you wanted us to continue let us know and you were so kind that you sent so many


. and I just don't know, I'm very excited, I feel very good about this and, yes, go ahead, watch your butts, you don't have to because they'll be fine, happy, pride, boops are bigger than penises, I see you gay.
Guys later, okay, bye, oh my God.

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