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Match The Hair to Person | Lineup | Cut

May 15, 2024
- How old are you? - I'm 32. - I thought you were 32. - Wait, why did you think I was 32? - The outfit gives millennial vibes. (interviewer laughs) - Hello. - Hello. - what is your name? - My name is Tim. - My name is Ángelo Teresiano. I am a stylist. - My name is Olivia and I am 11 years old. - Olivia, what are you doing here today? - I'm going to be guessing people's


. - Tim, what is the story of your


? - Well, I mean, I grew up in Catholic school my whole life. That's right, it always had to be less than five inches, stretched and measured.
match the hair to person lineup cut
Once I escaped that and went to college one day I thought, ah, they're not going to cut it. And I don't think I've cut it in 10 years. - When you wake up, how do you know what you want to do with your hair? -Some days I just feel like parting my afro, other days I'll just have a natural afro, like today. (interviewer laughs) - Angelo, when you meet a new client, how do you decide what kind of hairstyle they should get? - So one of the things I like to do is something called a style step, where you give them elevator eyes up and down and observe their


al style.
match the hair to person lineup cut

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match the hair to person lineup cut...

I guess I hope to be good at this. - Do you think you're going to be good at this? - No. I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings by saying their hair is different than what it is. - That's what alignment is all about, friend. I'm going to give you this iPad. It has a lot of hairstyles to choose from. - There's one here that looks like someone's skull was tattooed. - This one looks like Uncle David or Bob. - Is it a specific


or just...? - No? - Well. - This looks like my tattoo artist.
match the hair to person lineup cut
He has beautiful long dreadlocks. - I mean something to aspire to right here. - Why is that? - You know, a classic party in the back. As long as I'm invited, are you ready to get started? - Take out that first person. (bell rings) - Open your eyes. - Oh, it's fine. I can see that. (both laugh) - Hello. - Hello (incomprehensible). (Angelo laughing) - I'm Sarah. - Nice to meet you. - How are you, miss girl? - I'm fine. - What do you do for a living? - I am a full-time mom. - What is your relationship with your hair? - Fun and free.
match the hair to person lineup cut
Life is too short to have boring hair. (finger snaps) - Have you had a similar haircut for most of your life? - I changed it about four years ago. My haircut is basically a way of rebelling against my childhood. - How do you dress when you go out? - I iron my hair - Your hair? I think she might have this one right here. This bad one. - Well. So we have one. (Tim laughs) Or this. It also seems very plausible to me. -I think I'm going to opt for this one because she says she has straight hair.
And this is the most direct one I found. - He was right? It is this? - Well. - (Olivia screams) (Angelo claps) - You got it. - Yes pretty. - Tell me about your hairstyle. - I grew up in a sect. And it was all about looking a certain way, acting a certain way. And they preferred women to have super long hair and just super simple. - Why did you join the cult? - My parents joined, so I really had no choice. - That sucks. - I left there when I was 18 years old. And I just learned to be myself and go on my own journey.
And this is one of the ways to express myself. - Damn, you did it. Hell yeah. - Thank you. If I don't want to show it, I just... - Look, I can hide it. - I can do this thing I call Martha Washington. I actually don't know what her hair was like. Yes. I'm Martha Washington now. (Sarah laughs) - Hello. - Hello. - What is your name? - My name is Scott. - Hi Scott. How old is he? - I'm 32. - I thought you were 32. - Wait, why did you think I was 32? - The outfit gives millennial vibes. - What do you do for fun? - Rock climbing, I walk a lot.
I camp. - What type of hair products do you use? - I don't use hair products. - Oh, me neither. - I feel like you have curly hair. - I don't think you necessarily have Yankovic's weird curls. Amazing if you do. - You're giving off this vibe right here. - I think it's this one. - I think this is it. - I think you have dreadlocks. No! (Scott laughs) - Give us some. - A little what? -A little Yes. He Hurray. (Both laugh) Do you let your hair down naturally? - Sometimes yes. - Oh. We can see it?
You can see it well. - Thank you. - Have people ever asked to touch it? - All the time, yes. People come up and just touch it. And some people think it's fake. Has that ever happened to you? - Actually, yes. A lot. Is very annoying. Next person please. ♪ Under my umbrella ♪ ♪ She, she, eh eh ♪ Oh, hello. - Hello. - I like your style. - Thank you very much, I like your style. - Nice piercing in the nose. And the eyeliner


es the outfit. - Thank you. (snapping fingers) - What do you like to do for fun? - I like to organize elaborate theme parties. - What kind of theme parties?
What do you do for a living? - One of my favorites was a sexual innuendo themed party. - Well. (Angelo laughs) - So you dressed as a hint. - Well. Did you have a favorite? - I was a mixed salad. (Angelo laughs) I thought that was pretty clever. - I definitely don't necessarily take you with long, dyed hair. I don't think you have extremely long dreads either. - What type of hair do you think this person has? Just from the beginning? - Pigtails or bald spots. - I already have two guesses. This. That's where my first instinct goes.
But also something like this. - I'm guessing. And I don't mind making mistakes because it's about learning and growing. - Are you completely shaved? - You're right. - I knew it. Hey. (Olivia screams) - You look so good being bald too. - Thank you so much. (she snaps her fingers) -Why did you go bald? - So when I was your age, my hair started falling out. In fact I have alopecia. - Oh. - So I started losing hair when I was about eight years old. There came a point where everything was really irregular. And I felt like I didn't really have control of it.
So when I was your age I shaved my head for the first time. And it's pretty much been that long since then. - Cool. - Yeah. - A skinhead can sometimes be a little uh, at least for me as in... - Are you calling me a skinhead? - I'm not going to call you a skinhead. (Tim laughs) - I don't think I've given up my skin. - No, I think you don't either. -Does anyone ever assume you have cancer? -When he was a little boy, he was thin and pale and constantly said, "I will be praying for you." And I like it, I still get "I'll be praying for you" quite often.
And I always respond with like, thank you. Because I think I could use all the help I can get. - Sure. (both laughing) - Thank you. - Thank you. - How are you? - I am doing it right. How are you? - I'm very well. What do you think about hair? - I think it can say a lot about a person. How they present themselves, their personality. - What do you do for a living? - Work in the HVAC field. - What's that? (Angelo laughs) - HVAC. As well as air conditioning. - Oh. Well. - Ventilation then... - HVAC?
That's good money. Is there good money? - Hmm. Could be? - Are you an introvert? - For the most part, yes. - You seem like a low maintenance person. - I think I'm low maintenance. - You are low maintenance. - In an industry like HVAC, you enter people's homes or businesses. Something that looks professional. -Do any of these catch your attention? - I think we're going with this. - I think this is it? - No offense. I'm right? He hurrays. I was right. - Have you ever thought about letting it grow? Skol style? - What style? - Do it.
You just leave it long and even if it's a little shorter on top, it's sick looking. - Yes. If I had more hair on top I would definitely let it grow. I definitely like having my hair a little more shaggy. Do you think I could achieve a skol? - I think anyone should wear a skol. It's a hard look. If you want to go the skoler route, get a leather jacket. - Yes. Oh, yes, definitely. - Up there. Nice to meet you brother. - Yes, thanks. - What did you like for fun? - I like hiking and you know, climbing. - How long have you had the hair you have now? - For six years. - Six years?
And was it something that you had to work a lot on to make it look like it is? - No, not really. - It is giving intubular vibrations. -Has anyone, whether to your face or online, ever told you, "This guy's hairstyle isn't relaxed. It's not for me." - My mom has said it several times. - My mom too. - How do people see your hair and what do they think? - They see my impressive hair. And sometimes they wish they had hair like mine. - Do people think you want to spend time in Jamaica or that you are fascinated by Jamaica? (Tim laughs) - I've never been asked that. - Well. -He is this guy.
It just has to be that way. I know. I just know it. (Angelo laughs) - I'm going to do curls. - My final guess is this color. Can I just say this? I really don't like the look of white people or Caucasians. I feel like it can be annoying sometimes. Just like us, we create that hairstyle. No offense. No offense. - None taken. - Was that good? - Hit me with the truth, honey. Oh, damn it! - Well. I see the hair move. What do you think of what I just said? - No, I hear it often.
But then I also hear the same thing saying: "But he looks great on," you know, on me. -Have other people, black people, made comments like that to you before? - No, but two black women who work with dreadlocks asked me if they would do my maintenance, because they are very intrigued because, you know, I have locks that long. - That's great. (the man laughs) Thanks for showing your hairstyle. - You are welcome. -Did talking to him change your perception of dreadlocks and white people at all? - No. (people laugh) - Hello. - Hello. - What do you work at? - I work at a non-profit educational organization as a program manager. - What do you think of all these hairstyles? - Well, you can't let her choose. (Interviewer laughs) - How long does it take you to take care of your hair? - I would say maybe 30 minutes. - I look at you and I don't necessarily see what Rachel Maddow's type of look is. - May I ask your ethnicity? - What do you think my ethnic origin is? - Oh Lord.
As always, how old am I? Or how much weight? (The lady laughs) Are there Indians there? - Yes there are. - Well well. - Actually I'm surprised I understood it. Yes. - You're Indian and um... - And black. (the lady laughs) - And black. Well well. So that would definitely equate to this hair texture. - I think we have this beautiful style. - That's your final guess? - Yes it is. Show me your hair. (Olivia screams) Yes. I was right. Oh my God. This looks very nice on you. - Did you do any color here?-- - It's color and it's a balayage right now.
So balayage is like having little highlights. - Well. - Up here. But there is more color at the bottom. - Seeing balayage sounds like a tap dance step to me. How I do balayage. (both laugh) - When people see you on the street, what do they say to you? Do they try to touch your hair? - In the past, when I was younger, everyone would come and touch my hair, but they don't do that anymore. So I like that. I don't like people touching my hair. - Thank you for sharing the story of your hair and hers.
Bye bye. - Thank you. - Did any of these hairstyles inspire you? - Think about maybe going to a person who does hair once to see what they're all about. Do some whatever, balayage or whatever. (interviewer laughs) - What did you think of that? - I had fun. - Did you learn anything about hair? - No. (interviewer laughs) - What do you like about hair, Angelo? - You are in people's bubble. Then I work in a private room with a client. So I learn a lot. We know everything about them. Things their husbands and wives don't know.
It's something very, very private and personal.

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