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Making a Gym in Minecraft

Jun 04, 2021
Put it this way I'm not currently an athlete 2019 has been a very busy year you know a lot has been going on we have a house we have a dog. I've been working really hard on these Minecraft YouTube videos. I have been working hard on the film channel. videos too and that means I haven't been able to go to the gym as often. I've also been living almost exclusively on pizzas, burgers and sweets for the past few months, but let's not mention that it's clearly time for a change. Okay, so I feel motivated. Okay, I'll put on my gym shorts.
making a gym in minecraft
I'll put on my workout gear. I'm going to get my Fitbit and build a gym in Minecraft. That seems like a good step. It is not like this? I mean, it's surely a step in the right direction. Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can already feel the weight coming off. This is the area we're working with here now, all the gyms I'm at. I've ever had some sort of shift style system where you have to scan your gym card and then the shift styles will move so I'll try my best to recreate it in Minecraft, I'm not entirely sure how to do that .
making a gym in minecraft

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making a gym in minecraft...

I'm still going to do it, but I actually think I came up with something relatively clever. No, it's not like that. You couldn't put any elements inside here, but it's like a twist style that I can do. I currently can't get through this door, okay and then I tied my block and the spin style changes and then it does this. I think the system could be a little smarter, maybe there's no way to swipe items. Minecraft, that's the thing, except there's something like that and this system is considerably less bulky, so let's say, for example, this is my ID card.
making a gym in minecraft
I walk up to her, swipe my thing, pick up my ID card that allows me access to the gym, I think. This is the way to go and it looks nice, especially now that I'm fully prepared with a receptionist and motivational messages on the door. I mean, you know it definitely doesn't have much weight on its face. Beautiful bone structure. You can see the cheekbones, everything anyway, now that that's done, it's time to move on to the gym and I'm thinking the first thing we're going to build is the free weights area, which is going somewhere around here, so let's get ready with a handful of benches, I would actually say if we have a bench here then we can have a highway bench here, but this will be the one that is designed specifically for the bench press and I have this stupid idea of ​​how this could work and I really hope that works as well as it does in my head about 10 minutes later.
making a gym in minecraft
Oh, that looks so ridiculous. I mean, I wish I hadn't thought there was any movement here. My boy seems very calm about this whole situation, doesn't he? He says, yeah, this is what's going on, oh, that's totally ridiculous on the right bench press like an absolute champion, okay, let's try something slightly different, I don't know if this is funny, I don't know which one I prefer two. I'm also curious to know how much you think two cubic meters of slime really weighs, because I mean two cubic meters of anything has to weigh quite a bit. Two cubic meters of water is 2000 kilograms, so it has to be a pretty decent squat.
I mean, this is just amazing, isn't it? It's almost as if the anvil was designed to be awake. Look at that, look at that weight rack back there. It couldn't be more perfect anyway, we need more stuff in our gym. How about us? I have a section for things like yoga mats, so we have a few of those. I'd say three and on one of them I'm going to try to set this up so we can do a few pushups, not 100. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but I like the idea. Okay, this, this, this, could be, this could be the good option, I mean, it's the most ridiculous thing ever, but in a way it's like I'm doing something like this. push-ups, I mean, don't get me wrong, if I saw someone at the gym I would look at them very confused and then probably quickly leave to never go back to that gym again, but that worked, so with those three in place, now we have this big space here, which is the only space we have left for more equipment and I've been doing my best to think of cool things we can do that are a little compelling using Redstone.
One of them is Battle Rope, so you know the ropes. you move a little bit and then also treadmills, okay, both are doable. I'm just wondering, which one would be more fun to build? I would say battle ropes, if you don't know what they are I suggest you look them up because My description of how they shake them probably isn't very good and I think this should work so if I throw some items in this hopper here, I don't know if That's what I expected, I mean it. If you only look at the end rods, fine, if you only look at the end rods, then that has worked, but the pistons are quite distracting, aren't they?
Clearly I haven't connected this lever to anything. Okay, treadmills. I think this is a monster treadmill, it looks absolutely huge but it's great and works well. I mean, I don't have to work that hard on it. Look, I can do it the other way around. I can do it sideways. I'm a bit of a pro at staffing this treadmill, but it works and is working, so I'd say we already have all of our gym equipment ready. Now we have to add all the details that happen in a gym. First, we need some hits. techno which, as I think is pretty clear, was the first time I said that phrase and probably the last time I'll say that phrase too.
I think it's a very good impression of what's usually played at my gym. something a bit like this, I mean who listens to this kind of stuff, but seriously, that's the kind of music that plays in my gym, seriously, does anyone listen to it outside the gym? Anyway, I'm confused, I'm glad it's installed, but I'm also glad it's turned off now. We have this area up here that I really need to decide what we're going to do with and one thing I just realized is that I haven't really given anyone a way to get here maybe we could have a ladder there I want I mean, that might be the measure because I intend to put non-gym things in there, so I would say the number one thing has to be some kind of coffee shop now.
I'm trying to think how I could do this in a cool red stone form with absolutely no space to work with, well I guess we need some way to get in and out so we can have a trapdoor to one. side, but that's not really Redstoney, I mean, it just lets us in and it doesn't work, that was by far the most embarrassing thing I think I've ever done in a Redstone video. Well, now that it's actually on a solid block, this does work, uh, what else do you have? Some brewing stands, obviously, for brewing coffee and things like that, uh, I mean, it's a little difficult, I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I guess we could have some things.
There I mean we could ah I would say this is probably good enough, so we have some nice details and things. We have a little villager who is


all the coffee. This is a nice little cafe you would have. The inside of the gym is nice, so we can move on from that and we can work on something that I think is pretty important up here, which is the sauna, the steam room. Now I need to figure out how we're going to do it. kind of segment this from the rest of the construction, I mean, this feels very piratey, okay, so we can remove it, we could actually install it as a full wall that goes through everything here and then we have to figure something out because we have a little bit of space here, oh, this is perfect, so we can use this space here to install some of the pieces and then we can have it as an entrance.
This is fine and then we have to decide what we are going to do. Up here now, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this idea yet, but I'm going to play with it because the way the build works doesn't look that good unless I do something. well, I would say it looks pretty good, so if we fill this in now with white glass, ah, it's a little messy, you might have to have a glass block, maybe that will make things better or that's still going to do it worse, oh that makes it even worse, oh that's so frustrating because it was almost a good solution, but it turns out that a really good solution is actually just breaking a block there, I honestly thought it would look horrible, but I thought it would I would try before destroying everything and that makes it work.
It actually looks pretty cool now in terms of the inside of this thing. I mean we don't really need to do too much like we could just have Oh I guess we could run we could walk across here to have a super sauna I mean how much more do we need to do how much more happens in saunas really I don't go to them, I always find it a little strange and I don't really like being hot, well that's weird, you can't see the smoke through the glass, there has to be a use for that or something before I distract yourself with all kinds of ideas, this place is already finished.
I finished building the gym and I have to say I'm really impressed with it. I think it worked very well. We have swivel style systems. We have all kinds of different exercise machines, each one of which is absolutely hilarious, we have several different coffee shops, we have saunas, all that stuff and the building itself ended up looking really nice. Looks like a legit gym. Anyway, I'm proud of myself on this one. I hope you enjoyed it. video and I'll see you guys in the next one see you this is one of those ideas for a video that just came to me and I started building it right away and it was a ridiculous idea for a video now that I think back on it I mean.
How silly some of those exercise machines looked. They were probably some of the funniest moves I've ever seen my Minecraft character do.

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