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ManningCast reacts to Broncos horrible ending

May 05, 2024
Sutton Sutton oh yeah, a good spot fourth and five is doable, we've got three timeouts, look, I could use one here, let's use one, let's talk about this one, let's talk about this one, they'll try to draw them, they can try to draw them. Off the sides I might try to get them off the sides You don't have much outside Well, you don't want to waste that much time I don't think it's early Hey, look, he seemed unstable Sutton doesn't know what he's doing, hurry up Okay, so you burned 30 seconds, a lot time, a lot of time wasted right there to call it dead time.
manningcast reacts to broncos horrible ending
Paige, yeah, because even now, if you get five yards, I mean, you still get two timeouts, but you have to get it. a few yards they're going to kick it they're going to kick it look what they're kicking right here kicking the field goal right here wait let's see how far these two yards are 63 yards what I'm def


in this uh here we go you have to do it the color it's that sweater 60 more it's time to ask yes Seattle has ice Seattle is going to freeze there is this practice kick is good good practice had the distance right here good for him him oh he can do it he has the leg, oh this is the age of the kicker Peyton what these guys are doing, hitting 60 yards, that's hitting the back of the net, you know, when you first came into the League, nobody kicked 60 yards even at the end of the even at the end of the game that They were throwing the Hail Mary laughs, the Hail Mary had always been intercepted too and they gave you three interceptions on the day.
manningcast reacts to broncos horrible ending

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manningcast reacts to broncos horrible ending...

I like the kicking approach, okay, he started this on the right, up, right, um, this mess on the left, I told him. start that write upright then hook right away it's undefeated undefeated I'm calling out what they should have done did you hear me say start that right upright because he hooked the first one so he started on the right oh he did he didn't starts long enough, Payton has to be out, that's the old golf shot. You have to start with about four balls out of the hole. It's interesting in the game. I mean.
manningcast reacts to broncos horrible ending

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