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Medical TikToks That Will Blow Your Mind

May 20, 2024
I show the kids the cool things I can do, oh oh, that type of hyperextension for the back is really problematic because you have these two arteries that run on each side of the spine in the back called the vertebral arteries and if you hyperextend it could actually cause damage and bleeding in one of those arteries when in reality they talk about those really rare cases where something someone has, like a stroke after a neck adjustment by the chiropractor, is usually due to damage in one of these vertebral arteries and is due to the hyperextension position of people. you don't want to do that A coworker just called me while I'm on vacation and told me he wants to change his name to spine and they said well I'm busy right now I'll just call you back A coworker called me to tell me that he wanted to change his name to spine and I told him I'm busy and I'll call you back, uh, oh, so I'll call him back, he nailed it, doctor, wow, baseball.
medical tiktoks that will blow your mind
Trick shots, wait, okay, oh, what I was expecting was a wiffle bat because if it was a metal bat, it


have a scar. Bruce this is not a good place to get hit you don't want to get hit in the temple oh that's really high diving oh my god this is legal wait what I just saw first is that really they were parachuting, so they were going to parachute. I guess so, because if you jump from that high, even if you're jumping into a body of water. that's like hitting cement at that height oh my gosh talk about a near miss if that landed on a rib definitely broken rib definitely broken rib potential lung trauma potential pneumothorax chest tube insertion all jobs I've been having headaches every day to the point where ibuprofen doesn't even help me anymore, that could be a form of migraine called intractable migraine and in those cases it can't be cured with medication if it doesn't really go away for a long period of time.
medical tiktoks that will blow your mind

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medical tiktoks that will blow your mind...

I am researching. tough, what it can mean to get a brain MRI, who the pill, say it again, ibuprofen, ibuprofen, I'm who, who are you, me, ibuprofen, that's kind of funny, it's ibuprofen, but ibuprofen, you can't make fun of people for misrepresenting


names. I'm a doctor, I can't tell half of them hydroxychloroquine Hydrochlorothiazide hydroxychloroquine hydroxyhydroxyzine hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquine I invented this toilet to unplug constipation the design is very human we just have to sit on it and then flip the switch this


completely solve the problem of constipation so it seems like a legit Saw 94 device, which I believe is the number they are currently at.
medical tiktoks that will blow your mind
I can only imagine how much rectal bleeding will occur if you sit on that device and I wish I didn't have to imagine that, oh that. It was a good job, that's why you always put it on with


kids when they are around pets. Many things can go wrong, even if the pet loves


child, they might think they are playing, but they play too hard with a child who is fragile to some extent. So I always have people asking me, they're like Catherine why do you drink green water every day and first of all this isn't green water, it's water with chlorophyll and second of all this is the best trick I've ever learned in my life.
medical tiktoks that will blow your mind
All my life, what did I do? I'm going to look this up because I'm behind in my knowledge of chlorophyll water and by the way, I'm someone who tries to get plant-based products as often as possible and I recommend it. For people, because plant phenols are important, these are nutrients that we need, so I'm curious to see what people say. The claim is that it improves skin, helps with weight loss, detoxifies the body and more. At this point, most of the research on chlorophyll has been done. in animals or in small human studies that lack real evidence about its potential benefits, but let's see what our influencer friend promises us, you literally won't smell, your sweat doesn't smell, the reason people smell is because when they sweat, especially if they are sweating from stress.
The composition of your sweat is slightly different from thermoregulatory sweat, as a result, the bacteria living in your body don't give a second if you drink water with chlorophyll or normal water, they consume the substance inside the sweat and then you fart. I feel like when I watch these videos I only give harsh negative reviews, even though they are justified, so I'm going to say that I like this influencer t-shirt. I think it's a great t-shirt. The horse seems to be having a good time and so is the person riding him. I like horses, that's the positive thing I have to say about this video, oh no, Stevo, your blood is choking.
Many people think that in a situation like this, the trachea and breathing are what is blocked, in reality, the biceps muscle and the forearm muscle put pressure on the bilateral. carotids and when you press on the carotids you prevent circulation from reaching the brain, as a result you pass out and pass out, this is actually quite dangerous to do over and over again for obvious reasons, cutting off circulation to the brain is bad, there are also some things that we do in medicine where we massage like the neck areas and we always say to never massage both at the same time because you could inadvertently cause this type of side effect.
It's lasting longer than I thought. He looks skinny here, although he would. Stop, oh, he looks worried, oh yeah, what's up, buddy? Do you have a wife? Can we go to Target first? He must be on some serious painkillers because that scratch looks like it hurts. Remember that most wounds that are not actively bleeding are minor and superficial. people with wounds rush to put on Neosporin or this cream or that cream, just washing it with a little soap and water, you don't even need the soap, just a little cold water and then covering it with the bandage will allow it to heal naturally on its own alone.
Obviously, if you start to see signs of infection, redness, pain in the area, you should go see a doctor and get proper first aid, but on your own, just a little rinsing goes a long way. Oh this feels dangerous okay that feels dangerous and the fact that they are right behind each other I feel like something bad is going to happen oh no oh no bill oh the good thing is that they don't stop and they don't hit a surface hard because inertia carries them and because they don't hit a hard surface which reduces the likelihood of injury, but it is still because their movement and their speed creates a risk of sprains, strains, tears and things like that, but in terms of fractures of bones, I think the risk decreases depending on this type of activity.
POV The wedding day and the girls get extra B12 injections for that extra boost, Gwyneth Paltrow extra B12 when you have normal levels of B12 doesn't help you get extra boosts because if the body worked this way we would always take more, would you? why would you do it? you have low B12, normal B12, just live it more because there are side effects when there is too much, you could actually develop signs of B12 toxicity by getting extra B12 injections when you don't need them, it's only fair that you have a bad day, but honestly , it doesn't even get old why is he eating butter?
No, this is a joke, no one is eating three tubs of butter, not only is this, I mean, everyone will say that this is not healthy for the heart because of all the saturated fats in it and the huge amounts that you are consuming but also It's going to create a very bad stomach ache because you're going to need very heavy digestive enzymes to break down the amount of fats you're consuming and when you can't, you're going to have something known as steadoria if you don't know what Sierra is the kindest way to what can I put it is fat in your poop do you want fat in your poop?
I don't think so, oh these are so hard, yeah, they're like Ninja Warrior. exercises, oh my god, no way is this guy about to do it, no way, I'm cheering them on, let's finish, not finish, keep going, I can do it, Nike, do it, the amount of strength, coordination and explosiveness of the upper body it requires is discreet most people have a hard time doing pull-ups this guy jumps while pulling pull up pull up pull up pull up daddy reflexes I almost died at the end no, no, that's not even funny I get the joke here, but the risk that that causes for your baby who has soft bones is I would warn the parent to never do that again.
It's serious, you could destroy your life doing that and you're trying to be funny, so I'm going to show you how to unblock that stuffy nose. from the nose to the tip of the nose right in the middle take these two fingers push it right there you are going to push in and separate it that is difficult use your thumb push in and separate it keep it there and you will see in 10 seconds your nose should start to open. This is something we actually do in osteopathic medicine called sinus effleurage and we might actually increase circulation to the area and help open things up and move things around, obviously not a miracle cure-all. but it feels really good to massage the sinuses and sometimes we even do it on the cheeks and then go down to the lymph nodes.
The only real contraindication here where we wouldn't do this is if you have cancer. in the area we would worry about possible lymphatic spread, but for the average person, when they have a small infection, doing that to the nasal passages actually feels good. I remember my dad doing this to me when I was a kid and I would literally feel better my nose would clear up and it's not long term relief but you're not really looking at multi day relief if you have a few hours of nose cleaning when you're sick, that feels good and especially a very low risk of breakage. a groin why would they allow that, but what happened to a woman if she ate Sheila jit every day after 24 hours her energy would increase as her body is filled with 87 out of 102 minerals?
What are 102 minerals? I want to know how many minerals. the human body can have there are 16 different minerals that are known to be necessary in our diet, but this gives you 102 well, after a week, she would notice that her clothes fit looser due to the massive increase in her metabolism, what What if he is eating 49 giggles? bars while she eats her chip Sheila Sheila oh wow, that's a magnet that pulls out a ball that's so interesting. I wonder why they never released it. It seems like it's so superficial. It would probably be an easy takeaway. 70 years of working outside but never leaving. the house without pants, that's interesting, there's definitely some kind of problem with bruising as well, maybe potential bruising from blood draws and then there's also potentially some venous insufficiency which can also be called stasis dermatitis, it's not diagnosed, but These are all potential things that would be in the differential diagnosis wow, that's a weird shape for a biceps.
I wonder if he had an injury to that bicep because it seems like there was a history of a tear. It doesn't look like a complete set of biceps. What are we seeing here? three babies need a lot of room for three babies you have to stretch a lot oh they are so cute you will never have bloating or constipation problems again on every trip I take I bring a bag of chia seeds and electrolytes. I like chia. seeds I like the electrolyte powder, it's not going to stop constipation, add water, let it sit for 10 minutes, appreciate the view and then get ready to have the best poop ever, that's okay, you won't when you promise stuff more and then it doesn't It doesn't deliver, you lose trust in the audience, that's why I will never promise you anything.
Chia seeds with a little water and some electrolytes. Excellent, I won't say it's bad, there's a real legitimate benefit to having good nutrients like this, and if you're dehydrated, especially because you're on a hike and you're sweating a lot and it's a hot environment. Yes, getting some electrolytes out may be ideal, but I'd like to say that you have the best poop of your life, that's something only an influencer would say is not lava on a steak. It's a nice thing to see for some strange reason. Isn't it as hot as normal fire? Do you think it will just destroy the steak at this point?
Wow, did it kind of solidify? Oh, that's the lava. There's no way it's going to be good inside no, it's burned so crispy the internal machinations of my


are an enigma. I wonder if you do that with a much thicker piece of meat, it would be just as interesting if a woman is obese but exercises every day she will outlive the normal weight woman who doesn't exercise if you don't exercise you are going to die sooner what an incredible generalization you can't make a generalization to this degree with any precision so yeah, someone who exercises and then someone who doesn't, if you were betting on someone who is healthier it would be the person who exercises, but then adding other factors and acting like you know what weight each factor has in your life is a little ridiculous, these amazing


rescues are definitely worth watching, you will learn a lot and see some shocking videos.
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