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Leo the Truck & a mill! Funny cartoons for kids & learning baby videos for kids. Cars for kids.

May 24, 2024
They build the


that are so good, wheel motor, this is a wheat field. Leia and leo want to play here. What game have you thought about Leia? Go and find Leo. The wheat is so tall that


can hide in it. The wheat is already ripe. it's time to harvest it let's go look for the combine this is shovel the shovel of the excavator house is cooking something and three eggs sugar are you going to put the apple in the flower too oh shovel you're out of flour oh there's nothing in the drawer and nothing in the closet either and of course there is nothing in the refrigerator oh let's go to Lifty's store and here is the combine that collects the wheat in the body of the


oh, first look, the wheat grain is being poured into Leia's body, what a lot of wheat, hello a bag of flour please not two please don't wait three now a tablespoon will buy flour and make some delicious cookies hmm stand up a minute a tablespoon this is salt and this is sugar uh I stayed without flour there is no more flour except leo and leia I have harvested all the wheat look how much they have hello you have flour there is no flour but we have wheat hello we need a wind


what a good idea leo with a wind


you can grind the wheat grains and make flour, how many pieces those gray wheels are the millstones, they are the ones that will grind the wheat to make the flower for the shovel.
leo the truck a mill funny cartoons for kids learning baby videos for kids cars for kids
We need two axles with gear wheels to turn the millstones, a ramp, windows and a roof, robots, what are you doing with those blades that are robots? waving them like robot wings I need flour to make cookies the blades are in position they spin when the wind blows on them the millstones are spinning leia pours the grain how beautiful how much grass we made yes, lifty has brought some empty bags he needs some too of flour and Scoop has what he needs for his cookies, sugar apples, eggs and flour, the carts have come to visit Lifty, who wants cookies.
leo the truck a mill funny cartoons for kids learning baby videos for kids cars for kids

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leo the truck a mill funny cartoons for kids learning baby videos for kids cars for kids...

Lefty and Scoop, robots and Leia having a lot of fun, build the cars that are so cool. wheel motor and hood who brings the parts is leo leo the


leo leo leo the truck leo leia and lefty are playing in the sand what is that leia a boat and lifty has a star leia and leo have a red sand mold and another boat is ready, this is the scoop on the excavator, look how many boats we have, oh, let's launch the boat into the water, that's not such a good idea, it's not a real boat, it's just a sand mold, oh, what have you Done?
leo the truck a mill funny cartoons for kids learning baby videos for kids cars for kids
Oh, get that boat out. the water fast is a mold it's going to sink oh no no no no no no the shovel is going very fast the robots are standing on the bridge they are fishing red robot wake up you have a boat on your line wait, don't do it let it go whoa splash oh the boat fell into the water hello what are you playing we're playing catch the boat okay where is the boat then it's gone that's because it was just a sand mold oh look how angry Leia is no Don't worry Leah we just need to find another boat.
leo the truck a mill funny cartoons for kids learning baby videos for kids cars for kids
No, what we need is a speedboat, one controlled by radio so it doesn't leave. Leo, have you brought the parts to make a speedboat? Yes, it's time to put them together. The red helmet. Two batteries for. start the engine the engine the upper deck with a cabin the propeller the rudder the antenna for radio control the speedboat is ready I'm going to launch it into the water oh dear wait a moment I think we have to choose a controller come on go the cars have come to choose a controller in the lifty store there are three controllers which one should you choose this one will do thank you it's time to check if the controller works with the speed boat the rudder works with the propeller also now it's time to play with me first I want to go to and I and There is no need to argue friends, let's tell it I know a rhyme to tell eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by the toe I lifty is the lucky one who will have to go first to control the speedboat the speedboat is leaving moving, it sails very fast and does not sink, it turns around, it is very fast, the speedboat is approaching the shore, it is a great captain, you are very good at sailing the speedboat, the purple robot wants to try to control the speedboat.
Follow the speedboat cars, there is a bridge ahead, my God, the speedboat ran aground. Look, we found the sand mold. That's great. Now who will control the speedboat. Then they will build the cars that are so good. The wheel motor. Leo. The truck. An excavator shovel. playing with a ball hello you two are playing soccer aha aha that's cute and what is leia doing oh eh hello hello eh how beautiful is leia decorating the garden in front of her garage and the robots are playing with her car the red robot has found a ball oh, they ran over the flowers hey, stop, calm down, they're just flowers, leia took all the toys because the robots weren't playing carefully, you don't understand, scoop, it's a Japanese garden and there's going to be a fountain here , it is something very difficult to build, in fact, Leia has decided to draw what the fountain will look like.
Oh wow, that's beautiful, let's find the parts, oh, and I'll dig a hole a little more, oh oh. dear, oh dear, the shovel has hit a rock, the stone needs to be removed, but it is heavy. Hello, can I help us put the cars together, but you can't move it? What if robots help? Hurray, they have the rock from the ground and the crane will take it out of the hole. The robot has placed the stone next to the entrance to the garden and here is Leo, he has brought the pieces. Here is the fountain tank.
That is where the water will be. let's put some on it turns on to illuminate the water a pump some pipes to make the water flow and that is the base on which we will stack the beautiful stones here are the robots they are putting some stones around the edge hooray let's turn it on it doesn't work oh it seems that we forget about water which vehicle carries water list mixer map the gasoline tanker oh the water tanker the tanker will pump water to the fountain thank you look at the fountain is working splash robot now the cars will be able to have even more fun playing next door from leia's garage they built a really beautiful fountain they build the cars that are so good wheel engine and hood who brings the parts it's leo leo the truck leo leo leo the truck is leia what are you looking for not here hmm and not here there There are so many parts different in the scrap here oh, a terrible mess hello hello leah let's play hello I can't, I'm tidying up oh, let's sort everything together and then we'll go to play the cars are starting to sort out they need to put the different parts in place lifty headlights leia wants lifty to pick up just the headlights pick up the tires here the robots sort the sprockets they take everything behind the house why are you being so bossy I'm not being Bossy, yes I'm organizing and Leia is going to remove the sprockets and unload them over here .
Scoop is picking up the big pieces and Lifty is picking up the lamps. Are those robots playing again? Oh, the purple robot has found a horn and Lifty. a wheel that is strange hmm it looks like a bicycle wheel i found something


the cars have found a lot of interesting parts but what the hell is that friends let's put all the parts together and take a look at what we get great idea leo take the parts. Back home, I attached all the pieces to the purple chassis, the engine, the cabin, the seats, the wheels, two wheels on one side and two on the other, the doors, the windshield, the hood, the radiator grill, the fenders, headlights and brake lights, trunk lid. the rear and front bumper, the steering wheel horn and the mirror, they have made an old car, people used to drive cars like that a long, long time ago, 100 years ago, Leo forgot to fix the spare tire, it doesn't fit in the starter you need to fix the spare wheel to the side of the car beautiful the robots are ready to go they leave the old car is driving very fast and leo is driving after they hit the brakes what happened the robot is hot because the sun is shining so intensely hmm where is the ceiling? an umbrella no, that's not a real roof that roof is no good for a car and this one isn't, what's up with this? no, it's not good yes, fix the roof on the car and open it oh look at the robots i found some old hats in the scrap heap it's time to get back to the car beep beep you leave well done friends that's a good job you decided to tidy up i think that's enough for today thanks let's play now catch me the robot decided to fold the roof oh the hat has blown off oh they build the cars that are so good wheel engine and hood who brings the parts it's leo leo the truck leo leo leo the truck look it's the red plane from the airport are you ready to land leia is working as an air traffic controller she tells the planes when they can land and when they can take off the red plane is preparing to park and what is happening inside the airport building the terminal, let's look, leo and lifty are making a luggage conveyor belt, this is the last part lift up, turn it on, forklift, lift up, you are pressing the button, the conveyor belt is moving, but where is the luggage?
How strange, let's go look, the plane landed a long time ago, the passengers have already disembarked, the robots are unloading the luggage, why are you being so slow? Unload a little faster please, the red robot is throwing the suitcases and the others are catching them. Good job, oh, what a big pile of suitcases, oh, I caught it. There are no more suitcases left on the plane. Hello, do you need help? hello actually we have unloaded everything oh it seems that the robots are very tired hello how are you going to carry that luggage to the terminal oh well um robots let's build a truck yes oh yes to carry all the luggage leia and leo had the same idea at the same time time of what they have to do put together all the parts the body the engine the wheels two on one side and two on the other four in total the cabin the driver's seat the control panel with multicolored lights the pedals the steering wheel the doors what is that the radiator grill the headlights the flashing light the coupling for the carts the windshield the truck is ready you can't put the luggage directly on the truck wait a moment we need some carts yes, some carts let's go to the trucks I have to come to the hangar to Choose some carts for luggage.
A tractor and a trailer. No. A wheelbarrow. No. That's not for luggage. But the robots seem to like it. Here are the carts we need. Let's pick up. We are already attaching the carts to the truck. the robots together with lifty Scoop and Leo are loading the suitcases into the carts look how well they are packed good job Lifty has brought a green suitcase Scoop brings an orange one and look how many suitcases Leo is carrying we can move all the luggage is in the carts thanks to everyone It is a pleasure together we will solve it in a short time attention your luggage is now arriving to be picked up and here are the suitcases as always the friends have organized everything they build the cars that are so good wheel engine and hood who brings the parts is leo leo the truck leo leo leo the truck this is the airport leo the truck and his friends are waiting for a plane but they still have some time to play the robots are playing tag it's delayed and what's happening at the airfield the tanker is filling the plane with fuel we will probably take off soon the robots are tired of waiting they are drawing


faces on the icy windows don't push the robot there is enough room for everyone the blue robot has I found an accident with a bowl Hey oh I caught it robots , you can't play soccer at the airport, you almost broke the glasses and you're ratting out your friends, the robots are so sad that they get so bored waiting for the plane to be ready for takeoff, what should they do?
Oh, the purple robot had found a toy car, are you going to play with it? That encouraged them. Flight number one, two, three has been cancelled, but that's our flight and we're not flying to any strange, snowy place. has stopped, let's check and see good idea take out the plane it's in position but it's covered in ice and icicles the robot is trying to knock down an icicle with a broom uh no, we'll never be ready to fly like that uh huh, don't make him mad scoop He is waving and Leo have thought of something these are the parts for a new vehicle a defrosting machine a defrosting machine how interesting the chassis an orange platform the cabin the wheels the brake lights the headlights the flashing light the control panel the cannon that will spray the antifreeze the red robot is sitting in the driver's seat and the blue robot is going to control the cannon and will spray the plane the robots are very interested in washing all the ice and icicles from the plane but we have forgotten to fill the tank with antifreeze wait everyone start looking the robots are bringing hot tea they think they can pour it into the deicing spoon he has decided to pour lemonade but lifty knows what to do this can has a special liquid inside if they spray the wings of the plane with it they won't have more problems with ice and icicles that's no good oh well hooray leo is very happy that lifty found the antifreeze robots let's get to work the cannon is working we can start -icing, turn it on look, the ice is clearing from the wing of the plane, so the robots have done it.
Every single icicle has disappeared. Flight 123 is ready to take off. Thepassengers proceed to board. The cars are going up the walkway. The engines have started. the plane has taken off have a good flight left handed plane and picker robots and leia have a lot of fun they build the cars that are so good wheel engine and hood who brings the parts is leo leo the truck leo leo leo the truck today they cars have a big construction job to do and here are leo and leia, they have brought all the pieces hello leo and leia hello hello lifty also says hello what do you have there oh, it's a television scoop he's digging the foundations they're ready cement mixer the concrete mixer is pouring concrete the robots have found some old tires oh dear be careful oh those are cute tire glasses the robots stop playing we are going to build a house the foundation is ready the tires have fallen off again stop running we are trying to build something here Hey, watch out, Leia is behind you oh, oh, stop robots, Leia is right, stop playing, look Lifty, she needs your help, she needs to put the TV somewhere where it won't fall, make it stand out. tires another tire and another what a good time to assemble the parts of the house the crane is putting up the first wall and the robots have brought the first and second windows now for the other walls and these big pink arches are for the roof, one one more window, some yellow gables and that's the door shovel that's hitting a post, it looks like a post from a stacking toy, huh, of course the robots are putting tires on the post and on top of that it looks like a blue roof with solar panels.
Great, the robots have gone to get the TV, this time I'd better do it myself. You have to treat electronic items with care. Lifty I'll bring the TV, oh but what is this? An extra part. Can you guess? Here we go if the TV is going to work. I will need an antenna, it won't show any


, otherwise that dish is the antenna of your TV, there is no robot, I know what we need, oh, an ariel must be attached to a mast, what can we make a mast out of ? That does not work. about that the red mast is perfect leo take the mast and the antenna to the house the tower crane knows what to do put on the mask they have placed the ariel hooray it works that's great come in robots stop pushing and arguing now everyone is inside you, what beautiful garage they have built for Leia, you, you.

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