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Mar 19, 2024
no no no no. no no no no don't trip over what are you doing oh can I go back it's even faster back oh no it's not okay I'm in reverse right now bro he's doing it I'm starting to believe he's doing it guys look at this No way , Jesse, you are starting to believe that this level is impossible, how can people overcome this? You know you have to take damage there, you can't do anything, that's fine, although it was nice that we made the ship really think, is this it? Why did you say that friend?
lankybox challenge videos we dare you to beat try not to say wow alphabet lore challenge more
You are getting me nervous. No, don't say that, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't celebrate too soon. This could be another level of Blue. Rainbow friends, wait, wait, wait, we have never gotten through this before in our lives in any way, please, there are bike spikes, please, please, oh, these do a lot of damage, no, no, no, no, I have to get out of here, I have to get out of here I'm in a bad position I'm going to I'm going to I'm in a bad position I'm in a bad position I'm in a bad position okay, I'm just going to leave it Cruise, I'm in a bad position brother I'm going Babs don't sing please we've never seen this before in our lives we've never


en this game before in the history of


is this it?
lankybox challenge videos we dare you to beat try not to say wow alphabet lore challenge more

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lankybox challenge videos we dare you to beat try not to say wow alphabet lore challenge more...

No way, no way, come on, we did it. the ending, come on, man, amazing, that's great. I'm about to get the hidden mystery prize, bro, come on, come on, man, the evil queen decided to get rid of uh-oh, what is she getting rid of, bro, oh, her daughter-in-law? Why would you do that? She is evil. Oh, that makes sense. She decided to poison the apples. Find out what turned out to be a man who was only enough for two apples, so he poisoned two apples, brother, okay, that makes sense, okay, come on, buddy, let's see which apple is safe, brother, okay, so we'll see five puzzles, including one.
lankybox challenge videos we dare you to beat try not to say wow alphabet lore challenge more
Mirabelle and Kanto's riddle now let's see if Justin can solve it wait let me rewind this guy easily let me read find that brother okay let me see she poisoned the left middle okay keep your eyes on him prize guys keep your eyes on Apple went in the middle but then did a quick little Shuffle and I lost it well let's see if Jessica tracked them so this is the clean one aha right obviously okay okay This is the clean one, the blue one, there it is, guys, this riddle is it. quite complicated you have to look very closely to see the answer is one of them different with the reflections or the leaves this one has a strange sticker yes sometimes you buy apples in the store they have a sticker yes it is this one I saw the way it moved brother Like it was like that like we had three apples, she poisoned both of them and then she left, I know which one it is, it's this one, I'm sure it's a stick, why do you keep asking, brother?
lankybox challenge videos we dare you to beat try not to say wow alphabet lore challenge more
Okay Justin is going to lock up the middle Apple let's see what the answer is come on it's obvious guys I literally saw him say what do you mean bro okay let's see what the answer is bro that's it easy, give me mine, I got the first one right and the next riddle is the the answer is that because it has a worm the worm is alive so it must be sane that is a worm yes I thought it was a smiley sticker okay now this is a riddle Maximum Level Charm young I'm tall old I'm short I love it see, breath is my fart, disgusting, no, it says breath is my enemy, like my enemy, okay, yeah, so I love to shine.
Breath is my enemy, so it's like being afraid of breath. Hello, breath is my enemy. Is this a children's song? A little Google, it's a riddle. Now guys, this is a Mirabelle riddle, this one is going to be tricky, this one is very difficult, guys, I chose this one, I don't think John can solve it, okay young man, I'm tall, old man, I'm short, that's the biggest clue. important. Tall old man I'm sure what's tall when he's young and short when he's old. I won't give you any clues. Actually, I do not know. I'll accept a gift, but it's not a tree.
Trees get taller as they age. That's what I'm saying, unless it's a shrinking tree, a magic tree, why is Mirabelle here? This is the real question, brother, I don't know, maybe that has something to do with this little flower, young brother because I'm tall, yeah, because flowers like to wither. They get up when they get super old like they've been in the sun for a long time. They love to shine. The flowers shine. It's not actually my phone because if you pick a dandelion, Adam always goes and blows all over it. I'm a genius, they're flowers, wait, but. a flower doesn't shine I love to shine they shine oh you always say Adam always walks around the house mommy I'm shining the flowers I love to grow guess what I'm saying but it doesn't shine so it's not a flower I'll do it I'll give you a hint, you're wrong.
I'm so smart. What is it? I'm so smart. Brothers, let us know if you follow the game at home. I don't really answer. I'll say that in three, two, one, it's a candle, yes, it's a candle, because think about it guys, young people, I'm hot, are you okay now? Yeah I'm okay because when you buy a new candle for the first time it's long then when you light it and use it it gets shorter it loves to shine and the breath is fake because it blows out the candle buddy that was really hard. I only understood it because Maribel was here because she was thinking about what Maribel has like butterflies.
I was thinking it's a higher and lower butterfly and I thought about the candle yes. Mirabelle was here, I wouldn't have understood that, so thanks to Mirabelle, dude, that gets it, let's move on, okay, now this riddle seems easier, it says what's wrong, I mean obviously there's something wrong here, these people They are floating in space. Now they're swimming, guys, play along at home, let us know if you saw anything. I'm looking very closely. What's happening? I'm looking in the direction where people are swimming. I'm trying to make sure everyone has glasses so they can't be there. confused with Google Google is what you use to look at the Internet glasses you need to make sure you protect your eyes well everyone has glasses okay okay they all look good so something is wrong with this picture guys what is it See if I can figure this out before Justin.
I'm checking that everyone is in good shape. They're all doing what we call the crawling stroke, aha, so it looks like Aida when he crawls on the floor. She does, let me look, guys, let me look. I don't know, you have to look very close to see this, that's what I'm doing bro, I can't see well, maybe it has to do with their breathing technique, everyone has their mouth open, they shouldn't have their mouth open. When they are swimming, brother, the water will come in. I don't know, what's wrong is that the answer no, there's something wrong with one of these people, oh, just one, yeah, so guys, look closely and see what you can see.
I got it, buddy. What's happening? There are two of these brother. There are two of everyone. Clone. What are there two of all? They just flip the image. It's complicated. The complicated thing is that what is wrong is like a mirror here. I just realized, yeah, it's flipped, bro, now the timer is going down, stop, stop, stop. To, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, I do not understand, in any way, this guy carries a hat exactly, ¿ Why does he wear a hat when he is swimming? Yeah, wait, but maybe it's like one of those fancy hats swimmers wear to go faster.
You know what I mean, but this looks like a winter hat, no, it looks like a fancy swimming cap, so let me not have the ball on me, I'm going to block it, man, I think it's the hat, bro, okay , let's see. see okay okay so one of these people stole the burger okay it's there we'll see how that's not the answer it's this guy you have to keep looking at oh wait they all have what how can you think that about my? Well, no. You know, Ross, you have a burger, this is my burger, yeah, right, Ross, yeah, right, okay, she's got a salad.
I only eat salad. Say Betty, probable story. David, my mom made me this burger. Which is okay, so there are three people. Can Justin be like this now, guys? This is probably one of the hardest puzzles I've ever seen. If Justin is able to understand it, I will literally cringe. Okay, we have to find out who stole the burger. Was it exactly the baby Ross or Davey? I have no idea how I'm supposed to solve it. this now requires you to go back to the puzzle and be like super detective mode okay let me go back buddy let me go back okay do you think it might have to do with the mom you said why are you so nervous when?
You're talking about mom, just relax, Adam, she's not your mom. I know, she's okay, at the beginning, she actually she was a genius with a big brain. I thought it was the dog that the little dog stole the hamburger. Okay, and he looks hungry, right? Yes, there's the burger. Wait, I see it buddy, look at the burger, it matches the one that was stolen, what do you mean? Okay, look, there's no lettuce, it's just Bud tomato cheese. Patty, right, okay, go all the way, match this burger, bro, not that. Looks like Ross Ross got the lettuce, you know what I mean, how would you give me a riddle about hamburgers?
Do you think I wouldn't understand? That's right, let's see the answer guys, this is crazy, come on buddy, come on. I knew this was it. guy and he's trying to hide it behind a book. I thought it would take you weeks to figure it out. It's a riddle about food. You thought I wouldn't understand it when I played it before. It took me about 10 hours to recover. Well, well, shit. because you're looking at the salad thinking about the moms. I knew it was big. Navy, look at David brother, you know how I knew it's David, how they remind me of you.
Wow, so yeah, you guys can see that Ross's Burger has lettuce, so that's it. How can you know it doesn't remind me of Adam? He dresses like Adam, steals my food and pretends to read and we all know he did it right, no, that book doesn't do anything, David, okay, here's the answer, hey, Derek. I don't have lettuce, I knew it bro, obviously yes, yes, David stole the burger, okay, next riddle okay, now this one says I'm something in the sky that seems to shine at night, however, I'm not a star, I'm the sad delight of the Earth okay and we have a picture of the Sun and Moon boss from the game now guys this is really complicated let's see if Justin my giant brain is able to


What's happening to your English brother? He likes the girl. Very good. I just want to see if you. I can solve this riddle okay, there is something in the sky that shines at night it could be anything no, it could be one of two things you think maybe it's like an unidentified okay, I wasn't thinking about that it could be one of three things It could be that I mean the background is cool, it could be that you left because it was awesome and they did experiments, well, it could be that or it could be Adam's NightLight because it shines at night and it's not a star, that's true or it could be.
Stars, okay, wait, it's not a star, okay, so it's not that, oh, something in the sky that shines at night, what shines at night in the sky, hmm, your night light, but my night light It's not in the sky, it's on the wall, okay, that's a good point, yeah, so you should be the one who wins. I'm locked. I'm going to block that. Makes sense? Yes, you want to register it. You have one. Why is it Sun and Moon? Boss. Why are they holding hands? Because they're friends. They could probably figure out this reel pretty quickly, well it's not the sun because the sun doesn't shine at night, is it the moon?
Wait, I mean something in the sky that shines at night, okay, a moon, however, I'm not. a star the moon is not a star is taking the rock rocky is in his family is actually made of cheese what i always thought the moon was made of cheese yeah, cheese in your brain again no, move cheese oh, I don't know , that's Jupiter oh my gosh, and I'm not a star, I'm a satellite of the Earth, it's the Moon, the Moon revolves around the Earth, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, okay, Jessica got that right , the moon, I'm a genius, okay, guys, make sure. to leave a like and subscribe go to

lankybox and tell us how many of these riddles you got right bro those riddles were really hard man my favorite was the mirror belt and cancel one that candle was lit it literally was. a candle stayed lit well what do you want to do now well apart from that recent riddle the thing about the moon is pretty good let's go eat ice cream with a spoon

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