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Joe Rogan Experience #1278 - Kevin Hart

Feb 27, 2020
book, how good? was the book how good was your book what was the ending of your book if the ending of my book can be so surprising because of everything that was done money everything that was doneachieved the first to do this the man who did this caused a fusion between this because of their commitment and growth with this the communities received this made education this changed the way education was Baba Baba gave the books gave the computers gave all the things that can be associated with you and your existence is They become part of the chapters of your book, so my impulse is about my book.
joe rogan experience 1278   kevin hart
I was a number one New York Times bestseller. People will end. They did it. I'm writing another book. Are you ready. Vote right now, yeah, what happened? What if you're Tom, the number one New York Times bestseller? If you get both. What happens if you get all three? Hey man, how do books become successful? Who publishes them? I want to start a post. company beat publishing why not mmm that's all I'm doing is raising awareness and others leaving why could they why can't I create why can't I start why can't I be a business why can't I be a CEO, why can't I be a tech guru?
joe rogan experience 1278   kevin hart

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joe rogan experience 1278 kevin hart...

Why can't I create kitchen products, lotions, since there are so many things that some people just don't understand they can do? Let me be a place to show how many different you are. I don't have to do just one thing when it's all said and done, my book will be full of all this stuff that Kevin Hart did because I was never happy with just doing one or two or three, so why not Kevin? Why are you creating health and wellness products? Because? No, I'm big on health and wellness, why can't I? Why can't I try to create something I filled out?
joe rogan experience 1278   kevin hart
It's cool and jumping into a space that I'm already in. I already give one hundred percent of myself in this space. Why not? Why can't I talk about financial wealth? Why can't I go back and educate those who don't know? Because you do not have time? I make time well, you certainly can, but it's so unusual for someone to put so much energy into it and it's time to give back and get involved in the kind of projects you're talking about, as well as being super ambitious with your own career. It makes me happy. Yes, I can say that I am really happy.
joe rogan experience 1278   kevin hart
The discovery makes me happy, like when you find something different. things to be excited about makes me happy and it's weird when it clicks and school days they tell you all the time information is key read these books there's so much knowledge that book it's time to read that book I want to go home damn Sonic the Hedgehog I I want to play I'm at level 3. I have something to read this book. Information is something that was forced down your throat at a certain age. You just might not get it correctly, but then it clicks and you can get information differently. and what you do with that information is up to you, but people have different roles, they can follow education was not my choice, it did not do it for me, but the knowledge in common sense that I have naturally allowed.
To gain insight, apply it differently, it allowed me to develop my intelligence in so many different avenues to where I was like, “Oh my gosh,” I found my niche, I found my talent, and now there are other things that my talent can take me to. I don't have all the knowledge and awareness, but I can allow people to do that they can teach me because now guess what learning is great, you know what happened, you don't have to do it anymore, it's your own, you're a child, they force you. You go into this school you don't want to learn, but when you come out and you realize oh, this really benefits me, does it make me a better person, does this make me wiser, it's 100 percent dirty and it's weird how it happens, but when you go. oh my god learning and knowledge is power mmm they used to tell me this when I was 10 my quads yeah mom kids 10 11 years old I heard that all the time now I finally get it damn I'm about to turn 40, it took everything. this time to get the damn code but I got it yeah it comes to you at a different time mm-hmm and when it does get excited man you're excited I'm excited for 50 now I'm turning 40 You Do you read books I don't read many books Do you listen to recorded books?
I have listened to books. Do you know what let's do? Tony Robbins is great Tony is like I like his approach to providing information mm-hmm I like his general attitude I like podcasts I like things that are real and not presented in front of me I like information that I can go to the source and touch and talk so it's me and I'm reading a book it's a book that was recommended by so and so and the person who gave it to me and that's reading that book. I learn more about the individual I thought I already knew and now I learn more.
Michelle Obama's book. Great book. Great book. I met her. I talked to her I've been in the same rooms I've seen her success What will her book be about? Mmm or I read a book. Wow, I get it. I get smart by moving all units that are moving. I understand why women read your book and walk away feeling better feeling like they can't I get it oh wow hmm certain friends Dwyane Wade wrote a book focused on being a father his path to becoming a better father what happened to the mother of his children He developed a relationship that bond with his children like no one else Wow I didn't know that day that's great I love how you put it on the page There are certain things you just want to know Certain books help you I understand why people read books I understand what it tells you the information I know that the book I'm working on now is about the mental approach you have to life and people who don't understand that your biggest enemy is you.
My whole book is about how you fight against yourself, people to understand, is it you against you the only person standing in your way is you, no one else is you now when you write a book like this and especially about something like this , this is the way you have managed to navigate life mm-hmm, do you write it in essays? Do you have bullet points that you think about and then once you have those bullet points that you had, you write them down? How do you do it? on your phone, it's all voice memos and transcripts, okay, so because of your time you don't have it you don't have time to sit and type mm-hmm so you need someone you can talk to for hours hours hours hey, I need an hour, but I have to scream for myself.
I have some things we want to talk to you about keV what is that okay ideas for book titles ideas for subtitles my dedication is my presentations within my presentations these are powerful paragraphs and things that I just said that are now transcripts I can go back and read it, come see here, there's no conversation at all of them, um, there's no conversation at all and that's what the internet has allowed people to do. The internet has allowed people to skip steps 1-30 as many people jump right to 100. good job turn them down you should be dead oh god I can't stand this whoever the hater is the anger It's when you listen, when you listen, okay, when I listen and I can change.
I'm not that guy that we're doing these weird things now that people don't take the time to sit down and think what I've understood is that what people are doing has nothing to do with me. I must always be one step ahead because I am thinking differently because I am thinking about myself doing myself better it puts me in a position to make others better be the example not the problem the best way to eliminate the problem is an 8 assessment yourself these are business thoughts oh it is thought that I can read and just read this is a so you just have these philosophies of your life and you just talk, listen, just talk, dance, so now all this is possible.
Colón, that's incredible, there's the whole transcript, this is it. Sarge comes back throughout the day and I read it and say this. this is great, this makes sense, he didn't let me rephrase this, I mean, make sure everything flows together and at the end of the day, what is my reason for the book, my reason for the book is to make you better, my reason for the book is for people to understand yes we all agree we should all think we're cool there's no reason you shouldn't think you're cool if you don't think you're cool ask yourself why you don't think you're cool do your best when you do you do people have no choice but to follow your example mmm you had no choice but to do the same many people base it on their past they base it on the life they have


d up to this moment ago it will be better that yes, it will make you come back it will be better that makes you smarter, yeah, unless you say it, yeah man, that's the interesting thing about it, that's the interesting thing about life, you can hear a guy like you say that and then change your perspective and then go out and Take steps you may not have taken before.
I had a 585 on my SAT confessions. I didn't accept money. Confession. They give you 404. Put your name on a piece of paper. It is a true story. Wow, I guessed a BAC a da. I did hocus pocus. true story I swear to God hand on my mother's grave a BAC a day I didn't care because there was a school trip that same day I wanted to go on a great adventure. They told me they weren't taking my SAT seriously but forbade me from continuing. myself in life that's what they told me at the time I said damn maybe I should have done maybe I should have tried hard maybe I should have been different when I saw my friends get their test scores back and they were ecstatic 800-900 960 of all Going to college I felt like the biggest idiot in the world the biggest idiot in the world because the same people I want to rush off to a big adventure with had taken an SAT a week before already finished their work mmm They did everything they were supposed to do to make that fun time really fun for them.
I was the only idiot who didn't prioritize or take care of myself, so I'm the only one who goes to Community College, everyone else goes to Drexel's Villanova Temple University. College, damn, they just left me behind, why didn't they tell me they did it the week before? How come they only told me we were serious about college? They didn't tell me he was trying to go. a simple or Drexel everyone expects it's because my life is not their life they're focused on themselves wow they're doing what they're supposed to do hey idiot sit by yourself and figure it out because that's where you should be lesson, learn, any chance you get I should be taking sets from now on, because if not, you may find yourself feeling that way, you don't.
I get depressed in a moment. I learn from it. I learned from it. Now I have to take a damn test. I better think I'm studying for that test because I don't want to feel like I'm the mmm kid who didn't prepare. Now I have a story to tell my children about what it feels like to be the kid in class that I didn't prepare for that has the words great when they give you back all those grades but it's from my


I don't belittle those moments you take those moments you make the best of them of them because their life lessons are that simple.
I'm saying it's positive, but really it's just simplicity, it's real, real, it's real and it's your life experience and it's your life lessons 100%, but the fact Having a guy like you come out and talk about it like that is where it makes it really powerful because it's not just something you learn from, but now other people can learn from your past too. That's what I hope you look at yourself and realize is that we all start from a different point. You're not saying yes, that's why. I'm so honest I'm so honest I'm so open They're there There are no similar guys I'm okay with being an open book I'm okay with the good the bad ugly I'm okay with being imperfect I'm okay with all the things that have happened to me and been exposed I'm I'm fine with everything I don't hide from it I don't run away from it I don't avoid any of it I'm fine, it's fine, it's a bed I made for myself.
I lay happily on it and I'll be fine figuring it out, moving on son don't stop for nobody man son don't stop so I'll get up. in the morning, regardless of whether my son gets up in the morning, regardless of how I feel and how depressed I am, the sun will shine in the morning and at night, the moon will be there and you will look up these days, you will continue forward. So you let the days go by and look up and not waste a year doing what? What do you just pick it up? Okay, I'll figure it out.
I made some mistakes. Life goes on. Let me discover life from this point. I'm a life goes on kind of person, you're a bad Kevin Hart, very, very, very inspiring and I'm so glad you came here and talked about it. I'm more than happy, I think it took too long. Indeed, and this is the first of many men. I'm sure I'm a fan too and I think what you're doing is not only inspiring in terms of what you've been able to achieve and by whom. you're but also inspiring and how you're so dedicated to helping other people that means a lot to me it's very motivating it's very powerful I want I want all your listeners to know it's not at all no this is this is There's no way it could be you yeah If you were doing that just to talk and be like listening, just pretend and then become that guy because you're honest,if you could do that and just say it and talk, forget about whatever is false or not.
If you don't trust me, you will see more that financial fitness is real in this relationship with Chase and no, she is making sure that I am put in a position to provide the information that I have and to the people that really need it, that's the priority. I will send more kids to college this year. Shout out to 20 Robbins who will match my donation so you know I think I'll finish. We probably have about a good million 21.5 where we take it we just put that money in and just provide free education. UNCF helps me too, that's a priority, like I said, on this side of health and wellness, you'll see more of me, vital, so calm down. be, be part of this hustle, go find yours irresponsible on Netflix filming filming we're about to come out Christmas, there's so much going on, man, listen, if you ever want to promote something, you want people to know about it.
I'm your man. So, say thank you brother, I really appreciate it, I appreciate it, goodbye everyone.

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