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Little Sister Gives Her Bone Marrow Transplant | Children's Hospital | Real Families

May 31, 2021
This is the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, it is the largest and busiest




in Britain. This is a lifesaver for Katie thanks to her



Ginny. She may not understand the enormity of this. What she is doing for me is absolutely incredible. Four-year-old Shawn laughs. Through it all, three-year-old Emilia discovers that her brain surgery has been a success. The






unit is one of the largest of its kind in the UK. For the next six weeks it will be home to a 16-year-old boy. An elderly woman bravely fighting leukemia and desperately hoping for a cure.
little sister gives her bone marrow transplant children s hospital real families
Katie Buckley was a perfectly healthy teenager until a year ago, when she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, a fast-moving blood cancer. My first thought was: Oh no! I'm going to lose my hair, that's the first thing I thought and then I thought, although they were wrong and I just didn't think it ever happened to me. I'm dead, I thought she was going to tell me, that's the first thing that came to mind. I don't know about you, it's the C word, it's leukemia cancer, it's very scary. Katie already received a six-month chemotherapy treatment, but she is full to kill the cancer in her blood.
little sister gives her bone marrow transplant children s hospital real families

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little sister gives her bone marrow transplant children s hospital real families...

The unit director, Rob, when he thinks. a




is now his only chance of survival here he has taken care of katie since she was first diagnosed everything is in the right place for you and you are in good shape no infection good blood counts so this is definitely what right to do and the right time to do it, we had to take care of you and we hope this turns out well. It's


ly reassuring that a doctor like Robert wins because he makes everything look so easy, even if it's not going to be, but it just reassures Ewan. and it makes you feel better about the treatment and the pennies, the vast majority of


with blood cancer, no matter how devastating the diagnosis, can be done better, but there is not one hundred percent good news, she has severe leukemia and honesty dictates that not all children with the Lapp mother's leukemia will be cured of their illness.
little sister gives her bone marrow transplant children s hospital real families
Katie will now receive a much stronger chemotherapy treatment to destroy her entire blood-producing system, the bone marrow, this will prepare her body for the transplant of new healthy bone marrow cells within ten days after the chemotherapy. The therapies I've had before made me


ize and I think I'm pretty used to it now that it's just part of the process of getting involved in the day, that's all she wants, so I just wanted to take it on board, you know, it's a fight against it. Cancer and she's a fighter, most patients rely on the kindness of strangers for a bone marrow donation, but luckily for Katie, her 11-year-old


Jenny is the perfect match and will give Katie the best chance at a cure. when I find out.
little sister gives her bone marrow transplant children s hospital real families
She was compatible. I was very happy because I want to date Katie. What she is doing for me is absolutely incredible. She may not understand the enormity of this, but what she is doing actually saved him alive. Hmm, that was absolutely amazing. This will not be so. It's easy for Katy, there will be a lot of ups and downs and we can't guarantee we'll get through this, but in terms of Katy's best chance of growing as a woman, this is the treatment she's giving us. the best chance for the hospital's short-term patients to be cared for by staff on wards 76 Amelia Pringle price three Road Amelia is here today with her mother and Nana eight months after undergoing major brain surgery, what did?
Amelia has an extremely rare condition called moyamoya, which means the vessels that supply blood to her brain are so damaged that Naru could suffer a potentially fatal stroke at any time. Her seven-hour operation involved bypassing a blood vessel from the side of her head and sewing it into her brain. Her goal was to increase her blood flow to reduce her risk of suffering a stroke. The operation went well, but her success can only be truly established when she signed a series of brain scans, the first of which is today. . She's putting on a brave face, but it's an anxious time for Mom.
Natasha the operation doesn't count for anything until we've had the scan so that's an entry, it looks like it was before the risk of having a stroke is still very high. We're still going to go through it about 18 times, I'm just going to lie like this, yeah, so I hope I do it today. Bring us good news, who are you? Amelia Pringle price, that's for you, right? Amelia will receive general anesthesia to ensure that she remains completely still during the scan. It's a procedure she only knows to cry with Amelia safely asleep. A series of detailed images.
Taken from her brain, the images will detect whether she suffered any minor strokes since our surgery and will also reveal the development of new blood vessels that will bring much-needed oxygen to her brain. The procedures were over in just half an hour back to the room. Amelia has waited a week and enjoyed her long-awaited breakfast. We hoped it would work. We hope she is getting better. I hope the operation was worth it. Amelia and her mother will be back to receive those critical scan results in a couple. For several weeks Shannen Buckley has been on her way to visit her daughter Katie on her 17th birthday.
For the past week, a grueling chemotherapy treatment has been destroying Katie's cancerous bone marrow in preparation for a transplant in four days. . She's having nasty side effects, but she's incredibly brave starting new chemo today and I got sick four times after breakfast, so I'm not feeling very well. Katie is a very resilient girl. She comes in for transplant after spending most of the last year in the hospital, but she still did fantastically well. at GCSEs, so I think her resilience is there for everyone to see. I spent my 16th birthday in the hospital and now I spent my 17th birthday in the hospital and I am determined not to spend my 18th birthday in the hospital.
I've been sick for a whole new reason, my perfect 18 would be and all my friends and no parents I've dressed like a teenager and crafty four days later, the morning of the transplant finally reached the end of the hall where Katy is 11, you know , Ginny, this is it. I'm about to go into surgery to donate her bone marrow to her older sister because I've been worried about myself and Katie and I'm nervous about today. The doctors just told me that if something happens to either of us, it's not my fault, right? I have the best possible chance yes no, it's God, it's me because I really wanted to help Katie.
Katie's cancerous bone marrow has now been eliminated by chemotherapy. She is too sick to see her sister, but she has sent Jenny a good luck card for Ginny. thank you for saving my life you are so brave I couldn't have asked for a better sister you are a lover of the stars we are eternally grateful sister Kate a bone marrow transplant is Katie's only hope to beat leukemia but it is a high risk procedure which It's not always successful, I hope it never comes to this, we were hoping the chemo would work but she's relaxed now, there's some chance Katie has, it's the only thing you know that can work now, so for everyone it's her huge asanas there.
There have been no such massive things at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. Seventeen-year-old Katie is about to undergo a bone marrow transplant that could save her life. Over the past week, a grueling chemotherapy treatment destroyed her bone marrow in preparation for a transplant of new healthy blood cells in theaters 11 you know that Jenny is preparing to donate her bone marrow to her older sister. My real concern is Ginny because no, I don't want to feel a lot of pain, look what she's like. Having fun is absolutely amazing, it makes me very proud of it. Okay, we're looking for you, thank you, Unit Manager, Rob.
Who cared for Katie from the day she was diagnosed? She will perform the transplant if Katie is given chemotherapy to get rid of heroin. boma to get rid of her leukemia, so we need to do a transplant to rescue her bone marrow and her blood production system and her immune system, so it is something absolutely vital that we are doing and we are very happy that Jenny is in that. anesthetic ring that comes to be harvested now for the day the ball that you want to protect your children cement lips grow into adults and suddenly something appears that you can't do anymore and that's the hardest thing about cancer, that's why you The consultant becomes very important to you because you believe that you are the only person who can help your child when you can't, so these are hollow needles that we insert to the center of the bone and then we simply suck out the stem cells from the blood . once they are placed back into Katie, they will find their own way more precisely to Katy's bone, where they will then produce blood in Katie's body for good.
We're going to use about six hundred thousandths, which is a very safe amount that won't go. cause Georgina any harm and we would not accept more because her well-being is paramount, what we are going to do is take the elixir of life and take it to the stem cell where it will be processed into a product that is suitable for infusion, things for me three hours later, Maru, born to Jenny, arrives at the unit ready for Katy, fed directly into her veins via drip, okay, we'll run this in about an hour and then it's up to you, monumental.
It is not like this? You can't realize the enormity of this. Can you really tell lies that save lives? No Katie faces the biggest fight of her life. Her aunt Jenny's blood cells will fight for control of Katie's body if the transplant is to work. Jenny's healthy sales must win The hospital's accident and emergency department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and cares for more than 700 children per week. Four year old Shawn just arrived and enjoys playing with all the toys, but Shawn isn't here just for fun, he got hurt. foot and limp to see the man in charge of the department today, Professor Simon Carly, the whereabouts is your foot, so it's identification, yeah, just be careful, hey, I think your ankle feels pretty good, actually,


bones On your feet, your feet, I won't do that. once again it's probably worth taking a quick x-ray oh yeah just making sure these bones yeah let's do an x-ray to see if there are any broken bones sighs the results are back and Shawn finds the x-ray of your foot strangely funny this is a photo of your foot your foot this is your foot and looking at this it doesn't look like I can see any major breaks there the only thing we always say at this age is yes Look here, there are a lot of small spaces that's where bones grow and at this age you can often have a small crack where the bone grows.
Technically it's still a fracture, but they heal so quickly and well that we simply treat them as sprains. It's okay, just give them some paracetamol and see how they do over the next week. Okay, yeah, I'm sure it's okay, but Shawn, you're definitely the happiest person we've seen today, with a little rest and a few more laughs. Shawn will do it. She will be back in no time Three-year-old Amelia is back in hospital today with her mother Natasha to receive the results of her brain scan. Oh, the results will be the first indication of whether the extensive brain surgery she had nine months ago.
It's been a success, it's been really stressful, now I just like to go in and find out that I'm sick now that the operation was big and it was important, but this is to see if the operation was worth it, if not, it was. all in vain, so it must be good news that Amelia is being treated today by the man who performed her complex seven-hour operation, neurosurgeon Ian Kamali. The surgery involved bypassing an artery from the side of her head and stitching it to the surface of her brain. If it has worked, her blood flow will have improved, reducing the risk of a stroke.
Well, he says that Hannity doesn't have a problem, she just seems to be growing non-stop, so the first leg of the follow-up ship was to get to Mr. Scamp. this is the scan from before the operation this is the one from September now you can see it compared to here on this side you can see there is a suggestion that there are more vessels, but more blood coming in on that right side and you know that's really It's Reassuring that that's exactly the kind of look we were looking for at this early stage of the scan.
She looks great, so the most important thing is that she is doing well and looks a fantastic pleasure. I'm really sorry because you could clearly see the main difference, so fingers crossed we can. Don't do everything like normal kids do without always having to think that it will be too much for her, it will cause a stroke. You are happy? Amelia will have to return to the hospital for a new scan in a few months, but The signsInitials are promising and her future looks good It's been two weeks since eleven-year-old Jenni donated her bone marrow to her older sister Katie.
I feel and look like I've been in a fight because and my new ninja cells are actually both. fight and take over my body and hopefully Ginny has cells in me, all the cells win. She knows herself that she's been through a battle, but she doesn't complain, she just keeps going and she's a really tough girl. It's been an anxious wait. to see if the new donor's blood cells have started working, but today dr. Winn has some news that all is well, ma'am. Graff is working very well. The blood count increases slowly. A few of your sister's blood cells will appear more and more, but just in time, so you only have 15 days left.
Today? One of the miracles of bone marrow transplantation is that the donor cells learn. They will live in the patient's body, re-educate themselves, and without those cells, Kellis' risk of infection would be much higher. The risk of the leukemia going away would be much higher, so it's very important to see those cells and Katie's blood right there. time you areI look better so we stopped the IV slowly over the next week and then, you know, we'll take you out at a few points. I think things are going well. All the pain I've been through was worth it in the end because I know the transplants.
I really work and I hope it is a success and I can go home two weeks later. Katy gets her wish after six long weeks in the hospital. She's finally well enough to go home. I really want to come home and see me. sisters and um have left this room and been in different environments and I can go back to sleeping in my own bed. I'm looking forward to the whole family being together and it's all been a family again, that's why I'm looking forward to most of them. All of that is normal, it will be several years before the hospital can give Katy full care, but her sister's healthy blood is now working successfully inside her, she is free to go out for the first time in six weeks, breathe fresh air and keep going. with her life you you

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