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Match Purse to Person | Lineup | Cut

May 14, 2024
I see a bottle of pills. Do I look like someone who needs medication? I mean, I don't know your name Hi, my name is Anjali, I'm Trey, what are you doing here today? Frank, guess whose bag it is, yeah, who are you going to?




first what a bag says about a


the bag says about a person how functional you are how much money you like to spend on material objects this is a louis vuitton never full it is not my most expensive bag, although what is the The most expensive bag you want is embarrassing.
match purse to person lineup cut
I could use it for ten thousand dollars. Bam, what about you? Do you carry a bag? Actually, I don't want to say, I usually wear pants with a lot of pockets. Are you ready to start? Bring the line. Ready. for your first batch for sure, man, okay, interesting, very retro, it's vintage I instantly know whose bag this is. It just goes with your style. Would you mind taking a step forward? I'm sure it looks good on you, but the black disc has retro vibes. I'm getting well now. I'm going to check this bag Fred yeah oh there are tight fitting condoms oh yeah very vital emergency are you someone who needs a vitamin boost?
match purse to person lineup cut

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Yes, we have a CD here definitely a musician. They have a dog. It looks like you have a dog. A rubber chicken. Do you have discs? I love records. My sister collects tons of records. Does your sister buy you bags? Sometimes we go shopping together. Yes, I think it's your bag. Addy. I'm giving you this and there you are, thank you. I know it's just bad. Guys, I don't know the brand either, but I know this is a black-owned company. Telfar, very cool. A couple of my friends have tailfire bags. It's very hard to get one of these bad boys.
match purse to person lineup cut
Also, Fenty is Rihanna's makeup brand and I mean. I could see the glass slipper on her lips right now and it


es her outfit. I think this would suit you. All black with some white. That's what I think it is. It's like a Taser. Ask if they will use them. Perfect for uh, get rid of someone who's going through your bag oh, it's heavy in here, it'll be you, it's a case full of microthin condoms, oh, some astroglide, do you have sex often? uh, not for two and a half years, okay? I'm going to say this is not your bag.
match purse to person lineup cut
Oh, there's a library book. Could you just open the book to me as if you were in a corner? I mean, come on, faith is really baffling me. What do you do for a living? I have a couple of part-time jobs, I cater, I wait tables, I walk dogs, but with a lot of jobs, you might be carrying a lot of things. Do you practice safe sex? I practice safe sex. Do you have sex often, all the time, all the time? This bag is faith, what an interesting material, it is a very elegant vintage model, it came from 2009 to 2014.
Okay, I have two options left, hmm, I will ask you to come, what is this? Oh, it looks like maybe a hair. brush a hairbrush go deeper go deeper friend we have a folding brush we have some blush and I also see a bottle of pills do I look like someone who needs medication? Uh, I mean, maybe I don't know, oh, I don't know. I gave off as ADHD as soon as it came out I thought it was yours just because of the white black fit some gray and black I think it would fit well this is a North Face bag this is all I needed to see to take measurements clothes you probably did that one shirt, oh my god this is a beret, oh wow, I mean come on Justin, what do you do? um, I work in healthcare, but you're in fashion, yeah, and he wears contact lenses, I could tell what that means. have to do with them you know I'm going to say two conservatives I think I have two you two are ruining me a little can you turn your back raise your hand who guessed correctly trey look oh come on I have two oh damn I'm going to take them out real quick and get those, so I'm sorry, I got you, I misunderstood you, so what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever carried in that bag?
A vibrator I've had. poured food in this bag I put food in this bag on purpose and I just throw it in the washing machine because yeah, I mean it works like it still looks good to be consumed. In fact, I was very impressed that you got the years right. I got this in 2014. from a real coach store just so you know it had something very bad in it are you trying to mess me up with Adderall saying oh it looks like I need Adderall? No, maybe I don't know, I mean, you got me right, yeah.
Come on, I decided to buy a tote bag because I think backpacks make people look like turtles. I know we walk around town looking like a ninja turtle. Yeah so I use this bag every day I go to school so that's the reason why you're so big in fashion school no eating communications okay then everyone's staying on the side yeah yeah me I love a side job I carry a sewing machine here sometimes it's there right now no, it's not oh yes, yes, you got it I was wrong, you gave me the most expensive bag and I have the cheapest bed.
Oh yeah, what makes it the cheapest bag? It was like 10 dollars. I don't like carrying things around, so this is just a little bit of stuff even with all of them. of your jobs even with all my jobs I don't like carrying things wow it's broken but it represents me yeah a broken record you guessed right can I ask why you knew so immediately? I know how important it is to support black women. Is this something you are very proud of? Do you like to show off your phone? I think so. So far they have this back safety program and it only takes a couple of months to get to you.
Have you used the Taser on anyone? I have never used a Taser on anyone. I only carry it with me just to protect myself. Yes, I'm proud of this one. You are proud of this one. Yes, you understood me correctly. Sorry, it's very difficult for you to pinpoint. I know it was a Tough, tell me about your backpack, yes I bought this in Japan. I didn't even do it as they asked me to. Many of you are someone who uses public transportation. Yes, I want to have a backpack with everything. I used to live in New York and My bag was probably as heavy as I was because as soon as you leave the house, yeah, you're not getting in the car.
How much does this bag mean to you? It means a lot to me. I actually risked my life for him before I was wearing this bag when I first got mugged, oh man, and I had a sketchbook in the bag and like I only had a couple seconds to process it and I decided I'm willing to die for this, yes, so it's beautiful, yes, you have it all. From them, right, it's the first thing we can learn about a person from their bag. um, it's an extension of them, especially when once you start going through it, you definitely learn a lot, you think you start carrying a bag after that, I mean, maybe not I don't know, I just don't, I like having me. free and loose, maybe I'll get a Taser, whatever fits in my pocket, I guess I don't know, cool, thanks, hey, thanks, line up the available set.
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