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Lubid | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

Mar 21, 2024
Marlene! -Get out here! -That? -Face me! -That? -Mother! -You are broad. -That? -Face me. -That? -Mom, stop. What are you saying about Nine? What's wrong, Sima? Is not true? Your oldest daughter is flirtatious. -How dare you! -Mother! -Do you think I'm afraid? -Mom, stop! -That? -The audacity! You didn't raise her, so you wouldn't know anything! Oh really? She has always been seen with different boys. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't finish school and becomes a hostess! How dare you! -You want to fight? -Mom, enough! All my children are smart! Nine is always first and has honors!
lubid maalaala mo kaya full episode
Unlike his son, who is probably stupid. Like mother, like son. Idiot! I will not stoop to your level! You are wide! - Hey! - Mother! Come back here! I'll break your face! Let me go! What are you looking at? Go home! The show is over! -That hurts. -Mom, calm down. Curse them. Kids, you shouldn't be ashamed of what we did. She's the one who should be ashamed of herself. Calm down, mom. Listen to me. You should study well. Do you see that snob's house? It's big and beautiful. But one day we will have ours. Even bigger and more beautiful. -Yeah. -That's how it is.
lubid maalaala mo kaya full episode

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So always remember that as long as your mother is alive, no one can oppress you. No one can stain your dignity. Come on, let's eat halo-halo. I'm very excited right now. -Go Go. -Wow, halo-halo. -Come on, sister. -I invite. I thought you were brave, mom. Why did you give up? I was a good daughter, right? I never left you. But why did you leave me? I want to apologize to mom. Because despite her acceptance and love, I still failed her. Mom, I'm sorry. Hey, I'm prettier than that guy you dated. -I knew you'd say that. -Hey, it's true. -Good? -I knew you'd say that.
lubid maalaala mo kaya full episode
Whatever you say, whatever you say. Are you not going to work at that hotel anymore? I'm grinding... You're lucky, Dick. Your mom found a job for you. Good? It's true, I told him that too. God, I'm so sick of this. It's very exhausting. That's not what she really wanted. Mom is just imposing what she wants on me. -My life is a disaster now. -Your mom is here. Pao, this is your mom. -It's true. -She's behind you. She is your mother. I'm sorry. Of all of us brothers, I am the weakest. I'm sick. That's why mom worried so much about me.
lubid maalaala mo kaya full episode
But I didn't repay her for that care, for all the hard work and sacrifices she made for me. Mom, Aaron wants to tell you something. Mom, I tried. But studying is not for me. But I found a job in the food court. I'm fine with that. Please let Adet study. Mom, I told him that he can study, that he can endure. But... If that's what you want, son. Mom, we only had each other. Why did you leave me? Mom, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Mom, I'm sorry. Mom... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mom. Until now, I still can't believe what my wife did.
We knew she was brave. But the night before she died, I felt that she was so weak, that she was so tired of everything that happened in her life. Why are you still awake? Elmer, what if we take in our two grandchildren? Sima, his father is with them. But now he has a woman. What if our grandchildren are being neglected? Let your daughter make those decisions. This is my fault. If she worked hard, my children and her children would not live like this. This is my fault. Elmer? Wasn't she raising our children correctly? Was I a bad mother?
And you, Elmer? Was I a good wife to you? Sima, wherever you are now, I hope you can find the peace that I was never able to give you. Nine? Nine, it's your turn to speak. Nine? It's your turn. Dad, where are you going? If you can still stay here even if this is where your mother committed suicide, go ahead. But I do not want. I can not do it. Are you going with your wife? It hasn't been a few months yet. Show some respect, dad. I respect? What do you know about that word? You can't even give that to your mom.
Until the last night of her funeral, you didn't even give your last message. Do you think I didn't want to say anything for her? She wanted to apologize so badly, Dad. I wanted to tell her that she is a good mother. I was the only one who didn't see that. But what's the use? She is not here anymore. She left because of me. She shouldn't have died. I should be the one who dies. Because I'm the bad person! I'm the bad daughter! I'm so bad. I am a bad daughter. How am I going to continue, Miss Ludy?
I think about mom every day. You know... I ignored all her calls before she committed suicide. She died with resentment toward me. She believed that I didn't love her. If I were a better daughter, she wouldn't have felt this way. It is possible that she is still alive. Shh. It's true, right? You know... The last time Sima and I spoke in this place, she was like you. She was blaming herself. Merry Christmas, Sima. Hey, why are you outside? Where are Elmer and the kids? Elmer is drinking with his friends. Nine passed by for a while. They left one by one.
Adet and Paeng are asleep. It's sad, isn't it? The chickens are better. No matter where they go, her chicks always follow her. But I? I can't put them together. I even pushed them away. Sima... I left my family before because I wanted to prove that I could be successful. But I failed. I even got my kids into this mess. They lived miserable lives. Your mother was wrong to blame herself. But it was even wrong of her to give up. And that is the mistake you should not repeat. You shouldn't blame yourself for everything that happened. Instead of blaming yourself, you should stand up.
Do the important things that your mother can no longer do because she gave up. Grandma, does mom love me? "Of course, darling." I hope mom takes me with her so we can be together again. "Why aren't you happy with grandma?" I'm happy, grandma. "Don't worry. You'll be together again soon." "You will not be separated again." Seriously, grandma? Do you promise, grandmother? But what about you, grandmother? You left me too. You do not love me anymore? I wish I hadn't seen you like this, Grandma. Grandma... Grandma... Dear... Silence now, silence now... Grandma is resting now in a place that is very far away.
Will I see Grandma again when she dies? Not wanted. No... No, dear. We won't see grandma again. She is sleeping now. In a far away place. But mom is here. I will never leave you. I won't do it. Hi Payeng. Your hands are so dirty. Come, let's wash your hands. -Let me do it. -No no no. You brothers, stay here. -Are you sure? -Yes Yes. -Payeng, behave. -We will wash your hands. Mom kept telling me that she will take care of my children. I wish I had listened to her. If only she were a good mother...
Payeng wouldn't have seen her like this. Payeng didn't have to experience that. Mom always told me... That it's hard to be a good father. But I never heard it. Because I always thought, what right does she have to say that? She is not a perfect mother. But she wasn't a perfect daughter either. Sister. I wasn't a perfect son either. She wasn't a perfect brother. Sister, I'm sorry. We all had defects. We are not the type of family that is always together. We don't tell each other our problems, our secrets. But I hope we can do it, little by little.
I hope we can be more open with each other. That way, this won't happen again. Adet. Thank you so much. You took care of mom. Out of all of us, you were the one who was always there for her. She depended on you. She loved you. Even if she did that, it doesn't mean she doesn't love you. I have something to tell everyone. I got a good job. As a supervisor. It's a regular job. Even if I don't study again, I will help Adet enroll. I will fulfill mom's dreams. Seriously, brother? Of course. For Mom. -Do it properly. -Merry christmas!
Brother! -Where is Nine? - What's that? No, she already texted me. They were stuck on EDSA as usual. -This looks delicious. -Who cooked all this food? That cake looks delicious. I was the one who cooked. I made your favorite. This is for you. -Oh thanks. -Where is Nine? -What could this be? - Merry christmas! Merry christmas! Hello! -How are you? -Wow. -Hello Sister. -Hello JM! -Hey. -Hello. Oh thanks! -Haven't you eaten yet? -How are you? -Those are my gifts for you. -Here. That red is for Pao. -Thank you sister. -There. -Thank you. -You'll like that. I won't forget you, of course.
This is for you. -There you go. -I'll save this. Uncle, why are you crying? Because, Payeng, I miss mom. Too bad she couldn't see this. Grandma told us that we shouldn't be sad. Actually? Did she say she? In my dreams. She was smiling. Her eyes were also shining. Wait a minute. We still miss mom. But now we brothers have stronger bonds. Now we have a better life. Pao now has his own business. Adet continues his studies. Aaron is a supervisor at a company. I continue to live happily with Jaime and our children. Sometimes I imagine that mom is one of the stars in the sky that is always watching us.
And I hope she's satisfied with what she can see. Thanks for your time. Nine. We often forget that our parents are human too. They have flaws and there will be times when they will feel weak. It is our responsibility as children to know when it is our turn to give strength and support to mothers and fathers. This is a responsibility that must be assumed with gratitude and love. This is Charo Santos. Good evening, Kapamilya. "ROPE"

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