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Jobless: Life Unemployed (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

Jun 04, 2021
Did you trust me? Come on. I


ly don't understand why there isn't as much money anymore. I just


ly understand that people don't have a lot of money and everyone is losing their jobs. It's just that tonight you will have a recession. arrested, I know that's why we had to go out, honey, let me do this again, my mom stopped crying and now dad is still screaming inside mom because they are so stressed and angry because they actually lost a job, they just around all the time and you know they're not working and like everyone says why aren't you glad you're not at work and I say and I have to explain it all in the heart of the commuter belt 30 miles west of London Hannah's la family is adjusting to


without work today we are going to discover people who help us very well, we will leave it there because you also have to write well, Andy and Jackie, they were both employees of a computer printer. company but in February it went bankrupt leaving them both out of work after working for the company for 20 years most recently as sales manager in Europe andy wanted to say a very personal goodbye to his clients.
jobless life unemployed poverty documentary real stories
I am writing to you now to inform you that as of today I am no longer working for tony jennicom it has been a great pleasure and a privilege for me to have worked with you it has been a great pleasure and a privilege for me to work with you the kindness I cannot say the kindness hospitality and friendship that you have shown has been fantastic I wish I could have returned it so much I wish you the best for the future and I hope our paths cross again one day but no matter what happens you will always be in my memories, both Andy and I have worked in the computer printer business since um well for me since about 1979, so you know, it just didn't seem real, we didn't tell people that mom had already lost their jobs because they would just tell their moms and then mom would tell them. embarrass myself I need to call claire and thank her for taking you to the park yesterday that was lovely yes so you can have some peace and quiet for what is the name of the cv yes the cd what does cv mean because the company declared bankruptcy the couple did not receive any compensation for redundancy, although Andy was at least able to claim the equivalent of about 10 weeks' pay from the national insurance system.
jobless life unemployed poverty documentary real stories

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I have to go to the employment office but after three months of unemployment the family is now eating into their savings and still struggling to sort out their unemployment benefit says they can't pay jobseeker's allowance we can't pay you because you haven't paid or accredited sufficient class one national insurance contributions. I called this number at the top. and he said, well, why didn't they make a joint claim? But that won't give them the same amount of money anyway, but maybe that's what we'll have to do. Then you'll have to call that guy. Yes, yes, you know.
jobless life unemployed poverty documentary real stories
James, well, you know you need to push, you need to get an interview because I'm sure that if you, yes, yes, I will, yes, I will get in front of him, yes, yes, I will do it now, okay, then everything. Well, bye, honey, I'll see you in a minute, be good, yeah, where are we going anyway? Mom goes to the employment center where she registered last night. We had a little unfinished business because this job seems like a really good job, um, for Randy, um, he won't have a phone interview until he's made a new CV.
jobless life unemployed poverty documentary real stories
Oh hi, I've been resisting making a professional CV, but I just wanted to check the kind of, um, costs, uh involved, okay, I did it. you say that was more that, cheers, oh just £500 so we spent the whole Bank Holiday Monday when the weather was beautiful sitting in front of a computer trying to think of words to put on a new CV Sandy Volley, here it was about that opportunity um. no um um uh no it's not a formal educational qualification no no yeah okay um well thanks for the opportunity and as far as it went oh great there you go another door closes in your face hello well you never believe later of all that.
This time today waiting and waiting and waiting and I've had to log out because you said there's no point in you signing up because we're not going to pay you anyway. Have you called that guy about work? Well, is there anyone else now? in the race who has any technical quality oh no you're going to get an interview so no no oh no no all that time and effort and emotion I felt so positive about it um oh andy back to square one I'm going down like Andy and Jackie Paul and his wife, Alma, both lost their jobs for more than 20 years.
They worked at Vision, a car parts factory in north London, but two days ago the company called the receivers. Okay, okay so far. Well, I found a good spot under the shelf and blocked out the lights. You know, when the Vistian workers were told they had not only lost their jobs but also their severance package and pensions, some of them occupied the plant they wanted for their original Ford. The employer will pay them their full redundancy, but administrators have gone to court to evict everyone from the site. This is so wrong that they are becoming criminals by deceiving anyone.
I don't have normal people. You know, suddenly. You're a criminal, what do you care? You are sitting in a place where you are owed money. They say you have to see your children through the bars. They could be real bars. Soon they will sleep here again. Yes, honey, I don't know when I'll be back. The elders keep saying that I'm afraid we're going to lose our house. I don't want to lose our house. Where are we going to live? You know, and I think it's a very heavy weight to carry and it's like it hasn't left.
Up to this point you still know that it's still early, but you know that my mom says that she has teary eyes, like when she cries she hides, so I know that she is crying because she likes having a different color face. You work your whole


and they just throw it away. You came out like a dog, I had 21 years of pension invested there and the people were 24 and a half years old and we came out with nothing and these people that I have grown old with, you know because we all started when we were 20 years old and we are all 40 years old and I think it is Well, it's time for us to take a stand.
I just want a severance package like Ford has because that would help a lot. Paul and Elmer's friends, Dave and his wife Claire, also lost. their jobs I have to say when I'm here I feel better because all this is familiar to me you know my wife she is the same she is at home because one of us I have to stay at home taking care of the two children Weeks ago, she imagined that this would happen and it would close and he applied for 20 different jobs. She was telling me that every job she applied for had like 30 or 40 people applying, so the chances of her getting a job with skills are equal.
I don't even want to think about it you have a little bit of skill I just hope I wake up tomorrow and it's just a dream it's like it's like someone's diet it really is it's that feeling it's you know like you keep going and suddenly you realize you know that you realize this, you know that several Scottish national newspapers, Trinity Meta and News Fest and Justin Press, are not fit to own these newspapers and what I live and work for. The clock, as usual, passed a quarter and I received a phone call from the human resources department and at a quarter to 11 I was out the door, uh, and that was it, stunned, disappointed, angry, insulted and confused after three decades in journalism, the leader told Derek today. scottish newspaper the daily record that your services are no longer needed it's going to be strange not having been part of glasgow relates although i don't live here i was born here and if you feel like a resident when you work here every day and for so many years and it's quite a time emotional.
I have to say it's quite emotional. It became my official layoff notice. There is a phrase that no one wants to see. We'll send you your p45 in due time, I mean. I read it, I wrote


before people were laid off. I've seen people leaving factories like Caterpillar for the last time. Seen watching Ravens Craig after Ravens closed. It doesn't really catch your attention until it happens to you, no, you know that. it's something it's something that happens to other people it's not something that happens to you but oh yes, I have the feeling that everything will be okay it will have to be one way or another it will have to be my wife said Me in bed I He said: You know you could see this as a great adventure, so I said: Well, yes, you could, but why don't you roll over, shut up and go to sleep, so I'm not in the seeing stage? her adventure she is very positive can we take a break for a second please if you don't mind today I signed up for job seeker alarms because after all that's where I am now I'm a job seeker and right now I've looked everywhere, I've been online looking at ads, all kinds of places to find work and in my line of work as a journalist there just aren't any jobs because it's shrinking, it's an industry that's not hiring right now. moment.
Hello. hello hello I have an appointment here derek master derek I don't really want to get to work put it this way I guess it's almost like an admission of defeat I really couldn't keep my job and now I'm here I can't find a job anywhere else Can you help me to find something? Do you want to stay in the same line of work? Would you like to change what you're thinking there? I am open to everything and anything. Right now, effectively, what we can do, so go here, we can see it by sector and we can see it by area, so if we just put journalists in to start, God knows when we would have had a journalist.
I don't know, so we don't have any in this area, but we'd probably have to take it a little further to the Glasgow area, and taking a look again, sadly there's nothing there either, so basically there's a lot. websites looking for websites, a lot of the things you'll do from home, you know you'll just be able to go on your computer and do a lot of things there, it's not like the old days of job sharing, no, we've moved on. A little bit since then, so I'll give you this. This information from the photocopier. Alright. 1359 new jobs.
Try it. I never thought it would be so difficult. Work in the 80s was bad, but no matter how you look at it. to go now there is no London there is nothing gary lost his job in the construction industry more than four months ago he lives in salford in cleveland with his wife michelle who is also


and their two daughters gary has been


before but never for so much time financially is absolutely crippling, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul at first, you can juggle it but Peter seems to be pulling away, no one needs to get out of the trap and Paul just seems to want to pay all the time like me.
Look, if we lose the house, we lose the house and worrying about it won't make any difference if one bill is paid every month, that will be the mortgage, we will sit with a candle, but I won't. I'm going to lose this house. I sold all the candles at the car boot sale, right? Yeah, so we don't really care that we don't have anyone because we understand that we have friends to play with, we have friends who live. on our street you go to our schools, we have friends to play with and I have my room and I have all my books and stuff to read, so we don't really care, she has good listening skills, right?
Do not hear me. I enjoyed reading her poetry. She's good. You use language creatively and imaginatively. I hope to read more. She is making progress on this goal. Well done her and she guesses what a better job. I'll give you a pound. Don't worry, I have enough money and I let my dad use it because he would need it when things are good. I've got a throw from Jersey and there's 20p from the other man if he needs it. something in the car I will give it about 10p because I have all different like all different 50 ps not different oh bank I have called you you have called me about 30 times since Wednesday can you definitely do that this time? because about 20 times it has been correct, to just hang up on you and then I wonder why you stand behind.
It gets a little annoying that they keep following us because they keep calling us for no reason, they just ask for money and more money and more money and money. that we don't have a bank again what three minutes later please and talking please hey it's just a place sorry Halifax again check the system that's what he said last time what three minutes ago now he'll probably say another ten times before nine o'clock probably at night he hangs up on them or they hang up on him just because I think they get a little tired of calling him and things like that, but that's all I really know, they're groups that we've talked to you about, it's just a very frustrating with them.
Did you get the kids the only farms? Then no. I had a complete nightmare with them. Because? Because I went to the store to try to get them and I handed my card in and my card was declined, but I knew I had money because I had just gotten my child benefit, so I went to the hole in the wall and I dropped my card, so I have to go into Barclays and get them paid child benefit, this is how things are going we open it in the afternoon and theWhen you've always worked and contributed to everything, you know things are quiet and there's nothing you do, the phones don't ring, you look for


and there's not much in the way, it's the summer months.
It has always been known as a silly season in journalism and it is not a time that is very good for freelancers and then when you apply you look for a job or look for a job and there are not many jobs available at the moment, in fact there are every There are fewer and fewer jobs available and more and more people are being laid off due to closures, but there are all kinds of other things. You also have to do it, I mean vacuum the dust. They don't really trust me with the iron link, not since I called my wife one day and asked her if there's a specific way the island is taken, but after almost four months of unemployment, Derek has figured it out. a vacancy in your town hall for a position of press officer a position for which you feel ideally prepared I would not say that I am sure of getting this job but I am hopeful because I accept all the requirements for the qualification experience knowledge of the media but well I will never get the job unless you submit the application which I already read marked, there it goes, so we're done and dusted, you lost your job and we all know it and you're upset and we all know it too, but you need to do it.
Being with us because it gets stressful for him when he's always watching that at work and it's like watching TV all day, you get in a bad mood and it's like that with computers this past week it's been pretty difficult, you know, the frustration. was growing. Up there, nothing happened, you know, my wife will tell you, Jackie will tell you how cranky I was getting on Friday, we had a really bad day and I ended up thinking I had to scrap the idea of ​​this occasion. Go and get a proper job, because there was nothing coming from his side and what he should have done from the beginning is go and get a job to help us get through it and not worry, you know, is it right that I?
I'm doing work and I'm at home taking care of the kids. I should have, but at the time you don't know that this is going to last that long, but things are finally looking up for Andy. Well I have an interview tomorrow so having a nice crisp shirt helps you feel part and dressing in a suit I haven't done much in the last six months this is the first interview it's right up my street it's in my field it's a printer manufacturer and I just think about anything you know after six months or nothing and then it's great six months or nothing and now it must be very difficult to be rejected so many times and what happened with the old company too, I think I I'm understanding.
That call justifies everything I've been doing and means I have value. You know, I have value to someone. You know, obviously, nothing has been written, but if everything goes well, I think you know. I can keep track of this is what we're going to do and you know I can continue with the occasions side which is also very exciting which one to use oh dear conservative oh hi john I'm jackie voller john I'm looking for a A big please, I am embarking on a new direction. I wanted to put a couple of songs on a CD, so oh, thank you, oh, thank you.
I have written a lot of questions. I have copies of the resume in case they haven't. Well. Good luck, here we go, we are getting two or three bookings a week and it is becoming a good business. The best thing that could happen would be to say yes, okay, start next week, but I'll already settle for a second interview where there is an opportunity, so you really have to go the extra mile, don't let anything get in your way, there aren't many people who would qualify in the UK, honestly, in that set of products, yeah, I'm quite optimistic, quite optimistic about the risk. that everything is going wrong I still think that, unless I'm really wrong, I think it will be 80 more, it's not a done deal, but it's not too far away, I think well, today I have my second interview for United Glass in Harlow and Ayer I found out that Ford is talking to our union and it looks like they are going to make some cash offers, so today has the potential to be a very, very good day.
I can't count my chickens to hatch, but whatever happens. We are going to improve on what we were going to receive from the government. You know, it's fantastic. I won't allow myself to think about the future. You know, because it's just a big blow when it doesn't work, so it's better not to do it. I think it's far in the future, but it could be a double whammy if Paul gets a job today too. That would be great, wouldn't it? So we'll see, we'll get there, we'll be fine, okay, when my dad has a phone. I call, I really hope it's a job because he wants a job and he gets more boards every day, especially when he gets the phone, uh, he calls on the phone, whatever he thinks is going to be a job, but it turns out it's just halifax or something. , a barclaycard, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I'm available now, yeah, both sides, uh, it's size 10 rigger votes, but other onion spinners now, so I'll put 11 for the large size 11, yes excellent, so when?
Are you starting at 10 months? Did you send them your CV? Yeah, I don't know, like I said, when I stop that helicopter, I go to the surveyor, I start to get excited, I'm sick of sending things that happen, so what's the money? Well I think. John said it was 24 hours, so how final is this? I don't know, I'm not going to say it's definitely because I have to stay in the box literally on the 14th. It's only a week away, so oh. It's here it's heta, I don't know, I can't read it, how did it go?
When did you last work directly in the UK? Your skill level and your role, you know, is higher than what we're looking for. because, you know, I tried to use the argument that the fundamental skills involved apply anywhere you know it's relationships, so it didn't say you've moved on or anything, no, I said, I asked the question now, did you? what is it? at the next stage and said, well, you know, they've been looking at a lot of people for the last few weeks, oh, that doesn't sound so, as soon as they say that, yeah, and he didn't look me in the Eye either, when he said Sharia, um , I had the idea that I was going there to get a job offer, but for someone to tell me to offer you a job, you know, it makes me feel fantastic, you know, I've done what I set out to do, you know, I have the job I needed and , for now, worries are misplaced, you know, and I hope there's more good news later in the day and, um, we'll be fine.
Later I also feel like I can't say anything about it because it's bragging, if you know what I mean, but I'm not trying to do both, so I have to try to keep it quiet because everyone else is doing it. no job, that's the bad thing about it, I can't share it right now, okay, I'll see you soon then, bye, apparently they found my brother-in-law, Kevin, and he said we love everyone. there by seven fifteen, believe me, everyone will want to be there, bring your coats, bring your winter coats, yeah, let's get started, come on, then it's buzzing, now I have to say it really is this, you know, it's all over the hard work everyone is putting in. you know it's a launch, you know, this is what it's all been about, you know about this day yesterday, we ended the day with some progress regarding the company that sat at the table, we weren't happy with that, so we continued on another day in negotiations with the company, I received a call about an hour ago, the offer they have put on the table now is a redundancy regarding their service for each year, then another 12 weeks on top of that and then another 52 weeks on top about that if we had all gone home that day yes, if we had all gone home we would have gotten here we have what we wanted that's brilliant that's the result that's the result it makes it all worth it they're going to give us a salary each year how much will be mobilized the following means that I finally have a job six months the doll that I chose for my new ship that I will close modeling we travel and we sit there fly on Monday morning to the platform itself and after that, I don't know If there are no burns on the platform, but it is a start as a job, what do you think about dad getting a job?
It's class, it's okay because we're going to get a lot more money and, oh, it's only class I. I don't know if you haven't even asked for anything, obviously, since we were skinned, I have an IOU in your money box for 12 pounds , No? I can't wait to give it to you. You want it? I'm sure the mortgage people are falling and I tell them they're paying me they'll pay me in two weeks the debt people tell them I played two months when I came back excited I said too good maybe you'll get on the train and your foot will slip and rip off your leg or something now that you haven't had a job for so long, when you now have a job, then I really don't think I'm going to miss it that much because I know it's going to bring better things back up the excitement of leaving and the joy of getting work is offset by I'm really going to miss the kids, give me a kiss, thank you, see you later, I'll sit in on the fight later, okay, bye, have fun because dad hasn't had a job for a long time like all those people who don't have a job now I'm so sorry for him uh now I just got a job I really don't think the sessions are over because it's not the whole world Is that right?
No, you do jobs for money and other reasons like help with self-esteem and self-esteem and stuff, so it's quite a bit. I would like a job on the bridge with my head and both hands. Nobody wanted to be together and they will. call you and tell you that I was your

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