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Mario, but put your finger here?! - BTG Reacts to Hilarious Level UP videos!

Jun 29, 2024
cool enemy, have you ever been in a real Mario game, that's a cool idea? I like it, if it's not in a Mario game, it should be. We have a door. Coins. We have to collect all the coins. Animations to


up. You have to get all the coins. Boom, oopsy, oopsy, we need three lives. I mean, really, we only need one life and just to get through this, this could be in that


up game, sure this is definitely one that you could turn into a level up pretty easily. I feel like even though you have to make a custom piranha bomb, piranhas are cool and shoot rocky keys.
mario but put your finger here   btg reacts to hilarious level up videos
No I don't get it, but I like Rocky Wrench shooting Bob Piranha Bobob What would you call piranha bomb plants? We need a good name for them. You just died. T


is only one life left. Very good, two. A UPS. Now we have three lives. We need 10. coins I don't know how many we have t


is no counter on the screen I had 10 now it's okay, great, claw, more coins, power block, high explosive powder ahead, oh holy cow, I didn't see the red bomb coming, the piranha is maybe even scarier than the other one we saw, wavy bars, oh the fuse is running out, come on, come on, yeah. get out of there bye I did it we did it I thought we were going to explode too woohoo that was awesome okay the next reaction suggestion comes from the user damn these names or W9 tx5t w1y said please Please, please, what is everything? today react to put



here leveling up okay so we have to put our


on the screen to play with more.
mario but put your finger here   btg reacts to hilarious level up videos

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mario but put your finger here btg reacts to hilarious level up videos...

I'm going to have to find a way to record this where it makes sense. I'm going to switch to this camera recording my monitor. The quality will probably be very good, but this will be fun. Come on. I'm going to do my best here. Come on. Team level up. Alright, put


finger on the screen. Put your finger here okay, so after recording this I realized I could take a random arm I found on the internet and place it over the video so you have an idea of ​​what it would look like and I can keep the quality high.
mario but put your finger here   btg reacts to hilarious level up videos
I'm going to do that with this random arm I found, enjoy, okay, put your figure here, here we go, ah Mar is looking at my finger, he's trying to jump on it, what are you doing? This is amazing, he looks confused, okay, put your finger. here, it's okay, oh, we tripped him, oh, he's not happy, he's not, he hit my arm with noodles on my finger, where do we put his finger now? Okay, I don't see any place to put your coins in your fingers, oh yeah, touch them two, one, oh, we. BR, we throw the coins into the lava.
mario but put your finger here   btg reacts to hilarious level up videos
Sorry, Mario leveled up and told me to do it. Put your finger here, okay, boom. Okay, that prevents anything from coming out. Good. Put your finger here, boom. It's unbelievable, she can't cope because of my hand, there are still fireballs in her, she can't get through, I'm sorry, I'm Mario, he threw his hat on the ground, what's okay, okay, slide three two one, oh, what We took out, that was good, okay? What's happening? Play here three two one boom. Oh, we closed the door. Bowser put his finger here. Okay, it's a little difficult to get there.
Swipe three two one. This is very funny. I mean, I realized we're not really doing it, but it's really cool. put your finger here oh we block why are we working for Bowser why are we working for Bowser now what's your finger here boom no ax for you Mario slide three two one so cool two one we got it back thanks barium but our princess in another castle , a Mama Mia who pretends to be a toad, that was it, it was great, okay, I love it. This will conclude our reaction suggestions for today if you managed to watch the entire video, new secret code, jacket if you type jacket. in the comments below, I know you watched the entire video and realize I suddenly have a jacket on for no apparent reason.
Okay, let me know which video I should react to. Then in the comments below, if you enjoyed the video, be sure to hit it. the like button up if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell that way you will know when I post new


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