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John Krasinski on Casting Wife Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place

May 09, 2020
You really won the world series of movies because with this



, thanks for the great movie and I don't remember, but when you made the movie I was like, oh no, I don't like watching Gary move well because it scares me. for them and everything and it's a scary movie but it's more than a scary movie because it has a lot of that it really sounds psychotic but when you look at the poster it sounds like otic but it's a love letter to my children yes, a father, I wrote a movie for my daughter protecting her kids, yes, from all the scary people in her neighborhood or the funny guys, but you, I think it's in the top ten of the year in both box office and critical acclaim for rotten tomato, you usually get one. or the other one, right, what I usually want is for Haley to get neither, so I'm wondering what that Monday was like because you made this movie for like forty thousand dollars, like yeah, yeah, the monsters you broke into a store of disguises and you stole.
john krasinski on casting wife emily blunt in a quiet place
I just waited until Halloween. in Brooklyn and then it opens huge, it's a financial opening, yeah, I was crazy, what was it like that Monday when you added it all up and said, oh my God, we have the number one movie? I don't know why I fainted. I basically passed out for three months, yeah no one believes the blackout story so don't say you passed out, yeah it was Monday morning. Emily and I were walking with Hazel to school and we were really in a strange fog. I had no idea what was happening or how it happened and we were so excited but couldn't really process it and then hilariously another garbage truck, it could have been the same guy flying around the corner and in this ballet version from a garbage dump.
john krasinski on casting wife emily blunt in a quiet place

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john krasinski on casting wife emily blunt in a quiet place...

He just throws it from behind halfway, grabs the can, throws it and as he puts it down, he saw it on Sunday incredible and I said, thank you very much and then he gets scared. I have a scene and I got on the truck and I was surprised that a guy saw scary things, yes he worked, his coworkers are rats, yes, and Emily said that will only happen in Brooklyn, how does it work? How does it work right after you've had it? And I'm curious. This is because I haven't been in this situation, but AB, Betty, you haven't been successful, yeah, I mean, after having had great unquestionable success, what happens next week?
john krasinski on casting wife emily blunt in a quiet place
Do you get calls from all the studios saying? Hey, John might want to direct for us to people that you may have met before, you know, yeah, you know, to be very honest, getting calls from people that I've admired throughout my entire career was mind-blowing, so Yes, this is yours. I know what he wants to do and what happens next, but the most important thing for me was always getting calls from people that I had worked with or wanted to work with and just getting recognition like Guillermo del Toro wrote this on Twitter, I mean. really nothing better, nothing and he says you know the nicest things about something great, yeah, yeah, I mean, King wrote to me and the map to me is tickets to the Red Sox and I thought, "wow, he's going." I took them, that's great, yes, I saw the bra.
john krasinski on casting wife emily blunt in a quiet place
James tweeted about it, yeah, amazing, and you didn't do it right, you didn't come right in and co-star and direct the movie, you also played two roles, does anyone know this was a joke? Nobody knows because I've kept it. So you played the monster in the movie. Yes, I do. You were wearing a motion capture suit. I'm looking at a photograph of music and my career. No, no, this is good. It's like, my commitment, the level of commitment was very high. Is this you playing your own monster in your movie? Yes, that's embarrassing, yes, yes, the amazing people at ILM said you know, so how does the creature move?
And I said, well, this is how I think it's going to crawl and they just said, Wolf, why? He put on the suit and I was like totally and then they took that photo and I thought he was auditioning for The Lion King Yeah right I don't know what's going on because I was there although I just checked did you have any? I'm not at all worried about this coming out, no, it's not about that so far, about choosing your


, about choosing Emily Blunt, your


, as the lead in the movie, because I mean some people are They separate, like the Christmas photo, the card that Take, I mean direct your wife in a movie, it's a risky thing, yes, that's why I didn't ask him to do it.
It's true, I never asked him to play the role. I wrote the film thinking about her. I wrote the part about her thinking about her, but I was so scared that she would say no because it was an awkward dinner, yes, but I was actually more scared that she would say yes. I will do it for you because I was next. to her when she made all these incredible decisions and she is without a doubt the most elegant, most intelligent and most dedicated actress I have ever met and I didn't want her to do it and when you see how much she puts into every role that she played.
She didn't want her to come on set just for me, so I didn't ask her and then one day she read it on a plane and said, Can I read the script? I said yes, sure, and I went back to watching Avenger 6 and I loved it and then she really looked sick and I was reaching for a barf bag thinking I was going to throw up and she said, "You can't let anyone make this movie." and I said what does that mean and it was like a romantic comedy. where she was proposing me, she said you have to let me play this role and I think I just yelled yes on a flight that landed in Texas and no, it was for the best.
Wow, it really was, it was the reason The Movie is very special because we both came to it organically and, well, the movies are great and it's on Blu-ray and Digital and a DVD and all that right now It's very easy, congratulations on reaching the end of the YouTube video, why not? Celebrate by clicking the subscribe button, you earned it.

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