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Singsing | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

Mar 26, 2024
singsing maalaala mo kaya full episode
Please line up. - Aid! -My child! -Oh darling. -What happen? -He has fever. Help him. -Wait. Doc? -Please help me, doctor. Doc, please check the child. He is burning. Help my child, I beg you. He is burning. I don't know what to do. Please help. He has a high fever. He needs to be taken to the hospital. -Canada? -Come on. Help them get to the hospital. - My child! -That he passes through. Doctor! Help my son! Oh no. My child. Stop worrying. They will take the child to the hospital. You should probably go home and rest.
singsing maalaala mo kaya full episode

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I'm sure you're tired. I'm not tired, Beth. Oh darling. You are really something. You are truly a superwoman. I'm just taking good care of myself so I can continue working for my family. That's what I tell the women I meet on our medical missions. What we should do... It's actually simple. We must take care of ourselves to be able to take care of our families. -Mother. -Tita, you are here. Kids, your mom is here. -Mommy! -Oh. Hmm. Mommy, you know what? Bimboy will be the hare in our school play. They are having a show at school.
singsing maalaala mo kaya full episode
It's called a school play. The hare and the Tortoise. The story is about that. Bimboy is going to play the hare. He needs a costume. Emily has a part in this too. Mommy, don't forget to buy us our costumes, okay? Oh darling. Come here you two. Don't worry about that. Because I'm the one who's going to make your costumes. Well? Mommy, excuse me, I'm going to go study. Son. Try on this costume I made for you. It's nice, isn't it? Here. Try it. There you go. It looks so pretty on you. Do you like what mom made you?
singsing maalaala mo kaya full episode
Alright. Alright? I was up all night doing this. I deserve a kiss. Hmm. Come on, give mommy a kiss. Hmm. Come on, just a kiss. See? Now all my hard work and effort has paid off. Thank you. Aunt! Aunt! -Beth? -Tita. The water is too high. We'll have to wait until tomorrow for it to subside. -It's very dangerous. -That? What time can we leave? I must go home. I need to attend the Bimboy school program. It will be better if we stay here for the night. No. I'm sorry, but I have to go home. Hey! Stop. - - Tita, it's dangerous.
You could get hurt. Just stay the night. Have you seen our work before? Of course. It was incredible. You were incredible. -I'm sure you're hungry. - Yes ok? -Yes daddy. Alright. First, respect your grandmother. Then tell him you're hungry. - Forward. - Oh, children. Grandmother! What was the game like? - They were amazing. - I'm sure you were. You did great. - -Come with me. -Bimbo. -Look at your face. - Ugh. -Mother. Kids, I'm so sorry. I went to their school but I missed them. Sorry, I didn't make it. I was stranded in the town I went to yesterday.
I'm sorry. There are people who are more important to you than us. Bimboy, sometimes I'll take you to work, okay? So you can see the people I'm helping. And when you see them, you will understand why I am doing this. Come on. Show me what you did before. Dance a little for me, will you? Come on. Come on children. Let's take off that costume. Look what you have done. Thank goodness he was there, or he would have been devastated. Come on, let's eat. What do you want? Hey? -That? -This. Juice? - - Do you want an annulment?
And you're suing me? You have nerves. You are the one who left me. Because? What do you want me to do? Stay in this marriage? Is it like that? We've been separated for a long time. We should put an end to it. That way I can move on with my life. It says here that you want to take the house and the children. You're taking everything. Why not? I still have savings. With that I built that house. And besides, it's only fair that I keep custody because you're a useless mother. Because? I contributed money for the house, right?
If you want the house, take it. But you can't take my children. They mean a lot to me as a person and especially as a mother. I'm going to fight this. My children will stay with me. Understand?
I was a good father to our children. Unlike my wife, who prioritizes other things before taking care of our children. Just like her job as a healthcare worker. She prioritizes that over our children. Aside from the fact that she always comes home late, what she doesn't understand is why can't she quit that job that doesn't even pay her enough? Just so you know, I make a pretty penny as a crew chief. It is enough to cover the needs of my family. In fact, my wife doesn't have to work and she can focus on taking care of our children.
But is it true what her husband said that she earns enough for her family, but you chose to work instead of being a housewife? It's true. My husband earns enough to support us. But as a parent, should I be content with enough? What if the children get sick and you need a lot of money for them? If you are a good parent, you would think about it and prepare for it. It wasn't easy for me to leave my children. They are always up here and in here. I am not complete without my children. I miss them.
But I held on. I put up with all that because I'm a good mother. And I am satisfied with giving my children enough. I would do everything I could to support them. That's how much I love them.
Do you want me to cook you something? Is there a problem? Even if I had one, you wouldn't listen to me. Son, why wouldn't I? I love dad. -Son. -Because? You don't want it here. You hate it. You kicked him out. You even sued him. What do you want me to do? So you can understand me. So that you feel how much I love you. The reason I'm working so hard and putting up with not seeing you is because I love you. I want to be with dad. I do not want to be here. I don't like you, mommy.
I want to be with dad. Do you really want to be with your father? He is sure? Here are your things. Take care of yourself. And be a good boy. Piding, take care of my son. Don't neglect it. I need to be strong and brave, mom. I can't give up now. Because my family needs me. There. We'll find out if your bones are still strong. There are so many of them, right? See? You need to drink milk more often. And you need to review it frequently. There are more on the way. Don't forget to drink milk.
Take care of yourself. Our families depend on us. Good? -Here, have this. - Let's hope so. It's almost finished. -Did you receive your medicine? - Yes. - Okay then. - Thank Mrs. -Hey. -Thank you. Looks like someone will take over soon. They are so cute. -Good? - Mommy mommy. It's a lot of fun here. I wish Bimboy was here so he could give more. Yes mom. Too much. Who is it? Son. It's me. I can enter? Come in, mom. He brought you something. I'm sure you'll like this. Where's your father? I don't know, mom. He hasn't returned for quite some time.
Are you OK? Oh darling. Are you awake. Wait here. I'll bring you some soup. Mother. Thank you. So that? For taking care of me. Why are you thanking me? I am your mother. It is my duty to take care of you. Because I love you so much. One second, dear. You left my son alone to go out with friends? He is boiling. What are you doing here? You complain that your child is sick. Yet you are here anyway. Are you trying to get back with me? Do not flatter yourself. It will not happen. Moron. God knows why I came here.
And I'm not here for you, but for my son. The child is sick but you are nowhere to be found. He's fine. So that's what it's about. You're blaming me. You listen. I don't have time for your drama. Trust me, you don't want to get hurt. I'm so sick of you. If you're fed up, well, I'm sick and tired of you being irresponsible. -Am I irresponsible? -Yeah! You are worthless! -Me? -Yeah. -You are useless. -How dare you! You are a useless mother because you are never there for your children. Well? That's why they don't love you.
For the things you do. You neglect them. -You are a useless mother! - Dad, stop! Do you have a surprise for me? Wow! - There. - Happy Birthday! -Surprise! -Oh, wow. Thank you kids. Thanks Mom. Oh, wow. Thank you. Well, let me make a wish first. Um... I wish happiness, strength and good health. -Well. - Hurrah! I'm sorry, Mom.
One two three. Oh! I'm used to this. I have been here many times. Tita, how do you feel? Are you happy? Of course, it's me. Oh. Is everyone still okay? We can do this!
But the important thing is that, despite those mistakes and shortcomings, she continues to provide for her family and they will always be her number one priority. This is Charo Santos. Good evening,

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