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Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test Survival Skills

May 29, 2021
The cops were chasing a serial killer we better get up, get your cars in, I snuck out in the snow, it wasn't a bother, I was like honey, get out of this, you literally snowballed in, I love it, He wore the classic criminal. uniforms and I love walking oh oh wait, you have a positive fear, okay, okay, we have to analyze these footprints mm-hmm it's like he's trying to confuse us, do something the other way around, yeah, the one that's heavier on the front. he entered one of the houses or are they the only perfect footprints that don't lead to a house, isn't there a pear farm that leads to a window because of the criminal's keys?
messed up mystery riddles to test survival skills
Oh, big galactic brain, okay, let's see, that's right before we got too excited, what does Seven Seconds think about that? Oh, I think they think you're right, yes, the tenants would have done it, don't worry, no, but don't worry, if any of us talk to you, I've got you, I can protect you. Technician Stan took a guided tour of the jungle. He was taking pictures everywhere. Well, just one photo of us always crying and this would be me and it's also my worst nightmare. He knows they can suck all the blood out of him in 10 covered SEC trees. with poisonous moss that can kill literally anyone, including you, anyone in the world, probably, probably your cat.
messed up mystery riddles to test survival skills

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messed up mystery riddles to test survival skills...

You never know, this was hard, yeah, what do you think? What do you think? I feel like there is a trick in the wording, yes the vines are on the trees and the trees are static, they don't move, so you can dodge the moss, you can't dodge the mosquitoes and you can't dodge the gas, so we thought that maybe the trees, yes, I think so, I hate mosquitoes. so much they do something for the world like I just hate them oh I don't know I'm just afraid we'll kill all the mosquitoes and then like the birds they die yeah the bees die no and everything itches the thought. about them, yes, you can just go through the trees, about hitting them, that's what you said, don't trip and fall, even though the lady.
messed up mystery riddles to test survival skills
Li discovered that one of his children was abducted and replaced by an alien impostor and decided to see we have this we hope to detect an alien like him this is all you know who the alien is oh I got it I got it you got it That's it, yeah, yeah, okay, because the computer is not plugged in. I was a computer that generated energy. She must have some kind of superpower. The only aliens can do things like that. It's a superpower that I would like to have. I'm wrong? been again others are like that she's driving those UFOs how much do you know what your phone looks like yeah she drew her uncle George on the UFO I think you're right in fact I know you're right why yeah how could she? control the computer with her mind she squirms, they're so smart seven seconds squirms squirms squirms we love making squirms the squirms are the best ooh, what's that wiggle about a thirsty girl?
messed up mystery riddles to test survival skills
Okay, they kidnapped a thirsty girl because they kidnapped her, yes, someone kidnapped a woman in the city. the police go, go, go, go, go, go, go, the police had been tracking the maniac for 10 months, they couldn't catch the guy, he's crazy, finally, this is hidden, passed out, he checked all the women, why are they so happy? I don't. I know I've been here for about a month. I'm so glad you found us. This cycle only gave us a little bread. Starving. How thin I got a few more days and I would die of hunger. It's torturing me.
I thought I would never see the. the day of my well, okay, I mean, are you pregnant or have you been eating well? I think he's been taking the bread right or it's just a comfy sweater, I can't judge but I like it, they've been starving them, how did these two girls do it? They have time to get their hand if I'm healed in three months that's true and the first girl complained that it's been there like she said something like a month while this guy has been loose for ten months those nails It would have been that long already which I think broke up my good day and also the first two girls were complaining about very trivial things like oh the menu down here was horrible and the third girl was like "I thought I was going to die." I thought it would never see the light of day and it's like I haven't eaten caviar.
My tenderloin was overcooked. The police immediately assumed that one of them was the maniac. Yes, oh, yes. True, he was right. You were right. Oh, because she, she. The hands are very good, yes, it was at this moment, but they put them very far away. They were both taken care of for me, so I wasn't entirely right. What about white nails? However, those are like his natural nail color is that off-white. Look, oh. this one is broken this one is broken none of them are broken and this one sure looks like it's coming out of her nail bed it's just that she said it's been there for a month this girl and they've already grown for a month so she can't be a mania , no, I think so, hot pink girl, right, yeah, okay, because they look sued, like she's Polish, she just had them done today if she'd been there for a month, her nail polish is a liar, she's a manic, she's a maniac, me.
I'm a police officer, oh yes, I kidnapped the girl who was yelling at her daughter because she was crying. They were happy people playing with toys. None of them appear to be a child. It's true, you know what I think? Oh well, I think I got it. I think you got it too, should we say at the same time? Yes, one, two, three, baby seat belt. Oh, same baby car seat and seat belt. The little boy on the right is not wearing a seat belt. Yes, look, they are not prepared for a child like that. if you had a child you have a baby car seat thank you dad you are a mother or not you did it we both did it at the same time that's how fast our brains work but they want you to think about me mother yes they try fool us, not today. who is the kidnapper uh-uh the image of the rights in the tents I don't like it says don't let me go yes, this is difficult, it's really very difficult oh, is it the distraught child or the slightly less distraught child?
I'm just curious why they have the same toys oh yeah okay it's on the left why because he just goes no I can't go this way while he wouldn't kidnap a child so close to his mother, right?, but she. he's distracted talking on the phone so maybe there's no way, yeah she's a maniac but he hasn't gotten his nails done. I don't think that has to do with anything here, okay, I'll go left, you go right, where do you want? to change oh I don't know I have no idea although I have no idea not everything I noticed mom backpack how do we know something so what explanation then what is her mom who is the kidnapper I'm so confused okay really confused and if you are in the comments and can you explain to us this, please do it, yes, and the other one seems to be repeating or preparing for some problem, oh yes, it just doesn't fit, no, and you wouldn't. kidnapping someone in the bathroom Frank deserved it yes they did it he decided to cross out six digits so that the last ones add up to 20 but if you fail I will hurt you a lot bad girl you have to do something big brain things like him, yes I'm like counting on fingers, that's how stupid I am.
I thought I had a six, but there were five. If we don't do this, they will kill us. I don't want to die, it doesn't matter. what I do every time I do three it can't be 3/7 it can't be four nine zero three seven seven nine it can't be one seven nine it can't be one one seven it can't be one one nine I don't believe it I just did it by myself I did a bunch in my head and I didn't understand it I'm sorry I don't think it's a trick question like ink these are six backwards how they made me do that for no reason no reason oh okay I mean let's pretend we made it on our own and we don't die, thank you.
Seven second


today a press conference for bloggers is held in the city in the morning an unknown person calls the police today wanted bloggers youtubers what are they? these bloggers are doing Emma or Tina, this does not happen to us at VidCon, we will not tell anyone about this message, let's carefully monitor the girls, okay, and everyone at the conference, you can't monitor everyone, the police Girls, a magical police force was following them everywhere. I'm in Tina are sitting at the same table. Oh, she broke her back. Well, some of the police realized where the kidnapper was.
We know that you know everything. You know better. That's why we, youtubers. about the bad reputation because people like teenagers and kidnapping others, hey, but in their defense, youtubers often have weird stuff at their core, what if they filmed it in a weird video? That's true, she does know me, she knows what's in my bag, challenge, so she ropes herself. case Oh Luke was on the street outside her house whoa with four doors and a little shadow she checks the window what's up with the TV she has a TV there you and the wall on oh no I saw three doors that led nowhere and one of the connections outside you only have one attempt to open a door, the one that goes outside, that's all, then they will all be closed forever, make no mistake, no, okay, what happened at the window?
Well, just the window, yeah, and she's too small to get out of there, so how can Lisa know which door leads outside? He, uh, all the doors look exactly the same, they do the same thing now, it's very cool, more, yeah, it's a very good question, but it doesn't seem like that. I need the door handle to look different no, yes, this is difficult. I'm impressed, yes, I like how Lisa just smiles. It is a difficult challenge. I think I know why there has to be something different on one of the doors. What did she put in yours? glasses I don't like how she's blocking one of the doors or two of them even like we want to see I can't see anything oh wait what do you know?
That's the only thing I feel like makes this door stand out, so maybe you should just say second door and pray it's the right one, okay, second door, second door, okay, you can't even say that, oh no you should open the window and check what the door is, you know you can see it so there's a draft. and then she will feel a breath of fresh air from the keyhole, come on, seven second


, no one is that smart, no one. Wow, oh, oh, they're owning us, they're selling us, who is poor Cassie, can you tell by looking at the contents of their refrigerators uh well, I mean A has more in her refrigerator, but it's like junk food and fast food , yeah, he's got that, she's got that gourmet, she's got like those Whole Foods apples, yeah, like those organic apples that are way too expensive. for the apples he bought a good cheese like that cheese that costs more than the one at my house exactly and it has sparkling water yeah, that's how you know, that's how you taste sparkling water mm-hmm when you go to someone's house and They tell you: do you want? like a Perrier, you're like, I don't think she belongs here, yeah, I say be, I say be, oh just go, those are blueberries, girl, she's just living that organic life, yeah, well I'm right, guys, we got a recount of your votes. in the comments so let us know in the comments which one you think is poor and your reasons why let's see who is right.
I'm more than a leftist girl, be honest and I'm proud of that. I love it. I love green dressing. oh thank you thank you so much high heels in the house and everything don't forget to take a look anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video we love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice to the rest, goodbye. bye

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