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Learn Rainbow Colors with Meekah at Billy Beez Indoor Playground | Educational Videos for Kids

May 13, 2024
There is so much to


about this it will make you want to yell at me, it's me Mika and today I'm at Billy Beez in Anaheim, California, my best friend Blippi has been here a few times and said it's a lot of fun so I thought I'd come here. and see for yourself, I have my compass watch and my backpack, so I'm ready for any kind of adventure, come on please, oh, it's a note for me, dear Mika, and it's from blippi, oh, let's read it, I'm so excited that you are. Going to Billy Beez you will have an incredible time.
learn rainbow colors with meekah at billy beez indoor playground educational videos for kids
I've put a few things in your pack for you to play with throughout the day. You just have to figure out where to use them. Have fun with the things in my package. Let's see. oh, there's a chef's hat, okay, carrot seeds, eh, and a colorful ribbon, interesting. I wonder what I'm going to use these items for. Well, there's only one way to find out. oh great, and Billy B socks, let's play honeycomb. Village sounds fun, come on, oh cool, look. this is a garden oh, I love gardens because that means there are delicious fruits and vegetables here and I love to eat good food, let's see what's in this garden oh corn on the cob delicious oh onions two onions one two delicious oh do you know what they are? our tuber, that's right, potatoes, one, two, oh, and I see a big potato right here, yeah, wow, this is making me hungry, there are even strawberries in this garden, one, two, wait a second, there's something in my jam that belonged in a garden, yes, I think.
learn rainbow colors with meekah at billy beez indoor playground educational videos for kids

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learn rainbow colors with meekah at billy beez indoor playground educational videos for kids...

There were carrot seeds. Oh, this will look perfect in the garden. I can make some space. Excuse me food. Excuse me, and put some carrot seeds in there. It needs nutritious soil, some water and beautiful sun. Then there will be a fruit or vegetable. grow I can't wait to see these carrots grow hmm maybe I'll take a snack for the road hmm maybe I'll find a yellow snack like a banana which is a nice healthy fruit full of potassium come on have you ever noticed that a banana looks like a phone hello Mika yes, it's me Mika how are you okay? what are you doing?
learn rainbow colors with meekah at billy beez indoor playground educational videos for kids
I didn't even know this was loaded yeah, hello, oh, okay, okay, okay, I gotta go. I'm playing with my friends, goodbye. -bye ok, I'll talk to you later ok, sorry, listen, I better finish eating this banana hmm, peel it and it's pretty good, put the peel right here in the trash oh and look, it's like we're in a little house, welcome to my home, let's see what we have here, ice cream in the freezer and there are two ice cream cones, one two one for me and one for you. Greetings, refrigerators at the bottom. I wonder if there are any goodies in there.
learn rainbow colors with meekah at billy beez indoor playground educational videos for kids
There are no sweets. Looks like someone needs to go grocery shopping oh wow there's food here look at these two baskets of food hmm we should do something, what should we do? Let's look at a lot of bread and cheese and make a sandwich, okay, let's see what we have, what we have in this basket. We have bread, we have hamburgers, we have cheese and we have tomatoes, please, let's stack the lips, let's stack them, come on, let's have it as a snack, check it out, hamburger, cheese, tomato, it's going to be a disaster, but it's going to be delicious , what else is here? a little refreshment, oh, nice and cool, look at this cool sink, oh, there looks like there are some dirty dishes in here, oh, we really need to clean this spatula, so, oh, here's a sponge, put some soap in there and some water, it's time to clean up, come on, hey, when you're playing, it's always better to clean up if you make a mess, well, there's water here and it's like new, very clean.
I wonder what else is here, come on, pizza place, let's go in, look at pizza, oh, I love pizza so much, hmm, something. in my jam packet that belonged to a restaurant, let's take a look, oh yes, yes, I put it on. I can be Asha Chef Mika, welcome to my pizzeria, okay, let's see, we have a pizza ready, let me bring one of these trays here and let me. slide that in here, let's pretend, that would be very spicy, okay, let's put it together to make a nice circle for the pizza, okay, who ordered the pizza with mushrooms, tomato, cheese and green sprinkles?
Oh, oh, what's ready, let's go to the register so you can pay, okay? Look, you've got that cheese, the tomatoes, the mushrooms, and the green sprinkles. I'll give it to you for free, the sprinkles are on the house, okay, that'll be a million dollars, please, thank you. Okay, there you have it. here's your change, here's your pizza, enjoy, actually, pizza sounds pretty good right now and, oh, I make it for my lunch break, okay, and that special pizza you ordered looked really good, so I think I'm going to eat the same thing and there is a list. to me, right there, ah, it looks so delicious.
Hey, could you count the pizza slices with me? Okay, one, two, three, four, five, six, ooh, six delicious servings, just for me. So the beat is really fun because you can eat it with your hands, okay, let's see. maybe I'll add a little pepper and a little hot sauce with salt. I love spicy food. Well, actually, that looks very delicious. Well, here we go, it's too hot. I thought I could handle it. Can't. Alright. We'll leave it there for a second, maybe I'll come back to it when I'm feeling a little better, let's see what else is here.
Come on, look at this really colorful place we can play. Come on, wait, these. They are fun steps look what color green and these steps are color blue and this is the color green and this is orange and blue and green hey, there is a slide there, will you find us at the bottom? okay see you soon oh I can't wait to go down the slide three two one whoa that was really fast hey there's something super colorful there we go whoa whoa both slides must be where I'm supposed to use the


Great Britain wow there are so many


different and it looks like there is a ribbon for each slide I guess I have to download each slide are you ready?
I'll see you at the bottom see you blue light blue here I come green yellow orange red hey we did it, we figured out where to use the items that flippy put in my jam packet, we got to plant carrot seeds and oh I wore the hat when I made pizza at the pizzeria and the


ribbons allowed us to make these really cool rainbow slides, it was so fun to play with you, well that's the End of this video, but if you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is to search for my name.
Can you spell my name with me? Great, n e e k a h Mika, well, I'll see you next time, bye.

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