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Majority of Independents Want Trump to Drop Out After Guilty Verdict, MTG Melts Down: A Closer Look

Jun 12, 2024
-MAGA Republicans are reacting to Donald Trump's



by demanding retaliation while claiming it will actually help him win the election, but new polls suggest otherwise. To learn more about this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ Donald Trump is now a convicted felon after being found


of all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush payment to an adult film star in order to defraud voters during the 2016 election. .There's no second part to that, I just... ...I just like saying the words, you know? Donald Trump is a convicted felon and that is just a fact.
majority of independents want trump to drop out after guilty verdict mtg melts down a closer look
It's not an exaggeration. It is not an ad hominem attack. They are true words. You know, Trump fans often criticize a show like this, saying that all the material is "Orange Man bad." Not only is the Orange Man evil, the Orange Man convicted by a jury of his peers. Is Orange Man Month bad? Yes. The orange man has a very bad month. Now, obviously having the standard-bearer of his political party facing the prospect of an imminent prison sentence after a felony conviction doesn't seem like ideal news. But Republicans have been consoling themselves by claiming that this will actually help Trump. -Thats false.
majority of independents want trump to drop out after guilty verdict mtg melts down a closer look

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majority of independents want trump to drop out after guilty verdict mtg melts down a closer look...

And politically, I think that will help President Trump. -So he's clearly going to use this, um, to his advantage rhetorically in the election campaign, he thinks it helps. What do you think? -Eh, that's right. -This helps Donald Trump. -This conviction has just ensured that Donald Trump will be our 47th president on November 5. -Did they wake up a sleeping giant here? -They really did it. It has been a great failure. Like the cigarette that explodes. -Like many things they have tried in the last seven or eight years, this is going to backfire. When you are in the media center of New York, this seems like the center of the universe.
majority of independents want trump to drop out after guilty verdict mtg melts down a closer look
But if you're out there and you go to a coffee shop in North Dakota this morning and you're a farmer who gets up and drives 10 miles to go into town for coffee at 5:00 in the morning before you come back and farm the whole country by yourself. day, you know, it's the... if it's the big trial, you'd be like "guilty or innocent." This morning they said, "What was the crime? What was this all about?" -That was North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, whose name sounds like a dirty word a farmer would use if a horse got loose. "Who left the door open, Doug Burgum!" So let me see if I understand.
majority of independents want trump to drop out after guilty verdict mtg melts down a closer look
You think New Yorkers are out of touch, but are you the ones who think farmers drive 10 miles into the city for coffee every morning? "Yeah, I just can't get in my John Deere until I've had my triple shot, extra foam macchiato, and a couple of cake pops. What do you mean? What do you mean there's no more cake pops? Doug Burgum?" " I'm sure... I'm sure farmers have coffee makers. They also have televisions and computers. This is not medieval Europe of the 12th century. Have you been to a farm lately? Now they have robots that milk the cows.
You can control it via Wi-Fi from your tablet. In fact, every time you fill a bucket with milk, you get an extra life in Candy Crush. But my favorite example of MAGA weirdos claiming that the guilty


would simply make Trump stronger came from Fox host Jesse Watters, who chose a very strange analogy. -Democrats believe that locking up Trump locks up the United States first, but that is not the case. He makes it stronger. Have you ever seen the corpses of inmates? -What... What an interesting question that I hope you've never asked within 500 feet of a school.
No, I have n-- And you? Under what circumstances did you see the bodies of the inmates? It's not cool when your pro-Trump talking points sound like the fifth most popular search on Pornhub. Plus...there's no way Trump's going to get mad. First of all, he is a 77-year-old man who would be starting from scratch. The only workout he's ever done is when he lifts those two invisible dumbbells. That's what it


s like when you do jumps with zero inches of vertical. And besides, prison is not like Ozempic. It is not a recipe that you take what makes you fit.
You still have to do the exercise. What are you talking about? Are you thinking of JK Simmons in "Oz"? Because that's a television show. He didn't go crazy in prison. He became a fan in real life. Look at this dude. JK is short for "jacked." Forget Hunter Biden. If anyone should be in court on weapons charges, it's this guy. But I'm not here to do "A Closer Look" about how angry JK Simmons is, but if the news could slow down for a day, I will. This man is 69 years old. He could crush me like a tin can.
The MAGA world is so strange and pathetic. They spend their time fantasizing about Trump walking out of prison with bulging lats and six-pack abs, because they already know my boy Trump has leg-jumping day. If he ever started lifting weights, he'd end up


ing like a mismatched action figure in a GI Joe t-shirt and a Mr. Potato Head bottom. We didn't do that! We stole it from Jesse Watters' vision board. So the GOP's position is that voters are too dumb or disinterested to care about the verdict, and also that if they did care, they would actually be more likely to vote for Trump.
And on both counts, early data suggests they are very wrong. First, interest in the trial skyrocketed once the verdict was announced. -Throughout this entire essay, I've been looking at the numbers, and Americans really didn't seem to care much, did they? But yesterday something very different happened. So take a look here. Google searches for Donald Trump increased (look at this percentage) 3,233% more at the time of the conviction compared to the hour before, okay? The Americans were really interested in this verdict. This lifts Trump's Google searches to a post-presidential high on Thursday. So Americans may not have been interested before, but they were definitely very, very interested in this verdict on Thursday. -And that's not to mention the increase in Trump Google searches "does jail magically make you strong?" So now Americans are getting interested in Trump's guilty verdict, and early polls suggest that, surprisingly, being a convicted felon isn't actually a political asset. -50% of Americans surveyed by Ipsos say this is the correct verdict.
Only 27% say they don't think it's the right verdict, the right outcome, and nearly half the country thinks Trump should end his campaign based on this alone. And it's even more surprising if we simply look at those who don't like either President Biden or former President Trump, the so-called double enemies who could be so critical in this election. Among those voters, 65% believe this was the correct verdict and 67%, two-thirds, think he should really end his campaign. -More than half of


, 52%, believe that the jury reached the correct conclusion and believe that it should end Donald Trump's campaign in 2024.
These figures are even higher among the so-called double enemies, who are voters with unfavorable views of both Trump and President Biden. -So more than half of


say Trump should retire, which is bad for Trump. But also, there's now a whole new group of voters called Double Haters? Which seems just bad for America. "George, we polled all the major groups of voters: the double haters, the nose-holders, and the worriers, nothing matters anymore." Seriously, can you imagine the five-alarm firestorm Democrats would currently be having if poll results said that more than half of independents


ed Joe Biden to


They're desperately trying to get Joe Biden out of the White House by telling him there's free ice cream across the street and then replacing him with Obama in a pair of aviators, just hoping no one notices. "Uh, it's me, uh, Joe Biden. I'm not kidding. I took the, uh, Amtrak here. No kidding. No kidding, Jack." But Republicans are not reacting to the verdict with introspection and wondering if they have the right candidate. In fact, they are having the opposite reaction. They demand immediate retaliation against Democrats. -This weekend, Republican Senator Marco Rubio tweeted, “fight fire with fire.” -It is a terrible, terrible path they are taking us down, and it is very possible that it will have to happen to them. -Are all Republican-controlled House committees using their subpoena power in all the necessary ways right now?
Are all Republican district attorneys launching all the investigations they need right now? -President Biden should be prepared because on January 20 of next year, when it is former President Joe Biden, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. -Right now, today, we should vote to impeach Joe Biden. Oh, but no, none of that is happening here in Washington, DC, because Republicans continually have their heads up their asses. -You may be angry about it, Marjorie, but affirmers are still one of Trump's most trusted voting blocs, along with chaos lovers and people who hate him but hate paying taxes more.
So why are you all scared? I thought this was a gift. I thought this was all going to backfire and the Democrats woke up a sleeping giant. Plus, by your logic, the worst thing you could do is send Joe Biden to jail because you know he'd come out high. He and Hunter will be bench pressing crushing reps. He won't even need aviators anymore because he'll tattoo them on his face. He looked better than I thought. I... I think you should do it. Plus, this isn't even new. Republicans have been promising revenge and retaliation for years. They


ed to lock up Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
They already started making plans to use the Department of Justice for revenge months ago. They have been making these threats for years. They are just going crazy and losing their minds. The last time I was this agitated, I was online looking at... -The bodies of the prison inmates. -It was... Someone had opened that on my computer! This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪

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