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Jojo Siwa Blind Dates 6 Girls by Outfits

Jun 20, 2024
good. Number four, you are clearly super feminine. I love the dresses there with your Casio calculator watch. Thank you. I'm just kidding. I want to answer for you, do you play sports? Are you more mass, more woman? Well, I grew up cheerleading, but in a gay way, um, now I box. I want to see all the little cheerleaders in their


, mom, I want to cheer too. I'm so straight that I wave my pom poms for guys, now I box and I'm definitely more of a mathematician, pow, pow, I fight with someone, oh my god this is so confusing, oh I know what I want to ask you if we were on a first date, what ?
jojo siwa blind dates 6 girls by outfits
Would we love to have a nice picnic and meet again at Lake Hollywood Park? Good view of the Hollywood sign put up a nice little blanket and maybe bring like a game of we're not really strangers to get to know each other well, okay I like it, maybe something like thrill rides, maybe like Six Flags, look how risky You know. just a little bit, I'd say he'd probably take you on a picnic to the beach. I feel like I was going to say picnic too, but then I said, okay, but we could go to sunset on the beach and then go to a concert afterward, ooh. what concert um the Fletcher show no hell or All My Exes no no that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke Jesus Christ no, you'll have Fletcher I was yeah, I love Fletcher were you all at Fletcher?
jojo siwa blind dates 6 girls by outfits

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jojo siwa blind dates 6 girls by outfits...

If you two had Fletcher's Hell? If you were in Fletcher, the rest of you, I would never do that to you JoJo, the crowd at Fletcher was very skier-y, yeah, okay, number one, what's your date? Take it, listen, it's good for a partner to listen to the things you say, yes. You know, I was actually waiting for someone to say that, now she's awesome, I mean, and she's the tallest, even though I just said oh, it just made my job even harder, oh my god, it's okay, JoJo, you have to delete one more bachelorette party this round, oh god.
jojo siwa blind dates 6 girls by outfits
God, I'm devastated, I'm so scared, this feels so horrible, unfortunately, number two, we're out of gas, everyone said, even they were shocked, I know it was funny, I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry, hi, hi, oh my god, it's cute. meeting you I love you like a Fletcher joke we probably would have gone to the moon or something no no no I appreciated Fletcher's joke I liked the humor it was good it was good it was smart it was beautiful Hair next to the That's right, yes, I love the earrings, I'm here for it, it's nice to meet you, nice to meet you, thanks for playing, yeah, yeah, okay, next round we'll reveal the torsos, we're torsos, okay, my goodness, it's literally just their faces are covered, Yeah.
jojo siwa blind dates 6 girls by outfits
It's time to really get into this Yes, we need to know the hard details hard details Did you know who I was before you came here today? yeah, but the reason is kind of like okay, I'm here for it, I want to get into this, save it, how about you number three? Uh, I'm a lesbian, so yeah, I know who you are, period. I love that answer, how do you know who I am? why do you know me? Do you follow me? It's something very uncomfortable. ask, but I'm curious and it plays a role in this and decision making, so you know, yeah, okay, number one, you said you had a funny story, let's hear it.
I used to work at a pizzeria during one of your good friends, but then we were all amazed by your appearance, like everyone at the booth, I was like wow, so I followed you after saying, oh my god, my appearance that night, oh yeah, it was so cute it was the Snapchat logo that I painted on my face with rainbow rhinestones around it amazing sorry, okay, what about you, number two, what's your, what's your, my JoJo story, yes, your knowledge of JoJo? I don't know, so I think I found you because like you, you were like openly gay, yeah, and then I realized that you're like the same girl from Dance Moms and I was kind of blown away after that, yeah, and in fact, I recently followed you on Instagram.
I'm honored, thank you, yes, but I am. I'm happy to meet you, it's fun, okay, it's a good story, how about you, last but not least, number three? I mean, I know you were on Dance Moms, but just as part of Les Topia in general, I just know who you are and what's going on? So you follow Kales. I don't even know what you're talking about. Good answer. What's that TMZ lesbian response? Basically, oh, okay, okay, so with that information we now have to eliminate one of these


from this moment on. It's hard and I'm sorry to do it to you, but number one, the revelation, nice to meet you, nice to meet you, oh my gosh, thank you, I understand it all makes sense, yeah, thank you, oh my gosh, do you want to be the skincare guy?
Yes, oh? wow yeah final round okay so this is what I'm saying oh Wyatt obviously our number one we eliminated was very feminine in comparison but somehow we ended up with the most feminine dress and the most masculine dress. Absolutely remember when I told you it was like I'm running I'm in the middle and I can go in any direction yeah I have a question what kind of partner are you in a relationship and are you a good kisser because oh and you're a active or a passive? Yes, you're the top or the bottom and three, oh, she's about to change, but I know what's supposed to happen.
I'm a great kisser, period, yeah, I mean, I have wonderful reviews on Yelp about my kisses. Wow, are you a top or a bottom? Come on, I'm a little, I'm a little, I'm a little verse, if my mom is watching this, you don't know what it means. Mom Rowan doesn't know what it means, up or down, it's um, what flavor of ice cream. She literally she was going to say something with ice cream, yeah, yeah, okay, how about you up or down? Well, first, first, then what would you say turns you on the most in a relationship in a sexy moment? like when we know we're doing something we shouldn't be doing she's a naughty girl oh my sly girl cringing what about you number one?
I don't know, I don't know, deep connections really turn me on. I would like to meet someone, come on, you make me look bad. No, that's very lesbian of you. Those two answers are very lesbian of you. You say we're not stereotyped, but we all are. It's been very fun getting to know him. You two, okay, it's time for the big final elimination. JoJo elimination, who are you eliminating? Okay, wait, who do you think I'm eliminating? I already have my answer, I know, I already know who I'm eliminating, who I'm eliminating, not who. I'm keeping or cultivating who you think I don't know.
I feel like you've had a great connection with both of them, so I'm not the older kids. What's going on back there? Hey, I hope you understand, no, I hope. You get it, no matter what it is, that'll be good, I mean, they're bold ends of the spectrum, yeah, you normally said you were looking for something more masculine, so I feel like you might lean that way, but maybe you've been influenced by me. the glamor I want to see your reaction around you. Okay, final elimination is number two. Wow, launch and reveal yourself. Hello. Sorry, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you. How are you? I'm sorry, I feel that way. bad this is so brutal it's not me josh just never there and now it's time for reveal number one oh my god it's like the big reveal oh two necklaces i like your hat you're so cool it's fun to talk to yeah cool style yeah a lot thank you yes, I can finish in the master's no, you are great, you are great, you are feminine, you are fine, yes, it is a good mix of both and mathematics, thank you. I think what really attracted me is I was like, okay, from the waist down, I was like, oh, she's masking and then you're on top revealed and I was like what and you're like your face like you're feminine and your hair is girly and then you got your hat and you got your little bow, yeah everyone has it.
I have, I even have my little bow. Did you do that just for Jojo? I almost beat the line, so yeah, but I'm not going to do it. my favorite necklace okay the love birds of youtube come running out to this video oh my god this was so scary well my job here is done let me know in the comments below who you think should be in a video with me next until Next time I'll see you, bye, damn.

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