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Kerbal Scuffed Program 1 | Sacrifice For The Sake of Science

Jun 03, 2021
Hello again Jeb, here today we will play the best space disaster simulator that has ever hit the virtual stores. A game dedicated to building your own big scientific endeavors, such as how many


s constitute a suitable crush base for this landowner. A game that requires full activation. of your frontal lobe, a game where the ethics, morals and safety of your subjects take a backseat to scientific exploration and obtaining that bread and a game where the inevitable catastrophic failure is often better than the mission In itself, you might think that NASA has had some pretty terrible things going on. disasters over the years, but they have nothing to do with space


kerbal scuffed program 1 sacrifice for the sake of science
Preliminary rocket tests. This little guy made some bad decisions with the last remaining fuel and he's been sitting here in his space chair, alone, orbiting the sun and he's been here for the last time. 78 years old, poor boy, you might be wondering where I am now. Well, I'm not in Kerbin, I'm not in the moon either, I'm not in Duna or Eve, I don't even dress bop or pole, not even Tylo. I want a planet, so much. very far away a planet orbiting a star completely different from our own an exoplanet proxima cantori b wait a minute you might also be wondering how I got here well, it's quite a long story we have rockets massive catastrophic explosions intense nuclear radiation antimatter containment delicate orb and encounters with ksp's deep space kraken, so buckle up motherfuckers, because today we're going to the stars, but before we start, a few rules, as you probably know, ksp only has this star and has no real means of reaching any others, which means we will need to add some mods, I would like to prove to my PC and myself the concept that no pain, no gain, so today we are going to introduce as many mods as physically possible into the game.
kerbal scuffed program 1 sacrifice for the sake of science

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kerbal scuffed program 1 sacrifice for the sake of science...

How many can you order? Well, this amount if you are a new player, but actually not so many if you are a true KSP blue player. As a side note, I tried desperately to get a realism overhaul and get the real solar system working properly with some form of progression to warp drive, which is the only one. propulsion system that is actually fun to use to travel interstellar distances, this would have been an interesting challenge since Earth is about 10 times larger than Kerbin and much more difficult to orbit. What actually happened was that I ended up with an annoyingly unplayable covered mess.
kerbal scuffed program 1 sacrifice for the sake of science
The way you should play these mods is with rp1, a modified tech tree and contract system; However, this didn't include a path to warp drive technology, so I instead used the community tech tree and hoped it would work. I broadcast this horrible thing for several hours. suffering through a marathon that ended in me restarting a save once after being effectively locked out of the game and a second time after being fooled by several engine failures on my first attempt at an orbital flight failure, I guess we have to turn it on right away oh no, it's okay okay, we have a gimbal, oh my god no, are you kidding me?, oh no, I remember why I don't like this, because it's just a drogue shot, it's not a real parachute , oh my god, oh no, it's okay, I'm sure he'll get warp drive.
kerbal scuffed program 1 sacrifice for the sake of science
It is possible to work in this mode while keeping the game playable, but I clearly lack this knowledge of ksp, so there is no need to return to kerbin. The mods I actually added add all kinds of cool and good stuff, new parts, new features, new planets, tweaks to the


and to get to the other stars we have acquired the warp drive this way, we will get there in a few weeks instead of 800 years also warp drives are cool alright let's get started so it looks like we have a long way to go. The fledgling space


starts with a couple of dollars, some brave cobras, and several former war criminal rocket scientists.
Our first rocket only has access to very basic parts to access better paths. We must conduct research and collect valuable data in case you have forgotten. We have an extremely large stack of mods, which means the tech tree now expands very nicely, and so far this is a good thing because it gives us a lot more time for things to go horribly wrong. The warp drive itself is completely at the end for 28,000


points. the first technologies cost five anyway, enough talk about building our first rocket you have a goal to meet this great challenge the bean space program has created the most powerful nugget ever launched your name obama prism five four three two one very good great success but how?
Alright class, listen today, we're talking about solid rocket boosters, our big, powerful vehicle, the Obama Prism, uses a small solid rocket booster to propel itself upwards, but what is a solid rocket booster? Well, a solid rocket booster is a booster that uses a solid fuel I know, I know, I wouldn't have realized that, solid fuel is made up of an oxidizing agent and a fuel, think of it as a high explosive that it gently explodes when ignited, the rocket burns this fuel and creates a very hot gas now Kevin, please remind the class about Newton's third law.
Every action is fine, Kevin. I'm going to need you to shut up. I didn't ask anyway. Newton at one point was like every action had an equal and opposite reaction basically. push something and the thing pushes back this principle is how literally everything moves your car pushes the ground which pushes the car back a plane pushes the air the air pushes the plane simple so when the hot gas shoots out the end , what happens to the rocket, move forward, shut up Kevin, move forward in the opposite direction of the gas, thus creating thrust, so when we break the space bar, the rocket goes up, awesome class ruled out, so we made our first launch, we got our first part of science and we completed it. our first very good contract the next step is to leave the kerbin atmosphere and hopefully return in one piece to do this we will need to create the most powerful rocket ever built obama prism ii is a very complex and intricately engineered rocket we have Obama Prism One and then connect four more thrusters.
Engineer, the thrusters do not have decouplers between them, so to separate them we will use the next thruster to explode the spent propellant. You see what I mean, let's launch our second big trip. Once again we are launching our best and bravest pilot Jeb, who has been around since the beginning along with Bill and Bob, a true staple of the KSP universe. jeb is the first kobo knot any aspiring program manager throws. He is also the bravest one who has to do the entire program. Offering a smile even in the face of the greatest catastrophe, Andy is Dead To those who have played this game before, they may say, "Well, reverse the flight and do it again." quick save and no crew respawn, so jeb is actually dead forever, but why is he dead jeb?
Okay, class, sit down and button your pants. In this lesson, we're doing aerodynamic stability and what is space anyway? So what really happened? Well, if we rewind the video. You'll notice in my merman a hard-to-grasp detail that led to Jeb's challenge. If you look very closely, you can see him crashing into the water at several times the speed of sound. Hmmm, that's interesting, but why passive aerodynamic stability? I want you to imagine a dot flying through the air the dot can only point in one forward direction if you try to throw a dart backwards it will just go and point forward again this is because a dot has wings on the back and its mass in The front the dart is passively stable when flying forward and unstable when flying backward similar situation with the light obama prism 2. the mass is concentrated towards the front of the container where the capsule is and the small wings act to keep it stable in the unfortunate direction of travel for us in this direction It also happens that it makes the capsule very aerodynamic, that is, it does not slow down when we re-enter the atmosphere.
Small reaction wheels on the capsule kept it pointed backwards, but once the air became thicker, it pushed on the wings and forced the ship to spin. In a dive, once in this position, the ship acts much like a dart and does not slow down enough to open the parachute, which ends with Jeb directly hitting the water at twice the speed of sound. Rest in peace, Jeb before Jeb met the ocean. mach 2 managed to fly completely out of the atmosphere reaching a maximum of over 100 kilometers at ksp the atmosphere ends at exactly 70 kilometers you can easily tell when you are there because the music sounds like on earth, it is a little less clear because technically there are molecules of air to beyond 400 kilometers, but the generally accepted altitude at which space begins is 100 kilometers, known as the Karman line, so why is this important?
Well eventually we would like to get to orbit which means we will need to travel very fast in one direction the air doesn't like you going through it very fast so we avoid the air completely by going up well and the high air doesn't go any higher because the gravity of the curb pushes everything towards the surface. Also Kevin, please shut up next time the class tries to learn, I didn't say anything bro, shut up, just shut up, the class was dismissed, the second launch was less successful than the first, but we still made money. Jeb may be dead, but we have that bread.
Next, let's invest our research into better parts to avoid our previous mistakes. Our next rocket is even more powerful than Obama Prism 2. Obama Prism 3. I'll get to the point. Obama's Prison 3 didn't make it. to orbit, that's it, don't worry, Valentina is still alive for now, we didn't have enough fuel to reach orbit, so we turned around, abandoned the tank and dove into the water without exploding. Very well, we don't die, but neither. I won't make it to orbit. Why is class good? Keep those motherfuckers buttoned up. Today we are learning basic orbital mechanics, among other things.
First, why do we fire parts of the rocket? Why don't we just make a long, long rocket that has all the fuel? a single tank I'll tell you why the mass when these tanks are empty they still contribute mass to the container hey hey cat which equation are you most famous for? That's right, force equals mass times acceleration oh oh yeah, if we do some high level algebra we can rearrange this and get acceleration is force divided by mass when the mass is less the acceleration is greater , thus removing excess mass, makes you go faster, very nice after getting rid of our first three solid rocket booster stages, we get this special engine in our last stage.
A liquid fuel engine instead of burning a solid propellant, mixes fuel and oxidizer inside the engine to create hot gas. Liquid motors are much more efficient than solid propellants and can be accelerated and even shut down. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention solid propellants. They can't turn off once you turn them on, they go and go and go. Liquid fuel engines are great, but they come at a price, literally. The unfueled motor alone on this rocket costs as much as all three solid rocket boosters combined. so solid thrusters make economic sense for sections that don't need the highest efficiency now of course the elephant in the room, no it's not that elephant, it's purely ornamental, our failure to reach orbit, gravity , gravity attracts all objects with mass, our spaceship has mass, therefore. is subject to gravity, wow, gravity pulls with a force that depends on how far away from the body you are, if the mass and distance stay constant the force also stays constant, meaning if you can generate enough force in the opposite direction, now you can fly.
Of course, there are many, many ways to do it, buddy, you're really going to stay there, come on, get out of here, like I was saying, there are many, many ways to generate force, wings, brakes, motors, parachutes, magnets, electric fields, mass, just pushing you up. I understand the idea, but today we want to look at centripetal and centrifugal forces. Both forces exist when something rotates. Technically, centrifugal force doesn't actually exist, but I'll leave it as an exercise for you to explain the answer in the comments. Now the common example is a ball on the end of a string.
Centripetal force is the force that the string exerts on the ball, while centrifugal force is the force that the ball experiences in the opposite direction. Now how does this relate to Obama's Prism 3? AsYou've probably experienced, the faster you spin a ball on a string, the harder it moves away from you. This means that our imaginary centrifugal force increases once the force generated by gravity passes, we reach orbit, but we didn't. For this mission, we are going with a complete redesign. We have abandoned the Obama prism nomenclature. We have abandoned the Obama prism and started throwing cash around.
Oh yeah, he's got thicker thighs and more rocker juice for the liquid stage, hopefully this time. We'll reach orbit, let's launch and, would you look, a real orbit we've done, guys, it'll be a proxima centauri in no time, but we're about to run out of fuel, so we'll go out of orbit. Wow, could you look? Plus, it's hot, very hot, in fact, so hot that it's time to learn. Friction Friction is all around us. Have you ever walked? Friction moved in a car and then stopped moving in a car. Friction rubbed two metal plates together so strongly that they form a sturdy friction weld.
Friction, that last one is important, it shows how friction generates a lot of heat, so tell me Kevin, why is there a giant plasma flare around the couch? Friction, yes, in case you haven't realized that our ship is moving very, very fast, at over 2000 meters per second. in fact, which translates to about 32,927 big macs stacked vertically every second pretty quickly, as you can imagine, this means we have a lot of kinetic energy. If you've ever ridden a bike with disc brakes you know that using the brakes converts your speed into heat within the brakes exactly the same principle here only with much more speed the amount of kinetic energy something has is related to the square speed this sounds a bit complicated but it just means that when you double your speed you quadruple your energy so the launch couch has a huge amount of energy so when it slows down the giant plasma flow it's nice not , no, launch 5 is boring on launch 5 we did a quick shot past the moon, we got some decent science, but it was boring now that we're on launch 6. the goal of launch 6 is to just land on the moon and come back for this job.
We have once again created the most powerful rocket ever built. Obama Prism four. This rocket uses two srbs mounted on a. large inner stage the upper stage has a special liquid engine and a lot of fuel for it to drink let's launch the achieved orbit but we move on ladies and gentlemen we have achieved it Valentina jumps out of the capsule and plants our first extraterrestrial flag what do we do? let's say in this great and profound moment we honor the engineers and scientists who brought us here we honor the late obama prison 2 and jeb we thank our pet goldfish for giving us the strength to continue when we needed it most not instead, carefully inscribed on the plate with pp amazing okay, I'm bored, let's go home and there we have it, we went to the moon and we didn't die, but how is that enough, I would do the next lesson, but it seems that we ran out of time and Most importantly Still, I'm getting a little tired, so it looks like we'll have to wait for the next episode.
That's right, there will be another episode, but you may have to wait in the meantime. Subscribe to my channel now. The whole running game. in this video is taken from youtube live streams. I've been making this video, I just covered what happened on my first stream at the time of recording. I actually made four, but to be honest, they're basically the same as the first one. I desperately need to watch them, they can all be found in the ksp streams section on Discord. The next transmissions I make will involve and go to other planets, so stay tuned.
I will also do ksp weapon development streams that you can send to. in your crafts and I will make them fight each other if this sounds interesting to you join the discord. I will create a ksp craft channel that you can paste them into, just remember to read the craft submission guidelines before submitting them please if this doesn't sound interesting to you join the discord anyway so that's it ksp the best space game, join my Discord, watch my piss coverage streams, and contribute to the downfall of civilized society as we know it.

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