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May 18, 2024
everyone should try it, so I'm about to try one of the craziest science experiments I've ever tried. Is here. It is safe. If I were you, I'd stay behind. I didn't think that was going to work. it looks so sick oh my gosh okay now we have this giant tower of cups let's try to use the smoke cannon to knock down these cups let's see if this works well there you go now since it knocked down the cups I'm I guess this can knock a human over, so Ben, climb up that ladder over there. That makes no sense.
last to leave hot tub wins 10 000
Three, two, one. That worked. That surprised me. I didn't think I would know what else surprised me. I just fell on purpose. oh wait, it's really subscriber of the week time, let's go first, shout out, second and third, okay, let's see who I hit. The first shout out is to Allison, the next shout out is to Fidget Friends, and


but not least, shout out. to alina, if you want a chance to be the subscriber of the week and end up on my warehouse wall, all you have to do is like this video, subscribe to my channel, comment below, that's it, when you're done , I choose a group of people each week print their name put it on the wall throw some darts give some greetings you know how it goes well Andrew I have a little challenge for you give it to me okay so if you can catch three of these jelly beans in your mouth without a mistake I'll give you a thousand dollars, that seems pretty easy bro, okay, there's a problem, although I'll be on the second floor with the tape measure dropping them, hold this end of the tape measure like this, it looks like that. too good to be true trust me it's not as easy as it looks they go down very very fast and just don't drown it's okay Andrew the first jelly bean is going down the slide the second one Andrew I want you to close your eyes Oh.
last to leave hot tub wins 10 000

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last to leave hot tub wins 10 000...

Oh my god, here we go, ah, to make it a little harder, I'm going to give you this blindfold, you catch it, you win the money, whatever you're ready, okay, let's do it right, three two one, since I traumatized you like this and I put you a pickle down your throat I'll give you the thousand dollars I don't really care yeah okay so I'm here with a group of friends on a hot summer day guys how hot are you right now? I'm sweating a lot. It's pretty hot outside so I thought it would be a great day to play the


one and


the haunted.
last to leave hot tub wins 10 000
Oh, why is he so smart? How is today a good day to do this? I don't want to get wrinkled. Oh, it will be fun. okay trust me I set the heat to 108 degrees no the legal limit is 104 degrees oh my gosh so we're all going to get in the hot tub the last person to get out of the hot tub we'll win a lot of money so just don't get out of the hot tub now that we're talking, now we're talking and every five minutes there will be a bunch of boiling water, pour it into the hot water and see if the friend is the first person to get in. it's its own video oh i think he has a third degree burn oh it's actually really hot oh my gosh okay guys this is the wrong day to do this challenge 90 degrees outside the hot tub is about 110.
last to leave hot tub wins 10 000
This on Reality hurts, right? Now guys, now that we're all in the hot tub, how are you feeling warm? Okay, guys, don't pee in the hot tub because it will heat it up. It's too late. I already did. I took number two. Worth? Everyone is currently in the jacuzzi, we are all relaxing right now, don't worry, it's time for the first challenge. The first challenge is, oh, everyone has to take a shot of hot sauce. What do they come out of here? I can't stand spicy things. no spicy stuff more hot sauce oh my god that's so hard bro oh that was a lot there you go no that's actually so bad everything in my body hurts it's safe to say we're dying now guys look at Jeremy's back this is how hot it is there is a red line where the water is this is how hot it is here okay guys we've been here for about five minutes it's time to add the first bit of extremely hot water to the jacuzzi. here you're actually sweating a lot I know I'm sweating it's hot bro okay so it's time for the first challenge for the first challenge we all have a ball and we have a trash can so the last person takes a shot He'll get an attack of hot water, oh my gosh, in three, two, one, this is the only one that didn't take a shot, which means you have to get a hot water attack.
Three of us take her out so that's okay, one person is out, which means three. of us left, yeah, so since we got this far, I'll reward us with some cold water, so oh oh, we'll all have water, oh yeah, finally, oh, that smells so good, shit, the holy water It's never tasted so good, oh. Oh my god, oh my god, I know it's my own challenge, but I don't know how long I'll be able to do it because I'm dying, it's probably been like 10 minutes, just 10 minutes, bro, oh my god, I'm still out so I guess it's been 10 minutes, which means there was more hot water added, shit.
I literally feel very light right now. Okay, so it's time for the next challenge. This challenge will be a competition that will keep you breathless, oh my god we have to go. underwater, which means our brains will probably be fried, so the winner of this challenge will have a lot of cold water poured on their head, so you want to win, all right, three, two, one, oh my God, them. I've been underwater for so long. Oh, it went well. I literally can't. I have to go up. I don't know how they're still down there. I hope you are okay because it is too hot.
Literally no. I don't feel good, oh my God, that man is still down there right now. I literally don't know, oh, you're right, yeah, oh, there it is, yeah, wait, look, look, what's up, what's up? That wasn't fun at all. I hate you so much, stop. I'm going to go to the cold pool, oh that sounds so good there's no way I could have stayed there longer when I was underwater my head was on fire okay like I promised dom you get a lot of cold water falling on your head, so I have some cold water from the pool right here, oh yeah, how did you feel?
Oh, that feels so good, I feel like I could have passed out at any moment, man, I've never seen Jeremy so miserable in my life well, I'm in a 200 degree pool right now, wait, okay, it's not 200 degrees. , but it's hot, it feels like they're fine, are they hungry? I have some food for you, I'll be right back. I feel like this is It's not going to be good, so here I have some noodles, not just any needle, why are they glowing red? I hate to tell you, but these are the spiciest noodles you can buy, buddy, what's wrong with you?
They have to eat some noodles. Now they don't look so hot, yeah, go ahead, yeah, you'll see, oh my god, wait, I have a hot chocolate thing, no, no, no, no, what's wrong with your hot cheetos to make it a little hotter? spicy, oh my god, oh? Okay, after eating the spiciest noodles with spicy cheetos, I can see how Jeremy feels. I don't feel good, yeah buddy, my ass is on fire. What the hell do you want to solve something here? How about we split the money and us? both get out oh that's not how it's going to work jeremy come on bro we're both going to get uh hey oh yeah hey hey stop chilling you just ate a lot of spicy food do you want something to drink?
I'll get you a baby real quick wait I wanted something to drink so first ingredient sriracha oh next ingredient cayenne pepper oh my gosh this is incredibly brutal some chili powder spicy sriracha oil oh my gosh oh no finally some jalapenos to top it off here come on they wanted something to drink so I made them something to drink oh my god oh that's so bad okay your drinks are ready oh my god bro I just smelled it holy okay you know what , I trust you, cheers, oh no, look at this, oh my God. brother what was that, oh what is that, brother, what was that guy, im gonna pass out, brother jeremy, my mouth is dying on fire right now?
I'm not going out, even though they literally won't come out like no one has given up? However, I have to do something to get someone out, so I have two very warm snow jackets here. Oh, everyone will put them on and stay there until someone comes out, guys, keep in mind that it's like 90 degrees today too, here we go, holy. Shit, there you go, I feel dizzy right now, okay, I think I need to let all the heat out there, no, no, I'm really hot right now. I'm going to win this challenge. I won't go out, wait. wait what is it oh that feels so good bros you know what that means our winner is jeremy it feels hot like his back i could fry an egg on jeremy's back yeah and the winner of the last elite hot tub challenge is jeremy okay so i.
I just posted on my Instagram story saying that the first person to get to where I am now


a bunch of free products and a thousand dollars in cash, so now it's a racist view that the first person to get here is about to go back. crazy and let's go okay so I'm currently outside the Otn wrestling shop on the street where I live so now we wait to see who the first person to show up is okay so while we wait for someone to show up. to the store meet my coach Todd it takes a huge amount of courage to step into that ring for what he did in front of so many millions of people thank you coach by the way for those of you who don't know what you're talking about .
Last week I did a boxing match, maybe I should continue being a YouTuber, but no, no, we'll try it again one day. Go below, subscribe to Todd's channel. It is the first link in the description. Show them how strong the fan base is. And? in case you show up on my page subscribe subscribe subscribe but guys if you don't know we are currently at Otn wrestling store the address is here I come here all the time so if you show up and buy some things, we might Also see each other so the guys come to the fight store, buy some things, they helped me a lot in the last month, so now we wait, am I the first?
No way, wait, unfortunately you are the second. Oh no, I'm kidding. I'm kidding I'm kidding we're actually the first you actually showed up on a scooter no way come on so you know what that means no way a thousand dollars in cash it's actually my birthday man thank you it's your birthday no happy birthday thank you and wait wait no way some free merch some free merch she has the perfect face

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