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LEGO Marvel Avengers: Loki in Training | FULL EPISODE

Apr 08, 2024
um, well, Tony, what's up? Hey, black widow. Oh, not much, no big deal. Just uh, someone is trying to break into our secret vault. Someone wants to help me stop it. See you there. Greetings, Avengers, Loki. You should really be more careful with this not-so-secret. The vault was fairly easy to find and enter. What have you stolen? Loki, hello brother, you have offended me with all the dangerous and rare items you have kept here. I think it would be a little safer. I demand to know what I've taken from the typical Thor, always rushing to judge honestly, I don't know how the rest of you Avengers endured it.
lego marvel avengers loki in training full episode
I told them I haven't stolen anything. Loki, you guys need help. All good, we've got you covered. Okay, so let's check the inventory to see. what he stole I'm sure you're good, everything's good, oh, I've got it covered, we're still having fun, it's not that I want to defend Loki, but there's nothing missing in the vault, impossible, what deception is at hand, Loki's deception, On the contrary, I have been trying to say it. You, I'm here to help my friends. I have seen the error of my ways. I have looked deep within myself at the good I am capable of doing and made a decision.
lego marvel avengers loki in training full episode

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I will be a hero. Loki I will be your new avenger. No. I'm by no means far from criticizing, but clearly you can use my help, for example, this primitive locking mechanism that Tony built because of you, look how quickly a devious mind can get rid of it, primitive Tony, wait just a


, let's go as you wish now. We're done here, where do you keep your tail? We have a tailor guys. Loki being here could mean real trouble. Loki wanting to be an avenger means real trouble. Hey, he can't wear my uniform cap, right, that helmet doesn't go with it. uniform if


really wants to be good, why don't we keep him busy as avenger


while we figure out what he's going to do to train loki?
lego marvel avengers loki in training full episode
I'm not sure he has what it takes to be an Avenger, yeah Tony you can't. Seriously, Loki can be like our intern and maybe he'll be a good hero, who knows, if we let Shield know, Loki hasn't done anything wrong yet and this way we can keep an eye on them plus Nick Fury is a busy spy. doing spy stuff, have engineering check rotor number four and make sure these quinjets get serviced and fueled as soon as possible and when I have a moment, hey, hey nebula, you're not from around here like you're off planet, You're not from around here, you've done your research, yeah, well.
lego marvel avengers loki in training full episode
I know everything, what do you want the nebula to say? Let's just say this helicopter will work well as my new Operation Loki face. Take that off. You're embarrassing me. Shameful. I think it's quite flattering to me. I wonder if it comes in green? only red and gold and sometimes silver looks good loki but you are an avenger in


without costume or armor until you start a few hours in the field my first day avenging excellent what criminal empire will we crush what super villain will feel my wrath what intergalactic threat, will we laugh in the face?
I have infinite cosmic knowledge, a super strategic mind, great power and you bring me here to pull a cat out of a tree, you can't be serious, this is a perfect first mission for an intern, uh, uh, avenger. become an avenger intern if you want to be an avenger you must act like an avenger no job is too big or too small yes i get it step aside earth boy we will pay for that thank you iron man no thanks for the intern no You can just fight your way through every challenge that comes your way, it comes from Thor, son of Odin, Lord Lightning and Thunder, hitting everything with your hammer all the time, he's right, Thor, no, no, I wield this hammer with the precision of a surgeon, listen.
Loki, all Thor is trying to say is that you need to be more careful, remember we're here to help and we work better as a team, hey black widow, looks like you're chasing the bad guys, bank robbery, it's a crossed flag and its crew is armed with something real. high tech stuff high tech bank robbers that's not good that's not good that's cool this suits my skills much better just look for the skull face crazy driving too fast consider it done loki wait ah you think you can evade loki oh lo sorry Driver with wrong skull face I demand that you stop this vehicle immediately vile criminal hello brother the other criminals really do not respect that I am an avenger that is because you are not an avenger at best loki uh-oh everyone come back thank you hulk give me five thanks for going somewhere and once again no, thanks for loki, I ask you where the gratitude is, gratitude for being reckless to endanger these citizens, your selfishness will prevent you from becoming an avenger, loki, whatever be the dark crack of the universe through which you came out to return to it. and let my friends and this planet be easy Thor, yeah buddy, the bad guys arrested, no one will hurt, we'll figure this out, no more games, loki, I'm serious, oh, that was awkward, he's always been like that, you know that temper even when I try to do good.
Maybe Thor is right. Maybe he's not cut out for this hero business. I should thank Nick Fury for your hospitality. This is pretty perfect. Do not mention it. You're still going to give me a clue about what you're using my helicopter for. safely sealed in your containment box, I assume it won't harm this helicopter and everyone in it, including you, you're the bait, we're the bait, let me guess, for the Avengers, you're smart, the last thing we need is an angry, wandering Asgardian sultan. the city we're talking about thor or loki loki yes we have to find him I found him oh that was quick we found loki copy that hulk widow cap and I'll see you there hey loki what's going on I'm cheering myself up with dirt cakes Why did someone make deliberately a hole in the center?
We have no idea if this is an Asgardian delicacy. It would be completely intact without removing anything from the middle. There's our inner intrepid, don't worry, Loki, Thor will calm down, at least he usually calms down. Plus you guys are family right, hey Hulk, you can eat them all yourself, that was my plan, that's weird, what's the helicopter doing up there? Iron Man to Nick Fury. What's going on up there? The Avengers. This is fury. Can you hear me come in? Our guidance system is. experiencing power outages i need urgent assistance i repeat, we need your help the fury needs us let's move on wait loki we need a hawkeye plan i need you to monitor the situation from


tower in case things escalate down here loki I need You are here on the ground to make sure everyone is safe.
It's ridiculous. A runaway helicopter suits my vast power. Splendidly being an Avenger is all about being a team player, which means we need you here right now. I just received a distress call from Nick Fury. Way ahead of you, team player, huh, well, this looks like fun, something tells me, oh, these guys aren't working for Shields. You listen to that broadcast from Tony. The Avengers assemble. I'm pretty sure he said Avengers Assemble. I really wish he would stop stealing from me. line hmm, I just saved some of them for us, iron man, is it just me or are you feeling a little uncomfortable up here?
This is always how the chitari receive us. Ah, they trapped me in some kind of box. Hi, Natasha caught you too, you know? Who are you messing with, right, I can't shoot, there's too many of them falling, I've had worse landings, hey big guy, hey cap, where did you keep that? You won't believe this, but we are actually here. to rescue you, uh, silence, everyone will show respect, respect for who, why, my father, of course, the only one who brings you to our beautiful planet, a nice robo thanos you have there, by the way, the always charming iron man , even when defeated.
And trapped in a small box, Loki has stolen my Mcfinity glove and I want it back. I will tear this entire solar system apart to find it, starting here with your precious city. The Chautauri have yet to find the two guardians the father set his course for.


tower and find them oh no hello brother still angry if you would stay here you must learn to be a team player i can't allow you to endanger my friends and this planet yes about that we need to rescue your friends and also the guy angry with the eyepatch then we have to save all the people on this planet wait what rescue them from who thanos thanos why in the ten kingdoms is he on earth is it possible that he stole the infinity gauntlet that he built for his mech lo he calls his mechfinity gauntlet Which I personally think is a little flashy, you stole the infinity gauntlet from Thanos, technically the mecha gauntlet, but yeah, and you hid it in our vault, right?
Why didn't you tell me this? He couldn't let Thanos wield him. power would mean great danger to the entire universe wait you didn't want it for yourself loki you were trying to protect the shocking universe yeah i know listen brother i thought if anyone could help me it was you and the avengers you thought right first. we rescue the others, then we destroy mcfinity's glove and read this world of thanos, but we must work together, understood, understood, I am sure that I will find my mcfinity garment here, as well as the Asgardian thief hiding like a coward, you will crush him .
Avengers and whoever stands in your way father, yes I will, why are the prisoners still here? The prisoners are to be released from containment and moved to the helicarrier, open the containment cages now, thank you nebula, don't mention it, what on earth is this? call it a jailbreak it definitely looks like a jailbreak stop them quickly we must go thanos is on his way to your vault and why should we trust you loki we know you stole mcfinity's garland you don't need to trust me but you do trust thor and right now he is in the vault about to face thanos alone, tony, you and cap, come on, we'll clean up around here hey, cap, it's time to go, I see you're not a coward like your brother, you'll discover that no son of Odin is afraid. of a fight, especially me, you'll have to do better than that, oh, I didn't mean for him to come, you made a valiant effort, Asgardian, but you've lost, I told Tony I needed a better lock on this door, ah, yes, the Thief, I'll enjoy it.
Crushing you while I claim what is right


y mine Do you really think you can defeat me on your own, coward, and why should I have to face you alone? Sorry, we're late. Yeah, I thought we could put something a little more appropriate. You're already too late, not on my watch, hey Hulk, now that the fury has everything under control, you better get on the phones, come back here my fellow avengers, if you plan on helping me defeat Thanos, he's blue now, yeah, finally , no, yes, what. Is this it, oh Thanos? Yes, I forgot to mention it.
Although I hid your glove here, I took out all the infinity stones and hid them somewhere else in the universe. These stones are, as they say, costume jewelry, they have no value, they have no cosmic power. Even so nice to see, this really can't be congratulations, team, we did it, you stole the infinity stones and deliberately brought Thanos here so we would fight him for you, that's misleading even for you, Loki, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, together as a team, we have. I just defeated Thanos and saved the universe, not bad for an Avenger in training I would say, and where, dear brother, you have hidden the true infinity stones, I assure you it is a much safer place than this supposedly secret vault .
I've given it a lot of consideration and decided I'm not good at this hero thing. I'll leave it to you Avengers, you are the real heroes until we meet again, that's family to you.

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