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Kincora 'VIP paedophile ring' victim Richard Kerr speaks out

Jun 04, 2021
My name is Richard Kerr and I am 53 years old and I believe the first time I was trafficked to England was in February 1977. Richard Carr has suffered for over 30 years in silence blocking out the horrors of his past at the hands of what he describes . very powerful people when he was a teenager he met the world of Westminster he says he was trafficked from Northern Ireland and that this photo was taken by one of his abusers I was used as a child's toy I was an object a sexual object rumors of a The alleged network of Pedophilia in the upper echelons of society has been circulating for years, but for the first time, Richard's account of what happened to him as a child links three locations: Dolphin Square, a luxury complex popular with MPs and civil servants, or a children's home in Belfast. where children were systematically abused and the Elm Boarding House, a former gay brothel where young boys were also said to have been sexually abused.
kincora vip paedophile ring victim richard kerr speaks out
We brought Richard back to England from America along with his counselor to revisit his past. Her memories of him were vivid and distressing. The professional. a cottage industry. Many conspiracy theories have built up around this story, but Richard insists that a VIP pedophile


existed and that it is time for the truth to be told. They were men who had control and power over others. They were politicians. He believed in some. I do. His story begins in. Belfast in the 1970s, at the now notorious kink or a boy's home, he was placed in care from the age of five and sent to King Cora at 14, where he was abused there.
kincora vip paedophile ring victim richard kerr speaks out

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kincora vip paedophile ring victim richard kerr speaks out...

He claims that he and two other children were hand-picked to be trafficked to London. and sexually abused by other men both, he says, since then they have taken their own lives, we were forever that's how I felt, after all I felt far away, I was exploited Richard says that in 1977, when he was 15, he was taken up a ferry to Liverpool, abused by a man there, then escorted to Manchester and then sent to London, claims he was picked up in a car at Kings Cross station, taken to a nearby hotel and forced to have sex with several men.
kincora vip paedophile ring victim richard kerr speaks out
He had no way of getting to England. I had no money you know I was under the Kerr state they were responsible for me I had no one else to turn to this is the place I remember very well and the memories I tried to block out many, many years ago how do you feel about that boy? you remember here very emotional, very painful, sorry, it scared me, he says he has faced years of bullying and is still warned not to speak to people he believes are connected to the alleged pedophile


, some of his clearest memories are fear what he felt and says.
kincora vip paedophile ring victim richard kerr speaks out
He was visited by detectives on two separate occasions and told to remain silent. They told me to stop talking about Kim Cora and that same day they bullied me. Here's another place they are in Preston Lancashire. They told me they could lock me up. He himself claims that he was trafficked across the UK, including Rochdale, Lancaster, Manchester and Wolverhampton, but it is here, at the Elm Guest House, in south London, where he says he faced the most violent experience. of the. He was raided by the police in 1982. Newspapers at the time said that at least three parliamentarians were questioned.
The late Sir Cyril Smith was claimed to be a visitor. He was being used as a gay brothel. It was alleged that children as young as 10 were abused. It's Richards' first time back and the flashbacks come quickly. He was tied here. Yes, I do remember that I don't know why he was tied up, but he was tied up with his hands behind his back. I do remember Lane died and took pictures, they took feet, other men were here, another man came in. in the room it just wasn't this man, you're up there with the other man here in the '80s, it was reported that officers found whips, chains and ropes, I don't want to be like that, it happened, you know, it just doesn't I mean, it's just Put up with all this sometimes and I can't believe this happened in the 1970s in Piccadilly Circus.
Richard said they picked him out of a group of kids sitting upstairs inside the weak fast food restaurant. Could you describe the activity? here like a pedophile ring oh no yeah no doubt about that oh yeah definitely why they had been convinced of that because of the people he was involved with uh and the boys were in groups even though we were spread out in the tables and the The way they set up the customers and the locations. One of the locations he claims he was taken to in a taxi was an apartment complex in the heart of Westminster known as Dolphin Square.
He is now at the Metropolitan Police's Operation Midland Nexus, which is also investigating suspected murders, could have been 16 15 17 I remember walking in with this guy, he told me to sit down, relax and explain to me about his glasses and He said he liked the Waterford crystal and he wanted me to have a brandy and we had more brandy and then we had a sexual encounter here. Have you ever met any of the men who have been named for having alleged contact with young boys? I just don't want to get into it right now. Not really. I'm talking to my legal lawyers and why don't you want to talk about it?
Yes, I still worry that some people still arrive and I worry that most of these people were very well off, but the majority I had equality decisions that influenced others, why don't you still feel, after all these years, that can you name your abusers who were in power? I'm still a little scared, though I'm willing to take the courage I need to do it. I know I can have faith in our government and, according to him, the fundamental thing to achieve that trust is to get the government to recognize what he calls the untold story of the house of the boy King Cora that, according to him, goes far beyond Northern Ireland in 1981, three senior King Cora officials. were found guilty of abusing eleven children, there have been two judge-led investigations, but allegations of high-level cover-up continue despite claims that the abuse at King Cora was linked to England;
Home Secretary Theresa May has so far ruled out including it in the official report on minors. Rhine I abuse investigation when they are not willing to take King Cora to Westminster, that simply tells me that the message it sends to me is that there is some kind of cover-up and it is claimed that her husband the British security services knew about the crimes in Belfast, but did nothing to stop them using that knowledge to blackmail and extract intelligence from influential men. In 1975, when trouble was taking hold, a young army intelligence officer called Brian Gamal was working undercover and tried to report Richard. first time you must be Richard, yes I'm Brian Richard, it's a pleasure to meet you, go ahead let's talk, go ahead Brian says he submitted an official report on King Cora to a senior MI5 officer, but to his amazement he claims that he did .
I was ordered to stop digging and forget about it. That's what hits me. I really pushed the thing in 7576. You could have bailed out. I'm sorry. Thank you. Thanks for that. It hurts me so much. suffering and uh I am guilty of the survival kit yes yes yes and yes it is uh it is a calling I think it is a calling and I am not here this is a selfish less selfish of myself I am not here to think about myself right yes I understand it peace of that, yes, masculine name of Jesus. Amen, but it's hard to cure without the truth and Brian now believes it establishes that King Coram should be added to the UK investigation.
Why do you think it should be? I think, two words, Richard cares. I think Richards transports. to mainland UK to be abused rather than just being abused in Northern Ireland says a lot, brings the two together here is a Concordat know what happens in Dolphin Square Do you think there were still efforts to try to cover up? Yes, Richard is open about the fact that he continued into his adult life in London to get paid to have sex with men. He says the only life he knew was that he later immigrated to the United States. Would you admit that you became a prostitute?
I would answer it this way. I didn't convert, they made that that's what they made me to be. I was not aware of what it would be like, that they formed me. I was somber and that's what my life was. He says he has decided to speak out now for the two friends of his who were trafficked with him. I'm no longer alive to tell his stories, it's not about me, it's about the voices that didn't have a voice and I just don't know, my spirit drives me and he has this message for the Secretary of the Interior, Teresa, can I? we want those responsible to be brought to justice yes we cannot fail in this we simply cannot if we do this now if we fail in this we are a lioness to continue they can escape this because people have decided to change the On the other hand, some have dismissed the idea that those within the corridors of power were part of a sophisticated UK-wide pedophile network, but Richard is convinced there was one and that he is living proof that you

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