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Helper Cars & the balloons. Toy racing cars for kids. Learn colors with car cartoons for kids.

Jun 05, 2024



cars car windshield Wheels trucks and doors they drive and honk we travel and then together we sing a song cars cars cars cars cars made of many moving parts singing you will hear beeps and deer and they will take you at high speed auxiliary cars the the little cars are playing with a ball the red, green and yellow oh, the ball hit a tree, burst a branch, punctured it, a flat ball, funny, but you can't play with it like that, let's fix it, what's the What is the red car looking at? a hot air balloon in the sky hey come on we have to blow up the ball and plug the hole we can do it in the repair shop knock knock knock the manipulator is at work hello please come in the manipulator grab a toolbox, I wonder what's in it, glue. and a piece of cloth we will make a patch with this so now there is no hole but the ball is still flat this is a bomb we need to fill the ball with air well done hey we can play soccer again but the red car doesn't want to play soccer wants to fly in a hot air balloon what do we do in this box they are inflatable


here they are let's try to inflate the blue balloon it doesn't float do you know why it needs to do it?
helper cars the balloons toy racing cars for kids learn colors with car cartoons for kids
It will be filled with a special gas called helium. Will we try? There is helium in this tank. It is a gas that is lighter than air. Look, the balloon is flying. The cars are happy. They filled many


with helium and attached the basket to the balloons. the basket is rising the red car jumped into it you are too heavy helium will not lift you up so easily how real balloons fly the cars decided to find out here the help cars are being assembled and launching large hot air balloons into the sky a basket is attached to passengers to each balloon and this is the fabric for a large balloon the puppy is already taking off say hello to the cars this is another hot air balloon that the auxiliary cars have just assembled these burners heat the air and shortly after the balloon will float cars will jump the car will take off w let's go so beautiful hot air balloons now the


cars can return to your garage what awaits you tomorrow we will find out soon cars cars cars windshield Wheels trucks and doors drive and honk we travel and then together we sing a song cars cars cars cars made of many moving parts sing and they will hear a beep and they will drive and take you at full speed here auxiliary cars in front of the auxiliary car garage there is a crane working it is digging some huge bathtubs I wonder why oh paint is poured into the bathtubs and here is a wheelie a bus is waiting the tubs are full of paint what beautiful


a gray bus comes out of the garage now let's paint you the bus is sinking in the paint oh you can't even see the roof what color the bus is red, that's right, the horse is going to travel on the red bus, but the puppy arrived too late, don't worry, puppy, there is another bus. for you leaving the garage let's paint it green how beautiful the puppy is getting on the Green Bus a mother cat and her kittens are walking towards the bus stop it seems that a kitten is missing her mother is calling him oh my goodness what nonsense she is playing with the paint kitten you have a purple paw let's wash it now you can go to the bus stop the kittens are going to take the purple bus do you like this color? come on kitties one 2 3 4 have fun travel kittens what do you think where all the multicolored buses went there they are waiting at the red yellow green light and they get off the buses all the passengers are having fun because the buses take them to the playground the horse is playing in the red ball pool the puppy wants to go on the slide you are very brave the kittens are getting out of the purple bus and run to play in the purple ball pool at the bus stop the orange bus with the yellow stripe has arrived the bus will take everyone home, let's go kitty, the bus is waiting buses thanks for doing a great job cars cars cars windshield wheels trucks and doors they drive and honk we ride and then together we sing a song cars cars s cars cars cars made of many The moving parts sing, you will hear a beep and drive and take you to high gear.
helper cars the balloons toy racing cars for kids learn colors with car cartoons for kids

More Interesting Facts About,

helper cars the balloons toy racing cars for kids learn colors with car cartoons for kids...

Auxiliary cars. Small cars bounce on trampolines. They are preparing for the long jump competition. The yellow car also wants to jump. Look at the balls flying. around the auxiliary cars are leaving the garage they are preparing the space for today's competition the car barrier is going to bring the cars to the competition the tow truck the police car and the dump truck are going to quickly build the track for the jump in length goes up to H someone is missing the yellow car had an idea he changed his regular wheels for bigger ones that's not fair the competition arena is going to be here the train has brought a podium and some ramps the crane truck is taking the ramps and putting them on the ground so that the cars can run and jump off of them that is the podium the car that jumps the furthest will take first place the first place is at the top the second place is a little lower and the step higher low is third place the dump truck has brought some colored balls to fill the pool the cars are going to jump into it and here are the contestants of the competition the yellow, red and green cars the police car has taken out some flags now you can start, the green car is the first one to go far, it jumped up here, let's put a flag there so we don't forget, the yellow car didn't jump as far as the green car, it shouldn't have cheated and put on big heavy wheels, it's the red car's turn to jump, that one was so far jumped the whole ball pit well done, the red car got first place on the podium now everyone will receive medals Stars, the red car gets a gold star, the green car gets a silver and the yellow car gets a bronze star congratulations thank you for participating in the competition the


cars return to their garage to rest a little tomorrow they will have more work to do cars cars cars windshield Wheels trucks and doors they drive and honk we travel and then together we sing a song cars cars cars cars cars made of many moving parts singing will hear a beep and drive and take you at high speed auxiliary cars the little cars are playing frisbee oh the frisbee came so far the green car will look for it meanwhile an ice cream truck has arrived at the playground games cars don't push each other there is enough ice cream for everyone one cone for the blue car and one for the red car the truck leaves but the green car also wanted ice cream oops, crash now! there is ice cream and milk spilled on the floor and it also got into the cars who will help us fix the truck and clean up the mess the water truck the garbage truck the sweeper and the tow truck the help cars left on their mission they arrived to the accident scene very quickly.
helper cars the balloons toy racing cars for kids learn colors with car cartoons for kids
Hooray, let's first clean up the spilled milk from the truck's refrigerator. The sweeper will take care of this crane. It's your turn. We need to turn the ice cream truck upside down. The hook is attached to the wheel and that's it. The water truck washes the grass off the lawn and the carts throw the ice cream in the trash if the food falls on the ground you have to throw it away the garbage truck collects the garbage from the container thank you garbage truck the kitten wants to help too she is there cleaning the cars with his tongue there is no kitten the cars are cleaned with water tanker truck open the water the cars are clean and the playground too now we can make ice cream for the green car oh there are only cones left the truck and we can't make ice cream because there is no more milk let's go to the farm these big tanks have a lot of milk let's fill the refrigerator ready now we can make ice cream an ice cream in a cone for the green car and ice cream in a bowl for the kitten enjoy the helper the cars are driving home someone I might need help again tomorrow.
helper cars the balloons toy racing cars for kids learn colors with car cartoons for kids

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