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I Turned My Bedroom Into a BEACH

Jun 19, 2024
decorations to transform the room before my parents get home. It's going to be incredible, let's see. outside the room, that's $20 out of my budget and everyone says I should buy these shoes. Is there any way you can remove $20? I think we should do it for 500 like yeah, really for 500, yeah, come on, we'll do it for 500. I guess I'm getting on all fours. I have to go much faster to do this. Look at the walls we can't scratch. If you believe enough, you can defy gravity. Yes. Ready, it will be very satisfactory. Oh yeah. Woo, okay, that was it. everything I wanted to do I'm satisfied it's okay now I'm satisfied it's okay now I'm satisfied wait and see what happens when my parents get home I honestly would never spend $500 on a pair of shoes for my daughter except I really want to be the best father, so I did it this time.
i turned my bedroom into a beach
Okay, we have some returns to do it. I'm sorry. I hope you didn't like them more. I can close my eyes and N. alright guys we have a palm tree we have a big build next I have this okay good luck I have no idea what I'm doing this is God and this is H this looks like a bed, but we are going to turn it. in a cabin, look at it like this, honey, that's not right, oh my God, Sandy, come back when we're done building, perfect, oh my God, do you think I can knit in my sleep?
i turned my bedroom into a beach

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i turned my bedroom into a beach...

This used to be my closet, but now it will be. The living room is a little short, that doesn't stop me from taking a short nap. Now get up, can I have a womanhood? I'm buying and weaving, buying and weaving once this TK roof is finished we're going to put it up. on these poles so that everything is together but come on, we have to hurry, we are running out of time, what are we going to do? Time to go pick up Lauren and win the Top Parent award. By now, you probably already know what Lauren bought for Salish and You Know What I Got for Salish, so comment below which one you'd like.
i turned my bedroom into a beach
We have to fill the new bed. Alright. We have to give it some time. 1 2 3. And there we go, oopsies, the mattress is there. Bella, don't faint. Trust me, just trust this will keep Bella from passing out. Take this, are you serious? Yes, one minus two to finish. This will take longer than I thought. My parents will be home soon, so I have to hurry. We solve the problem. Of you fainting, you go oh, I'm tired, I have to do this, although no


can be complete without an epic sandcastle, no, my sandcastle, it's time to let a little one say no, I'm on my way home , my dad is calling me. daddy's calling hey hey girl how are you okay how are you okay what are you doing um just relaxing what are you doing at the mall uh we're just doing things just relaxing don't worry but I'll be home soon what are you shopping for?
i turned my bedroom into a beach
I just have to buy some things like things like that, you know, things like what, don't worry, what do you care, what I'm doing right, dad, um, I actually need something from the mall, I'll go get it. No, you can just grab it because I'm a little busy. My friend will come soon. What can you just buy me like a pink phone case or something? I don't really care about a phone case. Yes, no, I'm going back home. I want, I also need a gift for my friend, so would you like to buy something like Sephora or something like a gift card?
It doesn't really matter, no, I'll come home, please, please. K, okay, okay. hurry up, okay, I love you, I'll see you soon, thanks dad, I'll give it back to you when you get home, bye, I have to go shopping for now, I hope that delayed my dad, now we have to finish the transformation, now I have what to go Salish's friend does something at Sephora and then browses for a phone case. The room is almost done, but first I have to add the top layer of white noise to really make it look like a


. Pretty good, this whole beach idea could really get me in trouble. to try and P Rebecca and the pain and hope that they think I'm on the beach, these are cooler in the background and we set up a light to look like the sun.
I'm going to make it sound like a real beach time call. Rebecca, if I can fool you, then that means the transformation is amazing. Hello, where are you on the beach? Yeah, wait, I'm relaxing. It's a good day. Hi dad, she's at the beach right now. We are in the best resort. Can you guess where it is which resort is like a Nickelodeon resort? I mean, it's orange and blue, yeah, yeah, it's like something from Nickelodeon, it's like something from Nickelodeon, wait, there's a sa, there's a window, no, there's no stop, are you at your house or something?
I can't see it no there's no look there's sand oh wait oh isn't that your room no no no no no your Tad no oh my god it's not actually going to kill you look at all that sand do you know how long it's going to last Here, you'll be grounded for one week. I bought Sephora. I bought the phone case, but you know, that was a little strange. She doesn't ask me to do things like that, so I don't know right now. It's time to call P, okay, I hope I can see her and then my parents will be home any minute.
Hi, okay, basically I'm sorry, my Wi-Fi is really bad. Where do you think I am? What a beach? Don't know. It looks pretty tropical so maybe somewhere like Hawaii or something oh yeah it's really fun it's really fun oh wait okay this beach is amazing what's your favorite part of the beach do you like palm trees? Yes, I love Palm Tre. Look, I have a palm. tree right there your beach looks like it's inside no, it's not no, are you sure, I'm pretty sure, it's okay, it's inside, it's in my room, does your dad know? No, I hope I'm not angry.
I wish, honey, what do you get, no, nothing, okay? What are you doing just hanging out? No, there's nothing here. Sophie just said she's here. This is so exciting. Oh my gosh, I think I got it right, yeah, I think I got it right, we'll see if there's any chance you want to exchange gifts, no. You sure couldn't give the gift I'm giving you. There is no way you could give the gift I'm giving you. Well, actually you could have, but you can bet you didn't. It's okay, you look sure it's okay. I'm going to be the best father. father superior right here here this guy thank you so much for being here this is so exciting oh my god this is actually so cool 3 2 1 oh I know, how did you get all this Sandy here?
Some people help me. What are you waiting for? Your dad knows about this um no, I don't want to be here when Jordan comes here, this is my bed. I actually love this. I just know that Jordan will be very angry. This is cute. I can just, you know, catch some rays of sunshine or something. lights that look like sunshine I need to get a tan this summer this isn't really the reason I brought you here Hy oh my oh Sophie you're here oh wow hello what are you doing? You have this Sophie, what do you think about it? room this is crazy okay I had to get to your Bo I know you're Al Point what are you talking about you know what I'm talking about um saor uh don't even put this on me um yeah this room is crazy cson I need to get out this is so yeah, crazy room, really good room, so Sophie, I have a question for you, are you into Star Wars?
No, because I'm the only one for me. Dinner tonight. Dinner tonight. Question mark. I'm. In fact, I'm going to dinner with my parents tonight. I'll have dinner tomorrow night. I'll have dinner tomorrow night. In fact, I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. I'll have dinner the next night. I don't have your number, but it's like that, you already have my number, so that's true. Alright. I'm going to record a YouTube video next week. I would like to be in it. Yes Yes. I like that next week's YouTube video is on your YouTube. yeah thoughts, I mean I'm sure I'll be on your YouTube video, it's a date, yeah, it's a date, I made it happen, it's a date, okay, come on out, let's go to YouTube, come on, it's a date, have fun on your date, have fun on your Dating Sophie I made it happen It's a date Say Say Get off hello Hello We spent a couple of hours It's getting them a couple of gifts for graduation Why?
Because it's graduation. We are very excited. This is weird because I also have a surprise for you. that's exciting if you've been working like baking on something not exactly right why don't we do that after doing this you can only choose one of these gifts the other one is given to a subscriber what's that sand? I wonder what that is. There are sand? Why did you go to the beach? I'm not going to the beach I'm going to give you mine first happy graduation thanks shoes Okay I'm dying to see the Jordan Force oh my god I was just talking about these today did you really appreciate that?
You are welcome. I really hope you like them. I hope they are your favorite gift. Thoughtful, you can only keep one subscriber, one of these will be yours, subscribe right now and comment, you know how much we love going to Sephora, yeah, so I bought you some things that I thought you would really like and then I made you a little basket to save thank you, thank you, they are my favorite colors. I was hoping it smells good. This is a bag with all my favorite things. Thank you very much, it's time for you to choose which one you want, okay dad, I love yours. but mom made it as a personal gift, so I'm going to mom, thank you mom, thank you, thank you now I have a surprise that I want to show you, come on.
Sailor was right, I think Lauren's gift was actually much better and more personal, but if you want Jordan Forest, all you have to do is fill out a form. There is a link in the description and we will choose a subscriber to deliver it to you. Are you ready to see the surprise? No, yes, okay, what did you do? What did she do? Do what well, my dad wasn't very happy, but my mom helped me make the room even better after watching this video. Go watch the video I made on Colin's key channel, it was really fun.

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