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What if EVERYONE had RANDOM inputs in Mario Party?

Jun 29, 2024
I've created


is possibly the stupidest robot to ever play Mario Party. All it knows how to do is completely



without any logic. His name is Randy and today I invited Randy's three cousins, Randolph rre and b


, to see


happens. when


has random entries in each minimum game, starting with a shuffle shuffle, okay let's see how this goes, yeah, I don't know what I was expecting to bomb and I have a feeling this one won't go much better. at least brandom survived, well guys this is simple, all you have to do is raise the same flag that the shy guy who follows is crazy.
what if everyone had random inputs in mario party
Cutters, let's see what beautiful creations the Randys came up with, good job Randy. We go to Tipsy Turny which is a nice and safe environment for hornies to play without getting hurt and it looks like this is going to be a win for Randol. You know, it doesn't really matter if your controls are confused if Anyway, we're confused all the time oh hey Brandom actually got one and uh one is good enough to win okay bumper balls here we go it's well, there goes Randy and rre and there goes Brandom, what were those three? 3 seconds, well, maybe they last longer. on hot jump rope let's see ooh this one should be good this is like the equivalent of giving your kids fireworks and telling them to have fun in the backyard huh Rand Drew you might want to look the other way , friend, but he looks like him.
what if everyone had random inputs in mario party

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what if everyone had random inputs in mario party...

The strategy ended up working because


survived. Well, now this one is more like giving your kids scissors and locking them all in a cage together. Oh, nice try. Rand Drew, okay, let's see what you've got. Randy. Okay, it looks like Spin Attack isn't. This time it doesn't work, Brandom goes for a first approach up the rear, now bold, move to sneak and snore now and yeah, that's not going to be enough. It looks like Randy is the last one left, but unfortunately for him there are only moral victories in this one. I don't see many twists here, but who knows, maybe you guys know what you're doing.
what if everyone had random inputs in mario party
Here's one that I know you can definitely do, just take your time to look at all the different colors here and Randu goes right into his own color, although I like the Stratocaster, it doesn't matter, it's okay, again Randy, you don't always have to choose the first option. Next we have Asphalt Legends Joins today's sponsor as Asph Fall is a free arcade racing game. with action, jumps, spins and three levels of nitro, so let's see how Randy does anyway. Asphalt Legends Unite releases on July 17 and there are plenty of cool-looking hypercars to unlock along with a new garage to show off your entire collection. and although there are over 250 to collect, I've been pushing the asphalt team to add one more custom design, but we'll have to wait and see on that.
what if everyone had random inputs in mario party
Another great advantage of Unite is that it has fully cross-platform multiplayer and is available everywhere, we are talking, switch, PS5 and 4, Xbox, PC and mobile devices, you can really play with anyone at any time and on any device, the Toaster is not confirmed, although the release of the Asphalt Legend drive is still a few weeks away, all your Asphalt 9 Legends progress will be transferred automatically ending on July 17, so if you want to get a head start, download Asphalt 9 Legends now using the link in the description and also help me add Randy mobile to the game. Well, thanks now again to another action-packed racing game. slot car derby, okay everyone spins at the start, interesting strategy you know, I'm glad whoever organized this race brought them to heaven here where no one else can get hurt anyway, looks like Ry has an advantage Pretty comfortable here, uh, slowing down. down at the end to make it interesting, but that's a win.
The next step is roll call and I know Randy has been working on his counting skills, but I'm not so sure about his cousins. I guess practice makes up for a disadvantage. having random entries is that you lose your ability to differentiate between fruits and beehives Randy take this one now here you have to be careful not to fall off the end of the mountain good job Randolph okay let's take them back to a closed area now . This enclosed area also has dangerous pointy shells, but I'm sure you'll be fine, bounce and hit them now. I'm seeing a lot of bounces but not that many, so this one is called Storm.
Hunters, but I don't think the Rands realize that they are the ones supposed to chase, now is the time to behold the great Rand Drew, wow, Randy is not afraid at all. Winn, okay guys, time to show off those swimming skills. Look at it, how about we try some golf? Instead, we just have to get the ball as close to the hole as possible. You've got this, hm, a little bit off there, okay, Randolph, so you want to put a little less on it than what Randy just did honestly. that might be good enough to win, okay, randu uh brandom's turn and, oh, that's actually good enough to win, it's time for our annual high-speed donkey race, here we go, you know, If the race was allowed to last three days we might get a winner, but unfortunately they have to close the track.
Next up is a fuzzy memory and, oh, Rand drew, that was actually already in the right place, but that's okay, you can keep it for a while. Good job, everyone is fine, let's see who made it. best drawing skills now, this is like grading babies on how well they draw between the lines, but it's time for the results. I think we finally found Rand Drew's true calling, yeah now to the Randy family crush simulator okay nevermind brandom is Crazy next we have Paths of Danger or in this case uh just a path of danger . I just hope these lacatus get paid overtime this time for some baseball now and what does that say even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while?
After a while, apparently even Randy can hit a home run now and then, except for Rand Drew on Leaf's jump and right away I have to say I'm impressed that they're managing to jump over any Leaf. I thought everyone would look like Randolph down there, he's fine guys, and this one needs to avoid the penguins and not fall into the water either. Well, at least Ry has it down now, yes, to Cony Island, where the ice cream phobia seems to run rampant. in the family, oh except Brandom, I guess he really likes mint chocolate chips and who can blame him next.
We are going around in circles for 5 hours and yes this is going to take a while, 5 hours later you guys have to do it. Being so dizzy at this point, how are you even standing? Okay, here we go, yeah, okay, NightLight, scary, so for this one you want to wait, hold on as long as possible, good job Rand, okay, time for another high speed run, here we go. Well, it looks like the penguins in the middle are licking the horny ones, but that's okay, oh, that's very nice of you Randy, I guess I wanted Brandom to win this one oh, this is fun, uh, it's only five guys running together randomly playing postman and I have to say Brandom is really starting to pull away now okay so for this one make sure you take your time and know that's why Brandom keeps winning guys oh wait that's actually a win for Randy.
Sorry for doubting you, this game is called. what's going up and I can tell you for sure what's not going up eh everyone but apparently it's time to go snowboarding okay Randy show them how it's done let's see those turns okay I guess this is more of a game Randolph type on Wacka Randy. and it looks like these moles are having trouble keeping up with the sheer randomness that's going on here. It looks like Brandom will take this one with a massive two second score and yeah, okay, next we have the final countdown. Good job Brandom, yeah, okay guys, let's see some speed.
Okay, actually this is interesting, although we've never seen Randy finish this one because the game always ends once three people finish punching. Ooh, he's going to be close, come on. You can't do it, there's no way to escape in this one, you want to try to find the right door that will take you to the next level. Look, Randolph is clear, wait, he's actually crazy, he could escape to be okay and he's back upstairs. It was fun while I lasted well, we have to count a little more, you know, with enough practice, I'm sure Randy will get a perfect score one of these times, maybe today will be the day, well that's still a win, yeah Okay, time for Team Randy. for a photo, so if you could stop hitting each other for a moment and look towards the camera, okay, in Rapid River Race, where the only fast thing happening here is the speed at which the pointy balls are hit, It looks like However, we have a close race between Randy and Randolph and Randy takes home the win.
Then we have a facelift where there is not much of a facelift. Rand Drew managed to wiggle an eyebrow and Brandom threw in a chinlock at the last second, so let's see if that changed the scores at all, okay, I guess it would have been better to not do anything with Dark and Crispy and listen up. I know Bowser is scary, but you guys will have to be brave and now let's end freedom. -all games by throwing them all into a pit with giant spiked balls, you are welcome to the 1 on 3 game that begins with the Piranha chase suit, so close that Randy almost escapes, there now for each of these 1 against 3 that I will give to everyone. a chance to be the chosen one and award a point for each solo win, the problem is that the random entries make a lot of these games very one-sided, so of the 17 1v3 games, six of them have practically wins guaranteed like the solo, on the other hand, four of them heavily favor the group of three and then there's a tug of war, hey, at least they don't have Palms, they have to worry about getting trashed, so that leaves four games they had split results on Look Away Randolph. he took advantage of the fact that his giant head was out of frame, which could have helped him win.
He also ended up being the only person at the tackle who understood that he was supposed to run into the end zone. Meanwhile, he revealed another of his hidden talents: being a gold sticker while everyone else allowed 10 goals, Rand Drew only allowed four and finally Randy showed everyone else why he is the biggest psychopath of them all, being the only one to blow up all three pipes, yes, and that brings us to the 2v2 games. Let's start the race, here we go, okay, this might take a while, okay, we're almost there, just a little bit more, come on, you guys are so close, yeah, let's go Randy, and I'm so proud of you guys, maybe handar havoc will do it. go better, how about dungeon Dash?
It seems like they have their synchronized swimming moves, at least okay, speed hockey, there has to be a winner in this one, you know, despite all the goals in their own goals, I have to say that this is so. the most normal looking minigame, we have received this full video, listen up guys to win the balloon. But first they need to pump fast but not too fast, okay, maybe a little faster than that, although now we go to Cake Factory and honestly, pretty impressive the consistency with which everyone misses every cake and strawberry, oh, there it is You got Randy, okay, it's time for another race, let's see how this one goes, well, it looks like the planes are moving, so that's a good sign, oh no, you guys, come on, I just finished rebuilding that Tower, please.
Please try to avoid it, okay, home stretch, it's actually a pretty close race. Randy and Randolph hugging the left wall. Rand Drew and Brandom hugging right, but it looks like Team Randy will take this one. games that require teamwork and coordination, it turns out that completely random


may not be the best strategy, oh, actually it was a little close, so you guys have fun swinging on that tree or else, eat some pizza, this one will be Interesting, Randy. and his cousins ​​are known to be light eaters, but it looks like Randolph was ready to feast on Dungeon Duos today and if any of you watching at home ever end up locked in a dungeon for any reason, just pray he doesn't have to trust on any of these guys to help you escape from a bomb in reverse, this is simple, all you have to do is press the buttons when they are lit, okay, I don't know how you managed not to turn around. a single B bomb, but honestly that's pretty impressive and I guess everyone blowing up makes them all winners, listen on this one, what you want to do is avoid the spinning, pointy pole, good job brandom, onto Rocky Road and I wonder if even being able to break a single rock in this one, yeah this is definitely going to be a draw, a good kick though Randy, that was pretty sweet and for the last 2v2 game it looks like Randy and Randolph are going for some kind not to shoot. anyPaint Stratocaster so let's see how that plays out in the coin minigames now with hammer drop okay that didn't last long then we have Castaways and okay we have a great catch of Brandom here all he has to do now is Roll it up, just roll it up, he didn't roll it up on the umbrella drop and as you can see there's a lot of super high level strategies here and that last second bag of five coins gives Randy the win so for this. one, you guys are going to want to open as many boxes as you can, just go ahead and open them, Randy, okay, but what do I know?
Because Randy ended up winning this one too, okay, money in quicksand, you guys want to make sure you don't. Don't get too close to the middle or they'll swallow you okay yeah so this is an easy win for everyone as the solo on the other side River Raiders is difficult for the solo the only thing being attacked here are logs on the expensive. true, so I'm not sure if it needs to be said, but the goal here is not how many times you can fall off conveyor belts, oh there you go Randy, believe it or not, a bag of five coins was enough to turn Randy into the only winner of this game.
Yeah, let's go to Puddle Paddle, where rre and Brandom are working here collecting coins. Randy and Randolph, meanwhile, are trying. the best thing now this is a game that is definitely suitable for random entries it is quite difficult to lose these coins this one goes to team Randy the next one is the winner or dinner and let me tell you that it is good that you do not lose coins for getting hurt In this game too It's a good thing there aren't any, I don't know, giant sand tornadoes going through this area, oh no, okay, let's move on to volleyball and I can already tell it's going to be good, now that Randy has it.
A monster service, but can be a little erratic with its accuracy. Same goes for Brandom and apparently not Randolph, although he now has that magic volleyball touch for ice hockey and let's have a good CLE game here. Randy shooting right away, oh Brandom. Also, these guys are crazy, hey hey, what did I say about having a clean game and eliminating those difficult things that don't attack the goalie? Now he's just trying to do his job. Oh yeah, so this is a tie with Shell Soccer. and let me tell you straight up that this was the Randolph and Brandom show after a quick Brandom goal.
Randolph ripped off a pair of his own and that's when Andrew decided to join in on the action, but he also forgot which team he was playing for. but that's okay because Brandon put the team on his back until the game was finally tied at six, which means the next goal wins, okay, uh, rre's playing on the grass in the far corner, Randolph with the fake shot to true shot combo to finish this kindergarten. The next stylish soccer game is Mario's Puzzle Party and on the surface it seems like a game that requires a lot of strategy, but I can assure you that the random inputs actually work very well for this one.
I guess not for now, although after a little time. combos Randy takes the win and is close to Randolph, we go to the 1v1 minigames now and with only six left we will focus on Randy and Brandom for these as Randolph and rre are way behind so let's go. look who's really the best random B once and for all uh starting with Tick Tock hop starting with Vine with me actually Randy is cooking on this one but unfortunately there's a time limit okay although Mass Meteor is guaranteed to have a winner, so let's go. Look how this one goes at the halfway mark, we have a very close race here.
I mean, they're still crashing into almost all the meteors, but that's aside from the point, what matters is who will get there first in the end and it looks like they're going to go. to be brandom, as long as he gets through that ring, here we go now with only three games left and brandom is up two points, if he wins just one more minigame he will officially become the ultimate chance champion, but it looks like Randy is going to do it . take this one to stick and spin and if Randy can win this one we will have sudden death as well.
Winner takes all in the final minigame, let's see if he can pull it off. I have to be honest with you, I still don't. I really know the strategy for this game besides connecting similar colored balls. I mean, maybe that's all there is to it so far, although it seems like Randy is doing a better job compared to Brandom. Oh yeah, it looks like Brandom might be in Trouble here, I think we're going to see a deciding 100th miname and what better way to decide the king of randomness than with a high speed race, so Randy is spinning like crazy absolute from the start with Brandom slightly behind.
Normally you don't want to hit these electrical currents, but it really doesn't matter much to these two psychopaths. Oh, Randy actually dodges one, although that's pretty big. The key here now will be who can drive over the most boost pads. Randy has a pretty comfortable lead, so Brandom will need to start hitting a little more, but that's not happening for him despite a great performance from Brandom. I'm proud to award the title of Ultimate Randomness Champion to our boy Randy. Thank you so much for watching and if you want more content from Randy in the future, be sure to subscribe and let me know in the comments what you'd like me to do next.
Okay, I'll see you in the next one.

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