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Mean Girl BACKSTABS Her FRIEND, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

May 31, 2024
I'm so glad I brought lunch today no, yeah we made it, oh my gosh, that was close, yeah I know, oh I almost forgot why, what's this for your birthday sleepover? I wanted to take you to the observatory group, but the tickets are very expensive, so instead I'm putting stars all over my apartment and burning a projector at school, we can bake cookies and watch movies, for later, that sounds very fun, you don't have to. All that, come on, it's my best


's 13th birthday. You know I have to do everything possible. Do you have any question?
mean girl backstabs her friend she lives to regret it dhar mann
I don't believe it. It's okay, if you need anything, ask one of your teachers. This is where your locker will be. What am I? I'll be right back. Do you know how expensive the session is? Come here Michaela oh my god Hazel oh my god I haven't seen you since first grade What are you doing here? I'm going here now that my father's company moved back to California. No way. I knew the universe couldn't keep this apart right now Hi I'm Mila this is your best


oh this is Michaela we grew up together and were close until she moved to New York yeah we go way back time, like when we were in diapers we were soulmates, that's so funny, Hazel and I can finish each other's sentences too oh yeah, we can remember that because we're sisters, sorry I missed that wait.
mean girl backstabs her friend she lives to regret it dhar mann

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mean girl backstabs her friend she lives to regret it dhar mann...

Principal Danvers gave you a tour of the school. It's as boring as I can. do it instead, okay, I'll follow your example, wait, I thought we were going to lunch, oh, I'll be back in a moment, would you mind washing my things? Great, come on, come on, let's call your parents and I'm going to tell them how much food you wasted, it's not our fault, yeah, if school lunch wasn't so disgusting, maybe we'd eat it, you're in big trouble, hey guys , oh, oh, Leela, we were wondering where you were, oh, I was. waiting on the corner for about 15 minutes it's Thursday we always walk to school together on Thursdays I called you a lot session I'm so sorry I completely forgot but Michaela picked me up this morning in her father's shoe cart no, I'm sorry In fact the I surprised this morning and we went to look for Porto's I hope you're not mad, no it's okay, no big deal, I'm so happy you're back, it's like you never left.
mean girl backstabs her friend she lives to regret it dhar mann
I know, wait, you know what we have. I'm not done taking photos of a meeting yet, you're right, come on Layla, come in, take it, do you like it? Yeah, it's perfect if you post it and then tag me uh, my eyes are closed, oh, I really don't want to be late, oh. No come on I'll show you where our class is wait you guys have English together yeah I had my dad call the school he's a big giver here so he pulled some strings and got me into all of Hazel's classes . You are with me in every period now.
mean girl backstabs her friend she lives to regret it dhar mann
I love it. Oh wait guys, a little help. Oh, Hazel, this way. Why is your shoe all wet? I had an incident with the bucket. Now everything is dry, a little soft. However, I went to the library and bought this. Book in for a birthday sleepover this weekend oh my gosh how could I forget it's your birthday this weekend? You should let me throw you a party. It would be very fun. We could have lots of food, games and a huge cake. In fact, we were. thinking about keeping this, oh and we could have a bouncy house, really, yeah of course, what are best friends for?, oh this is going to be amazing, you're literally the best, oh but Layla planned this one super sweet sleepover that has like a star projector and everything, oh um, well why don't you do both?
You can stay the night at Layla's house and then come to Minds for the party. Yeah, it sounds like a great idea and honestly he's always okay if you want to follow Michaela's idea, it sounds better anyway. Are you sure it's okay? Well, maybe we could save the star projector for your birthday after Christmas. Oh yeah, I'll text my dad right now so he can start booking everything. Oh, and since you love Star so much, I can order tickets for Griffith. Observatory in no way. I always wanted to go there at night and I said this is going to be so much fun.
All you need to do now is get yourself a really pretty dress. We should go to the computer lab and look for suits there, yeah, yeah. Do you want to come Leela uh no it's not like you can buy anything anyway it's okay see you later are you ready yeah text my dad so you can start booking everything. What did you do that for? Oh I'm very sorry. It fell accidentally That didn't seem like an accident to me Okay, what's really going on? He is far from me. Michaela is simply cooler dressed than I am, she is nicer and has a lot more money.
Hey, don't say that. I'm sure Hazel is just excited. having Michaela around now, but it doesn't


she cares any less about you, yes she does, she barely pays any attention to me, she's joined at the hip with Michaela, you know, I remember when I was younger, one of my best friends I moved out of state and at first I was very sad, but my mom said something that I will never forget: she said that good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are always there, since you really like astrology, I thought you would appreciate it.
Hey you two, stop it, you're supposed to spray the walls, not each other, it's really good and the pizza should be available soon. Hello, oh Leila, it's my dad. Pleased to meet you. Leila. Nice to meet you too. are you happy to be back in California oh yes the weather here is much better but we kept our house in New York so we can spend the holidays there oh does that


you'll be gone for Christmas and New Years? You could always come with us, our house is very nice and it will seriously snow. I'll ask my mom, but she won't care.
I always wanted to go to New York, oh would it be okay if Layla came? I don't see why not, I actually don't think I'll be able to make it to my birthday which is December 26th, oh yeah maybe we could celebrate it after New Years so Michaela and I can be there, yeah this is so exciting , you know what you should do. come in so I can show you pictures of our house there yeah come on so Layla oh oh oh be careful you almost dropped the cake you don't want to ruin the party now would you be so glad to be here Layla definitely have fun ?
I wouldn't want anything at my party once the pizza arrives. I'm starving myself too. This party is great, but it would be so boring if all they had were chips and punch. Yes, come on, let's go. Hey, can I help you? Yes I have. a delivery for Mr. Parker, sorry, wrong house, but this is 344 Theodore Drive, right, yeah, but we didn't order that, look, there's a kid at school who keeps calling random pizza places and asking them to deliver here, yes, it's very strange, but my parents are getting very angry, it sounds like they are having a party, do you want to invite your parents not to have any party?
No, if you don't mind, go, that's all I need, so just keep flowing and I'll buzz like a dancing bee. on the tables yourself do it pick it up pick it up do it pick it up okay no no no no no no no no no no no no come here uh sorry about the bounce house let's try to figure out what happened and Play the music again, well, there you are. I'm sorry I haven't seen everyone at the party. Oh yes, sorry, when will the food arrive? Yeah, I thought you said the pizza would be here an hour ago.
I'm starving, yes, I should be. Anytime, how about we can have some fries instead? Yes, here you go, thank you. Oh, this is disgusting. Are you trying to poison me? What smells like cat food? This punch is unpleasant. Why does it taste like pickle juice? That? I swear it was good before. How about we have some cake that will lighten the taste? I wonder what's going on. Everyone seems so upset. I had no idea it works so weird. This is just in the sauce. Who chose this flavor? I did well, you know. like toothpaste here here let me let me try it okay oh wow that's bad I don't get it it was from a really good bakery this party is turning out to be kind of crazy let's wait wait what happens if we open presents, yeah?
This is a great idea, everyone knows that the host should give his gift first, yes, I'll grab it. I'm so sorry Hazel, I just wanted you to have the perfect birthday party, don't worry owl, this is it. It's not your fault, here you go, I hope you like it, isn't it cute? Is this what I think it is? Oh my god, I definitely didn't put that in there. This party is like your gift. It sucks, I don't know. where it all went wrong I'm so sorry Hazel Michaela wait wait this probably didn't go as planned but you know you can come to my house yeah maybe we should do it great uh just give me a minute I'll be there foreigner bye guys foreigner I can't believe how much I screwed up Hazel's party who is a bad friend but she hates me now no that's not true I don't even know how all this happened I definitely didn't buy her a bag of dog poop yeah I know you how did you know? because I did it, what are you talking about.
Very sorry. I got a little jealous since you got here. I was worried about losing my best friend. I thought maybe if I ruined the party she'd stop being your friend, right? So you're saying yes. I put pickle juice in the punch and I put cat food in the sauce and toothpaste in your cake. I sent the pizza guy away and I also ruined the bounce house and turned off the music. Oh, and I put dog poop in your crypt and I feel really bad about that. I was a little jealous. You're jealous of me. I was the one who was jealous of you.
Because? you're jealous of me all Hazel does is talk about you later she's the sweetest Layla is so adorable she loves being your best friend and I guess I felt bad because I felt like you took my only friend here but I talked to Principal Danvers and him. He said good friends are like stars you can always see them but you know they're always there He said the same thing I should have heard and I saw you got me tickets to the Griffith Observatory thank you I'm sure not I don't want to go with me now of course I do.
I mean, I'm not happy with what you did, but I understand how you feel. I just feel bad for Hazel she doesn't have a birthday party yeah well maybe she hello guys. I'm really sorry about everything again, okay Layla and you really want to tell her to move on, so I asked my mom to call your mom and she said it would be great if you came to New York with us, we're going to celebrate your birthday. in New York, wait really, oh my god, I'm so excited, oh, I'll get it, hello, I have a delivery.
I didn't order any pizza, did you order a pizza? Sorry, we didn't order a pizza. I'm kidding. I wanted to see her reaction. I ordered it. Thanks guys. It seems not, did they drop something? What does it say? Did you decipher that message? Still, I will destroy you. Why does Mike keep doing this? I thought you guys were Minecraft experts, no.

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