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Kyle Walker EXCLUSIVE: I Would Play Foden As No.10 | Haaland vs Kane | Rating England Right Backs

Jun 11, 2024
and an arrogance that I


n't like to be too much where it's like you're a little bit like you don't really want to I don't want to talk to you


now, but he's also adorable and I think that's what lets him know that he's a brand and I feel like I wish him nothing but success unless he


s against Manchester City. He said he's been in Spain for what long, two or three months, I think so, he didn't like it. It's not like he didn't like you, you gave him that. I could see he was trying to get it.
kyle walker exclusive i would play foden as no 10 haaland vs kane rating england right backs
He's trying to get some kind of deal. I don't know what he's doing. Yes, you won't have problems. He goes to a game. It's crazy the choice I saw the other day with him and Zidan, there are no words about it, it was enough, you saw that one for Adidas, him and Zan just sitting, relaxed like at the transfer, it's a joke, but England are going to win , is he the x or you? He thinks then for the Euro Cup, I think there are some as you just said. I think Harry's goals will always be important. um B Phil Jude, look, you know, we'll say the forwards behind Arie fly at Villa.
kyle walker exclusive i would play foden as no 10 haaland vs kane rating england right backs

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kyle walker exclusive i would play foden as no 10 haaland vs kane rating england right backs...

Tony is a big threat to have, even


ers like Colum Wilson, it's a different dimension and then I think it's up to us at the back, you really know, if we bring our game, I think you can leave them up front for something like that. go and do the magic, but they have to bring this form to the great Sage, you know, for the nation, you know, it's fine to do it for the club and everything, but you have to do it. You have to do that again in the summer and you know it's that reset to do it again.
kyle walker exclusive i would play foden as no 10 haaland vs kane rating england right backs
You know, you have a couple of days off where you go on vacation and relax and then you think you have to go back there. so, but you really won't know until it's done and I'm at the end of the race now, where yeah, one more chance, one more chance. I told everyone after I woke up that I was done. I finished. I was just changing rooms. no, no, in the um, I told Gareth and I said it openly in an interview, you know, I wanted to stop international football, why I think the competition, you know, letting others go and everything that I felt.
kyle walker exclusive i would play foden as no 10 haaland vs kane rating england right backs
It was probably time, um, and I wanted to spend time with my family because, being away, I think my first three years at City, I think it was four weeks' holiday in the first three years because I was coming back for the Community Shield because I never I win. the Shield community wants to play, wants to try to win, wants to participate in it and I really didn't have time to spend and like we're just saying, like you already know the couple of hours you have. your children took them to soccer. I wanted more of that.
I wanted more of that but I also feel like I still had something to give so that's why you know Gareth and I had a sit down conversation and we chatted and you said I know I still feel like you have a lot to offer and in the back of my mind I think That if I quit and they leave and go crazy, I'll never forget it, so I have to do it, I have to do it. To come back to this tournament, I hope to talk to you about the historically current



around the world, how positions change, how it has evolved, what you can see next, all of that I want to touch on, so let's start with classifying them as Premier.
League where you placed Rio has you at number one I'm not mad at it I'm going to be honest I think it's you and wait before you start Yes, do you do it, look at it and Look around you, the right


around the world and he thinks that I consider him better than I do. I have it as a part almost like you have fire in your belly a little bit sometimes because that's how I was, yeah, of course, of course. You compete with people in your position who play for other clubs, of course you do, and you look at him and think you know there's nothing you know I have, that I'm better than him at that or he's better than me at that, but um.
I always go down to I've been at this level since I was 20, when I played for a Villa, so I've been playing in the Premier League since I was 1920 and I'm still here, people who were. comparing myself to before, when I started it was aspel laqueta um Hector bellerin kleiny was coming on the scene, but there was Glenn Johnson when I first joined England with you, Glenn Johnson was there so you know, I've come. through that whole generation now this RBS generation it's crazy it's mental England has a lot yeah yeah stacked yeah it's mental like when you go from Trent to James tell me about give me a little bit about each of them, please, just from the perspective of a right back I was interested, that interests me as a right back, I see others like Trent for example, that Trent is a quarterback at right back and I have probably never seen anyone passing a ball like that, you know, left and right foot, figure eight snow, we need. having snow on you or pinging, you know, straight to the chest, um, I think obviously the way Liverpool is very, you know, transitional, you know, the German coach, it's probably a process to get to the um, obviously , to the goal or where you can score, but you know that Liverpool is very direct with their football.
I'm saying it's a long ball team, but you know Salah when you have Salah on the right side and you throw that ball down towards your right side. You know, um, that's what Trent knows very, very well. I think people come to him for defending, but people can come to me for my crossing. Let's just say I don't think you know that anyone will actually have the finished article. He's improved tremendously in his defense, but I think that also comes with age, you know, he's not my age and he still has a lot to learn in the game, uh, but I think that will come, you know, he's always training, you know , with desire. learning and all that, so I think with experience that will definitely come.
James, I think it's amazing. Crossing, attacking, defending strong, you know, he has a very, very good brain, I think from playing in the central midfield, the midfield, I think so, he was the wing. Yes, the W wig game was Wigan, yes, so they are playing there. He also sees the game a little differently. So for me you know very well and then Trips Again. I think he's very similar to Trent, you know them both. It's not really like you say, as me and REE will probably overlap every couple of you know, the times I take the wing, the winger receives the ball, but they like to sit behind, receive it from the back and put in crosses from deep , but I think we all just play to our strengths and, you know, England, for Gareth, it's a good problem to have so many good right-backs at his disposal.
Are there others in the world that you look at besides those three? go o I think the hake is up there I think the hake is up there but I don't know I think he's very good I think he's very, very good to play against PSG, Real Madrid and Dortmund, as you know, you also know the Inter de Milan. Don't play on these teams if you are not a good player. I like to see him take on a top winger, what's running at him and see what you can do. So, I think Caral needs you to know his credit for playing for Real Madrid for that. amount of time, you know, I don't think you can rule it out, um, yeah, uh, what's the Back Bay lusen wing that was at City?
Oh my God, how many goals he scored. I thought twice because he's not really playing as a right back. It's the death system it's like a 325 or so he's basically living like a right winger, isn't he? I mean get the job done, man, he's on that right side patrolling, yeah, where you at on this? Are you putting yourself on top? I'll listen, I'm the guy. I'm going to be humble and never put Gary there, I think, until he wins as many leagues as him, we're talking about the history of the Premier League, yes, until he has won as many leagues.
Gary noville does himself a disservice by trying to sound more neutral and dismissing his own career, but i think gary nille. I think you and Gary Nille are very close. I think your pace is a big advantage. I think it's his kind of As far as reading the game, I think it's a big advantage for him and obviously the game has changed, yeah, to a large extent. I think it will be very respectful. I respect Gary Neville, but in my opinion there is no competition. I'm more upset that Gary Neville dismisses his career and it's also disrespectful to Alex to say that he picked an ordinary player for 15 or 20 years because he didn't, clearly not, he's in favor of the titles he won, the team you played for in the players. that he played with to be so consistent for so many years, he's been doing something right, Armand, nothing, yeah, he was, he was, he doesn't give himself the credit he deserves, but he was the best player, the best player, just I think you probably have shadow. to the pace and the ability to go One V one with the best in the world and go back and go, that's me, just the pace is a massive X Factor.
I think yeah, yeah, yeah, especially in today's game, the pace is we didn't really. I watch United play, we play a high line, but I think the High Line City game is a high line now. I think there's a difference in how high that line goes. I mean, you have to cover 50 yards and sometimes you don't. I mean Aston Villa, I think they do probably best where their line is ridiculously, they have the most offsides, yes they are on the offside line. They don't, most of the offsides this season are ridiculously high, but it works for them and that's it.
What your manager wants, um, there's risk and reward. I think it helps our midfield because pinging them, you know we're pressing, obviously they're pressing early or whoever's playing up front, just like old school, it just looks a little different. because they are very high and the teams are pressing, but they are the same principles, yes, if one is going to press the ball, the other three have to get behind and cover the space, yes, but now it looks different, how has it been? The position has evolved, you're growing up at Sheffield United and at Spurs, what are the conversations like and the managers and coaches coaching you compared to now, especially with Peppa, like I said before, it's all more mental than physical?
You look at Tottenham and us. I played as a five with Toby Eric and Yan and then it was Rosie and I flying up and down the wings, you know, that's where the rhythm came from, Rosie and I, then I came here and said it before, um, going to a threesome back in the World Cup for England, I


n't have been able to do it if I hadn't had that season at City, just to understand the game a little bit better, it's a completely different game, you know, even hidden, you know, 10 yards, 15 yards inside. I'm not used to it coming out and I don't have anyone here, so my game is always played this way, yeah, and I look at where I can play towards the wing or something with a straight ball, but nine times out of 10 that's .
I'm going to kill him because he's got the defender coming up, you know, on his butt, but coming in a little bit to get that look of you know what I got, pass to my right, yeah, he actually did that a little bit. a little bit easier for me because I had a pass on my right where before, if I go out, I don't have a pass there, so I liked it, I enjoyed it, it's something I would probably mind coming back to later, but I think that's B maybe . Why am I doing gymnastics now? What's up with rolling inside?
You had a moment when you came in as a cheerleader, the right back and the left back, one of them going to midfield. What even that aspect that just came within the learning time? I think I Seeing Delie and Zena come in helped me enormously, but I think the coach has been, you know, completely honest and said he trusts me in a three so that I can play a two three and I can be one of the three in the middle, but he didn't really like me like Jon Stones' role or Ki's role now where I come in as a two, which you know, his opinion is that receiving the ball in the middle of the turn and being able to face the game from the back . a I think it's probably that yes, I think it's probably that how much in training they worked on that new role for Jon Stones before unleashing him because it was a little shocking to see him operate like that and this hurts so good in that role that it feels like if I told him a real right now you're just going to go 20 yards further forward and it wants you to try to control the tempo during the game, do you think you've done that?
I would have been nervous, I know, but it's like saying you get into a back three and suddenly now you can play on the wings, there's an extra body to play on the wings, which makes it easier, but If he plays as a right back and receives the ball, I can't go around the Angles and everything to be able to receive the ball with his back to play. I don't know how many people behind me how quickly they come in. That's panic for me. I've never played that position like that. than Jon Stone, that's why I'll give him a lot of credit because he's doing something that he was never asked to do and he's done it in important games in the Champions League semi-finals, which brings me to a couple of questions, in reality like, first of all, how do you handle it? be left out of it because even like in a Champions League final you want to play those minutes, you know what I mean?
And secondly, you also talk, you talked about the system, what do you say about people who say that it's the system that makes you look better than you are than the individual himself because I think there are a couple of players, I'm looking at oneI thought Canel was the best in the world. I don't really know what's going on, so there'ssome examples of that. I'm definitely sorry. I should have definitely mentioned that on the right backs as well. Is he technically the best? I've seen better, better than Trent, have I ever seen what yeah, have I ever seen inside outside how he controls the ball, he's dribbling, just come back to yourself, you know, with the media, so the voices They're louder now there are more voices, it's just louder and At earlier points in your career, people would say it's great moving forward great with a ball as fast as you want, but sometimes it switches off defensively.
Haden we heard that for a few years now. Why did what happened? I would say he went the other way. You mean I think people trust you now? You defend him more like attacking now no, no, but one V one, he was never the question. I think you can tell me it was more like shutting down, maybe concentration, what was the change? because many young players will be in this position that you are in now, where yes it is the concentration or certain things in their game are not where they should be, how have you managed to refine your game and eliminate that type of comments? one of the leaders has helped me and I talk constantly, you know, help other players on the field and you know talking and talking during the game keeps me in the game.
I admit I used to tune out and it was probably boredom, it was probably boredom where if the game wasn't happening, you know, on my end or I wasn't overlapping or you know it was a comfortable game, I would tune out but you tune out for a second against good players. , that's when you go and get punished it always seemed to be against Chelsea, me or Manchester United when I think I went off, well it wasn't the off, but it was his own goal in the first game of the season, Tottenham, but there were moments like that.
In my career, when you're on a big stage against a big team, it always feels like I don't know. I always think to myself now that I did well, I thought I did well at Tottenham and you see the players move here, there and everywhere. I thought: why didn't I have the opportunity to go somewhere else? Why wasn't it a great club? I'm not saying Tottenham isn't a great club, but a club that doesn't pose a challenge for the titles that await me could have been my agent, I'm M K in the ranks and, I always thought, but then when City came, I had than take advantage of the opportunity.
I had to take advantage of it because when the manager knocks on the door, you know, when your phone rings, did he really call you? Yes, yes, he pH me. No way, how was the conversation then and what was your reaction? He was so nervous, so nervous. I remember he was in Portugal and he showed up and obviously I got a text saying this number was going to call you. I know him and I called him and he was very nice, very good, thank you, yes, I would love to join, no way, fanatic, yes, a little begging, yes, take me there.
Way, it's, it's, it's, it's like that. even when you get there too and start training, yeah, I was in a, I was in a, I'm still in, managers want that, although you don't want someone who sounds too cool and doesn't ask you when you call them. In short, I don't know, certain managers might want you to know a little bit of you know Authority or I don't know, but I just approached it like I did naturally, that was it, um, you still know. feeling now even yes, he, he, is very good with his speeches and the speeches before the game because he has done it as a player and as a coach and I think he has done it with great teams and great players, so if you can't learn from He, who am I going to learn from?
I think it's him, Alex Ferguson Wenger, uh, Ancelotti, you know these types of managers. You want all the energy or all the information you can get, just absorb, there has been like a speech that I have gone to, that lives in the memory, that is, that stays in that moment, how could I not say that there have been so many. I have been very lucky to win a lot with him, he said, we say that he has rotated the team. but he doesn't really think, obviously, that he might be thinking about the next game. I don't know, he might be thinking about arresting people I don't know, but he's actually saying, like he told us in the meeting, that this is the team that I think has the best to win the game now, it doesn't matter if you think you know that These players are resting, they are not fighting, you know I can't go and achieve what I want to achieve with you as a group of players. with 12 players, if not, he could also have 12 players, you know, and some of you who can train and keep them, but I need you all and for him to do what he has done for so many years. with the players he's done it with and rotated with, you know, call it pet ruette, right?
Who is going to play? But to keep us all happy, I think the guys in the locker room are a big part of that. I'm sure I don't want to see you like this, we're all good players, we should all play, but your work, yeah, yeah, yeah, 1 million for like you guys, Kev Ruben, Ruben is really good, Ruben is really good, um , but I never will. Leave him out for not playing because that's his job. He has 11 players he has to choose from and he will do what he thinks is right for the team. What if you could give me one?
One trait you say, that's the special highlight. trait he has because he is such a successful coach that everyone wants to know what he is like. What would that trait be for you? What really surprised me is how much work he actually puts into not just training, not just games, everything, everything, um, us. Sometimes I'll be training in the morning and we'll get a text so we have a weekly plan. It is not a monthly plan, it is a weekly plan, but they can change. I might get a text message now saying tomorrow's training we're going to train tomorrow.
Actually, free tomorrow. but we could be training tomorrow but he will say that I haven't had enough time to prepare for training. I don't have enough time to because we have a meeting every day, so every day we have a meeting. Meeting at 10:45. In no way does that kill. I, how long it can vary, it can vary, oh that would kill me, yeah, it can vary and the room is dark. like PowerPoint meticulous this is what we're doing no it's obviously from the preparation videos videos we just fell asleep BR I swear gr huddle I was a little kid I was always away and I'm going to England like I'm away on a Saturday night night after the game, meeting England on a Sunday, the videos probably start on Monday night and I'm there and it's like meticulous videos like Pep going through this and that and I'll be sitting there thinking like that.
Oh, and I'll be sitting there, I can't do that, but it's boring. I used to find it very boring, but the room is also very hot. Yes, you are just there and you feel yourself. I know when he says your name Kyle and you say yes, yes, no, but I think that's especially his attention to detail of everything you know, not just the games or he doesn't have his coaches doing the training, he does the training, he does all that is. a big difference Fergie Fergie didn't take I don't think Fergie took a session when I was there a session the trainers took every session he was always there he never took the director the session look I've never had anyone take a session apart from pep apart from pep a defense session maybe if we're moving like doing a little back for work or um Rulo used to take it but everything else is Pep wow the streets want to know about Kevin Le Bren and Haren how good these guys are and how much they Have you seen Kevin improve?
It's a joke. It's a joke. Being able to play behind him for the number of years I've been playing has been a pleasure. A pleasure. Um heh heh, we see things but we don't pass the ball, he sees things and he doesn't care if the he gives away, he can try a ball six times in a game and it doesn't come out, but he doesn't mind losing it, throwing the ball like the The team is confident, yes, yes, the team has to run back, you know, and get the ball back now, but he'll say, "You know what I'm going to try," but one of those balls, I think, is the one that summed it up. for me it was the one against Sto where he beat him, I think like 72 and it was for Leroy and it was like that ball like the one that goes around the back of the defense, around the back and it was like you looked. to that ball, especially as a defender and it's like when everyone stands in positions in training, you thought I could hit that ball well, you're in that position a lot of times, you're exactly thinking I could hit that ball right there, but I don't. you do you don't when people move as well as these people these men run back to their target and he just whips him and you B Leroy just B he's coming but heh heh heh he's so good he's so go a game a couple steps ahead of everyone else you know he's already planning his next move before the balls get to him he's the best player you played with David was so good David Sila yes David was so everyone says this everyone says it David was so good Owen Harri said it because to me because for me right now kdb I put him as the best midfielder I have seen in the Prem as an all-rounder Kevin all-rounder but David individually David or I said it countless times demele mus demele this is this is a scandal it is a scandal it is yes yes why I think everyone knows that dembélé was good I don't think there is anyone sitting there saying no, but it is the respect he receives from the professionals that is the only thing that What he didn't have were assists and goals, everything except assists and goals, he was stupid and shouldn't have been allowed.
Could he have played in this Man City team? 1 million for 1 million for might have needed Man City. The team to fulfill what it really is did not have that structure around it, maybe enough structure, but what was the Spurs team missing? Because you go from 1 to 11 and it is there with the team that was winning TI, maybe it is the age, the time of maturity of that team did not reach yes. I think if we stayed together during that period for another two years and won the league we would have done something. I think we will have done something you would never say.
You're never going to say that as an Arsenal fan but don't worry I don't even like the team he was in so it was good like Hugo in N everyone carried on and one thing Ros Toby, Yan Eric then you had . mus or Victor andama were there Deli Sunny couldn't get a game Sunny even played Madness yeah and Erics I forgot Deli was there it's a shame what happened to Deli um Harland Harland how different is he from Kan in your eyes who is better They are both amazing. I will say that they are both amazing.
I take different things from both and make them complete, yes, complete. Harry's head. Harry's brain and you know what it's like. I think maybe because it probably doesn't have the Earling beat where things have to be very precise um, but Ling, you know, the rawness of it, it's raw, like it's so improvised, like last night, it probably isn't. I think he touched the ball once in the. I said I'm going to count how many times he touches the ball and he touched that ball like once in the technical area Once in the far corner like a shot, next time it's a goal, but then I have that mentality that "Not really." I'm going to touch the ball a lot, but when that ball comes towards me, I'm going to put it on the back of his neck.
He doesn't get discouraged when he doesn't touch the ball, many players get discouraged. I'm not receiving the ball moaning, looking elsewhere. of the field to go and catch the ball, my man is just disciplined, just gives me a chance to score, just let me work within that area and that's me talking about discipline, obviously Jack Gish He's used the words he's using, but you said he's the closest thing you've probably ever met to Cristiano Ronaldo in terms of professionalism, a m%, what's that Ram every day, yeah, I hit him every day, he's in bed, eh, he gets, is it on? the bed in the treatment bed, so they had to bite well, so we're all in these little beds.
SED massage bed. It has like a bed with a cushion, it's a little longer than everyone else's, yeah. Mario, bless him. His hands must be dead, he just rubs it constantly. I told him, like you're 22 years old. Get out of bed, please, get out of bed and we beat him up a lot for it, but he doesn't care, he just says, listen, I do. what I have to do, yeah, and it's like if you want to take him to training, he'll train, he'll go back to bed to do what he did, especially in the Premier League last season, it's your first year in the Premier League. and at the age he's no longer 22, he's crazy, listen man, Carl, appreciate your time, good luck for the rest of the season, not really, but you're staying in shape.

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