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Kids Yoga with Dinosaurs | Cosmic Kids

Jun 06, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome to Saturday morning


. It's time to get everyone together at home and enjoy a moment of family


. Today we return to the age of


to meet a lovely little friend who is very interested in their sweets and treats, indeed. that his teeth are struggling a little so let's help him learn how to take care of those grinders so he'll have them for the rest of his life let's go get him now hello everyone welcome to



I'm jamie and this is your place for yoga stories and fun is easy all you have to do is copy the movements I do and enjoy the adventure now we always start the same way and that is by sitting on our butt, crossing our legs and putting our hands together. in our hearts and saying our secret yoga keyword which is namaste ready after three one two three namaste there now we are ready to start so let's take a look through the cosmonoculars and see who we are going to meet today by joining their thumbs together and fingers together take a look wow look at those colors they're all spinning around those shapes it's amazing oh look can you see the picture it's a little tyrannosaurus it's little the baby tyrannosaurus hello little one oh what's he doing little he's doing yoga he's doing the lumberjack pose This is so exciting that we are going to meet tiny the t-rex he is a young t-rex almost the same age as you and to go visit tiny we have to go back in time about 100 million years now here is the big secret to go back in time we have to cross a rainbow first we have to make a rainbow and for that we need sun and rain let's start with the sun rising to stand raise your arms towards the sky and greet the sun, hello sun, now bend completely forward, bend your knees a little and greet the earth, hello earth, take a huge huge step backwards and start the solar engine with a beep, beep, now take the other leg back.
kids yoga with dinosaurs cosmic kids
Lower your hands under your shoulders on your belly, stick out your toes and stand up like a snake, tuck your toes in, raise your butt to the sky, let's hear the sound of your dog barking, lift one of your legs and wag it like a tail. and pass it between your hands starting your solar motor on the other side beep beep take a step with the other leg forward and greet the earth again hello earth and reach up to the sun and greet the sun hello sun and there it is Now we need the rain, let's use our fingers to make a patter and on our faces, oh, what a beautiful rain, let's go to our chests and our bellies and go down from our legs to our feet, can we go back up and do our arms? oh bright rain and the other arm and look at the sky we have made a rainbow this is what we are going to cross to go back in time kneel again and stretch one leg to the side open your arms and let your hand fall to your side, then extend your other arm up and over your ear doing the rainbow pose.
kids yoga with dinosaurs cosmic kids

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kids yoga with dinosaurs cosmic kids...

Now we have to do it on the other side to make a complete rainbow, so we kneel again and stretch the other leg. To the other side and with our arms outstretched we drop on our hand at our side and raise our other arm above our ear looking up at the sky like a bright rainbow, oh bright, this will be our bridge back in time sitting Down on our buttocks bend your knees, feet, hands flat behind you as we raise our buttocks making our bridge, we cross and go back in time to the time when the


came to stand, everyone, wow, come on, we see the mountain of eggs, this is where the tiny t-rex lives we are very still and high like a mountain contemplating the world as if looking back at the time of the dinosaurs there is so much water and look at all the green it is incredible, let's go up to this mountain now and let's go look tiny we take big steps towards the side of the mountain coming back completely we take a big step forward with our foot, a big step and back and we do it on the other side, a big step and back, Can we do it again, one big step and last time, one big step? and all the way back, look, we come to the egg patch, the dinosaur egg patch, sit on your buttocks, bend your knees and hug your legs with your arms, now you can lift your toes and keep your balance on your buttocks like a small egg, well done.
kids yoga with dinosaurs cosmic kids
Now everyone, all these eggs seem to have cracked, that means all the dinosaurs have hatched and look, here comes the little T-Rex coming towards us making his little T-Rex sound standing all the way up, spread his feet and bend. forward, grabbing your ankles and let's do some huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle, he makes his little t-rex sound and stands up to give us a ginormous hug, oh, how nice to see you, little one, hooray, you did it , I'm so glad we're going to celebrate and go to the candy cave and get some lovely candy and sweets. My favorites are dinosaurs.
kids yoga with dinosaurs cosmic kids
Well, we didn't know that dinosaurs like sweets and sweets, did we? But we'll go celebrate with Tiny, here we are. in the candy cave, take out your arms and raise them above your head, entering the cave pose, inside we find it buzzing with lots of bees, bees crossing your legs and sit down, take your fingers, close your ears and hum , wow, that was really good buzz b it sounds and looks small ask for your candy oh please can I have some of the dinosaurs please and the bees wrap it up in a whole bag of dinosaurs in a nice leaf we tell them Did you name the bees one, two, three?
Namaste outside the candy cave, we sit a little on a broken branch and lie on our back, we stretch our arms to the sides and raise our knees, we bring our knees to one side and our head to the other, then we take your legs up and over to the other side and your head to the opposite side this is a wonderful broken branch and we can sit here with tiny and have a nice chat standing up let's squat all the way down bringing our elbows in from our knees where we can share the dinosaurs with our little friend the t-rex hmm so what is it like to be a dinosaur?
Well it's great, in fact I even have a wobbly tooth, oh we know all about wobbly teeth don't we? It's really cool when you get the first one. Having a wobbly tooth is a lot of fun, but the only problem is that he says I keep eating the dinosaurs. I still have a toothache. I don't know why, well, we looked. him eating those dinosaur popsicles and we wondered if they could be the reason he might have holes and cavities in his teeth. We are also wondering if he knows how to take care of his teeth like we do, maybe we should take him to visit someone with big teeth like him, who can show him how we go down to the shallow waters where we meet colonel crockles, the lying crocodile on your side, make your body as long as you can and your arms above your head open and close your arms wide? crocodile jaws oh hello, have you come to see my beautiful teeth?
Well, I went to see Dr. Flossie, the lovely dentist who showed me how to clean them every morning and night, and also how I should stay away from sugary things and now I have some. little helpers who help me keep my teeth clean come and let's take a look oh we prepare to come and take a look at colonel crocker's mouth kneeling again we bend our toes and sit up preparing to enter his mouth coming to a four legs we have a little look wow inside the colonel crackles the crocodile's mouth there are lots and lots of chubby tweety birds coming up to their knees with their arms open, wrap them up and that's it, they are pecking and cleaning the truckl colonel's mouth getting all that sugar bugs, bits, balls and goo coming out of them maybe tiny the t-rex could use some of these, in fact we think we should take tiny to go visit dr. flossie the dentist we headed through the undergrowth and up to get back in. your dinosaur posture bending completely forward grab your ankles and group group group group group agglome agglome we arrive at the rubber tree where doctor flossie, the dentist, has her dental office placing your feet one foot on top of the other using your heel hands together on your heart grow your gum tree tall and pretty and can you make a big charming smile?
Very nice, let's try our rubber tree on the other side, putting your other foot on top now using the heel, hands together, make your tree grow and tall, let's open our branches this time and another big smile, lovely, we take a seat on the waiting room, we go down to sit on our butts, bend our knees, put our arms around our legs and lift our toes, rocking in the egg position because the little ones crowd together. He's a little nervous about being here. He's never been to the dentist before. He's not very happy about it, but we tell him that as long as you stay calm everything will be fine.
The dentist is always very gentle and will make your teeth feel better. It's time for Tiny's appointment, so she sits in the dentist's chair and stands up, raises her arms to the sky and then bends her knees as if you were sitting in the chair. Enter Dr. Flossie, the dentist, who is actually a crab. sitting on your butt bend your knees feet hands flat behind you stand up she puts her diggers in tiny's mouth digs a dig counting all the teeth then digs diggers to the other side checking for holes in the cavities sits down and uses one of his claws to clean all those sugar bugs a little mmm he pulls them all out and then he uses his other claw to wobble Tiny's wobbly tooth and suddenly it comes out Tiny didn't even notice he sits up and says little one now you need to clean yours teeth every morning and every night and try to stay away from too many sugary things we don't want holes or cavities in your teeth and here's your wobbly tooth you might want to put it under your pillow tonight we say namaste to doctor flossie, the dentist, namaste and on our way back to the egg garden we help tiny make a huge toothbrush, we turn around to sit on the other side, stretch our legs and grab some of the ferns from the fern bushes on the ground To make the brush make your foot wobble a little, which could be the fans, we attach them to a huge stick that stretches the leg up and which can be the handle of the toothbrush.
This is the biggest toothbrush we have ever seen. Then we teach tiny our special teeth cleaning song by holding your foot, I'll sing the first line and then you sing it again, done, brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them every day, your turn, next line, If you don't brush your teeth, they will rot. away yay well done everyone, let's try it on the other side, putting that foot down, grab the other one and let's do our toothbrush, move again, ready, brush, brush, brush your teeth, keep them nice and clean your turn, next line if you don't brush your teeth. the teeth will turn brown and green, your turn, yes, well done everyone, we put down the toothbrush and go back to the egg garden, lifting your knees, hug them and lift your toes for balance, oh little one He shows us his room. the moss is really cool now we explain about the tooth fairy or should we call her the dinosaur fairy who might come tonight to get tiny's tooth we show tiny what she looks like doing our fairy dancer move getting closer and standing foot we take one arm to the side and the other arm towards the sky we take the foot in our hand and begin to kick kick kick lifting it behind us trying not to wobble and we lower it completely well done everyone, let's try the other side turning to the other side hand to the side other arm to the ceiling let's take our foot with our hand and start kicking concentrate on a point in front of you try not to wobble yay and put your foot down completely well done Now we all dig a small hole under Tiny's pillow so that the tooth turns to one side, open your feet, cross your fingers behind your back and after three we are going to bend forward and dig ready one two three dig and up and again. one two three dig and one last time going up completely ready one two three dig then we crouch completely on our toes while we place the small tooth or should we say the big tooth in the hole, it makes us wonder if I found this tooth in our time it would be a cool looking fossil it's starting to rain again getting up stand up using your fingers to tap the whole head and face and look the sun is still high in the sky so let's reach up to the sun and wave son hello son that means our rainbow he's here we better catch him so we can get home we give the little guy a big hug goodbye we're so glad we helped him have his first visit to the dentist and we go catch our rainbow coming back to two knees take your leg to a side with thearms extended drop onto your hand and stretch your arm up and over your ear like a beautiful rainbow then return to two knees with arms extended stretch that leg out to the side and drop onto your hand on the other side then lift arm up and over your ear, looking up at the sky, another big beautiful rainbow, wow, we cross making a bridge, sitting on our buttocks, bend your knees, feet, hands flat behind you and lift up.
Get into bridge pose, oh wow, we go back to our own time and let our butts hit the floor, ah, we're so glad to be home, we stretch our legs on our lovely, lovely, cozy beds and sit down. Lovely and comfortable, we let our arms rest at our sides, close our eyes and remember that moment in the waiting room where we helped Tiny learn to be calm and now we breathe slowly so we can bring that calm back to our bodies in this moment oh it feels so good to be so calm and so clear we had so much fun on our adventure today meeting tiny the t-rex colonel crockles egg mountain dr flossie and helping our lovely friend tiny with his first dentist appointment his wobbly tooth It's good that we know everything about how to keep our teeth clean and it's good that we don't eat too many sugary things or juices or soda drinks We really don't want holes or cavities, right?
So we take care of our teeth take some deep breaths and then it's time for us to start waking up moving our toes and then our fingers and then bringing our knees to our chest giving them a little hug oh that's nice and then rolling over our sides to sit with our legs crossed and our hands together on our hearts to say our secret yoga keyword to finish as we always do ready after three one two three namaste well done everyone, that was great, thank you for coming to visit the little t-rex with me. they were amazing, come back soon for another



adventure, bye, that was brilliant, well done, now let's get the nerves out, let's use up some energy with a really exciting game of super yoga on super yoga, copy the moves a as they appear on the screen and you get points for doing the postures and at the end you get a lovely relaxation where all the goodness of the points enters your body.
I hope you like it super yoga oh hi pose rainbow pose bridge pose mountain pose cosmic egg watch out it's a dinosaur stampede cave pose twisted branch pose crocodile pose tweety pose tree pose crampons treasure chest don't assume pose of dig worth nine eight seven six five four three two one you were great, well done, now we have some yoga poses in the universe of yoga poses for you to learn. It's great to become a master of these postures because when you come to do the adventures you will be amazing. I hope you like the universe of yoga postures for cosmic children, oh dinosaur posture, taking our nice and wide legs we bend forward and grab our ankles with our hands now we lift one of our feet and make a big dinosaur footprint lumpy with it and on the other side we lift it and group it now the dinosaur pose is really good for freeing the lower back and helping us coordinate better, it is also a balance challenge, let's keep taking steps as if we were dinosaurs or monsters Here we go, group, group, group, uh, oh, looks like we've resurrected them from extinction. everyone and keep squeezing group group group group group group group dinosaur cosmic pose children yoga posture universal turtle posture coming to sit on the butt sticking out the legs wide open keeping the knees well bent we lower our hands between the legs and then slide our hands under of our legs so that they come out the other side like two small turtle fins.
Yes, now Turtle Pose is wonderful for calming our minds, making it a wonderful pose for relaxing or before bed. It's also very good at being nice and We open our hips now like a turtle. We hang out, take it easy, breathe, let our hips open. There's no rush, don't worry, we're just here totally enjoying the moment. The turtle pose is well done. It was great. Now we have a beautiful peace for you peace is our guided relaxation series and it really helps your brain and your body to completely calm down and relax. It's very, very good for you and I hope you feel wonderful afterwards. peace, sleeping dragon.
Hi Jamie, welcome to peace. Let's start by getting comfortable finding a space for ourselves to lie down or sit, choose what works now, take some time to calm down and do any last minute movements or fidgets so that you feel happy and relaxed, ready to enjoy some time, I know it can be Sometimes it's hard to let your body be still, but give yourself time, be kind to yourself, some things take practice, a lot of practice, but the more you do it the easier it becomes. Keep your eyes open for now and see if you can notice your breathing.
I find it. It helps slow down my breathing, making it easier to follow the inhale and exhale. I usually find that there is a small space between breaths. Can you detect that too? Breathing in a small space and then exhaling a small space just happens like that without really Think about it next time as you breathe out let your eyes close gently now your mind can make the images as we go on a special adventure like in a dream this is a story about a family of dragons as you learn about them maybe you can see how the life of dragons is quite similar to the way we live mommy dragon was called delilah daddy dragon was called doug and they had a little dragon girl named dina They lived together on a mountain covered with flowers and grass and they had a beautiful cave covered with moss where they ate together and slept nearby.
There was the waterfall and the pool where they showered or bathed every day. Mom Delilah and Dad Doug went out to work. They had a restaurant called flame grill where they prepared delicious barbecued vegetables and toasted marshmallows for dessert. It was very popular with all the dragon families in the area, so they were very busy most days and sometimes in the afternoons too. Dina spent her days at dragon school practicing her powers by exercising her wings while she flew drawing clouds in the sky changing color to camouflage herself. herself and learning to control her fire breathing there was a lot to learn and practice, sometimes Dina found it difficult and frustrating because she just wanted to be good at everything right away and lately when she got angry because things weren't going the way she wanted she would end up setting fire to everything around her, that didn't help at all and only made her feel upset by the damage she caused.
Dina was learning how powerful her feelings could be, but that was happening more and more often. She lost a game of dragonopoly and couldn't do it. her image of the cloud just as she expected and even having trouble making her bed in the morning sent her over the edge and set her pillow on fire all this frustration was making her depressed one day miss blaze dina's school teacher took Dina aside after lunch she had seen how Dina was struggling to cope with her burning feelings and wanted to help Miss Blaise explained to her how a dragon's brain and body need time and patience to learn how to do things.
She gave Dina some very special advice: the best thing a young dragon can do is learn to use your breath to calm the fiery feelings we all have. Dina decided to try burning everything to a crisp it wasn't helping and she needed to do something, so she started practicing to calm her breathing every day, spending only a few minutes. moments closing her eyes noticing her breathing in and out and slowing it down after about a minute of doing this she felt calm her mind would feel clearer and opening her eyes felt good like her body and mind were thanking her for be. kind to herself after a week of practicing her daily breathing exercise dina's parents noticed how their daughter seemed happier somehow calmer they knew she had been having problems at school but her frustration could cause everything to catch fire and He actually hadn't been sleeping well but something had changed.
It was during bath time when Doug asked Dina how everything was going and Dina explained how she had been learning to calm her breathing which she was noticing when a spark of anger appeared when she found something. hard and that with the little breathing practice every day she simply felt better about herself, somehow she had more control over her feelings. Doug was so proud of her little dragon girl that he got out of the tub and he wrapped her in a towel holding her tight while she changed. Doug in his pajamas quietly shared Dina's news with Dina's mom, Delilah, who was just as proud and relieved that her daughter was okay that night.
Dina snuggled up in her soft moss covered bed with her new pillow feeling ready to sleep, today she was looking forward to sleeping as she felt stronger every day when she woke up and that was the time she chose to do her breathing exercise every tomorrow let's find our sleeping dragon position now our body relaxing our legs arms our face our long back and tail if we are being the dragons relax and become heavier and heavier as drowsiness begins with each exhale, little wisps of smoke comes out of our noses, another day learning a little more about ourselves comes to an end and the night wraps us in a mantle of stars, resting calmly like a sleeper. dragon, if now it's time to sleep, then I wish you good night, if it's not time to go to bed yet, then start coming back slowly, deepen your breathing, move your fingers and toes, do a big stretch and slowly Gently open your eyes before moving anywhere, notice and enjoy how you feel now.
I hope you enjoyed the story of Dina the dragon and if you notice those big angry feelings coming over you sometimes, try taking a few deep breaths in the moment, get away from the fiery feeling and maybe even try that. A little daily breathing exercise that works for Dina: spend a few moments each day simply closing your eyes and breathing like anything else. The more we do it, the easier and more natural it becomes, plus your body and mind will love it. Well done for spending this time. This is Jamie saying have peace.

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