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T-Rex's Dinosaurs Rescue Mission Big Adventure | Learn with Dinosaurs and Animals | Kids Learning

May 05, 2024
zingo toys oh no, the anosa surus is trapped help me help me wait we will help you we will get you out of this oh there are no orange balls that are filling the box help, we will collect the keys right now wow, so many balls I will kick the red ball I will kick the orange ball I'll kick the violet now for me the green ball wow how amazing we have the orange King yay wow the orange lock is gone help me it's raining green balls don't worry we'll open all the locks await us colorful washing machine let's bring the clothes but the color has to match wow I will choose the red shirt yes I want the blue tea shirt I will get the green dress the green washing machine next is the orange shirt wow amazing timing for the last fabric let's take the yellow one wow yes we have the green key The green lock is gone, uh-oh, the red balls have covered the angelosaurus.
t rex s dinosaurs rescue mission big adventure learn with dinosaurs and animals kids learning
It's time to get the last key. It's the Hammer arcade game, we have to press the bell, come on. try it oh no let me try I missed two I'll press the bell the red key wow Yahoo yay you're free yes I'm free thanks guys yippee yippee let's play wow it's so much fun wow so many


have bows and arrows shoot the green arrow wow, broke the picture hey a dinosaur that is swallowing The blue egg a baby lion wa what is this A doong do you know that dongs are also called sea cows because they eat a lot of sea grass?
t rex s dinosaurs rescue mission big adventure learn with dinosaurs and animals kids learning

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t rex s dinosaurs rescue mission big adventure learn with dinosaurs and animals kids learning...

Dongs can grow up to 10 feet and weigh. over 800 lb yellow arrow this dinosaur is covered in yellow balls I will eat the red egg wow, the baby rhino is covered in slime H the rhino transforms let's see a shark there are more than 500 species of sharks the largest of them is the whale shark that can grow up to 15 M sharks have very sharp teeth let's shoot purple arrow cool I want the delicious orange egg a beautiful baby tiger what is this it's covered in yellow balls let's wash it in the fountain a sea lion sea lions are a type of seal, did you know that most male sea lions have Mains like lions?
t rex s dinosaurs rescue mission big adventure learn with dinosaurs and animals kids learning
That's why they are called sea lions. It's time to shoot the Pink Arrow. A dinosaur with red balls. He swallowed the green egg. Baby elephant. Look what I got in the green balls. Time to wash. Who iguana did you know? Iguanas can shed their tails and grow another one. Additionally, these creatures can see very far with their strong eyesight. Let's shoot the orange arrow. The yellow egg is amazing. The baby cheetah falls into the red balls. What is this creature? Oh my god, it's a Chinese Dragon, did you know that Chinese dragons are fictional creatures? They don't exist in real life.
t rex s dinosaurs rescue mission big adventure learn with dinosaurs and animals kids learning
These creatures are believed to control the weather. H the alien boss is eating and watching television. Oh, all the meals are gone, but I'm still hungry. Thank God. I have something in the refrigerator H wait, where did the food go? Guys, come here. Hello boss, we are here, who ate all my food from the refrigerator. I'm hungry and there's no food there. We don't know, boss, so who ate my? food I don't know what you're going to do, but bring me food right now, don't show your face if you can't, okay Buzz, get out of here, look, it's the animal farm, the


farm here, look the T-Rex is cutting the field, the conasaurs are here, but why, oh, a basket full of little plants?
Look, there's a shovel here. He is making small holes in the field. Wow, they are planting little saplings in the field. Beautiful, hey, the angelosaurus is here to water the shoots. wow, the saplings are turning into plants, hey, the fruits and vegetables have grown on the plants, yeah, uh-oh, look, the UFO is here to steal the crops, the aliens are stealing all the fruits and vegetables, oh no, look, the Triceratops is here, thieves, thieves, someone catch it. them but the aliens have escaped oh no, they're gone what happened the aliens came and stole our crops what i have an idea the alien boss is relaxing on the couch and there they are the aliens are back boss we're back with food let's go and prepare delicious lunch hey, we are back in animal form look, they started forming again, they are watering the plants again.
Whoa, dinosaur 5 has brought a trap. I think this was Dinosaur 4's plan all along. He hides the trap in the field. the dinosaur 2. I have set another death trap. Wow, the alien boss is ready, why is there so little food on my plate? All the fruits and vegetables are gone, boss, this is disappointing. Go and steal more fruits and vegetables from Animal Farm. Look at three aliens. They are here in the animal farm, let's go and collect the crops, but they don't know that all the animals are hiding there. The first alien is going to steal Crocs. uh-oh, he's fallen right into the trap.
The second alien now goes for him. crops yes this alien is also trapped help now the third alien wao there is a rope waiting to catch the thief the


are coming out of hiding now look the aliens are tied to a tree the


are smiling why did you steal our fruits and vegetables ? Yo guys, it's not our fault, we stole the crops for our boss, then call your boss, boss, the animals have tied us here, please come, you are useless, wait, I'm coming, I'll beat those animals and I will set them free, look. The alien boss is here in the UFO, he is attacking the animals with lasers, oh no, the animal is running and escaping the scene, it seems that the alien boss is going to free the aliens after all, hello, hello, wait , the boss is also trapped, he is imprisoned, help me.
The boss is now mowing the field. Wow, there are so many beautiful boxes today we will


about numbers. Incredible. Let me see what's there. Hey, there's an apple. Apples are red and very good for health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. two wow one two two delicious red strawberries I love strawberries, they taste great three wow, this is delicious 1 2 3 three Bell p Peppers bell peppers are very healthy because they have a lot of vitamins four what could be inside this box one 2 3 4 four bananas wow, did you know that bananas can float in water?
That's wonderful, then comes five one 2 3 4 five five blueberries blueberries are so tasty I love blueberries six mmm what's inside this box woohoo 1 2 3 four 5 6 six mushrooms did you know that? mushrooms are not plants or animals, they are mushrooms after six comes seven and now we will see what is inside 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 carrots carrots are very good for your health and bunnies love to eat carrots eight hey, this one purple box looks like this cool H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eight pumpkins amazing pumpkins they are very big and are used in Halloween Here comes nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nine dragon fruits Dragon fruits look so beautiful and they are amazing for your health too 10 H what's inside this box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 oranges oranges taste amazing and are used to make orange juice yippe so tell me, do you remember all the numbers from 1 to 10 wow, is it a beautiful day wow? so many colored crayons it's a red crayon oh no the red crayon looks very angry let's see what's inside wow this is amazing this is a watermelon it's a fruit and it's red inside great wow this is a cute pig did you know that pigs are even smarter? that dogs are a red pepper, red pepper has many vitamins and is very healthy.
Amazing, now let's find out what's inside the blue crayon. Why does he look so scared? Let's see the name of the toys. AHA. So many toys. Wow, the first one is. a blue penguin penguins are very cute birds but they can't fly wow, it's a blue octopus, did you know that octopuses have eight tentacles? It's wonderful, it's blue ice cream. Ice cream is delicious, but don't eat too much of it or you will. catch a cold hey it's time to open the yellow crayon can you guess what's inside is a yellow pear? Beautiful, did you know that pears are very juicy and are excellent for your health? can you guess what it is?
Yes, it's a yellow pineapple. You can eat raw pineapples. or you can make juice with them oh my god, it's a yellow crocodile. Crocodiles are reptiles and they are very strong. Then we have the green crayon, but it looks very sad. What happened? Are you ready to see the toys inside the green crayon? That's amazing, it's a green mango. Mangoes are green when raw and are used to make pickles. It is a big green coconut. The coconut has tasty water inside. Drinking coconut water is great for him. Oh my god, it's amazing. It's a green cabbage.
Know? Collard greens are very healthy Wow, I love collard greens. Now let's open the purple crayon. Can you guess what toys will be inside? It is a purple dice. Dice have six sides and each side has a different number of points. Wao Violet grapes, do you know that grapes can? They can be eaten fresh or mashed to make eggplant with grape juice. The beautiful eggplants are purple in color and taste delicious when you bake them. Let's open the last crayon and it's an orange crayon. Wow, it's a basketball. Wow, basketball is a very famous sport. you want to become a basketball player when you grow up it's an orange leie lechies are very sweet and juicy fruits they are available in spring and summer let's see the last one it's a carrot amazing carrots are orange have you seen bunnies eating carrots in cartoons and yes you like the video click the like button now and if you want to


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