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Let's Talk About American Culture Shocks | An Irish Perspective

May 01, 2024
Hello, this video is sponsored by Brit Box, the leading streaming service for Britain's best-loved TV shows, with St. Patrick's Day just around the corner. I thought now would be the perfect time for an Irishman to learn about some of the



he has experienced. While visiting the United States and by pure coincidence I found this Irish person on the streets of Chicago and even scarier, this Irish person turns out to be YouTube sensation Diane Jennings Diane, welcome, thank you. Can you move if I'm going to sit here? Yes. And today we are going to


about some of the



that Diane has experienced in her visit not only to Chicago but to other places in the United States if, like me, you can't wait to hear what Diane has to say and what you've done.
let s talk about american culture shocks an irish perspective
I didn't have the opportunity to subscribe to her channel. Do that in the meantime, let's walk and


to make ourselves look more important. Now that you chose to visit Chicago in February. Do you think it is important to suffer for your art? I think it is very important and I am suffering at the moment it is very cold, it is a little cold like the rest of the week, it is actually unusually warm for this time of year, thank you for choosing an outdoor session, you are welcome , you like to walk and talk because you believe.
let s talk about american culture shocks an irish perspective

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let s talk about american culture shocks an irish perspective...

Makes you look smart, huh, yeah, and then I realized I didn't prepare for the weather. Do you want to do it? If we go back to the hotel, let's do that. We could have clicked. They say it broke in the United States. It broke, so this is for It doesn't mean that your first visit to the United States, what would you say has been your biggest culture shock in all the times you've visited? Probably personal space, people give you personal space in the United States and, like Ambert, I find that to be true. I quite enjoy the personal space, but sometimes, especially Scandinavians, they stand like they're in Europe, so yeah, I like it, that's good, what do you think of bathroom cubicles that have a lot of space?
let s talk about american culture shocks an irish perspective
OMG, great space. I was doing it in the other one. One day something in the cubicle and I was literally like there were people outside and they were like, Is there anyone there? Oh there is and I thought that's invasive in a personal space in a way that I wasn't familiar with, it almost feels like they can see you they can see you they can can they? Did someone stare at me? uh no, they checked, but that was enough more than I really wanted. I looked at the L. I imagine an American once said to me Lawrence, I love your accent, but Irish.
let s talk about american culture shocks an irish perspective
They are much nicer and I am sitting with you here right now. I feel a deep sense of inferiority, but I have a question. Have you been asked about your accent while traveling in the United States? I've been asked a little about my accent. Don't have. a very strong Irish accent thanks to speech and drama lessons, but yes, I get asked about that a bit, but a lot of times people switch to Canadian instead of Irish because I guess it's a shorter trip, but when you say Ireland, They say Oh, but are a little surprised when you don't sound like a Lucky Charms elf.
Sometimes you're a laprea or I'm not. I'm over 5' 6. I didn't really realize it, but I'm actually considered tall in America and what's up in Ireland? In Ireland, no, I think the national average height of a woman is within that area, she's definitely she's not a leprechaun, she's not a leprechaun. Just in one of your videos you made the mind-blowing observation that there are more Americans who identify with the Irish. ancestry that there are Irish people living in Ireland today, yes, do you ever worry that a fight might break out between the two factions and if so, who would beat you?
The Americans have more guns, more guns and more people, more guns and more people, but we def Fighting the Irish, so we would probably get them all drunk because I don't think Americans are very good at fighting drunk and we got over it, so because they have a three-year head start. 18 vers is 21 mhm. and I think some of you are probably drinking before 6pm, let's be honest, it's not a secret, sorry, aren't we going to address the continuity fairy in the room? Are we going to play spot the differences with the lighting, hair and costumes? I think I can.
I see this being at least a good fight, it would be a good televised fight and if televised fighting is your thing then look no further than Britain or should I say Brit Box, a streaming service with a veritable collection of dramas delightfully brave British criminals. which is a lot easier to say now that I don't drink and one of those crime dramas is Death in Paradise Diane. I imagine you're familiar with that show because series 6-9 features Irish legend Ard Ohanlan, who I assume you're friends with. hello and for those of you who like to keep up with Series 13 or season 13, if you are American and it was released earlier this month, you can stream your other favorite British shows via your smartphone, tablet, desktop, chomecast, Apple TV or Roku device, as well as LG and Samsung.
Smart TVs visit Lost in the Pond and use the Lost in the Pond promo code when you sign up for a monthly subscription and you'll get 50% off your first month. The link is also in my description below. Americans love their Irish stuff. Guinness St. Patrick's Day Killian Murphy What, if anything, are some of the Irish things you've found in Chicago this week ooh, yeah, you, you, you, yeah, that's cheating? Well, there are a lot of Irish flags everywhere and I think that's probably because Americans are so in touch with their ancestry, certainly in Britain and in Ireland, we don't really care that much where you come from as an American person, it's so important. that having flags and things like that is good to have, yes, Irish pubs everywhere.
Have you been to Irish? Yes, I'm reviewing Irish pubs on my channel. Usually when I go to a state I make like one video, but I might have to make two Irish bul videos for Chicago because there are so many, which ones do you have? You have been? Do you remember the names of any of uh, Mrs. Murphy and Sons? Not Killian's mother, but probably CU related could be Rel. We are a very small country. This question comes from my wife's cousin Chad on Twitter. You attended the St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City, as an Irishman, how does that compare to the festivities back home?
Did you vomit more? I didn't throw up at all that particular day, Chad, uh, Chad, because I made the mistake of thinking about that. I needed to film the video and get it out the same day, however it was a very very big parade, yes like many of us I don't think we saw it to the end, and I also liked the enthusiasm for Irish. when you're just Irish you say oh I'm Irish, everyone's Irish, yeah, when you're like an Irish from Ireland in an Irish parade, everyone's so exciting and this kind of thing was on a bigger scale than the kind of parades you can have in Ireland at some important time and you know, the funny thing about the Dublin parade, which is like the main one I've been to, is that we import Americans like we have the Irish American brass band, you know, jig. dancers and I heard that you and all your friends really love it when Americans say St.
Patrick's Day versus St. Patrick's Day and that's right, there are a lot of things we can joke about that really hurt. This green thing might be harder than I thought. St. Patrick's Day is so popular here that people scold others for not wearing green by pinching them. I know that's not even a thing at home. I was going to ask if Americans are better at handling lawsuits. No, I think they're just a reason to pinch people Ron from the accounts where I used to work, he pinched me once on St. Patrick's Day, dressed in green, frowned upon in your many American food taste tests, which one?
It has been the food that you liked the most and because we know it. that negativity generates clicks, which is something you absolutely hated. Oh my God, you put me on the spot. Something in Texas, Texas barbecue, was it amazing Texas barbecue? And some of my viewers might be watching and they'll say no, Diane, you preferred and you. You're probably right, Lawrence put me on the spot, so what did I hate? Know? I have a passion for spice, but as an Irishman we don't handle spice as well as our brave face would have. you think so, I think I've imported some things that are super spicy for spicy challenges and no, well Dian, it's been an absolute pleasure.
I wish I could say the same and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'd love to have you as a guest again in the future, maybe one day, well I know the Brits have this whole thing about keeping Cal and going but not addressing These continuity problems seem to be a huge oversight, Lawrence. Stay calm, continue if you weren't paying attention at the beginning of this video, subscribe to Diane's channel. He's very busy now the way you say it. You have to force them to do it because otherwise they won't say any parting words.
Goodbye, Lawrence, see you, I think. That's it, I think that's the summary, okay, we're okay, do you know where the subway is? I'll show you what's really cool, where it is. I live in Chicago, tell me what you're doing, enjoy your stay in Chicago and me. I'll get back to you about the edit which must have just been Irish sarcasm. Hey, listen, Max, I just got kicked out of another interview. Yeah, hey, but this will make you happy. We managed to film two videos, one for my channel and another. that's going to her channel in the near future unless you know she burns all the footage like Mr Beast did to my connections.
I could have made it huge anyway. Goodbye Max. Oh, that's mom, sorry, sorry, mom thought it was Max.

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