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Kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark

Apr 18, 2024
Today we are going to run fast through the


, a nice game with a lot of


humor and the speedrun that we are going to do has all the endings starting with Cindy's, so we will get three dollars and ten cents from our piggy bank. and we will start our speed run as soon as we click Yes right there and immediately we are in


. Now, first of all, the school bug bully is going to want some of our money, he can feel it if you have more than three dollars and if he does, he'll take half of it and then we'll go to Nugget and make friends with him to get one of his nuggets, then we'll go to our teacher and we'll tell our teacher how the bugs stole our money and she's like, oh, you should go fight him because apparently that's what being a good teacher is and we'll finally get closer to Cindy and we will tell her that we have to be her. boyfriend and she tells us to be her boyfriend we have to put a piece of gum in his rival's hair now we finally go back to the bugs we are going to make fun of him because his dad will never come back he is going to start hitting us but we are going to call the teacher and there We go and we leave free.
kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark
Now after that it's time for our first class and we're going to have to find a partner, we'll go straight to Lily and put her on. a little bit of gum in her hair because Cindy wanted us to do it after that, she's so happy that we made Lily cry and yeah, she's not the nicest person in the world and she tells us to go wash up, now we get this joke, yes of course it had to happen and we go to the hall we have to tell her that we have a hall pass we can go to the bathroom and there is definitely nothing suspicious going on here so we wash our face we go back to the classroom our teacher comes back takes the hall pass bathroom and we can talk to Cindy, she wants to play house, so what we're going to do is this big blank house, yes this is a big set, but she's really happy that we did that with her, so that's another mission made for Cindy and now.
kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark

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kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark...

It's lunchtime, so we have to do a couple of things first: We'll talk to Morty and tell him we want to buy a salad. After purchasing, we will go directly to Cindy. We're going to eat a nugget and then we're going to give her our salad because she's apparently trying to be vegan but then she says that she's not actually vegan and that she doesn't really know what she is. Yes, Cindy is an interesting person, but she now wants her. play a prank on Lily because she hasn't done enough yet, so it's time for me to go to the janitor's closet and find some things we can use on Lily now before anything else.
kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark
I want to go down here because If we look in this box, we can find a five dollar bill and we will need that money for later, after that, we will drink this blood, so it's fun and we go back to the cafeteria only to see that everyone stayed . At this point it's time to go to Cindy and let's make our plan. I show her that we have a bucket full of blood and yeah, you'll see what happens, so Cindy calls Lily, for some reason she decides to come. we finish and do this, yeah, so she's really covered in blood and this is what she decides to do.
kindergarten speedruns are incredibly dark
Look at the beginning. I said it was


humor and don't worry because it only gets darker from here, but Cindy is very happy, so she gives. She gives us a flower and I guess she's cool and then our teacher comes with the nuggets and says he knows where Lily went. She says, "Oh, where is he?" and then the nugget also dies. Yes, this is a great start to our first day at kindergarten, so our teacher tells the janitor. to come, she says okay, clean up this mess, it's time to go back inside and show and tell, I have to show the flower that Cindy gave me, otherwise she'll be really mad at me, so here we go, that's our first day and the first.
Finished kindergarten, she will say that we are an amazing boyfriend and we unlock Cindy's flower, which will be useful later. We also got a lot of money that will be useful in literally just two seconds and on Monday it repeats itself, it's time to go to our piggy bank and we are going to take seven dollars from it. Now we need all this money because of course the bugs will always raid us if we have more than three dollars, so after they raid us we'll only have three dollars and fifty cents left. now we let him take that and we go to the teacher and we decide, you know, we're going to do another kitty fight because our teacher really likes them and then we're going to go to Morty and tell him we want a voice recorder and the reasoning behind it Why we're setting this all up is that this is the endgame to eliminate all the kids, as you'll see as we go forward, every single one of these kids will either be dead or kicked out of school.
Yeah, it's a little terrible, but here goes, the first person mistakes are out of the way and it's time to move on to Cindy now again, she'll ask us if we want to be her boyfriend, but we'll say no. I don't really want to prove it to them and then this happens, yeah, so that's part of the game. Now we both have to be sent to the principal's office, but the principal just lets him go, we still have to do that to get the teacher's quest. but yeah, it's a little annoying now that we have this talk, but since I bought the voice recorder I can show it to them and show them that I'm innocent, so here we go, now Cindy is out of the way and that's one of the students left, now our teacher comes back and is very happy that we got rid of Cindy and it's time to take out more kids.
Now the next person we have to take out is Jerome, who is the director's son, so let's go shopping. a morty yo-yo and then we'll take this to him, show him the yo-yo and say, hey, we should become friends, now what Jerome's going to do is give us a special room. pass and tell us we have to go to the hall, but we'll show the teacher that Jerome got that hall pass because he wasn't supposed to have it, he stole it from his dad or something, so that's another kid eliminated, but This isn't done yet because now our teacher wants us to go after Nugget, so of course Nugget has all his friendship nuggets and we tell him we want to be friends with him.
He tells us to eat his nugget, so yeah. just do that and then finish this period now at lunch there will be a lot of things that we will have to do first, we talk to Morty, he complains about the janitor, who we will talk to later, then we go to Nugget and he tells us that we poisoned our nugget that we ate and to get the antidote now we are going to have to kill insects, then we go to the janitor and tell him that he has spelled cookie wrong, which bothers him a lot, so he approaches Morty and says this yes, anyway that is another person we've dealt with now we're really getting rid of these kids quickly now right after this we go see the lunch lady and we get Morty's glasses because we helped the janitor and she said oh yeah give me the glasses and then You can go out, but before doing so we talk to the insects and tell them that we need them to eat one of the poison nuggets.
We'll tell him he'll look like a and Cindy will say. that and then he decides to eat it so we go back to nugget we tell him it's done and yes another kid is dead but before we can go to recess we still have to do one more thing we come out here for lily and we're I'm going to knock on this door , then the principal is going to come out and ask me why you kids are here, so we'll tell him that Lily was spying on him and I just wanted to let him know so he can tell us please.
Excuse me for a moment and this happens, yeah, definitely nothing bad happened there, so we got a lot more gold stars because our teacher is very proud of us and all we have to do right now is get rid of the nugget because we did that . with the previous mistakes Nugget trusts us so we can go straight to him and it's time to go to the nugget cave, we can jump there and once we get to the nugget cave we see that there is only one dead dog over there. so we take the dead dog and leave the nugget cave, now it's time to go back to our teacher and show her the dead dog and that bothers her a lot because apparently that's Cindy's dog, so yeah, this time it's not even we will have to do it. any job because instead our teacher is just going to push a nugget and there we go all the kids are dead yeah it literally took like five minutes it was really easy so we got a reward and now we have a pass for the lunch we can go to. we had lunch with our teacher so yeah that's another ending and there we go another full day of course we got the lunch pass and we also got like 75 cents more but we're not going to need that yet now for the third monday It's time to do it. another ending first of all we are going to take the lunch pass and we are also going to take the flower that cindy gave us now for this one we are going to send seeds so right away we show him the flower he tells us He told us that we should be his friends and that We have to get all his nuggets.
After that, we talk to Cindy and she tells us that she wants us to get back with Lily, but instead get revenge on Lily and put gum in her hair. Tell her about the gum and then if we tell her that she's not ugly, she'll actually trust us and that would be important later, then we'll move on to Monty, which I realize I've been calling Morty this whole time. that we are going to snoop in people's cubicles and look for nuggets, he is telling us that we have to find his next nugget and since we have already checked the cubicles we can tell him that the teacher won't let us look for them, so he tells us that he will give us a pill and then we can go and give it to our teacher and make her not concentrate on her work anymore, so now she lets us take things from people's cubicles, now we can tell Nugget this and he goes. to be very happy for us then he is going to give us a love letter that we have to give to lily and since lily trusts us he is actually going to read it or instead of reading it he is going to give it to our teacher to read it so you know we got a great love letter that says some interesting things, but Nugget gets really angry and so does Lily.
I'd be really embarrassed too, so it's time to get back to Nugget. Tell him we did something else and we definitely deserve another chicken nugget now. After that, just before we leave, we're also going to want to take the knife off the bugs, we'll use that in a moment. Now it's time to approach Lily, she will tell us that she was scared and give us a hand. a donut now, after that we will go back to nugget and do the same thing as before where Bugs will throw something at nugget, it will make him angry and he will give us a poison nugget, but instead of using the poison nugget, we'll use the knife and yeah, but anyway, Nugget is so happy because I don't even know what to say, but we skipped the rest of the day and now it's time to go to recess, of course we are. going to the nugget and we're going to say: what's going on?
He is very happy because we have gotten all the nuggets from him, or actually all but one. We have one more thing we need to do, so he places a device and says. to give it back to us now we are going to take this device and put it on the statue, then we can talk to Lily and yell at her that the director took Billy in the statue explodes and Lily is going to get in trouble, yeah that was nice. easy and of course the teacher says hey what are you going to give me so I don't get in trouble so we can use the donut from earlier and it's finally time to get our real last nugget nugget, we also have the fun trip of going in. nugget cave because who doesn't love that and once we are here we will go to the billy monument and put a flower on it.
At this point, pepita really cares about us because he's like, "wow, you really like billy." I also have no idea who Billy is, but he tells us that he will have something for us at the end of the day. All I have to do is show one of the nuggets and everyone is very happy now after the show and tell him to let's all come back. and nugget is very happy to give us what billy gave him, which will be a note again. This will be important as we move forward. The next one will be to do Jerome's mission, so first of all let's take the lunch pass and go to another day of kindergarten right now, instead of using the lunch pass, we'll want to sell it to Monty, he He'll give us three dollars for it, which we can use to buy a yo-yo cigarette and a screwdriver, now we just have to play a little more and it's time to go in right now, let's talk to Jerome and show him the yo-yo we gave him. we buy, so He will become our friend and we are actually going to complete the mission we did before, so while he distracts our teacher, we go to the hallway and Jerome has a special pass that allows you to go anywhere. so we're going to use that to go to the janitor's closet.
Now with the screwdriver we got earlier we can unscrew that screw and enter the box of stolen things and once we are there we can get Jerome's laser pointer, which is going to make him very happy, but before we can give it to him, the bell will ring and it's time to go to lunch. Now, once we get here, we can show him the laser pointer, but the janitor is very upset because he realized we took. the laser pointer of it, so we'll throw it in the trashbecause I guess it's a good place to hide it.
The janitor will come and say: oh. Did you steal my laser pointer? I just don't even care right now, but the lunch lady, before he goes to sell his cookies, she wants him to take out the trash, so she's going to go move it and tell us that she just left. the trash in the bathroom, so now it's time to go there. Jerome is going to tell us we have to go to the bathroom and he's going to tell the lunch lady that we should be able to go, so yeah, we're all pretty much fine. I don't know why I have to do all this work, but I guess I'm doing it, so we get to the bathroom and then we see the hall monitor, but he doesn't give us away if we give him cigarettes, so we're already home free, then we can go to the trash bag, grab the laser pointer and almost everything is ready, it's time to go to recess, but immediately the janitor gets angry with Jerome, so Monty tells us he has a plan.
Monty decides to give us an explosive device because they're always fun so we put it right behind the janitor and we're going to do some cool stuff so yeah they have this whole plan and this happens yeah another death to add to the group so yeah here we go. Now okay, our teacher says, Wow, what just happened, but it doesn't really matter because, hey, we made it through another day and now Jerome is going to give us a keyhole that we can use to make a key later, It will be for the director's room and it will be the last ending we do, but before that we still have two more and the next one will be the insects ending, so for this one we want to bring to the lunch pass a flower and three dollars and ten cents .
Now, of course, with the three dollars and ten cents, the bugs will get mad at us and tell us we have to give them our money. Now after that we will be friends with Nugget and he will give us the money. explosive device yeah you can probably see where this is going so we'll go talk to our teacher but this time we're not going to fight the bugs we'll tell her there's no way and that will make the bugs respect us so in The Bugs at the beginning of class tells us to come talk to him and he says we have to deal with her because he doesn't want her to expel us, so he's going to give us a knife and yes, we'll be able to use it.
Our teacher's lunch pass is an advantage for us, but first we need something to distract her so Monty can give us something for 1.50 cents and we are in a very good position to commit more murders. Yes, you should be used to it by now. anyway we're going to put the device right behind this desk, wait a little bit and tell the teacher we want to have lunch with her, so hooray, we'll have a nice happy meal, but then we turn on the distraction and go upstairs. behind her and stab her, yeah, another dead body, so anyway we take the knife because we don't want people to use it as evidence and it's time to go to recess right now, we have to talk to the bugs and he tells us that We need to hide it, so we go to Nugget and tell him we have to put the knife in his nugget cave and he lets us do it for some reason.
Now after that, the principal says: Hey, look, your teacher is like dead and then he goes to look at all the different people and I mean there's no one who was obviously the one who killed her, I empty my pockets, he doesn't see anything Then he looks at Bugs and Bugs gives me the teacher's cell phone and there is nothing in his pockets either. so it looks like we're in the clear, yeah, nothing suspicious about me, so anyway I pick up the phone and he tells me I can use it for another day, here we go, another full day at this point, only two endings left and this one will be the end of Monty.
Now, first of all, we want to get three dollars, the lunch pass, a flower, and the key thing, because we're going to use Monty to make this key thing for us, so first of all. We're going to have to become Cindy's boyfriend, you know, it's a normal thing and then we'll tell Lily that Cindy tried to put gum in her hair in the tower, no problem, so then she gives us a donut after this. We're going to go to Monty and ask him to buy a yo-yo, then we can also sell our lunch pass and finally make us a key, but it's going to cost us 20, so of course for this whole day we're just trying.
To make those 20 now for the first part we are going to approach Jerome and show him our yo-yo and then as usual he will distract the teacher, we will get his hall pass and it's time to go to this box in the corner again and This time we are going to get the money, which will now be five dollars. After this, Jerome says, "Oh, you got my laser pointer, but we don't care about you anymore, Jerome?" We tell him we couldn't get it and he just gets over it now. At this point we are going to go back to Monty and we are going to sell a lot of things.
We sell our donut and we also sell. our hall pass that gives us 18 and 25 cents and now if we just wait we make a little money every time we wait and we can actually earn our 20 dollars so at the end of the day Monty asked us if we did all the money and we did it, here we go, now we have a key to the principal's office, now it is complete and it's time for the final mission, so this will be the end of the lily where we need to bring two dollars and fifteen cents. the note we received earlier, the principal's key and our teacher's phone, now after that we are going to want to go to Lily and show her the note we have, which she will say: "Wow, it's actually Billy's handwriting, so we need someone to decipher it." but before that we are going to buy some cigarettes and then we will ask him to decipher the note, then we can go back to Lily and tell her all those things and then we can tell her that we have both from the teacher. phone and the key to the principal's office, so we're doing pretty well.
Finally we're going to go to Nugget and tell him we want to know about Billy, so he'll call the director and tell him. he tells us that we basically have to stop talking about billy, so yeah, he says don't do it anymore and he gives me pills. Now we're going to go over here and pick up this rug which is not at all sinister and yes, now We go back here and tell the teacher that we didn't get any pills because they will be useful later, so we'll go to Lily and tell her that we saw Hatch.
Now we need real evidence that things are happening. We have to go to the bathroom, of course, we have the same joke again, so it's always fun, but we get the hall pass, we get to pass by this guy, you know, it's a normal thing and it's finally time to see what he's doing. the janitor. with that damn bag over there, so let's go check all these stalls because we have to prove to the janitor that we did that, after that we can go up to him and tell him that one of the bathrooms needs cleaning since the others are busy and we can't use them, then we go here and they cut off our finger, yeah, um, so it's fun anyway, it's time for lunch and the first thing we're going to do is talk to Monty and take the deciphered notes.
So we can use that, then we can approach Lily and we can show her both the finger and the note that we received. Now it's time to go to the bathroom where we found the hallway monitor, of course we can use another pack of cigarettes. and now we are all fine, lily is going to call the principal and tell him that if he wants to save our teacher he needs to go to her classroom, so this gives us time to open the door with the key that I got before and we discover that under the rug the lock requires a key so we will have to find it, so we just look in his drawer and find the key right away.
Yes, it wasn't too difficult and it's time to open the hatch. and we see some strange things, yes, it looks like Billy is down here along with some strange looking monsters, but we are going to have to press a couple of buttons, we press the yellow button, the red button, the yellow button and the green button, and that's going to make Billy not die even though one of the monsters died, but hey, look, it's our principal with a gun, so yeah, he'll say, "I'm going to kill you," but before he can do it , we press the blue button and that's it.
I'm going to set the monster free, so yes, this happens. You know he deserved it, so yeah, anyway, the monster now decides to go and jump into that hole with him, but you know I'm not worrying too much about that and finally. saved Billy, hooray for us, then the teacher says: why did they skip recess? and we think we found Billy and the teacher says they have to go to the principal's office, but the principal is dead, that means our teacher doesn't have anyone. to sign her checks and she just leaves, I mean, fair enough, so anyway we have our last conversation with lily and billy and they give us a monsterman card and there we go, that's our 3014th moment. and if we look at we will see that we are in third place I hope you liked the video subscribe

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