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Conspiracy Theories: The Shane Dawson Podcast Ep 1

Mar 31, 2024
this? Then you will be in hell. I imagine they will get you into litigation. Trying to get out of whatever contract you're in, like selling your soul to the devil, is just the equivalent of putting a price on your art, what you know, and your artistic integrity, because I'm a singer-songwriter like a bob. Dylan or something like that um and then I sign with a label and they tell me you have to sing about this from now on, you know, we don't want you to say like anyone right now who's worried about saying it, I guess I know, but it's It's just more agenda driven, you know, that's selling your soul to the devil, in my opinion, it's just signing a contract that says I'm at your service now and whatever the label tells me to do whatever.
conspiracy theories the shane dawson podcast ep 1
My agent tells me what to do. I think a lot of people realize they sold their soul to the devil and that's why they want out of their record contracts, so it's not something you can do, you can't just say, oh, I would, oh, I don't mean. out loud, but if I wanted to do that, I couldn't just ask the devil, maybe you could and an opportunity would present itself that's so scary, that's actually the scariest thing because I mean, man, it's like the idea. of manifestation, I know you are not very important in that, but still it is like you are talking about it in an existence like me I will do what I want to say, it is not very important in that, I think that if that crystal is on me right now Yes, but not the devil.
conspiracy theories the shane dawson podcast ep 1

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conspiracy theories the shane dawson podcast ep 1...

Don't say "Hey, I'm the devil", you shouldn't do this. He comes in the presence of a snake and convinces you to eat the apple. You know he's very persuasive, so if they wanted to get you, they probably would. bring someone into your life who was able to relate to you on a completely different level, get very close to you, someone who you felt almost like they were recruiting you into a cult, you know it's making you feel friendlier towards them. like almost making you distrust everyone else because of how much you trust them and then they would probably start leading you in a direction that you know, it's almost like managing, it's like handlers and people who come into these lives as child celebrities when they're young and they try to steer it in all these weird directions you know what I mean I think those are the people who got the contracts and satan sent those people you know that's how I see it well so it's not even a theory .
conspiracy theories the shane dawson podcast ep 1
This point is a real thing, possibly, but it can also be as simple as simply signing a really bad contract. I mean, it's like there's a wide range of this, well, yeah, I mean, if it's a metaphor for signing bad code, okay, Chris, you know. you have all these cool lighting things and these cameras, if someone came up to you and said, hey Chris, we'll give you 20 million dollars a month, but you don't have to film anything but snuff videos and blackmail videos for us, and that is the situation. are you going to do it or are you going to use all this equipment that you have for those purposes or would you rather film things like this you know what I mean I prefer to film things like this you better not go you're going to I want to go and film snuff no or maybe They just want you to film aimless propaganda and that's what you're using your talent for, you know, I always wondered about not going in because I'm afraid and I would do it.
conspiracy theories the shane dawson podcast ep 1
I'm not going to say the name, but there is a religion that people are very against and you know what I'm saying, and that religion has a lot of video recordings and I think the craft service is really good and I've talked with actors saying, oh, I just came off the set, I was working on a religious video, you know, and I thought, oh, that's a little scary or you like, scared, it's weird and they say, I mean, but they pay . very good and the food is very good and I have acted for them, I auditioned, no, yes, they have acted for a lot of their stuff, the pay is great and they do it, you already sold yourself to the devil, I don't think so.
I'm not part of their thing at all, I just acted and they left me the bill uh, you were a little side piece for the devil, yeah, you know, if they had offered you something like, are we talking about Bill Nye or me? to say I'm talking about the latest of that is like the hits that we know of that like they've actually signed, I don't know if that's quote unquote the devil, but they have a big hit, okay, I'm not trying to do that. . have them appear outside our house, so yeah, anyway, um, well, I'm glad you're here and I live, well, there you go, I mean, we covered most of the things on my list, I don't know how .
I feel like it turned out well, I think so, and I also wonder how Caitlyn Jenner would fit into this scenario, where would she be, oh, I'm ready, she can take my place, I'll sit, can you imagine Caitlyn coming? and we get on the bean bag, she says, well, okay, I'll say it took me a little while to get hard, but once I got hard, guys, I really enjoyed what we did together tonight, well, let us know in the comments What do you want us to do? I have some idea, I have some


, I have some unpopular opinion and yes, if you have any guest ideas for people you want on the show, let us know and it doesn't matter who they are because we don't. bring someone until caitlyn jenner is on this show i feel like we're on a guest hunger strike until we have caitlyn jenner sitting here talking to us im fine we could have other people i don't want to wait caitlyn i know she could reach out and we could talk but I don't want to I don't want her to be busy she's a busy lady you know she plays golf you know I don't want to put too much pressure on her okay?
Well, I hope you have fun, uh, what was this, I'll get a new microphone, I promise, press the yellow one, what's the yellow button, oh my god, what's that, what's that, bye guys?

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