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Know Your Bro with the Jonas Brothers

Feb 27, 2020
-You three are very close, but I wanted to see how close you are in a game we call "Meet Your Brother." Now, this is how the game works. One of you will wear noise-canceling headphones while the other two answer a question about you, okay? Then you'll take off


headphones and we'll see if


answer matches. If so, you get one point. Make sense? -Yeah. -Yeah. -Okay, here we go. Let's do it. Nick, the first question is about you, so put this on. -So it's about me? -This is about you. Well? But you can't listen. You can't hear what the question is. -Well. -Okay, let me see if you can.
know your bro with the jonas brothers
Is noisy? Good? Good? Good? Well. Alright. I can not hear you. - Baby shark? -Alright. It's not a baby shark. It should have been. It should have been. Here we go. Alright. Alright, Kevin and Joe. Alright. What would Nick say you're most jealous of him for? -Oh, he took batting practice with the Dodgers. I thought it was very funny. Pretty jealous of that. -His shoe collection. -Well. Actually? -Yeah. -Do you have a good one? -He has an incredible shoe collection, yes. -Actually? And you think that's what he'll say? Like, "Oh, you guys are jealous." -He has so many shoes. -You are going to visit his house and his closet is full. -Actually? -Yeah.
know your bro with the jonas brothers

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know your bro with the jonas brothers...

I think so. He has more shoes than Priyanka, I'm pretty sure. -Okay, everyone. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Pause. Ready? Nick, we have... The question I asked your


... I said, "What would Nick say that's why you're most jealous of him?" -Oh. -Why are they envious of you? -What could they have said? Clothes or something? That? Anything. -Could be. -Maybe, like performing in the White House a couple of times. -Oh! It's not to brag. Metalic sound! Metalic sound! To not drop anything. Wow! Excuse me? Just acting... Just humble... "I guess I acted in the White House." -It is fine, I am sorry. -I mean, yes. -Alright.
know your bro with the jonas brothers
This is for Kevin. -This party playlist here is great, by the way. -It's not an insane song, is it? Oh, do you hear it? Alright. So Kevin goes for it. It's okay, he's... It's okay. Ready, Joe? -Yeah. -Nick, what's the worst thing Kevin did when he was a kid that your parents didn't


about at the time? -Oh, wow. -I mean, he ran away a couple of times. -Yes, I think he... Yes, he ran away a couple of times. -And he got his way... I think. Well, until now, I guess. -And what did he do? -He had had a couple of beers before 9pm. -Ooh! -Oh! -Scandalous. -Scandalous. -Do you think that's what he'll say? -No.
know your bro with the jonas brothers
And he bought a pack of cigarettes or something. -Oh, yes, it's getting worse. -It's getting worse. Let's stop there. Let's see what he says. -I really like this game. Well. Do you want to pause the... Ready? Kevin. It's a good clue, right? -That song is intense. -I'll leave it next week. -Is awesome. -Kevin, I asked your siblings, what's the worst thing you did as a child that your parents didn't


about at the time? -Oh. Okay, the worst thing I did as a kid that my parents didn't know about? -No. They may know it now, but... -Yes.
At the time? I took Joe to a tattoo parlor when he was 13 years old. -That's all. That's what they said. They told that story. -That's exactly what he said. -Actually? -No. Did you bring Joe to a tattoo parlor? -I wanted to get a tattoo. He would soon turn 18, so he was still 17. He wanted to get a tattoo. -I forgot about this. -I brought Joe with me, not to get a tattoo. He just accompanied me. -Yeah. -And they gave me the template so I could see what everything looked like. And then my parents found out and let's just say I didn't get tattoos for a long time. -Yes absolutely.
They said no, you ran away. -There have been many other things. -I think you're like the problematic Jonas, yes. -But can I hear what they said? -Watch the program. -You have to see... All the good things. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Funny things. Well. Alright. Ready? -UH Huh. -What was the wildest thing that happened at Joe's bachelor party? -Oh. -Friend, I won't tell anyone. -Where do we start? -Yeah. -Well. -You have one? -We're going to air it out, right? -Yeah. -Just go. -The first night the police called us three times. -Actually? -True story. -We...--Joe ripped off his shirt at a nightclub, proceeded to rip off the shirts of two of his friends at the nightclub.
He took the cardboard box of 1942, the tequila, and somehow cut it into the shape of a handkerchief. So he just said "1942" on his forehead. And he wore it on a boat all day. -Alright. Let's see if he... Joe. José. -Here we go. -That's pretty good, right? -That was a long time. What are you guys talking about? -Joe, the question I asked your


was, what's the craziest thing that happened at your bachelor party? - -By the way, they went there. -Well. -That you remember it. -Oh. Or maybe you don't remember. -Yeah. -I'm trying to see if I remember anything.
But I'm pretty sure the police called us three times. -Oh! You have the match! That was it. You have the match. But I also want to tell you, while the headphones are off, what is the year 1942 like for you? -Oh. Phew. Strong. -Leave everything for the Jonas Brothers! Thanks for playing. -Thank you.

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