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Meet The ‘Alien’ That Believes She Is Sent From Outer Space | This Morning

Jul 02, 2024


s be living among us? A new Harvard study suggested that


s may be living secretly here on Earth. Well, according to our next guest, aliens are already among us and she claims to be living proof. Kelly Tyler is part of a growing number of people who believe they are aliens who have been




to help humanity and Kelly, as you can see, is here now in the


. Kelly in the


, you can imagine the skepticism when we say there are aliens living here. Kelly claims to be. an alien of course, can you explain a little bit why you feel like you're not just a human and you feel like you're from another planet?
meet the alien that believes she is sent from outer space this morning
Yes, and it's something I wouldn't talk about in general because of that skepticism. and I really believe that starseeds are souls from another star system that have incarnated as humans, so people are doing well, you look pretty human to me, you don't have that six foot blue head or whatever they see on the science fiction movies, um. and really what happens is that when you identify with a being, I like to say a starseed instead of an alien because there are too many stigmas associated with aliens in the movies that we have seen and there is fear against aliens and usually , starseeds are here to help.
meet the alien that believes she is sent from outer space this morning

More Interesting Facts About,

meet the alien that believes she is sent from outer space this morning...

Humanity, so when we incarnate as humans, we are here to really help humans remember what it is like to be human and connect with their innate their natural senses instead of distracting them and looking at the interdimensionals and the other planets, our role is not to make you look outside of humanity is to reconnect with who you really were and the internet connection that is currently on Earth with nature with animals with ourselves and have you always felt


since you were a little girl and tell me the definition of a star scene, so I haven't felt it since I was a child.
meet the alien that believes she is sent from outer space this morning
Most starseeds are not incarnated at birth, so their soul is born as a starseed right when I was a child. I wasn't born a starseed. I was a very sensitive child, um, I drank water, I took baths, I became blotchy, I ate strawberries, my lips exploded. I was a pretty sick kid and besides the world was too sensitive for me, so I would do it. being at the bottom of my garden with a box of bugs looking at things instead of interacting with people, it just felt like it used to catch me when I was about 3 sitting on a bench talking to Tom and she was like Kelly there's no one there I'm Like I'm Tom, can't you see Tom?
meet the alien that believes she is sent from outer space this morning


hypersensitivity was always there when I was a kid and Kelly, yes I was about to say what did you see when you were talking about Tom Tom, he was just someone who was here before and now no longer exists, but what could you really see? He seemed like a real person. I wish I could touch him and he felt very normal to me, so when someone else couldn't see him, he would be there. as a man, can't you see Tom and she would say there's no one there? Okay, so I developed a relationship or had contact with this being from the age of seven at the bottom of my garden, it appeared like a light and then it began to show itself. himself more and we used to have this really comforting telepathic relationship.
I used to write about it. He told the stories to my parents. My parents thought what an active imagination this child has. He's great, great at creative writing. Absolutely um, but what happened is about a year later, I developed whooping cough and got very sick, due to the fact that I had lost all my weight, the doctor said I wasn't going to survive and at that point me and this exchanged souls. , so this is what is called Walking, that is what is classified, so it is not a possession of someone who takes over, it is a mutual agreement, we decided to exchange Souls, so that is what happened and now I am a star seed or a star being, but I was not born as normal. most people are and you were how old when that happened G that exchange happened when I was eight 8 years old right? where did your soul go? where is?
Well, the being I now know I had an exchange with is from Arcturus. so that's aurus, okay, it's one of the brightest stars you can see in the sky right now, the fourth biggest or something, yeah, yeah, okay, and then Kelly went, Kelly's soul went. There, the soul that entered, did the soul that entered walk? In having a name it's just who I am, what you are now, so it's really interesting that I look back on my life and it feels like I'm looking at a photo album of myself. I remember my sixth birthday and things like that, but I don't have one. an emotional connection from being there it's like looking at my life in photos so I don't have any real emotional memories of having before I was 8 years old and my personality and my physique changed nor question I'm sorry cum what was the doctors explanation if you were so You were sick and the doctors had told your parents that you weren't going to survive, that you were probably going to die, what was the explanation?
Miracle, then they couldn't justify what happened, miraculously you started to get better, they said I came back. to school I had to catch up on school because I was away for about six months but I lost my allergies I didn't have kidney failure and also my intellect changed now I wouldn't say my parents would have ever said I was stupid when I was younger but I went from not being that smart to being able to do things, I ended up taking an entrance exam for a private school and they just thought I had no chance of getting in, so my social skills improved, I became less shy. and introvert, a lot of significant changes happened and no one could really understand why so what is the purpose of this?
There is an es


ially higher purpose. Is there a plan? Why is it happening? I think we are in a true polycrisis like Humanity Financial. educational climate everything is approaching, we are at this tipping point where humanity needs support and if we don't truly understand our interconnection with everything, then we will not survive, the planet will not survive, so the role of starseeds is to help the people to reconnect with what it is to be human, to have more compassion with other sentient beings, but also to work on Harmony and instead of seeing ourselves as separate, I mean, we are in a time where we are all so connected to the Internet, but when I talk to people they feel so isolated that they feel like I don't know who to trust, they don't really know themselves and if you look at indigenous tribes, they don't have this understanding of what nature is and what they are.
We are one and that is why it is helping people increase their ability to connect with themselves and raise the frequency of the planet. Now the planet actually has a resonance. You can look at this from the Heart Mathematics Institute or the Schuman resonance and you can see what we are like. um our collective minds and the way we take actions affect the frequency of our planet and the star SE up here to increase that frequency if we have if we are at this this point uh that need we need help is there more aruan? I think they are Arcturians, the people of Arcturus, will they come?
Are there more walks? Are they coming to help in greater numbers? Because I think you're an astral traveler, don't you think you can go there and back? Yes Yes. You can see them, yes, and that is part of my healing journey. When I was younger I used to go to this blue quantum healing chamber on Arcturus and that was part of my physical healing to help me get better, so it's not just Arcturians. They are Andromeda plans, you are right, there are many people from different star systems and we all bring different qualities, how did you get there to travel?
It depends if you do it voluntarily or involuntarily, but everyone can do it if they want. I wanted to know that anyone can get up out of their body and that you are connected like a purple cord to amb binle so that you can choose where you go, sometimes you can choose, sometimes they just take you somewhere, but there is not something, there is something specific for you. I don't have to do it it just happens yeah I mean when I used to travel on Astro it was for healing and what they told me to stop coming back here because your duty is on Earth so stop being distracted and come back when your mission is done here, so I.
Don't do astral travel now unless I really need to replenish my strength or I'm feeling pretty desperate about what's going on in the world and need a little boost. Kelly, you sound so eloquent, so passionate about this, what do you say, what do your parents say and your friends think that your parents had a little girl named Kelly who was very, very sick, they miraculously recovered and suddenly she stared, it's from another planet. I mean, what do they do with this? I don't think I tell that to many people. This will be a surprise to some people who may see me here and they will say like I never knew that about you, um, and I don't want to break anyone's free will, that's my only purpose, if you don't believe in This my purpose is not to try to convince you, my purpose is to help you connect with yourself and humanity, but what people say about me is that they often say that you have really strange tendencies that I don't see in others like before they met me. my husband I was very transactional I worked 20 hours a day I slept 3 hours a night I probably ate once a day I went to the l once I have to remind myself to perform human physical functions and my ability to retain information and really get through things of people and they see the essence of it, they appreciate that for me they come to me with that kind of oh, I have this going on, could you strategically solve it for me?
So they appreciate some of the qualities, but they know that I'm a little weird and I'm okay with that, you're okay with that, but it's like 50/50 on the survey, right? 59% think yes, have aliens already visited Earth? 59% say no. 41% say. Yeah, it's very Cas, she hasn't changed much, but it will be interesting to see her listen and for our viewers to listen to you if they feel like there's really something to this and my question would be different: do you believe in other beings? that they visited Earth because I don't think there are many beings that have actually visited Earth properly, so they are different starseeds that incarnate as humans is a different concept to me than an alien visiting Earth.
I see the question is interesting how you posed it, but Yes, I think you know that right now we are operating at 47.5 in a heart rate of where we are on the planet and if we go above 50% we will see a big change in Consciousness about how we understand and are open to other possibilities other beings other dimensions is going to work and execute this I think it's fascinating K to come thank you Kelly interesting thank you we would love to know what viewers think get in touch uh and tell us what you want believe in what Kelly just to say Tred has been trying to explain if you think it might be real, if you're interested in finding out more or what you think might be going on, really awesome, thank you, thank you, oh, hello, thanks for stopping by.
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