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Water Balloons ! Elsa and Anna toddlers - pool - water fun splash - floaties

Jun 03, 2021
I really look at myself pop like what spin, spin, spin, girls, girls, come here, the red



are ready, oh yeah, yeah, thank you so much mommy, wait let me see how it feels, whoa anya, it's so bouncy oh yes, you are right, but be careful. don't blow it up and now let's inflate these yellow



yes, water, I hear it here we go elsia they are growing look at that oh they are inflating look at them getting bigger it's like inflating a normal balloon but you are inflating them with water. They look like grapes, yes the grapes are exploding and these are the stems that also look like flowers.
water balloons elsa and anna toddlers   pool   water fun splash   floaties
Be careful so that they do not grow too much. Girls, I want to bounce on them. What happened? Another exploded. Wow, well this is actually very bouncy. Is it ever going to explode? Another one appeared. Anya stops making them, but why Elsia? This is so fun. Okay, here we go. The yellow ones are ready. Uh oh, it's like a big comfy bed. Now we only have. the blue ones here they are oh there we go oh look at them they're exploding fast blue grapes they're going up so fast it's cool to see them fly and get bigger and bigger yeah look at this one I see some bubbles spinning around them can you start taking them off girls oh there it is okay, come on, elsia, and let the water come out, come on, look how big this one goes, yeah, it looks like a pear shape, they're bursting girls, oh no, no, no, okay, okay.
water balloons elsa and anna toddlers   pool   water fun splash   floaties

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water balloons elsa and anna toddlers pool water fun splash floaties...

Well, I think it's too much water no, oh no, quick, quick, I'll see, okay, I turned off the hose, oh, perfect, oh no, the big pair exploded, oh, I think it was too much water, wait, Elsia, but we still have a big pair oh yes we do it okay let's take them out before they all explode and oh no another one appeared quickly elsia here we go oh no our big pair exploded well luckily we stopped the water pull there it is We take out the stem, there we go. Come on, there's a lot more to roll them into place, look at all these big thick chairs, and how cool, there we go, Elsia, look at these straws, she blew up the balloons, hmm, what if we use them as sprinklers?
water balloons elsa and anna toddlers   pool   water fun splash   floaties
Daddy, can you turn on the hose, of course? look let's see here we go what else you look worse in the shower jump jump oh I love to have fun girls yeah best time of my life oh and look now we made a


pad here where we could


. I wish this was a chair in my room I would feel very comfortable but eventually I would explode talk about explode here comes the second pop and girls they splash me actually girls we got splashed everywhere sorry we just wanted that fun oh , okay, let's mix them well, red with yellow, let's put these red ones on top oh no, they're rolling away it fell into the water look look I see it I'll dive in later come here water balloon and I've got you yes here we go elsia has it don't forget the the blue ones, oh yeah, yeah, we'll put the yellow ones on top of the blue and put a red in there so we have all kinds of colors, let's mix it up like a big water balloon soup, oh here we go, mommy, everyone, it's water time . balloon fight anya another no you get one that was a big splash now it's my turn to catch you oh yeah I got ready for the fight in the water in my play bathing suit oh yeah take this coming at you with this huge balloon that was such a big splash stop laughing because you're coming here too oh yeah it's okay you'll see oh no take this oh yeah a giant one is coming towards you take this it didn't explode now that means it's coming towards you , no, okay, this is I'm going to work, I can show you, okay, one is coming for you, no dad is coming towards you, what are you waiting for a second?, we already took them all out, it's time to take the chairs out of the


, the pet and the blanket, yes, I can't wait to relax.
water balloons elsa and anna toddlers   pool   water fun splash   floaties
Ah, then. chill boy I love the fresh air we love our new floats yes mine is the mermaid one and mine is the unicorn let's jump on them anya the ponies are coming towards you let's spin ready to spin I'm spinning too it's so nice and bright elsia where are you? elsia bumping into you having fun there girls, yes we are and they are like our little boats. I can see I'm coming soon, but first, here are yours, oh thanks Anna, but did you forget the black ones are mine?, oh yeah, sorry. Get ready for summer, yeah, really, oh yeah, I think it's true, I'm telling you I should be there, yeah, yeah, look at me, I'm resting on the mermaid tail, well, look at me, I'm resting on the head of the unicorn and I'm spinning again I love my float and I have your tail on me I'll let you go I can pull you towards then I can let go Elsia look at your float you have some hearts here that's cute so in that case my float is more special than yours no but mine has sparkles look well mine has sparkles too and you can even see them moving inside elsia jump on your float i got you elsia let's do this we'll stay five minutes in yours in five minutes online no this is just my float can you 'I'm coming, I have an idea, my plan is going to be great, Aunt Elsa, can I ask you something?
Yes, Sonia, what can I do? Hmm, can you do something cool for me like what? Well, you see this float over here. Yeah, hmm, I was thinking maybe you. I could do it like jumbo size jumbo yeah it's going to be so awesome so you want to join floaty eh yeah well if you hop on you'll see it happen okay I'm so excited are you ready? Yes, yes, here I go. In no way is this amazing. Do you like it? It's big enough. Obviously look how big it is. I'm very happy. I'm glad you like it.
Now I'll show you Elsia how special my float is. Oh, Elsia, make way for the best. floaty ever elsia make way for my shiny boat anya is that your floaty yes, i thought you had a small one where is this one from anya? Well, elsia, I can't tell you it's a secret, but you can clearly see that now it bounces, bounces, oh, and I want to. know something else amazing about my float look at this gigantic tail so cool you can bounce on it there's a lot of room but i can go with you to have fun oh let me think about it no felsia remember you didn't let me go on your floats so now i won't let you go on with it mine, but this is not nice, we have to share, yes we can share, but why didn't you share it at the beginning?
If you'll excuse me, I'll go spend some time alone, mommy, mommy. mommy I need your help quick and don't be mean uh oh here we go again well guess what happened she suddenly had a big float out of nowhere and she didn't even let me step on it what's so cool you mean big shiny tail yeah that's it One, how do you know? I thought you knew I made it for her because she asked me to. Oh, she said it was a secret. Oh Anya, so she waits, you want me to make you one too. I haven't thought about it. that, but yes, it's a great idea mommy mommy, you're a genius, can you make this unicorn gigantic?
Well, of course I can, yes, then we will each have one, so put it in the water. Yes, this also happened with Sonya. Yeah, okay, now I just have to imagine what she looks like. Oh yes, it's a good design. Okay, here it comes and it goes, there you go, what do you think? Wow, this is, wow, this is so cool, wait a second, it's that big. I didn't expect it well, just like I imagined, have fun, this is amazing mommy, thank you yes, mine is the best now for sure, oh and mine even has some sparkles too like Anyas, yes it's great and look at its great horn, his head big. wow amazing amazing anita let me show you what a special floaty really is elsia is that sure is what the biggest unicorn i have ever seen i can't even believe my eyes see how big her head is.
Sorry for being mean and not on, I need to use my unicorn float. Sorry too, we should all share our floats, so what are we waiting for? Let's play, guys, how about we all go in? Yes, why not? What do you think Jack? I say we take a dip. I think he should make more floats. Watermelon floats going up and up and up and a blue raft and how about pink and yellow? Hmm and I know Kristoff likes green, so a green donut shaped one, remember. how divana no, I'm scared just kidding here we go ok your hair is in your face here let me help you oh thank you girls let's go get you to the floats come on let's go guys jack kristoff let's go kristoff is coming oh girls, we didn't see you here, you got scared, splash, splash, splash, splash, let's go to one of the big floats, let's scare them, ready, oh, you scared us, okay, let's go in, let's explore, come on, mommy, keep spinning. the watermelon the seeds are so big and look how fast we're going spin spin spin spin spin I love it I'm taking the blue one uncle kristoff wait for me blue is my favorite color bounce bounce that's so clear scream and to the top now I'm on the bouncy yellow bouncy bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce watch me do a jump and uh I've been working on my jumps I can do a double jump first and then twist and turn that's how you do it oh amazing


is the best you can do all the jumps you want, but this is my relaxation, ah, in fact, I'm going to float a little like this, oh, I have a good idea, this tail can also be used as a slide, anyone, try it, yes, elsia.
You're right to slide, get on and it's fun to swim like a dolphin, let's jump on all the floats yeah, yeah, one, two and three, bouncing on the mermaid and now blue, you can do it. I'm scared, come on, you can do it, yeah. I made it, I made it, buddy, now let's go around, run, run, run, run and there's one and there's another sunset floating round bounce bouncing around and around and around mommy daddy look at the rabbits they come yes and they jump mermaid tail mermaid tail Mommy, daddy, let's go For you, I see you bounce, bounce, bounce and now I'm glad you're having fun girls, oh, and there's the green float, ah, we got tired, I think we keep going.
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