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McLaren P1 VS. Porsche 918 VS. Ferrari LaFerrari | The Grand Tour | Prime Video Portugal

Jun 15, 2024
Soon the McLaren and the Porsche were ready for some laps and for these we decided to drive each other's cars straight away. I can tell you that this one does not have the brutality or savagery of the McLaren because it has a rear wheel. steering and four wheel drive feels safe and that gives you the confidence to play if I went around this corner that fast in the


there would be a lot of poop coming out, poop is coming out now this is scary, that's what it is I don't think it would be possible to die yourself, the grip is really incredible, there you go, on the wild and unforgiving p1, my nerves were shattered, but I was also falling in love with the horsepower, oh my god, Jesus, this recalibrates your mind.
mclaren p1 vs porsche 918 vs ferrari laferrari the grand tour prime video portugal
I don't think anything can be as exciting as that Porsche, but this, this, it's brilliant, absolutely brilliant, what a car, I love it. Well, this is nonsense. I was thinking the exact same thing about this. Where are you? This was boring me to death. like being trapped in a Victorian woman's novel well I'd rather have been trapped in a phone booth with a panicked gorilla trash I was trying to kill this hurt me it wants to hurt that's why I like it this is a razor in missionary position sword in hands of a surgeon sickle in the hands of a drunken peasant Downton Abbey breaking bad that's crystal methamphetamine that's dodgy weed good creative wine nukey brown sherry schooner absent james bond specifying that his martini must be shaken not stirred begs to be trained detecting throwing a pint over your shoulder in a nightclub and starting a fight in a bar what hello what are you doing here?
mclaren p1 vs porsche 918 vs ferrari laferrari the grand tour prime video portugal

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mclaren p1 vs porsche 918 vs ferrari laferrari the grand tour prime video portugal...

I'm here because, gentlemen, I have something in the back of that truck that will make your McLaren and his Porsche look like old lumps, I can't. I remember the last time a car or any kind of thing gave me a fizz like the Ferrari. This Ferrari has 950 horsepower, 950. more than either of the other two, and is lighter, weighing 1,250 kilograms, which is less than most hatchbacks out there. a little bit more for the




because what it has is, in effect, a formula one curse system. It constantly recovers energy that would otherwise be lost using its electric motor and battery, so when I break down there, the car actually says that the energy is I'll be clear, this is what 950 horsepower feels like, Jesus, this I think will absolutely crush the other two.
mclaren p1 vs porsche 918 vs ferrari laferrari the grand tour prime video portugal
Oh man, James was obviously talking nonsense, but there's no getting around the fact that these three cars take automotive science to a new level. They use the latest. green technology to squeeze the highest possible speed from each fuel molecule, as a result, all are capable of reaching more than 200 miles per hour and producing fewer harmful emissions than a family saloon. What we have here are three incredible machines that a stroke has made the traditional supercar look wooden and outdated, welcome everyone to the holy trinity hypercar in that door mirror I have a £1 million Porsche in that door mirror the door I have a £1 million Ferrari what a toy box not today I don't think so hammer this could be so expensive and that gives me another 170 horsepower and here comes May in the Ferrari, the Ferrari concentrating, concentrating, oh that damn car is trying to kill me and I'm not even here, we could have played there.
mclaren p1 vs porsche 918 vs ferrari laferrari the grand tour prime video portugal
All day long, but before we ended up in a £3 million accident, we decided to start testing to see which of the cars was better. I came up with the first one mainly to annoy the intruder. Maybe we'll make the first test an endurance race using electricity. only power good idea no it's not a good idea why not because you can't drive the ferrari on electric power alone no no no of course you can't because it's a damn system like a formula one car, it has a v12 engine and an electric motor but they are all integrated they work together all the time you can't separate them you should have thought of that shouldn't you have planned wrong with james reduced to the role of spectator?
We lined up the p1 and the 918 on the starting line but then instead of revving the petrol engines we turned them off, that's strange. Prepare to start a drag race in complete silence. I still have two electric motors that together produce 285 brake horsepower, which is 109 more than the electric motor. in his McLaren oh yeah, oh I'm out of here, you must love the immediate power of an electric motor that's already 70 miles per hour and it's not enough who won, it was me, right? but it is not important, no, no, it is simply not relevant, just in an endurance race, it is irrelevant which car arrives first, yes, yours is the one that floats the milk best in the pits.
Hammond had an idea for the next test we have. I have to drive to the hotel, yes it's an hour away and it gives us a chance to see what they are like on the road, that's a good point in the real world, that's a good point, I can't do that, no I can. I can't drive the Ferrari on the road, why well, it's not registered, it has license plates, no it's just fake license plates, if they register it it becomes second hand and they have to pay the tax, that's why it came in a truck, so you can.
I don't drive it on the road either, no one can drive it, but it's not road legal, oh no way, that's a shame, it's an hour of oh, sorry James, that's really bad luck because you've


ed a long way from Italy, I can't take you because there's the sound guy's headphones on the seat and then, oh my god, there's literally nothing I can do soon. Richard and I were enjoying the best trip in the world. I may be a little spartan here. but it is incredibly comfortable because it uses electronic components instead of traditional stabilizer bars and that means there is no physical connection between the wheels, so if one goes over a bump the others are not affected.
It's strange that it's not a Rolls-Royce ghost, it's a beautiful afternoon removing the roof panels, I prepare the air conditioning and in the meantime I'm enjoying a walk in the countryside, oh damn, you're okay, you're okay in Italian, Oh God.

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