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Larry David Learns Golf Etiquette | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Max

Apr 12, 2024
I did it again today. I'm a Wordle wizard. I did it in three attempts, that's three days in a row. Wow, you're really on a roll. I'm on a great streak, that's right, okay, let's see if I can. continue my streak I know you've been amazing What's all this about how you do this? You know why I sat on a bench this morning and listened to a lesson. I have had thousands of hours of lessons. 2 minutes on that bench. This guy changed. my life what kind of advice vertical drop yes horizontal pull horizontal pull vertical drop horizontal pull now I've fallen before but I've never pulled and now I'm pulling maybe I should pull you have to pull can you teach me how to pull?
larry david learns golf etiquette curb your enthusiasm max
I'll teach you how to throw this is fantastic can I tell you something? I sure think this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. I don't even know who I'm looking at right now. How is something good happening to me? No one on the planet will believe you are Happ, how is that possible? But I have better news for you. He left you in my will. I'm modifying it and you're in it. No no no no. don't do that it's done you're in I don't want to be in I have I have money I don't need it give it to someone who needs it when I die I want you to know how much I care about you I'm not going to keep it.
larry david learns golf etiquette curb your enthusiasm max

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larry david learns golf etiquette curb your enthusiasm max...

I'm going to donate it to a charity. You're my best friend. You will receive it. No. I'm making a shman statement on the will right now. I'm sick of


historical references. nominee I won't run if it's bequeathed to me I won't accept it well lego well I won't accept it well you'll have to accept don't give it to me don't hurt my feelings I'm not going to keep a penny you're hurting me thank you but I don't want it I'll give it to you Anyway, dude, oh my god, what are you doing? What do you mean?
larry david learns golf etiquette curb your enthusiasm max
I'm looking forward to what Joy and Jimmy are in. Fairway, you're never going to hit them, you don't think I could hit them, no, you've never hit the ball that far in


life, come on, really, yeah, you're never going to hit it that far, what are you crazy? Okay, shut up now, shut up, holy man, you hit him, I hit him, okay, my God, how did you do that? Hey, what the hell did I say to a Detroit like that? Are you OK? Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, take it easy, oh my God, oh God, I'm.
larry david learns golf etiquette curb your enthusiasm max
I'm so sorry, what the hell? I do not know what happened. I'm so sorry, why didn't you shout four? Well, I couldn't shout four. I mean, you can't hear and what would be the point. Greeting. I made a lot of waves when you talk The interpreter can hear you I know, but I was too far away I was in the car I could have grabbed him We could have R to the trees there was no time the ball was coming PL time you and by the time Hit it Superman couldn't get to time to stop him, you should have waited until we were safe, why did you wait?
Because the guys I was playing with said oh, go, go, they embarrassed me, they said, oh, you'll never be able to. Hit it, you did the vertical drop and the horizontal pull, yeah I did it, I did it, I did the vertical drop and the horizontal pull, and you know it really worked, look how far I hit the ball, I couldn't even believe it. I'm looking at you. looking at me really is this there's not much to see honestly I mean I don't really go anywhere I'm at home most of the time I do a crossword puzzle sometimes I go out to dinner I hate my life, no I don't want to witness it you're real you know what I am deeply sorry for what happened.
I really want to make it up to you somehow. Let me get you dinner from Postmates. I'll send one to your house. You like that I'm very good restaurants on Postmate. I'll ship it right to your door so you don't want to post. Hey, what did you do? Did you tell them what I just said? Did you tell him about the Postmates Dinner I did what you told him you're someone like that you didn't do anything that's the Postmates Dinner sign it took two seconds I'm fine oh you didn't tell him about the Postmates Dinner did you?
Because? You tell him about the Postmates dinner, I told him it's a very nice gesture, I'm deeply sorry and you offer him Postmates, you know he didn't tell you about the post he made, by the way, where's my ball? I don't know you. I don't know, I don't know what you mean, you don't know, he hit him in the back right here DP, your ass, Larry, where's the ball? It's gone, you took my ball, go back to the tee H, another ball you took my ball go back to the T another ball two stroke penalty you know what I'm going to drop here that's it I'll leave it where the body was right here that is in the rules that I'm not going to take a penalty I'll tell you that I'm not going to take a penalty I hit the ball over here.
I made one of the best shots of my life. I'm playing from here. Oh, he threw my ball. I have to drop. No. no, no, man, you can't drop, what are you talking about? They threw my ball, you hit someone, that's right, okay, okay, listen, I'm dropping a ball, no, no, I see you're dropping a ball. I'm not going back to tea he was that saint he sounds like a coyote he's a coyote they're a murderer man he sounds like he's eating a dog Jeff you don't live around there that's my house oh my God that's about being my puppy

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