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MacBook Pro 2017 Touch Bar Review - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Jun 09, 2021
welcome to back tech today we are going to




13 inch MacBook Pro Touch Bar. Well come on, if you are watching this video, you are probably thinking about buying a new


, whether it is a


pro, a new macbook air or an older one. Used new, all that, so today I am going to




13 inch macbook pro with a


plate, so first we will talk about the


bar, do you need it or not? So for me the Touch Bar is really something it's fun it's fun I have a fingerprint ID I have access to Siri if I need it I have volume controls and sliders which is really fun but honestly if you don't like it a lot of that, just having interesting cutting-edge stuff. don't get the touch bar, it's great, you can advance the recording of things, you can do fun things with it, it's just not super intuitive, sometimes it's very difficult, like if you have it set for all the rows, you can do it, you know your volume. turn up the volume, turn down the brightness, things like that, but there's no feedback so you have to watch where you're tapping or just be


at it and secondly you can turn it down to have specific apps on the touch bar and then you can expand it, you can have sliders, you can just grab it, which is very helpful if I had to do it again, maybe I'll get it again.
macbook pro 2017 touch bar review   the good the bad the ugly
I'm not really convinced about it, I mean, it's really cool and the new ones even have a dedicated one. Escape key this is not this one has the escape key built into the touch bar so that's cool it's not a necessity there's some cool stuff I think Final Cut Pro and GarageBand there's some cool little quick icons at the end of the day I don't find myself using them much. I'd rather have my ball and shine right there now. You can't install some third party apps and I can also use two fingers to drag to volume three. for glitter stuff like that, but they cost a little extra money and you have to decide if it will be worth it for you or not.
macbook pro 2017 touch bar review   the good the bad the ugly

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macbook pro 2017 touch bar review the good the bad the ugly...

Next up is the screen, the screen is absolutely beautiful on the 2017 MacBook Pro, this is the 13 inch one that I love. It's brilliant, it's perfect. I don't have a screen protector at the moment or anything like that. It's a gorgeous, beautiful display, so you can't go wrong showing it off since Apple adopted Retina resolution. They've been beautiful and it's perfect, you don't need anything better than this unless you're doing really heavy graphics stuff, but the screen is beautiful, a plus, let's talk about the keyboard, the typing experience now, the typing experience on the 2017 MacBook .Pro isn't bad if you've had a 2016 MacBook, you knew they introduced butterfly switches that really flatten out with no travel keys and are a nightmare to type on.
macbook pro 2017 touch bar review   the good the bad the ugly
My wife has a 2016 MacBook and I can barely type on it. My fingers hurt, not this one 17. They improved it a little because they got a lot of complaints and it's kind of a cross between a butterfly and a switch key, but it's still a butterfly. I noticed a big difference between the 2016. and 2017 and I don't really notice that I write much on this, but when I use a total shift key difference, they updated that update in the future, so that is very important for you and It might be something that puts you off this MacBook.
macbook pro 2017 touch bar review   the good the bad the ugly
As far as typing experience goes, I can do it. I write, it works. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I'd give typing experience here, maybe a B, not fantastic, but again, not the end of the world. The 2016 ones were really bad compared to these, but there's a big difference between these and the actual full shift keys they're going for now and while we're talking about keyboards, let's talk about the trackpad, the trackpad is fantastic, it's huge, huge. I remember my 2012 MacBook Pros being two-thirds the size, this thing is huge, it has feedback. I love the feedback it gives, it's not really the physical feedback we used to get, it's more of a digital response, so when your MacBook is really you think your effect is broken, it's not, but it gives you very similar haptic feedback. like your phone does with your iPhone, so the trackpad is great.
I don't find myself slapping my palm while writing. I don't really have a problem with that, that was a big problem for me on one of my Windows computers in the past, I would be typing and then my palm would just touch the trackpad and it would throw my cursor two thirds of the paragraph up and I'd be typing gibberish, but that's never been a problem for me on any Mac. Good inspection on this one, even as close as it is to the space bar, it's not a problem at all. I love it, the trackpad is great and I give it an absolute something.
To add on the trackpad, it has this 3D touch element where you can double press, basically there's one click and you press a little harder and there's a second click, and I found that useful, final cut and things like that, different programs that they use. which I don't use it often, sometimes it can be really annoying, but it is what it is, it's pretty decent, so I'm not on an a-plus yet, but on the dash, the tractor, next let's talk about the speakers . They are an important part of your map network. This is the 2013 version, but they still managed to place the speakers on the sides.
It's pretty


. I'm going to play a song here at 50% volume and then we'll play a song at 100%. volume so you can hear the difference, so here is 50%, now we will turn it up to 100%, that is understood with the volume of the speaker, very clear, quite crisp, quite loud as well. I have rarely used my computer at full volume. Typically mid speakers are great, but if for some reason you need to fill a room with just your MacBook, these speakers will work pretty well, so I'll say another a on the speakers, so let's talk about the computer itself. let's talk about the hardware, let's talk about how it works, how it works on a daily basis when you do things because honestly, at the end of the day, that's the most important thing, so for me I do a little bit of everything I do, video editing.
I do some sound editing and some audio, all I do, live streaming, I work with OBS a bit and I've actually done a bit of programming in the past as well, so my computer needs to have a bit more power than maybe the average Joe, because I need this to do a lot more, so I have the 2017 MacBook Pro 13 inch and 16 gigabytes of RAM with the i5 processor. It's not the top tier, but it's up there, it's got a decent amount of ground and I have to say I had the 2012 MacBook Pro again, 16 gigabytes of RAM and 7 processor, but again, you know, you're five years old or older, so it should be a lot better than my 2012 US model and I'll be honest it's not it's not I think it's beautiful and it's great it runs fantastic most of the time but when I add some hard stuff, I mean those fans come on again, it's an Intel Mac, it's not a new Mac with Apple chipset, it's not the new Apple silicon and there are times I get it. frustrated, you know, they're only a couple of years old, three years old and they haven't changed much in the last few years, especially the 13 inch models, they're basically the same and sometimes I get frustrated when I'm, you know, movie. or and now Final Cut Pro sometimes just doesn't work, it just freezes everything, shuts down, forces everything to close.
I've even done fresh installations of the Mac OS, it's currently running Catalina and it hasn't been perfect. I have to say I'm a little disappointed maybe frustrated is the word I'm going for it. It has been a great computer. Is beautiful. I love it. It does everything I need, but sometimes it just doesn't work right. I've seen on some of these other newer models of MacBooks they really had some winners on their hands back in 2012 and around the 15 year when they started switching to the touchpad on the butterfly switches for some reason I feel like maybe their hardware was I didn't stay awake, maybe it was Intel and I think moving to AB, the silicon, seemed to be a big step for them because, frankly, you know I was okay with keeping my 2012 for almost a decade, you know, keep using that computer.
If I still had it, I'd be fine with it. I would love it because it is quite dated but it worked very well. I had no problems with him. It was outperforming a lot of newer machines, but I won't be sticking around for long with this one when Apple silicon comes out and is ready and rumors say that the new 13 inch will actually be the first to introduce Apple silicon or silicon, like You mean, I think I'm going to take the step. I'll probably sell this one and move on to Apple silicon because once again I'm not impressed with the processing power and stability of the newer Mac books and it's really sad because I want to be and I love everything about it except the performance the performance for me maybe a B C plus it's a little it's a little sad.
I hate to say that I'm very excited to move away from Intel chips and see what Apple is still looking for you to do because I'm a little frustrated with this rather expensive machine and it struggles with some basic video editing and things like that, with freezing and shutting down, and even just trying to stream something or live stream something, it gets stuck very quickly and I know it's not meant to be that way. a powerhouse of a graphics card, but it should be able to handle simple edits in its own applications, like Final Cut, it should be able to handle that, no problem with 16 gigabytes of RAM and an i5 processor, but it isn't.
I think it's a three point one gigahertz processor. I mean it's pretty up there, not the best, but again I want to say I've had some issues with it and it's been a little frustrating when I make the purchase again. I think at least for the moment I would. You know I needed a new computer at that time it was time, it was five years. I mean, those computers were about to be inherited in 2012, so I would do it again, but I'm looking forward to Apple silicon in the future and to add to that, I find myself. using my iPad pro much more than I use my computer.
I still use my computer for editing and stuff like that, but anything else, man, I'm going to pull out my iPad Pro now that it has mouse support, it's a hack. Instead, I'm going to pull that out. My MacBook has really become something I only use out of necessity. If you know, if I took the plunge and switched to video editing on my iPad and stuff like that, the Mac would almost be obsolete for me, at least personally, my work life still requires it, but it's pretty crazy knowing that an iPad pro on It's actually outperforming some MacBook Airs like that, but again, that's another video for another time with Apple Silicon, but yeah, and that was my review. of the 2017 13-inch macbook pro with touch bar, so if you have one of these Macs, let me know in the comments below, if you look at the one you buy, let me know, and if you have a newer Mac, have you had any problems? let me know too.
I hope I'm not the only one dealing with this, but at the same time I guess I hope I am, but I'm curious to see if anyone else is having problems with this model or even just the newer one. MacBook Pros in general, so again, if you're looking to buy one of these, let me know if you have any specific questions, let me know in the comments. See you next time. Thank you so much. See you.

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