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Jun 06, 2021
What's up guys, welcome back to my channel. So today I present to you a family member who has never appeared in videos. Is she a secret sister? Is he a little brother? um, this is my grandfather, welcome grandfather, azelair, grandfather, are you okay? Oh my gosh, so this is it. bailey and today we are joking with my friends saying this is my grandpa so bailey put on makeup for two hours to look like this and now we are going to my friends house to prank my grandpa let's do it today we have brought my grandpa since France grandpa azelar oh yeah what's up man oh oh sorry I don't have it are you sure that's not your grandpa?
last to leave the frozen ice tub wins
I'm so confused right now wait what lexi I have grandpa azelaire here to meet you oh my god are you okay Lexi help him get my fingers out? You didn't tell me your grandpa was an acrobat so when you fell I literally thought you died so now it's time to prank some people in public with our tumbler grandpa, let's all get in there. I literally thought it was real, that was so much fun, so we're about to film a tick tac with Brandt, we have a plan, look at this, okay Brent, this is my grandpa, grandpa, do you want to stay here and then, Brent .
last to leave the frozen ice tub wins

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last to leave the frozen ice tub wins...

I'll have you standing right there, that wasn't my fault, you're pushing me into that, oh my God, why would you do that with Paul, why would you push? I didn't push him, you really pushed me, what the hell? You're catching us in a backflip, holy shit, I thought I literally killed your grandfather, so, as you know, a lot of my friends are very stupid, absolutely, um, so today we're going to find out if some of my friends are stupid, how? By doing this we are playing a little game called don't talk into the microphone, so how this works is I pass the microphone to one of my friends, if he doesn't talk into it he


a hundred dollars, it's not that easy.
last to leave the frozen ice tub wins
As it seems, look at this, okay, lexi, don't talk into the microphone and win a hundred dollars, are you ready to play? I'm down, lexi, wait, it hasn't started yet, yeah, no, you want to play nice now, I don't know. To talk into the microphone, you just did it, so I'm here with Paris and I have a little challenge for you, okay, so all you have to do is not talk into this microphone and you'll win a hundred dollars, you understand? Yeah, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I said, get on the microphone, okay, Mason, don't talk into the microphone and make a hundred dollars.
last to leave the frozen ice tub wins
You understand the rules. Yeah, I get it, oh my God, I said, don't talk into the microphone, okay, no. one hundred dollars for you, what's up, let me go again, okay, sure you want to play, yeah, don't talk into the microphone and win 100, are you willing to play, are you willing to play, what's your name, where are you from? Are you simple? right, you win buddy, I was trying really hard to get them back as a subscriber of the week real quick. I want you to know that if you haven't been a subscriber of the week yet, don't worry, I literally do this every week, so just by watching the video, liking and commenting on them, you have a much better chance of being the subscriber of the week , but this week we have ava carolina abdullah chrysler and chloe.
It's actually chloe's birthday so happy birthday chloe if you want a chance to be on my warehouse wall all you have to do is subscribe to my channel then like this video and comment below when you're done and I'll pick five people next week to be on the wall and one more thing. It's coming to the end of the month, should we give them an advance? Yeah, okay, a sneak peek, okay, that's it, I'll give you merch at the end of the month, let's go, okay, it's a nice winter day, so I thought it would be a great idea to play the


one to get out of the ice tub.
Win, what a great idea. Ben, I'm already cold, so I joined some of my friends. We have a hot towel behind me, which is now a cold tub. We are not being forced to do this what is the prize and we have a huge pile of ice that is not the price where is the prize? 200 pounds of ice how is it going to go we are going to go into the cold tone and one of these ice blocks is going to be added every five minutes, we also have a bunch of challenges that we will do so the


one out of the ice bath


Guys, are you ready?
I think so, I guess so too, are you cold? Yeah, okay, let's go, although everyone looks very cold. It's already cold man, okay since it's my video, you know, we'll have Brent come in first, wait, what's up? Oh God, I regret it. Did I go all the way? No, you fucking suck, okay, one, two, three, oh my god, okay, bricklayer. has the first ice cube three two one oh my god that's so cool I'm sweating someone bring me another ice cube please do you want another rescue yes okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay guys, unfortunately it's been five minutes, that means more eyes, oh my god, we have three ice cubes here, 15 minutes have passed for another challenge.
We're doing a hold-your-breath competition, oh my god, we gotta go down, you gotta go down, no, I want to be so cold, three, two, one, oh my gosh, wow, I couldn't hold my breath anymore, oh, that It wasn't even difficult, guys. It's time for another ice bucket, oh my goodness, already, all set, okay, then it's time for another challenge, we have these basketballs here and a hoop there, the first person to enter the hoop invites me to dinner oh no, no, no, this. It's your video bro, yeah, this is your challenge, dude, I might come out, you're a sample, that's all bullshit, okay, but you know what that means, it's time for another ice cube, wait here real quick, I have a surprise for you, I don't.
I want, can you hear me? She came out, man, my fingers are numb. Well, now it's just brett and dom left. I have a surprise for you, popsicles, not the first person to finish the popsicle wins. Okay, good night, wait, what time is it? Oh, it's time. for another block of ice, cool guys, they're fighting right now, they really want to win, so there's two ice cubes in one, three, no, my god, I'm starting to break a t-man, but you lose, oh no, okay, then you win this. challenge and your trophy is this wonderful ice sculpture, a piece of ice, congratulations, now I'm going to freeze to death, so we go back to the wild warehouse for an extreme edition of the no back down challenge, so we did a no back down challenge.
A few months ago, but today we're doing the extreme version, we have this super heavy bowling ball right here, Jeremy, there, don't flinch, so for the first round, as you saw, we have this super heavy bowling ball, we'll swing it . from one side to the other he's going to get really close to our face are you ready no let's do it in the first round jeremy are you ready I didn't move you did it right let's look to see if he blinked oh I didn't even blink bro don't flinch it's my turn now ready three two one oh my god I saw my life flash before my eyes buddy no I shuddered a little bit jeremy wins the first round in the next round ah if I don't shudder you guys should like this video okay ben good luck , are you ready, no, I'm not ready, three two one, oh, did you shudder?
I have no idea oh brother I did cringe like this video three two one oh man honestly it's so hard you finished last. Hey, it's 1-1 1-1, so it's a tied game, so Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to blow this powder cannon in my face and if I don't flinch, he'll let me win, how's that fair? let's get started let's get started three two okay oh my god definitely back off jeremy you win uh this will be it for this week's video if you enjoyed it give it a big thumbs up subscribe to everyone's channels below love you guys so much stay peace wild, got the perfect face by flipping through the deck of 52 and she ranks highest

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