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Saving Cat Land! | Kawaii Run Adventure Map!

May 28, 2021
okay, let's go watch uncut then oh oh oh Joel help oh hey guys, what's up? LD Charlotte, here I am here today with Joel eggy, some little beans, a very cute little


map called Kauai Vern Jolie. You love all things


, don't you? out


all this little food is so cute okay Joey ready for


let's read these signs it's math ago I drove roll crafting budget vegeta oh how do you do what run kawaii cat edition oh my god doll is perfect I like cats what's so bad? You, this map is custom made for the LD charity.
saving cat land kawaii run adventure map
Anyone can play, although here are rules number one. Be kawaii. Joel, you're going to have to up your kawaii game. I don't know what you were talking about. Shrek is the most kawaii. creature in the world and anyone with a skin on it I won't do that, yeah you're doing that, you've done that, oh yeah, why are you wearing Stacey's shirt? She lent it to me, wait, it's my hair, yes, you're complying. with the rule And now let's move on to number two, don't cheat, just kidding, I don't care, number three, try to collect all 10 hairballs, number four, enjoy, so if we start, give me the ball you can take if you're not, yeah.
saving cat land kawaii run adventure map

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saving cat land kawaii run adventure map...

I found the first hairball. Is it edible? It is not edible. I don't think you should eat it now. Down here. Down here. Oh, what is this jump? What is such a high jump? Come on, I broke my ankles. Chris jokes, ow, nyan, the cat has a message massage for you a massage I don't wait for it for a second okay let's see a young cat then oh oh oh Joel help oh you fell and die yeah ah that's unfortunate jump impulse you're ready coming after you oh God, and they are your flowers floating in the sky, I think the menapii flowers, yes, they are pretty, my God, what, oh, there is a little white one.
saving cat land kawaii run adventure map
I'm going to stop here so I don't die. We only have 50 seconds to jump. push left, head to the center, okay, we can do without those noises Joe, that's not very quiet, you break the first rule, I'm going for it, I lost Oh, room for cat paws on the purple blocks, go to get them, oh, okay, should we get the? first, first, uh, yeah, let's do the first cat's paw first, I don't know where, where it is here. I was surprised, let me, let me get, let me, let me see, let me see. Wow, I actually did it, it was lovely. oh no I didn't, I thought so, I thought I was smart, I thought I was a genius, dnews, yeah, little genius, Justin, I'm so lost, are you in there, where is it, where's the cat, oh, It's up there, we're not there yet?
saving cat land kawaii run adventure map
Joel is that Park, ha, you have me very excited because we did it, how can they be wrong? I don't like packing, I'm very angry, thanks to our three, two, okay, go out, yes, get your book, go, right? dare to fall again well yeah I totally legit did it yeah it's so cute I'm taking it I'm taking it oh it doesn't hurt I got stuck in the maze but it's okay I can see the way out lol I'm not trapped in the maze I'm going to go look for the second part of the cat it may be the first one there do you think it's inside that huge teddy bear it's over here where is it? oh you know, I see that huge teddy bear oh, it's okay on ice, no cluck It sounds horrible, it's like a child born, oh geez, it's a big me too, but will it be like a song or something?
Because it sounds like it's the same note every time. Uh, oh no, oh, where am I? I think that's how it is, huh. I wouldn't do this for both of us Oh, what just happened? I got it, you didn't get it, I got it, yeah, oh, is this chess with a hairball and you almost walked past it? Oh, you did it. almost mr. Ferbos, yeah, what if we missed another furball? I wasn't really paying attention and I forgot about the furballs, oh wait how do I escape the bear? If I jump there, I might die. Ah, you have to see.
Oh, Joe, I have. Bad news for you when I found that other furball, it said you found the fifth one, the fifth one, which means we've missed a few, we're missing a lot, oh you found it at the fountain. I was just admiring the wildlife in this pool. here this little shark and the puffer fish and we should probably go back and find the other furballs to be honest you look in the maze I found one oh my god you have the fifth one inside the best one so that must mean there was one the second one above us somewhere I think I found it oh I did I found the second one it was completely on top we passed it oh thank God everything is fine can I have all the hairballs please is there a fair one? ball that I have now we are up to date with the hairballs we have all the possible hairballs now just to place the legs let us reveal the next clue what is this?
I think this is mob talk, can you hate cats? It is the ultimate cat stroller. I like these. I'm paying close attention looking for some chests. Wow, I never would have found the chest there. Yes, it seems we have a bridge crossing too. I did it. It's not funny. Yes, I let you do it. I'm really good at parkour this time, okay, I'll keep going and you'll catch up with me sometime in the next century. I thought you would fall and you did, young cat is closed, climb the rainbow, okay, no. lying to park I don't care if I wait I really fell off a ladder fell to the bottom you haven't even gotten to the hard part but this part seems a little complicated what you're saying is I'm in the lead and it's not a racial issue , it's teamwork, okay, it's a race and I'm winning, where are you?
Yeah, okay, I'll be with you in a moment, just let me. Oh, at some point, as long as you can do this, I know. I can do this, but yeah, I did it right, I didn't believe in myself, this is kind of easy, just go up the stairs, oh yeah, says the guy who fell off the stairs three times, follow me, I'm following you right behind from you, I am in your queue, I am on duty and I have a tail, although I have loot. Oh, Joel, help, oh, you fell good, up, up, where am I?
Let's go up the ladder, hey, Leon, ninety on the cat's tail right now, I have no idea, oh. no, there is a young cat, where are we? We're on a lithic rainbow We're climbing the rainbow of dreams I nicknamed it like that whoa I fell ah I'm in the lead I could get you off that ladder but I'm not I'm going to work well, why did you do that? It's not a shame, no, it's not. My goodness, what a choice. Oh, you did it before me, but can you do it now? How many foot ten? Oh, we missed some hairballs.
I don't think we did because I was looking for some but couldn't see any. I was completely forgetting to look. I keep the game going, which is our only mission. You fell? Yeah, you're doing good, thanks, damn. I, oh, you made it too, Hello, young adventurer, yen, the cat world is in danger in Hanyang, you must go see the cat goddess and her helpers. Union, watch out for stolen pressure plates, ya Yin, yeah, pick up speed here, go fast or fail, come on. Be careful with step phone pressure plates. I haven't seen any yet, so that's fine with me.
Oh, help, what happened to your fallen one? Let's try that again. No, you come, yeah, okay, okay, that's not going to fall down that hole. I know. I really had it. so as not to fall down the hole well there are some gems that are emerging what are these little obstacles in my way get out of my way well wait just wait if I come back the wrong way did you find a second one I still have an order wait I've already come come back for the wrong way yeah you're heading in the opposite direction look yeah yeah sir you missed it ready dad no don't forget to avoid the stone ones this time hey you're on my salary so take 'em sorry .
I didn't mean to, anyway, these are cash. I'm searching, I'm searching, pay attention, I want to find the next furball. Okay, you found a lot, so I want to be America's next furball. I got rid of it. from all our posters Oh slow, now the young hero is welcome, delicious. I will go to the world of cats. A dog has infiltrated the cat world. Meow, meow, take care of this menace. Go through the portal of my plant. Oh look, how adorable. The cat princess She is cute. She is the. cat princess oh my way here I love cat princess is this a plant portal yeah yeah drop down I'm going um Wow she tricked us guess who's back it's me I'm alive so this is the park, all the walls are pink how pretty the water is, right, I think it's not lava, I hope, oh yeah, let's say you're safe, guys, ooh, that was scary, well, here's a chest with the ball, oh yeah , that means there are only two more to be nice.
I hate this. Paco, I don't want to fall in the water, I made it to the end, Lizzy, come on, you can do this, yeah, jump, jump, where jump, jump, jump, I'm trying to jump, it should just be a little push. Wow, a little boost. What do you mean? Oh my gosh, Joel, when you're underwater, the water bubbles a little. Roberto Keys, oh, let's try that again. Wow, I think I'm going to die now that you've made him welcome. Click to increase the jump. Yeah, where are we going? go over there yeah, okay, let's go towards this carnivorous plant?
I'm a little scared, he's so cute, though deceptively cute, you're following me, yeah, he's following me, stalker, what I am, it's just taking me a little time 'cause I'm bad at jumping I did it careful oh that's what it was a hole it's not a hole I'm almost there yes let's go here I come oh ah I'm trying to force you to fall through the hole with what do you want to go to the world of cats Michael, okay, press the button, take me cyan cat, nan cat In the distance, oh yes, I'm ready for the cat, yes, no, oh my god, I can't control myself.
Oh, actually, wait, wait, Joel, have you been keeping an eye out for the third balls? Yes, I have been. taking care of him why not, I forgot about the whole football thing again, it was a quick and pleasant trip. Wow, oh, where am I going? Well, oh, where are you? Aha, the last one, which means we missed one, oh, we missed a hairball, yeah. I don't want to leave a furball behind, we should go back to the furball in the end, we'll adopt it, yeah, well, find it, let's move on, oh, yeah, it's in your mouth, oh, now we have the ten furballs, Should we share them? them because I have too many I can't hold all these hairballs five there we go good ready come on whoa that's good ready yes yes Wow, oh my God, I wasn't ready, oh my God, what is that?
You see the dog, yeah, uh. I just made a lot of room to


on the Esmeralda because I miss him every time he's the dog he seems lost oh let's say hello yeah it's scared on my part that's why I killed all these cats you didn't kill them all . the cats that cats are still here I got the ending completely wrong to the story hey poor thing eh you lost dog woof woof you're in the cat world I'll help you out dog woof woof smiley face help the poor dog dog then Big Bear Alley, shall we help with that?
Oh, he is here, we bribed the overworld, welcome dog, do you hear the voice of the cat goddess, thank you for helping us. I may have worked for you in the future, meow, meow, but for now my plant will teleport you in the end ah, you help the little dog find his way, let's go back to the overworld the cat's adventure is over but we save the dog and we save the cat and we save everyone there is a part of ourselves oh look this is like the plants are spinning or is it that the plants are spinning now I'm confused I don't know what's going on thank you for playing thank you all for watching us play kawaii run did you enjoy this video Please be sure to leave a little thumbs up and also go check out Joel's channel.
I'll leave a link in the description and see you next time.

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