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Lackadaisy Comic Fandub - Latecomer & Wishy-Washy

Jun 06, 2024
hello, oh, um, hello, so are you busy earlier sitting on that old fliver and looking contemplative tonight or maybe you were planning on going in? You already found another one, Miss Pepper, just open the door. Horatio, if you would be so kind, what is this? a bar is a kind of lounge you know, the Breakaway right and the Charleston step right left finger step back right finger and you mean dancing how about Lindy Hop that's the new one they're doing in New York, come to the dance floor of dance? It's this way I know Hey, where's the B?
lackadaisy comic fandub   latecomer wishy washy
Don't push Freck, oh what are you doing here? Lindy Hop. Does your mother know you're here to fuck him? You wouldn't be my last dance partner. I figured you'd be here playing the Violin, it was an accident, but this place looks like some kind of gin bar. I thought you said you were a vigilante and that you were defending Justice. Yeah, the violin vigilante, uh, that's our Rocky. Did he tell you that he was also the Chic of Arabia? non-vigilant I don't remember saying that exactly, but maybe I'm using a term for ironic effect or maybe I was talking about metaphor, who's to say that's what words have, they're bland, maybe we'd have better luck with interpretation? panamine francic arm Jers are for emphasis no I don't get it you give up it means the pig farmers are coming to shoot me in the face let's get out of the line of fire so you're not a vigilante come on.
lackadaisy comic fandub   latecomer wishy washy

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