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LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Clash | First 10 Minutes | @dckids

May 23, 2024
um oh wow citizens of the planet erato vicslu your world has been scanned and compressed into a smaller file for efficient storage and preservation, you're welcome the largest planet database in the galaxy is one planet closer to finally being completed all places on the shelf d to e will now be full is now damaged my collection can only assimilate planets in perfect condition recalculating recalculating recalculating balance of the circuit restored now I must calculate an alternative world that will go between diseases and even if there was only another planet that began with e-a searching searching searching ah required data file located the same planet darkseid told me about in my digital suggestion box planet earth ah recalculating when the martian hunter green arrow and batman join forces criminals like cheetah and vandal savage don't stand a chance and now we will join the rest of the





it's strange to think that last year I was hesitant to join them and now I couldn't be more proud to be a member of the most dedicated, fearless and professional band of


in history have met, let's see what they are. you're up to 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 flash I can still hear you trying to find a hiding place better hurry up 99 no 100 ready or not here I come and Green Lantern is behind the couch hey it's not fair I thought we said you could I don't use yours much


powers, I keep telling you that Wonder Woman's plane?
lego dc comics super heroes justice league cosmic clash first 10 minutes dckids
It's invisible except for the person in it really why would that be useful in any way? I found Wonder Woman oh I'm sorry Wonder Woman, you gave up your hideout and lost the game just to stop me from doing something stupid and I know how. competitive you don't think about anything cyborg on paradise island we amazons learn that the well-being of others is always the most important thing she is so kind that you couldn't find me I hid in the perfect place new york how does she do it? Superman, you really are the best at hide and seek, you can find anyone, oh, thanks, you know, when I was in the scouts as a kid, they always told me to be prepared, oh, Batman, uh, we were just honing our hunting skills. camouflage. and being sneaky, you know that as you, instead of performing your scheduled duties of monitoring the world for in


s, you were playing hide and seek, did Superman go and find each of you in two


lego dc comics super heroes justice league cosmic clash first 10 minutes dckids

More Interesting Facts About,

lego dc comics super heroes justice league cosmic clash first 10 minutes dckids...

He really is the best detective in the world, geez, Bruce. Sorry, we don't invite you to play. Secret identities are not to be mentioned while in disguise, as stated on page one of the Justice League rulebook. Our friendly exercise didn't seem like the kind of thing you'd like Batman, no. Like uh, fight crime, friendly exercise, I completely understand my dark and mysterious nature, it terrifies criminals, intimidates my enemies and discourages friendships, I'm fine with that, don't be silly, of course, you're our friend, everyone We are friends, we are like.


friends super best friends like Jupiter and Poseidon friends uh let's be honest this is the guy whose favorite hobby is coming up with ways to defeat each of us if we suddenly turn evil I bet he's carrying kryptonite in his back pocket right now.
lego dc comics super heroes justice league cosmic clash first 10 minutes dckids
I don't have any back pockets and I'm sure you don't have faith in your colleagues here either, it's hard to call a guy like that a friend, well I guess Batman isn't so much a friend to hang out and joke around with, he's more of a friend to get things done. made friends exactly like we were doing something important like fighting crime or painting wonder woman's apartment we totally call you no need to explain i don't need friends the dark knight walks alone batman cell phone trouble alert cyborg the thread seems to be spacebase reset the breakout satellite to coordinates delta 27 grid5 there it is I see something increasing the resolution oh no you know what that is yes I do it and we have to stop it before it reaches the ground for the javelin , get ready to see everyone buckle up, who needs? a seat belt I can outrun this cube three two one take off everyone everyone must buckle up every time okay I see your point superman you said you know what this is unfortunately that ship belongs to an intelligent robot called Brainiac, rather silly.
lego dc comics super heroes justice league cosmic clash first 10 minutes dckids
Namiak, I'm right, I'm congratulating you on that, but my heart isn't in it. Access to Superman Baby Rocket's Kryptonian database. That's the alien rocket that brought you to Earth as a baby from your doomed planet. Yes, I know what Brainiac was. Designed to be the ultimate artificial intelligence built to catalog the existing universe for future generations, unfortunately due to an accident and a glitch in his programming, Brainiac now scours the galaxy searching for planets to capture and permanently preserve in his growing collection. Oh, I totally understand the impulse. I collect commemorative coffee mugs. This is from Niagara Falls.
This is from the grand canyon. This is a souvenir coffee mug from a factory that makes coffee mugs. Please stop. I didn't come back to earth to hear Flash talk about cups of coffee.

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